Aspen DNP810 Assignments Latest 2021 July (Full)

Question # 00627282
Course Code : DNP810
Subject: Education
Due on: 07/23/2021
Posted On: 07/23/2021 05:23 AM
Tutorials: 1
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DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 1 Assignment 

1. Register for a NCBI Account - (Do not click the area that states “skip registration by using a 3rd party sign in option.” Please make a note of your log in username and password).

2. Complete PubMed® activities by following these instructions:

•             Identify a topic of interest – this should be the topic you hope to use for your DNP Project.

•             Using PubMed®, create a search strategy for your selected topic.

•             Use MeSH® terms and Boolean operators (i.e., AND, OR, NOT).

After you complete each step below, record the number of references returned by your search. Include the frequency of "ALL" and "Review" for each step. Adjust your search strategy so that you can complete all steps.

1. Run a basic text search using two MeSH® terms for your topic.

2. Refine your search by using the LIMIT feature to include only references that are within five years.

3. Refine further to include references in which the search terms appear in the Abstract/Title.

4. Refine further still to include references in which the search terms appear only in the Title.

5. Create an abstract introducing your topic used for the search and describe your findings for the number of articles retrieved from your original search and the impact when you refined the search. For example, the first time you did the search you may have retrieved 15,000 articles and after you used the words “and, or, not – it may have narrowed your search to 5,000 (or less). After limiting the search to five years, it may have narrowed the selections to 80.

After you have completed your search, write an essay describing your search. Include a cover page, the abstract, and an introduction, the body of the paper describing your search, and a conclusion. Citations should be utilized appropriately. Include a Reference page. Save this file using your search terms in the file name, e.g. diabetes-mellitus.doc. Save your work as " Firstinitial.lastname-coursenumber-module number" in the .doc or .docx file format, e.g. J.Smith-N000-1.docx.


DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 2 Assignment 


•             Write a 5-7 page (the page limit does not include title and reference pages) essay addressing each of the following points/questions.

•             Prepare your document using the APA 7th edition format, using the 12-point Times New Roman font and formatted with one-inch margins.

•             Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be six sections, one for each bullet below.

•             Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. The headings should follow APA format. This is a guide to formulating headings in APA format:

•             Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations other than your textbook (you may also cite your textbook = 4 citations minimum) in your essay.

•             Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay.

•             The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

•             You will need Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application to complete this assignment.

•             Save your work as " Firstinitial.lastname-coursenumber-modulenumber" in the .doc or .docx file format, e.g. J.Smith-N000-1.docx.


1.            Describe the frequency and composition of Review Committees.

2.            What are the functions of a Nursing Review Committee?

3.            Describe the guidelines for critiquing the ethical aspects of a study.

1.            What are your thoughts regarding these guidelines.

2.            Are they necessary?

3.            Why or why not?

4.            What are the levels of reviews by the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)?

1.            Explain the different levels.

2.            Are you familiar with IRBs?

3.            Do you have an IRB at your institution?

4.            How do they function?

5.            How often do they meet?

5.            What is an informed consent?

1.            What are the general requirements for an informed consent?

6.            Review one of the website below. Describe an ethical concern and how it is or was addressed by the organization:

1.            The International Council of Nurses' (ICN) The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses (2012)

2.            American Nurses Association's (ANA) ANA Position Statements on Ethics and Human Rights

3.            ANA's Code of Ethics for Nurses

4.            Steneck, N. (2007). ORI introduction to the responsible conduct of research. Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office.

5.            The Hastings Center web site

6.            The Hastings Center's Bioethics Forum

7.            Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) 

8.            Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) IRB guidebook   

9.            U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Human Subjects Protection 

10.          Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 3 Assignment 


•             Write a 3-4 page essay (the page limit does not include title and reference pages) addressing each of the following points/questions.

•             Prepare your document using the APA 6th edition format, using the 12-point Times New Roman font and formatted with one-inch margins.

•             Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be nine sections, one for each bullet below.

•             Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. The headings should follow APA format. This is a guide to formulating headings in APA format:

•             Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations other than your textbook (you may also cite your textbook = 4 citations minimum) in your essay.

•             Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay.

•             The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

•             You will need Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application to complete this assignment.

