7 Easy ways to help your teen avoid exam preparation distractions

7 Easy Ways To Help Your Teen Avoid Exam Preparation Distractions

There are only a few weeks left until the season exam comes. Is there so much to read and so little time? Are pressures and stresses taking their toll?  Parents and caregivers of teenagers facing exam time need to know how to help them reduce exam preparation distractions.

By understanding some easy ways to help them stay on track, you can make a huge difference to their state of mind – and, potentially, their exam results. Remember when we were young enough to be involved in our studies, but there were still distractions – remember television?

The modern world has added even more obstacles to your teen’s path. Distractions are even more intrusive when it comes to tempting your teen away from their exam revision. There is no need to worry.

7 Ways to Help Your Teen Avoid Study Distractions

By reducing distractions, you can help your teenager avoid technology temptations and achieve the best results in school. Using these tips, they will become more focused and improve their study habits:

1. Learn about energy levels to focus better

In general, people are most able to maintain peak focus for one to two hours each day. Having a good understanding of energy patterns is essential. A typical person finds that the best time to concentrate is early in the morning.

The focus burst takes place best late at night for a smaller percentage of the population. Avoiding arguments with your teenager can be easier if you know their preferred mode of working. Make time for them to study night-time.

If that’s when they are most productive – by helping them create a schedule that corresponds to their preferred method. It will help them achieve study success.

In addition, breaking the study up into 20-minute parts is helpful for both mental and physical health. Setting a study goal, focusing on it, and rewarding themselves with a break. Also, adding little exercises can alert your teenager before getting stuck in another study session.

2. Ignoring distractions – easy as 1-2-3

It can be difficult to ignore distractions when there is no brain training. This proven technique is proven to work for many people.

  • The A represents awareness – recognizing what is distracting you.
  • The B stands for Breathe deeply, a time for reflection.
  • And the C stands for Choice. Mindfully choosing a response to a distraction or dismissing it will allow you to deal with it effectively.

The phrase be here now, out loud, every time you notice your mind wandering is a good way to encourage your teenager to train their brain. You can repeat the phrase whenever distractions arrive.

Some people can benefit from this type of meditation, while others may find it challenging. Do not force your teenager to take part if it does not work for them. When someone tries too hard to empty their mind but doesn’t see the results, that can become its own kind of stress. Try to find another distraction strategy that actually works.

3. Work and Relaxation Are Two Different Things

During the exam preparation time, students are likely to get distracted because there is almost no difference between the area where they do homework and the area where they relax. Your teenager may have difficulty staying focused on work if they study on the couch or in bed. Provide a dedicated study space that they will only use to study for their exams.

By setting boundaries, they will be able to avoid distractions and have clear boundaries. Look for ways to make their bedroom more conducive to studying if they only have their bedroom to work with. A wall planner or corkboard with clear study schedules and ‘to-do’ lists. It will help them check off their performance at the end of each day.

4.  Limit mobile phone and device access

Smartphones can distract for teenagers, and you know first-hand how frustrating they can be. When the student gets a text or an image from Facebook, Snapchat, or WhatsApp, someone has severely compromised study time.

They should put their phones on silent and out of sight before starting each study session. Consider encouraging them to store it in a different room during their study session.

5. Disconnect from the internet

Another smart way to minimize distractions is to turn off the internet before you begin studying. This will eliminate the notification notifications from Facebook and YouTube of kitten videos. If you want to minimize distractions, then consider using apps and plugins that block specific websites or social media accounts.

6. Use headphones to reduce stress

The effects of noise-canceling headphones can be remarkable, even if your teenager’s study environment is not ‌noisy. Noises like washing machine humming or people talking around the family can be a distracting distraction.

However, silence can be a deafening experience for some teens, who are better at working with music. Music with lyrics can be a huge distraction, especially if they’re attempting to write. So, suggest they choose music with lyrics carefully.

It has been shown that instrumental music can enhance concentration. So when their exam preparation kicks into high gear, help them find a soundtrack that will help them achieve success.

7. A Simple Touch To Everything

Starting by listing everything they will need for an efficient study session might prove useful. There might also be pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers, scrap paper, paperclips, post-its, and colored highlighters, depending on the subjects they’re studying.

Taking good care of their bodies means eating healthy food such as fresh fruit and nuts (or chopped fresh fruit), and drinking cool, fresh water.


Everyone is different when it comes to adolescents. While some parents offer suggestions and advice, others prefer to figure things out for themselves. Ensure that your teen receives as much help as necessary without dominating during their exam preparation.

If your technique is not effective, you must take a closer look at it and assess it. You can maximize the effectiveness of your technique by learning and improving. You need to consult other people for your strategy, as well as know when to balance your workload.

As a result, you will be more prepared for stumbling along the way. Preparing for an exam does not need to be impossible. You can do anything if you do it right.

For exam preparation help online please visit our website Homework Joy.

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