ARTH200 all week discussions latest 2018 june

Question # 00590595
Course Code : ARTH200
Subject: Art
Due on: 07/03/2018
Posted On: 07/03/2018 08:24 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Week 1 forum

Understanding Artistic Motives and Themes

This is a research, read, consider, think, and write exercise. You may cite sources, but leave your voice in—do not use direct quotations. We want to hear your words, not the book's or websites'. Read the Important "Mechanics for Writing about Art" attached to this forum.

Using your course lesson and readings, fully answer the following questions. Answer the following topic by posting to Forum Week 1. Then read all other postings and respond to at least 2 other students. In your peer responses, use the strategies described in the forum posting requirements below to further the discussion.

You have a choice of the following 2 works of art. Examine and discuss The Lion Panel from the Chauvet cave (image below) or choose Stonehenge (image below).

The Lion Panel from the Chauvet cave

Stonehenge Caption

As you read your course lesson and other readings, consider what these ancient objects reveal to us about humans and art.

What is believed to be the function or purpose of these objects?

What does their existence indicate about humans and art?

Think about the topic, then answer. Please avoid comments on Merlin and aliens; we want to keep the discussions to provable/known facts. You must find a reliable online source to use as information. PBS is always a good suggestion for historical works.

Note: You are writing on either The Lion Panel from the Chauvet cave --or--Stonehenge.

You may bring personal experiences into the discussion. Please remember to always attribute any sources used to share your sources with us. Exact citation style in your posts is not required, but an indication of sources is required. In art appreciation and art history, writing more is always better.

Be sure to do an internet search and cite one reliable source of information for this topic.

Week 2 forum

Reading Masterpieces in Art: Goya and Manet

Reading and Looking

Reading Masterpieces in Art: Goya and Manet: This assignment is designed to help you master the careful reading of sources about art images and to help you apply the basic mechanics of analyzing and interpreting images appropriately.

In order to participate fully in this week's forum, do the following:

Slow down and really look at the paintings after you complete the course readings and view the lesson.

Develop your post as a letter to a friend who has never seen the paintings and does not have a copy of it before them; and in your letter describe for them in very specific detail what the painting looks like and what it says to you personally.

Find a web site that has reliable information about the painting and refer to that source in your post. Attribute the source in any comments you make, and provide a link to the source. Remember that you must use italics or underlining for your titles of works of art. See Mechanics for Writing about Art and Writing a Critique-Attached to the forum. As you discuss, be sure to read paintings from the background to the foreground, using the terms background, middle ground, and foreground.

Post your imaginary letter to the forum as this week's initial post. Include at least 250 words in your initial post.

Reply to peers: Participate in the developing discussion, responding to your colleagues' observations, using appropriate terminology and drawing on what you're learning from your text to help the discussion grow broader and deeper.

Choose 1 of the following paintings to write about:

TOPIC 1.) Examine and discuss in detail Francisco de Goya's painting, The Third of May, 1808 created in 1815-16. The original painting, which currently hangs in the Prado museum, is very large (about 10 x 14 feet), and it was painted in 1816. It depicts the invasion by the French army into Spain in the early 1800s. Examine your book for other images by Goya, in order to understand his work better. Imagine you are looking at this painting while visiting the Prado Museum in Spain. Consider what the size of the painting means or does for/to the viewer.

Goya Painting

El Tres de Mayo, by Francisco de Goya, from Prado in Google


TOPIC 2.) Edouard Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, 1881-82. It is 37 1/4" X 51 1/4" and is considered his last masterpiece. Manet was the first true modern artist, painting scenes from contemporary life, not history, Biblical or mythological scenes. This is a painting that represents modern nightlife in Paris. Examine this painting and discuss the unusual components of the work. You should search for the Folies-Bergere before you start, so that you know what the scene is about. Consider what the size of the painting means or does for/to the viewer.

Manet image

Edouard Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, 1881-82.

Week 3 forum

Printmaking and Photography

An Examination of 2-Dimensional Art

Printmaking and Photography

Fully answer one of the following topics:


Topic 1.) Investigate the artist Albrecht Dürer on the internet. He is considered the finest printmaker to have ever lived. Discuss Dürer and how his type of printmaking played a part in books and education during his lifetime.

Describe mass production, its importance, and what it helped foster.

Consider the world before prints and printing presses.

Demonstrate that you understand the difference between making single prints and making books on printing presses.

Choose a print that appeals to you created by this artist. Explain how it was made, giving details of the technique (details, not just: “a woodcut”), and why you like it. Does it have social meaning, political meaning, or does it serve a practical function? Consider whether or not you could afford a print as opposed to a painting. Be sure to answer all parts of the question. Find a web site that has reliable information about Dürer’s prints, and include a link to the website in your post.

--Or choose--


Topic 2.) Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother, 1936. This photograph is important on many levels, but examine it in the context of the Farm Security Administration, discussing the FSA’s involvement. What was the FSA? Why was it important? Why do we consider this photograph a significant art object? Explain the reason for its creation. Then think about the photograph and answer the following:

Is it art and/or documentation, or both?Provide solid details about what makes an image art or documentation, and defend your answer. Find a website that has reliable information about Lange and/or this topic, and provide a link to the site in your post for proper attribution.