•             Save your work as " Firstinitial.lastname-coursenumber-modulenumber" in the .doc or .docx file format, e.g. J.Smith-N000-1.docx.

Assignment: 3

This is a 2 part assignment (Part A and Part B)

•             Part A:

Visit the following websites:

1.            Visit the Cochrane Collaboration website and read the introduction.

2.            Search for “logo” in the website search box, and read the explanation of the Cochrane Collaboration logo.

3.            Visit the website for AHRQ: AHRQ, (2019), Aug.). AHRQ’s Healthcare Associated Infections Program.

4.            For information about Hospital Acquired infection, Target Goals, Action plans and information about steering committees use: and

5.            Read about Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections: AHQR, (n.d.). Prevention of Healthcare – Associated Infections.

1.            What four infections were studied?

2.            What was shown to be effective against prevention of Healthcare Associated Infections and to what strength of evidence?

•             Part B:

Locate an evidenced-based research paper (less than five years old). Describe the following about the study:

1.            The title?

2.            What is the study about?

3.            Purpose of the study?

4.            What was the framework of the study?

5.            Protocol development?

1.            Describe how the project began.

2.            Did the topic have support from leaders, clinical nursing staff?

3.            Describe the members of the project team.

4.            How long did the team meet?

5.            What materials, etc. were developed?

6.            Describe the evaluation of the study.

7.            What were the findings and conclusions?


DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 4 Assignment 


Refer to the document - Critical Appraisal of the Evidence: Part III as a guide.

Complete the Table of Evidence activity by following these instructions:

•             Create a Table of Evidence for your scholarly project using your Modules 1 and 3 reviews of literature results.

•             Save a blank version of your tool (as your template) in a safe place on your computer for future reference.

•             Enter data from ten of the most appropriate studies to support your scholarly project retrieved from your earlier searches in Module.

•             Do your best to make decisions about the studies at this stage of the course.

This is meant to be a practice activity.

Save your essay as “Firstinitial.lastname-coursenumber-modulenumber" in the .doc or .docx file format, e.g. J.Smith-N000-1.docx.


DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 5 Assignment 

There are two assignments for this section:

1.            Develop an essay describing the steps for qualitative research

2.            Begin developing an abstract for your project idea. (This is due week 6)


Assignment 1:

Write an essay outlining the steps of conducting a qualitative research.

1.            Describe what a Research Problem and Research Question/s are, addressing how and why they are identified and developed.

2.            Describe the Review of Literature, addressing why and how it is done.

3.            Explain what design means in research.

4.            Describe how the sample is selected in research and the significance of sample size. 

5.            Explain data collection for Qualitative Research, addressing various tools that may be utilized.

6.            Explain data analysis in Qualitative Research, addressing how it may be done/what tools may be used.

7.            Explain reporting the results of a qualitative study, addressing how it may be done and the significance of reporting results.

Prepare your document in APA-essay format using appropriate headers and at least three citations other than your textbook. The essay should include the required introduction and conclusion. 

You will need Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application to complete this assignment.

Assignment 2:

Begin working on an abstract based on your scholarly project and your review of literature from Modules 2 and 5 by following these instructions:

•             Prepare an abstract that will describe your DNP project as if it was complete and you were submitting your abstract for peer review for a poster/paper presentation to a professional audience.

•             Complete the sample abstract submission materials for a national conference as if you were going to submit your scholarly work. Follow the Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) Abstract Submissions packet as guidelines found at:

You will submit your abstract in Module 6 and will also use this work to create a poster presentation in Module 8.


DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 6 Assignment 

Submit your abstract that you started to work on in Module 5. Follow the directions below to submit your work:              

1.            Prepare an abstract that will describe your DNP project as if it was complete and you were submitting your abstract for peer review for a poster/paper presentation to a professional audience.

2.            Complete the sample abstract submission materials for a national conference as if you were going to submit your scholarly work. Follow the APA guidelines when formulating your abstract.





DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 7 Assignment 

Evaluating a Practice Protocol

Take this opportunity to examine clinical guidelines or practice protocols from your specialty area.

Do the following  assignments:

Complete the protocol evaluation activity by following these instructions:

1.            Select a practice protocol related to your clinical setting. These may be from your agency’s policy and procedure manual used in your practice.

