Attachment # 00011097 - UNV-104-RS-EssayChecklist_(1)11.docx

UNV-104-RS-EssayChecklist_(1)11.docx (40.26 KB)
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(refer to the detailed question and attachment below)
Essay ChecklistUNV-104______________________________________________Organization: Proper heading in the upper left hand corner, five separated paragraphs, Reference Page____ Research: Proper Topic that is supported with a peer reviewed article (research is included through in-text citations/paraphrased information from article(s).____ Conventions/Mechanics: Proof-read entire paper, no spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors; double-spaced throughout entire paper; paragraphs indented; references are listed correctly on reference page; minimum word count has been met and maximum word count has not been exceeded.____ Ideas/Content: Your topic and three main arguments are clear to the reader; there is a structured idea behind your essay; your arguments and research are aligned to one another; your essay meets the Turnitin (TII) requirements for submission.____ Word Choice: Academic writing is met, correct words used in context; essay contains a variety of sentence structures and uses complete, detailed expressions within the writing. *No incomplete, incoherent, or fragment sentences are found.____ Voice/Tone: Essay is written in 3rd Person Point of View (there is no “I” statements in the writing); message is clear and original in thought from the writer’s perspective on the topic and arguments (research is only there to support these claims).____ Sentence/Paragraph Fluency: There is a smooth transitioning between paragraphs; sentences within the body paragraphs flow and are easy to read and follow; there is an unison of the topic chosen and the arguments presented in the essay; research enhances the paragraphs, and does not take the majority of the paragraph itself-again, research is to support, not create the essay.


First Draft: Expository Essay

Question # 00604585
Subject: Education
Due on: 01/01/1970
Posted On: 09/09/2019 12:02 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Now that you have written the outline for your essay, it is time to write the first draft. Please access your resources by clicking the drop-down menu, selecting path, and then click course materials.

  1. Review the attached "Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay" resource to help guide you through the structure of a five-paragraph essay.
  2. Review the media piece The Writing Process to help you prepare your first draft.
  3. Review your outline feedback from your instructor to help you prepare your first draft.
  4. Write the first draft of your five-paragraph expository essay, which should be 750-1,000 words.
  5. Review the First Draft Rubric to help you make sure all elements are present in your essay. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  6. Review the attached "Essay Checklist" to help you review and make sure your essay includes the following:
  • An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.
  • Three body or supporting paragraphs.
  • A concluding paragraph.
  • In-text citations and a reference page. (Remember to reference and cite any supporting information you are taking from your articles-if it is not your original thought, there needs to be a citation and reference.)
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First Draft: Expository Essay

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Posted On: 09/09/2019 01:06 AM
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