Top 9 Plus Skills That Every Nursing Student Need to Know in 2023

9 Plus Skills That Every Nursing Student Needs to Know in 2023

Nursing is a challenging but rewarding profession that requires a wide range of skills and abilities. As a nursing student, you need to develop these skills not only to succeed in your studies, but also to prepare for your future career. In this blog, we will explore the top 9 plus skills that every nursing student needs to know in 2023.

List of 9 plus skills that every nursing student needs to know in 2023

1. Communication Skills

Communication is a crucial skill for nurses, as they need to interact with patients, their families, and other healthcare professionals on a daily basis. Communication skills include:

  • Effective interaction in healthcare: This means being able to communicate respectfully, professionally, and appropriately with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and roles in healthcare. You need to be aware of the verbal and non-verbal cues, the tone and language, and the context and purpose of your communication.
  • Active listening and questioning: This means being able to listen attentively, empathetically, and objectively to what others are saying, and ask relevant questions to clarify or confirm information. You need to be able to show interest, understanding, and feedback to your communication partners.
  • Providing clear and concise information: This means being able to convey information accurately, clearly, and concisely to patients and their families. You need to be able to use simple and understandable language, avoid jargon and technical terms, and check for comprehension and confirmation.

Communication skills are essential for nurses, as they help to build rapport and trust with patients and their families, provide quality care and education, and collaborate effectively with other healthcare professionals.

2. Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is another vital skill for nurses, as they need to analyze and interpret information, make informed decisions, and solve problems in patient care. Critical thinking skills include:

  • Analyzing and interpreting information: This means being able to gather, evaluate, and synthesize relevant information from various sources, such as patient history, physical assessment, laboratory tests, and research evidence. You need to be able to identify patterns, trends, gaps, and inconsistencies in the information.
  • Informed decision-making in patient care: This means being able to apply your knowledge, skills, and judgment to make the best decisions for your patients. You need to be able to consider the benefits and risks of different options, the preferences and values of your patients, and the ethical and legal implications of your decisions.
  • Handling high-pressure situations: This means being able to cope with stress, uncertainty, and complexity in patient care. You need to be able to think quickly and accurately, prioritize tasks, act confidently and calmly, and learn from your mistakes.

Critical thinking skills are essential for nurses, as they help to ensure that patients receive safe, effective, and evidence-based care.

3. Empathy and compassion skills include:

Empathy and Compassion Empathy and compassion are the core values of nursing, as they reflect the caring nature of the profession.

  • The heart of nursing care: This means being able to recognize, understand, and share the feelings and needs of your patients and their families. You need to be able to connect with your patients on an emotional level, and show them that you care about them as individuals.
  • Putting yourself in the patient’s shoes: This means being able to see things from the patient’s perspective, and respect their beliefs, values, and choices. You need to be able to acknowledge and addresstheir fears, concerns, and expectations, and support them in their decision-making process.
  • Providing emotional support: This means being able to comfort, encourage, and reassure your patients and their families. You need to be able to express empathy and compassion through your words, actions, and gestures, and provide them with hope and positivity.

Empathy and compassion skills are essential for nurses, as they help to improve patient satisfaction, outcomes, and recovery.

4. Time management skills include:

Time Management Skills Time management is a key skill for nurses, as they often have to juggle multiple tasks at the same time, and meet deadlines and expectations.

  • Prioritizing tasks: This means being able to identify the most important and urgent tasks, and focus on them first. You need to be able to distinguish between what is essential and what is optional, what is immediate and what is later, and what is critical and what is trivial.
  • Setting goals: This means being able to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself and your patients. You need to be able to define what you want to accomplish, how you will accomplish it, when you will accomplish it, and why you want to accomplish it.
  • Working efficiently: This means being able to work fast and effectively, without compromising on quality or safety. You need to be able to use your resources wisely, avoid distractions and interruptions, and delegate tasks when necessary.

Time management skills are essential for nurses, as they help to provide timely and effective care to their patients, and reduce stress and burnout.

Also Read: What are the Long Term Professional Nursing Goals: Skills, Education, Earnings


5. Teamwork and collaboration skills include:

Teamwork and Collaboration Teamwork and collaboration are vital skills for nurses, as they work with other healthcare professionals to provide quality care to their patients.

  • Working with others: This means being able to work cooperatively and respectfully with people from different disciplines, roles, and backgrounds. You need to be able to communicate clearly, share information, and coordinate actions with your team members.
  • Contributing to the team: This means being able to add value and expertise to the team’s goals and outcomes. You need to be able to participate actively, offer suggestions, and provide feedback to your team members.
  • Resolving conflicts: This means being able to handle disagreements and differences in a constructive and respectful manner. You need to be able to listen to different perspectives, find common ground, and reach consensus with your team members.

Teamwork and collaboration skills are essential for nurses, as they help to improve patient care quality, safety, and satisfaction.

6. Attention to detail skills include:

Attention to detail is a crucial skill for nurses, as they need to observe and monitor patients carefully, document information accurately, and follow procedures and protocols meticulously.