2.            Determine who wrote the protocol and request an interview with one or more individuals who were involved in developing the protocol. Interview questions may include, but are not limited to the following:

1.            Can you explain how protocols are developed in your agency?

2.            What specific information or data was used to develop this protocol?

3.            Are there any references you can identify that would give me a better understanding of the rationale for the practices used in the protocol?

4.            What rating system was used to critique the protocol guidelines?

3.            After the interview, categorize the sources of knowledge identified by the interviewee (e.g., authority, experience, research-based). Be specific.

4.            After the interview, you may not have enough information on which to rate the protocol. If, for example, the interviewee has not provided you with sources from the literature, you will have to do a search to determine whether research exists to support the protocol you are assessing. This does not have to be an exhaustive review, yet you should be able to determine whether there is valid research there to support your rating (see next step).

5.            Then, using the AGREE ll rating scale, assess the protocol for its validity in application to practice.

6.            Complete a Brief Evaluation of the Protocol Outline by following these steps:

1.            Brief description of the protocol.

2.            Title and credentials of the individuals who developed the protocol.

3.            Parameters of the literature search and a summary of how the protocol was developed.

4.            Your summary conclusion about the types and quality of knowledge upon which the protocol was based with supporting rationale.

5.            A brief description of the AGREE rating scale used to assess the protocol.

6.            Your assessment of the validity of the selected protocol.

7.            Upload the following in the Assignment Dropbox:

1.            the Brief Evaluation (required elements listed below);

2.            the completed AGREE ll scale; and

3.            a copy of the clinical protocol in the designated Assignment Drop Box for this Module


DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 8 Assignment A


A group of family practice physicians are having issues meeting stage 2 of meaningful use because the staff forget to provide patients with information on accessing the portal. The staff complain that they don’t have enough time to go over the process with the patients and the printed information is stacked in the utility room. Which quality improvement process should the nurse leader use to analyze this issue?

Access the web site: and

Read about the Quality Payment Programs and EHR Incentives.

Then select up-to-date information available for CQM Reporting options and answer the following questions:

1.            What information is the eCQM Library?

2.            Using the educational resources available, how can the nurse leader use these resources when participating in the design of the eCQM program?

Include both topics in a 1200-1500 word APA essay, using a minimum or 4 scholarly sources to support your perspective.

The title page and reference pages are not part of the page total.

Assignment 8 B  Reflection

Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals listed in the syllabus. Then write a minimum of a 1000 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these goals


DNP810 Evidence based Practice for Quality Improvement

Module 8 Assignment B

This is a 2 part assignment (Part A and Part B)

1.            Part A:

Complete a poster presentation activity by following these instructions:

Prepare a single poster presentation, using Prezi or similar product. The poster will describe your scholarly project as if it was complete and you were submitting your poster presentation to a professional audience.

?         Develop your poster based on your review of literature, table of evidence, and abstract.

?         In your poster, provide SAMPLE results using tables and/or figures to illustrate findings you might anticipate. Clearly mark the Table or Figure as a Sample. Refer to the document - Critical Appraisal of the Evidence: Part III as a guide.

?         Use APA formatting for your source citations and references.

•             Part B:

There are many resources available for data analysis and which ones you use will depend in large part on the type of data you have and the decisions that must be made based on that data. This assignment is designed to provide you with some basic understanding of one source that may be available to you for data analysis, IBM SPSS Statistics software.

You are not being asked to purchase this software. You will only need to download a free trial of SPSS for this course. This version of SPSS is only to be used to review, demonstrate, and evaluate IBM SPSS Statistics Software for purchase considerations later. Your trial period is only for 14 days, so you must use good judgment in when to download it and then complete the assignments related to it. Execute the following functions using SPSS.

1.            Enter the following data

Case      Age        Weight Gender                Pretest score     Post-test score

1              24           165         Male      65           80

2              28           150         Female 65           75

3              23           125         Female 80           85

4              31           150         Male      83           90

5              24           150         Male      75           80

b) Run descriptive statistics on the data

c) Run a frequency distribution on the data

d) Create a graph of posttest scores

1.            Complete the SPSS Assignment Table below

Item      Response            Comment

1. What was your mean?                             

2. What were your t-test results?                            

3. What was your standard deviation?                   

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Aspen DNP810 Assignments Latest 2021 July (Full)

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