Week 4 forum

Sculpture and Architecture

An examination of 3-dimensional media: Sculpture and Architecture

This is a research, read, consider, think, and write exercise. You may list sources if helpful, but use your own words.

Fully answer one of the following topics:

Topic 1.) Conduct internet resaerch. Examine and discuss all of the following sculptures:

Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty

Serpent Mound

Andy Goldsworthy, Reconstructed Icicles, Dumfriesshire

These are all site specific sculptures, meaning they were designed specifically for the physical place we find them. Often they are referred to as earthworks or land art. Examine and discuss all three of these works. Your answer should include:

Who is the artist (if known)?

From what era and culture is the sculpture?

How is the meaning of gallery sculpture different than other sculpture?

What gives meaning to the sculpture, or why is it important?

Think about how many galleries/museums have sculptures that were made in an artist's studio and then sold to any place that could afford them.

Have you been to a sculpture garden? How many of those objects were designed for the site?

Or Choose:

Topic 2.) Examine and discuss all of the following buildings:

The Pantheon

Alexandre Auguste Eiffel, The Eiffel Tower

Frank Lloyd Wright, Fallingwater

Architecture is often discussed in terms of 3 dimensions, as though it was large scale sculpture, but architecture always has a specific function. Architecture conveys meaning and is “read” like paintings and sculpture are “read.” Each element has a function and a meaning; therefore, buildings communicate messages to the viewer. During this Forum, imagine yourself in the spaces while you examine it and discuss it. Include in your answer:

Who is the architect?

From what era and what culture is the building?

What was its function and location?

What are the building materials --what is it made of?

Are there any special construction techniques used?

Why is the building important? Be specific.

Week 5 forum

Issues of Art in Politics and Power: Ancient and Gothic Art

Understanding Historic Importance:

Issues of Art in Politics and Power: Ancient and Gothic Art

You are researching, looking, reading, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Provide links to any sources you may use. You may consult websites for additional information. Keep your voice in your writing, always write in your own words.

Fully answer 1 of the following topics:

Topic 1.) Examine the following images and find websites related to Ancient and Egyptian art:

Head of an Akkadian Ruler

Human - Headed winged Lion

Lion Hunt

Palette of Narmer

Akenaten and His Family

You must examine and discuss 2 of these, and they must be from different cultures. Describe the two examples you selected using art terms. Explain what they are and where they came from. Tell in detail how the works of art you have chosen are alike and different. Please demonstrate an understanding of the issues of cultural power differences (how is each of the cultures demonstrating power with these objects?), not just stylistic differences.

Or choose:

Topic 2.) Examine images and find websites related to Gothic art, and more specifically, architecture (from the Gothic era, not from modern times). Select two examples to write about in your post.

If you include Chartres cathedral in your post, please note that we consider Chartres the most perfect of the Gothic cathedrals, because it was completed in a comparatively short time period, unlike many cathedrals that took hundreds or more years to complete (This is mostly due to funding.). Chartres is a fairly cohesive building with a few exceptions.

Describe the two examples you selected using art terms. Explain what they are and where they came from. Tell in detail how the works of art you have chosen are alike and different. Please demonstrate an understanding of stained glass windows and the function and purpose they served. Imagine yourself inside. If you have visited it, please make comments!

Week 6 forum

Issues of Art in Service of Religion

1. Donatello is considered the finest of the early Italian Renaissance sculptors. He was known for advancing the ideas of naturalism in the sculpted human figure. Conduct internet research, then examine and discuss two of his works, such as "St. Mark" and "David." Answer all of the following in your post:

What does the word renaissance mean?

What does humanism mean?

How might the term renaissance apply to these figures?

What correlation is there between the figures based on what you researched about the artist?

What differences do you see between the figures?

What is the function of each of these objects, and where were/are they found?

What do they each mean?

What techniques did the artists use, and how did they fit into their respective cultures?

What is your personal reaction/response to these figures, and how (if at all) do they apply to your life and past experiences?

Or choose:

2. The great Italian Baroque artist, Caravaggio, did not follow all of the rules of proper Italian Baroque art. He chose to depict holy events with people as being rather ordinary, in ordinary settings. Believing that ordinary people could be called to holy service, he shunned using the obvious religious figures and bombastic theater in his works. He gives the viewer a dramatic quietude. The great Flemish artist Peter Paul Rubens also worked in the same time period, but in a different country. His works are more like Italian Baroque art and its sense of grand theater. Conduct internet research, and carefully examine and discuss the following images from Caravaggio and Rubens:

Caravaggio, The Entombment of Christ

Peter Paul Rubens, The Raising of the Cross

In your post, answer the following questions:

What are the similarities and differences between the two paintings? Consider subject matter, light, backgrounds, and figures.

Where do these paintings reside/where are they located?

How do they (or did they) function?

What meaning does each one express?

What techniques did the artists use, and how did they fit into their respective cultures?

