Differences Between Mitosis Vs. Meiosis-011

Differences Between Mitosis Vs. Meiosis

For organisms to grow, cells divide and reproduce into two ways: Mitosis and Meiosis.

Thus for a better understanding of cells, it is essential to understand Mitosis Vs. Meiosis.

This post explores both kinds of cell division characteristics, shining a light on key similarities and differences between mitosis vs. meiosis. So, let’s read in brief. 

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What are the Differences: Mitosis Vs. Meiosis?

Mitosis results in two identical daughter cells. However, meiosis results in four daughter cells. Below are some highlighted differences between mitosis vs. meiosis: 


  • It involves one cell division and results in two daughter cells.
  • The resulting daughter cells are diploid and genetically identical.
  • Mitosis occurs in all organisms except viruses.
  • It creates all body cells except germ cells. 
  • In this process, the earlier stage is much shorter.
  • There is no recombination or crossing over occurs in an early stage.
  • In the metaphase stage, chromosomes (pairs of chromatids) line up along the equator. 
  • During anaphase, sister chromatids separate to opposite poles.


  • Meiosis involves two successive cell divisions and results in four daughter cells. 
  • The resulting daughter cells are haploid and genetically different.
  • Meiosis occurs only in animals, plants, and fungi.
  • It creates germ cells only.
  • The early-stage is much longer.
  • There is recombination or crossing over of chromosomes occurs in the early stage.
  • In metaphase 1, chromosomes line up along the equator.
  • During anaphase 1, sister chromatids move together to the same pole, and in anaphase 2, they separate to the opposite poles. 

What are the Similarities Between Mitosis and Meiosis?

The following mentioned are some similarities between mitosis and meiosis:

  • In both, the divisions’ parent cells are diploid.
  • Both contain almost the same phases: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. 
  • In metaphase, chromosomes line up along the equator. 
  • In mitosis, sister chromatids separate to opposite poles in anaphase, whereas in meiosis, sister chromatids separate to opposite poles in anaphase 2. 
  • Both the processes end with cytokinesis. 

Thus when on cell divides, it can be mitosis or meiosis. Mitosis is the process of making new body cells. On the other hand, meiosis ensures that humans have the same number of chromosomes. So these were some essential information about mitosis vs. meiosis. If you need more help from our experts, get instant biology assignment help at reasonable prices.

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