Aspen DNP820 Assignments Latest 2021 September

Question # 00628461
Course Code : DNP820
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 09/02/2021
Posted On: 09/02/2021 08:40 AM
Tutorials: 1
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DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 1 Assignment

Write a 1500 word APA essay reflecting on:

1. The current nursing culture and whether the bar for nursing leadership is set at the individual patient-nurse relationship or the community-nurse relationship. Give examples of each. Use at least three references to support your findings.

2. Review the DNP Essentials and the 2011 Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report for statements on nursing leadership in health policy. Identify how these documents define nursing leadership in relation to health policy and the community. Use at least three references to support your findings.


DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 2 Assignment

Please submit one APA formatted presentation (PowerPoint®, Prezi®, etc.) identifying and describing what health care or professional issue you are passionate about and relay any advocacy actions you took to influence this issue as well as what action you must follow in the future to evaluate if your efforts have had an impact on this issue. This policy change proposal could be with state Board of nursing, local boards, state representatives, or member of Congress/Senate. The assignment should have a minimum of four scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook.

For this assignment, create a Microsoft PowerPoint® or OpenOffice Impress® presentation of 20 slides total, include an introductory slide, a reference slide and 18 content slides with an audio explanation and detailed speaker notes on all content slides.

Please go to the Writing Center tab at the topic of the course, then click on Contents, and then Module 3: Assignments. Scroll to the bottom and review the tutorial called "Creating a Quality Power Point".

Over the next few weeks, you will apply the concepts learned by collaborating with or at least contacting a policy maker about an issue that you think would advance nursing scope, practice or culture or improve patient care and outcomes in a positive way. You will be working on this same project over the next 5 weeks.


DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 3 Assignment

After researching HP2020, Kaiser Family Foundation, the ANA and your State Board of Nursing:

Please submit one APA formatted presentation (PowerPoint®, Prezi®, etc.) identifying and describing how these agencies and leadership are addressing health disparities. This PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use at least 6 scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation.

Please go to the Writing Center tab at the topic of the course, then click on Contents, and then Module 3: Assignments. Scroll to the bottom and review the tutorial called "Creating a Quality Power Point".

Log your immersion hours in Project Concert, briefly describing your activities consisting of 20 hours for this module.  Select here for information on how to access Project Concert and log your immersion hours. Submit your essay to the drop box.

DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 4 Assignment

Considering the patient advocacy efforts of the nurse who was unjustly detained for refusing to comply with an unlawful request by law enforcement officers, interview a leader in a health organization eliciting an advocacy story highlighting the power of the nursing voice. Evaluate the power the nursing organization gives the individual nurse to advocate for health policy. Based on the interview you conducted and what you have learned so far this week, create a PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation, which should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Your presentation should address context, purpose, core issues, and strategies for a solution. Use at least 6 scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. Log your immersion hours in Project Concert, briefly describing your activities for this module.


DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 5 Assignment

Research and report on the advocacy process for one health policy issue at your state level. Detail the steps taken to move this issue forward legislatively. Examine the collaboration of interest groups and stakeholders in this process. What were the barriers? Where is this policy issue now? Is it law? Did it fail to pass? Interview nursing leaders/advocates, research articles, and other sources that will bring this process to light. Nursing organizations are valuable resources and have the background stories on these processes, feel free to call and discuss legislative issue with them.

Create a PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation, which should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title, introduction, conclusion and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes and recorded audio comments for all content slides. Use at least 6 scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation.

Please go to the Writing Center tab at the topic of the course, then click on Contents, and then Module 3: Assignments. Scroll to the bottom and review the tutorial called "Creating a Quality Power Point".

Log your immersion hours in Project Concert, briefly describing your activities consisting of 20 hours for this module. Submit your assignment to the drop box.


DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 6 Assignment

Write a 2000 word paper evaluating the PPACA. Detail its timeline from inception to implementation. Analyze the effect the PPACA currently has on access and delivery of healthcare and the anticipated effects it will have on healthcare delivery in the future. What opportunities has the PPACA created for nursing? Describe your state’s position on Medicaid expansion. How has this helped/hurt health care in your state?

Log your immersion hours in Project Concert, briefly describing your activities consisting of 20 hours for this module. Submit your essay to the drop box.




DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 7 Assignment

Student should research the literature searching for how the nurse can re-conceptualize their role from seeing health policy as “something that happens” to them to “something they can shape” (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2011, p. S-6).

In Module two, you were asked to describe an issue you hoped to improve and you created a presentation about the plan. This week, you will present on the progress and results you have made during the past 5 weeks.

Your policy change proposal could have been with state Board of nursing, local boards, state representatives, or members of Congress/Senate. Based on the issues you selected in Module two, that you were passionate about, researched in depth, and contacted the appropriate policy maker (preferably in person, but at least by emails or letters) - detail your position and the evidence that supports it, and explain your results, determination and outcomes for the contact with policy makers in a 20 slide PowerPoint presentation with audio and speaker notes on all content slides. Make certain to include your sources and a reference slide.

Please go to the Writing Center tab at the topic of the course, then click on Contents, and then Module 3: Assignments. Scroll to the bottom and review the tutorial called "Creating a Quality Power Point".

Log your immersion hours in Project Concert, briefly describing your activities consisting of 20 hours for this module. Submit your presentation to the drop box.


DNP820 Health Policy Issues

Module 8 Assignment

Signature Assignment Title: Health Policy and Advocacy


The advanced practice nurse is preparing to examine the economic, financial, and political factors that influence the delivery of healthcare and policy reform. There is a need to develop strategies to influence, implement, and evaluate current policy. This presentation will examine a health policy and its influence on a patient population.

Choose a health policy to evaluate for this presentation and answer the following questions:

•             Critically analyze and related issues surrounding the policy to consumers, nursing, other health professions, and other stakeholders in policy and public forums.

•             What is nursing leadership's role in the development and implementation of institutional, local, state, federal, and/or international health policy?

•             What is the impact of nursing influence on policymakers through their active participation on committees, boards, or task forces at the institutional, local, state, regional, national, and/or international levels to improve health care delivery and outcomes?

•             What are some ways that you can do to educate others, including policymakers at all levels, regarding nursing, health policy, and patient care outcomes?

•             Analyze the nursing profession's advocacy process within the policy and healthcare communities that relate to your selected policy.

•             Explain nursing responsibility to develop, evaluate, and provide leadership for health care policy that shapes health care financing, regulation, and delivery.

•             Identify the connection between health outcomes and advocacy for social justice, equity, and ethical policies within all healthcare arenas for your selected policy.

This PowerPoint® (Microsoft Office) or Impress® (Open Office) presentation should be a minimum of 20 slides, including a title and reference slide, with detailed speaker notes on content slides and recorded audio. Use at least four scholarly sources and make certain to review the module’s Signature Assignment Rubric before starting your presentation. This presentation is worth 400 points for quality content and presentation.

Please go to the Writing Center tab at the course topic, then click on Contents, and then Module 3: Assignments. Scroll to the bottom and review the tutorial called "Creating a Quality PowerPoint."

Log any remaining immersion hours in Project Concert. Hours logged in Project Concert are approved by the course instructor.

A total of 80 hours must be logged in Project Concert for the course and will detail the weekly activities you completed for the assignments in order to pass the course. Once the hours are entered, run an “Hours Audit” report and submit a copy of this report to the dropbox to demonstrate that I have met the required immersion hours for this course.


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Aspen DNP820 Assignments Latest 2021 September (Full)

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