What is your personal reaction/response to these figures, and how (if at all) do they apply to your life and past experiences?

Research, read your course materials, and locate an appropriate website for additional information to support your discussion. List the sources of your information at the end of your post, providing links to websites.

You are researching, looking, reading, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Consult websites for additional information. Keep your voice in your writing, always write in your own words. Be sure to do an internet search and include one or more reliable source of information for this topic.

Week 7 forum

An introduction to the arts of Islam, Africa, East Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas

Art Beyond Western Europe:

An introduction to the arts of Islam, Africa, East Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas

Select 1 work of art from the cultures of Islam, Africa, East Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas . Fully answer the following topic

Select an artwork from one of these cultures that interests you.

Examine and discuss it, placing it within its culture and discuss the philosophical meanings and influence found in the work of art.

Discuss how the artist's technique may reflect his/her society's beliefs. For example, if you choose an African mask, do not just describe them, but state the uses, purposes, and meanings of the art within its culture.

Answer the question: How and why would the object be used and what did it mean in its society? And, how was it made? Be certain you are demonstrating an understanding of a different culture's philosophy.

Caution: Avoid the Easter Island figures or any work that does not have an established understanding of how the art reflects a philosophy.

Conduct an Internet search to find your chosen work of art or the culture/religion and cite one appropriate website, giving us the link.

Week 8 forum

DQ1 Course Wrap-Up Forum

What have you gained from studying art appreciation during this course?

What do you know now that you did not know before taking this class?

Do you have a favorite artist that we studied, if so, who is that, and why?

Do you think that your learning about art in ARTH200 was beneficial to your thinking about your own life experiences? If so, please explain.

During the course, what (if any) connections to your life, work, or other pursuits did you make in learning the subject matter?

After completing ARTH200, what role does art serve in your life?

Have your perceptions or experiences with music changed as a result of the course? If so, how?


Initial posts must be 250+ words, using correct grammar and spellcheck, posted by Thursday 11:55 p.m. ET each week. Part of the requirement for a substantive post is to bring something new to the conversation. Read the forum prompt and fully answer it, demonstrate understanding of the lesson/content, include evidence from firsthand experience, reference to the course materials, and apply what you’re discussing to work, life, and reality.

For Peer replies, respond substantively to at least TWO of your classmates for full credit, with 100+ words each post. This helps build a friendly and collegial environment in our class, and its part of your forum grade. Substantively answering questions that the instructor (me!) asks during that week's discussion DO count toward your participation points. Making substantive posts will make the discussion more interesting and educational for everyone. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Use spell-check and check your word count.

If you do quote from a source, please list the source at the bottom of your post.

Your responses should be a friendly greeting and include two or more of the following:

Asking a thoughtful question

Share additional content or sources

Share your insight and experience/offer perspective

Give encouragement and making other connections to the topic

The purpose of peer replies is to develop academic discussion and take our thinking to a deeper level in applying this week's topic.

DQ2 Exploring the Figure in Modern Art

Early Modern Masters: Picasso and Matisse: Exploring the Figure in Modern Art

Fully answer both of the following topics:

Examine and discuss Picasso's Early Cubist painting, Les Demoiselles d' Avignon (to view, visit Answer the following questions:

What is cubism?

What is the painting about?

What does the title mean?

Why do we see shattered forms?

Is it possible to describe it from the background?

What did this painting do for the art world? Use your art terminology to discuss it and its importance.

Does this style appeal to you, or not?

Examine and discuss Henri Matisse's Early Expressionist painting, The Joy of Life (to view, visit, which was also revolutionary for its time. Answer the following questions:

How are the two significant paintings (Picasso’s and Matisse’s) different in the depiction of the human figure?

What was Expressionism about?

What is "the Fauvist vision?"

What did this painting do for the art world? Use your art terminology to discuss it and its importance.

Does this style appeal to you, or not?


Initial posts must be 250+ words, using correct grammar and spellcheck, posted by Thursday 11:55 p.m. ET each week. Part of the requirement for a substantive post is to bring something new to the conversation. Read the forum prompt and fully answer it, demonstrate understanding of the lesson/content, include evidence from firsthand experience, reference to the course materials, and apply what you’re discussing to work, life, and reality.

For Peer replies, respond substantively to at least TWO of your classmates for full credit, with 100+ words each post. This helps build a friendly and collegial environment in our class, and its part of your forum grade. Substantively answering questions that the instructor (me!) asks during that week's discussion DO count toward your participation points. Making substantive posts will make the discussion more interesting and educational for everyone. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Use spell-check and check your word count.

If you do quote from a source, please list the source at the bottom of your post.

Your responses should be a friendly greeting and include two or more of the following:

Asking a thoughtful question

Share additional content or sources

Share your insight and experience/offer perspective

Give encouragement and making other connections to the topic

The purpose of peer replies is to develop academic discussion and take our thinking to a deeper level in applying this week's topic.

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ARTH200 all week discussions latest 2018 june

Tutorial # 00588550
Posted On: 07/03/2018 08:25 AM
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