Please use our services responsibly!
We are 100% committed to creating and maintaining a culture of learning and integrity.
Plagiarism and cheating is totally against our website policy and it may also lead to unwanted consequences,
including punishments or penalties from school, class or university.
We do believe that the students who use our website will be using the tutorials or available help to understand the concept and learn something.
But do you think merely using is actually a form of cheating?
Simply stating, the answer is "No - it depends upon how you use it!"
Here are two questions you need to ask yourself when deciding whether to use our website for homework help:
Our tutors must also act responsibly.
Even if a student wants to cheat for their homework, project or assignments;
no cheating occurs (other than their unfair intent) until someone actually provides the assignment, solution or project to them to be used as is.
Therefore, our policy covers the tutors as well.