Different Types of Blood Groups You Need to Know

Different Types of Blood Groups You Need to Know

There are four significant types of blood groups – A, B, AB, and O. But Rh factor, a protein present in the human body, can either be positive or negative. Thus creates eight common types of blood groups that we’ll discuss in brief. But before that, check some new posts by us:

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Do you know? A blood group is determined by the genes that a person inherits from his parents’ DNA. Let’s know more about blood identifying.

What are Antigens and Antibodies?

Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in plasma. Antigens and antibodies identify the blood group of a person. On the other side, Antibodies are proteins in plasma. These are essential for your body as they alert your immune system about the germs and viruses.  

Antigens are protein molecules present in red blood cells. 

ABO System

There are four main types of blood groups defined by the system:

Blood Group A – A antigens on red cells with B antibody in the plasma 

Blood Group B – B antigens with A antibodies in the plasma

Blood Group O – No antigen with both A and B antibodies in the plasma

Blood Group AB- Both A and B antigens with no antibody

Different Types of Blood Groups Based on Rh System 

Red blood cells often have another antigen, known as the RhD antigen. If it is present in the blood group, then we say your blood group is RhD positive otherwise RhD negative. 


  • 34 out of 100 people in the US are A+
  • The second most frequently occurring blood type

A-, B+, B-

  • These are the rarest blood types 
  • Only 10% of the US population has these types of blood groups
  • All of these can receive blood from people with O+ blood groups


  • The most common type of blood group
  • Can give red blood cells to any person with positive blood type
  • Those people who have O+ blood type can receive blood only from O+ or O-


  • It is the universal red cell donor
  • A blood group with the highest demand
  • Those people who have O- blood type can receive blood only from O-


  • Acknowledge as the universal recipient
  • In the US, less than 14% of people have this type of blood group
  • Can give plasma and platelet to all blood types


  • Rarest blood type, only 1  out of every 167 people have AB- blood group
  • Can receive red blood cells from negative blood types
  • They are vital for donations. Thus they are in high demand

Facts About Different Types of Blood Groups

  • Anyone who is in good health can donate blood every 56 days or say two months.
  • Human blood has no substitute.
  • 50% of the population in the US can donate blood, but only 5% of people donate it. 
  • More than 4.5 million lives are saved by blood transfusion. 

Determine your blood group and donate blood this Blood Donation Day!

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