  • Observing and monitoring patients: This means being able to notice and record any changes or abnormalities in the patient’s condition, such as vital signs, symptoms, behaviors, or responses. You need to be able to use your senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, and smell, to assess the patient’s status and needs.
  • Documenting information: This means being able to record and report any relevant information about the patient’s care, such as medical history, physical assessment, interventions, outcomes, or referrals. You need to be able to use clear, concise, and correct language, and follow the standards and guidelines of documentation.
  • Following procedures and protocols: This means being able to adhere to the rules and regulations of patient care, such as infection control, medication administration, wound care, or emergency response. You need to be able to follow the steps and instructions carefully, and check for errors or omissions.

Attention to detail skills are essential for nurses, as they help to ensure that patients receive safe and effective care at the right time.

7. Cultural Competency

Cultural competency is an important skill for nurses, as they need to provide care that is sensitive and respectful to the cultural and social backgrounds of their patients. Cultural competency skills include:

  • Understanding and respecting diversity: This means being able to recognize and appreciate the differences and similarities among people from different cultures, races, ethnicities, religions, genders, ages, or abilities. You need to be able to avoid stereotypes, biases, or prejudices, and treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • Providing culturally appropriate care: This means being able to adapt your care to meet the specific needs and preferences of your patients. You need to be able to ask about their beliefs, values, and customs, and provide care that is consistent with them. You also need to be aware of any cultural barriers or challenges that may affect your communication or relationship with your patients.
  • Seeking cultural resources: This means being able to access and use any available resources that can help you improve your cultural competency. You need to be able to seek guidance from your colleagues, mentors, or experts who have more knowledge or experience in working with diverse populations. You also need to be willing to learn from your patients and their families about their cultures.

Cultural competency skills are essential for nurses, as they help to ensure that patients receive care that is respectful and responsive to their needs.

8. Adaptability and Flexibility

Adaptability and flexibility are key skills for nurses, as they need to adjust to changing circumstances, work in different environments, and deal with unexpected situations. Adaptability and flexibility skills include:

  • Adjusting to change: This means being able to cope with stress, uncertainty, and complexity in patient care. You need to be able to embrace change as an opportunity for learning and improvement. You also need to be open-minded and willing to try new things or methods.
  • Working in different environments: This means being able to work in various settings, such as hospitals, clinics, schools, or homes. You need to be able to adapt your skills and knowledge to the specific needs and conditions of each setting. You also need to be prepared for any challenges or risks that may arise in each setting.
  • Dealing with unexpected situations: This means being able to handle emergencies or crises that may occur in patient care. You need to be able to think quickly and accurately, prioritize tasks, act confidently and calmly, and learn from your mistakes.

Adaptability and flexibility skills are essential for nurses, as they help to provide effective care in a variety of settings and situations.

9. Technical Skills

Technical skills are the skills that help nurses to use technology, medical equipment, and diagnostic tests effectively and safely to support patient care. Technical skills include:

  • Using technology: This means being able to use computers, software, and electronic devices to access, record, and share information. You need to be familiar with the systems and applications that are used in healthcare, such as electronic health records, telehealth, or simulation. You also need to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and innovations in healthcare technology.
  • Using medical equipment: This means being able to use various instruments and devices to monitor, treat, or assist patients. You need to know how to operate, maintain, and troubleshoot the equipment that is used in your specialty area, such as stethoscopes, thermometers, syringes, or ventilators. You also need to follow the safety and hygiene standards for using the equipment.
  • Performing diagnostic tests: This means being able to perform various tests and procedures to assess the patient’s condition or response. You need to know how to collect, prepare, and analyze samples, such as blood, urine, or tissue. You also need to know how to interpret and report the results of the tests.

Technical skills are essential for nurses, as they help to provide safe and effective care to their patients.

10. Professionalism

Professionalism is the skill that helps nurses to maintain high ethical standards, respect patient confidentiality, and adhere to professional codes of conduct. Professionalism skills include:

  • Maintaining ethical standards: This means being able to follow the principles and values that guide your practice as a nurse. You need to be honest, responsible, accountable, and trustworthy in your actions and decisions. You also need to respect the rights and dignity of your patients and their families.
  • Respecting patient confidentiality: This means being able to protect the privacy and security of your patients’ information. You need to follow the laws and regulations that govern the collection, use, and disclosure of personal health information. You also need to obtain consent from your patients before sharing their information with others.
  • Adhering to professional codes of conduct: This means being able to follow the rules and expectations that define your role and responsibilities as a nurse. You need to abide by the standards and policies that are set by your employer, your regulatory body, and your professional association. You also need to engage in continuous learning and development to enhance your competence and performance.

Professionalism skills are essential for nurses, as they help to maintain the trust and confidence of patients and their families, and uphold the reputation and integrity of the nursing profession.


Nursing is a demanding but rewarding profession that requires a wide range of skills and abilities. By developing the skills outlined in this blog post, nursing students can increase their chances of success in their studies and careers. From communication and critical thinking to empathy and compassion, these skills are essential for providing high-quality patient care and building strong relationships with patients and their families. Contact us!!!

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