Aspen N599 Assignments Latest 2021 May (Full)

Question # 00623482
Course Code : N599
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 04/27/2021
Posted On: 04/27/2021 04:15 AM
Tutorials: 1
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N599 Nursing Capstone

Module 1 Assignment  

Before submitting your project overview, please e-mail your overview to your instructor for approval. Once the overview has been approved, you may submit the overview to the dropbox for grading.

Module 1 Assignment Description

Submit a project overview based on the guide provided in module 1.

When you have received approval from your capstone mentor (faculty), you can proceed to complete the project overview submission. The overview that is submitted will become the blueprint to follow for your project manuscript.

Write a 1500-word essay addressing each of the following points. There should be a section for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing. Support your ideas with at least three (3) sources in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount.

Project Title – should appear on the title page of the paper.

Project Description

Project Rationale

Personal/Professional Expectations

Project Goals

Analysis of the Literature




N599 Nursing Capstone

Module 2 Assignment  


As you prepare the first chapter of the study, clearly state what the purpose of the project is and explain the project’s significance. The significance is addressed by discussing how the project adds to nursing's body of knowledge in the field and the project’s practical significance for communication among professionals in the field. Without a clearly defined introduction, purpose and strong theoretical grounding, the project is fundamentally flawed from the outset.

This chapter will be 4 pages (1,000 words) in length and should include at least 5 scholarly sources.


N599 Nursing Capstone

Module 4 Assignment  


Literature Review

The literature review describes and analyzes previous research on the topic or a gap in information that your project may fill. This chapter, however, should not merely string together what other researchers have found. Rather, you should discuss and analyze the body of knowledge with the ultimate goal of determining what is known and is not known about the topic.

This section should contain a discussion of OTHER PEOPLE's research. This is not the section to include information about your project. Do not include your own opinions or findings from your project. Begin by describing which databases you searched, search terms you used, how you narrowed your search, how you selected those references you will discuss in this section.

The Literature Review is what others have written that provide a foundation to the content of your project and support for the method you chose for delivery--does that help to expand it? A well-written Literature Review section demonstrates to the reader that you are expert in the problem and that you examined current, best practice to inform your project.

The Literature Review should begin with a paragraph that describes which databases you searched, which search terms you used, which strategies you used, and what you yielded. This shows the extent of your search. This section should be at least 10 pages and should have at least 30 sources. The content of this chapter should be separated with APA first and second level headings.

M4 Assignment UMBO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

M4 Assignment PLG – 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9

M4 Assignment CLO –2, 5




N599 Nursing Capstone

Module 5 Assignment  


This chapter describes how you accomplished your project.

Begin by describing the approach to the project you chose and why this approach was the most appropriate.

Next, detail every step of the process.

Although this section varies depending on approach , many of the following areas typically are addressed:

Description of the reviewers or participants

Description of the project design

Development of instrument, tool or method for obtaining feedback (surveys, interviews, observation, content analysis)

Identification of themes/categories

This section should be about 3 pages and content should be separated with APA first and second level headings as appropriate.


 N599 Nursing Capstone

Module 6 Assignment  


Chapter 4 provides the reader with the results of the feedback from your evaluation tool. Describing the perspective and quotes from your reviewers will be important. You may compare and contrast the feedback findings for your project – keep in mind that you may not always agree with the feedback you have received. In this section, based on the comments and feedback from reviewers, you will make recommendations and potential changes which could be implemented to improve your project. You should add ideas on how to further disseminate your project (creating a DNP Project based on it, poster or podium presentations, inservices, etc.) This is not a chapter where you should be discussing other people’s published work except to say that the feedback from reviewers generally confirmed or were incongruent with previous published work. This chapter is usually 6-8 pages in length. Content should be separated with APA first and second level headings as appropriate.

Discussion of Findings

Feedback analysis, limitations of project approach, and conclusions drawn should be included. Discuss any concerns associated with the number of participants or reviewers.  Share what your reviewers/participants said in the evaluation tool. Share actual quotes and how you organized the material. What conclusion can you draw from the feedback? Did it confirm or contradict research found in your literature review?


What are you going to do in the future with this project? Now that you finished the project, what are you going to do with this information and/or project?


N599 Nursing Capstone

Module 7 Assignment  

Submit your conclusion, references, and finalized formal paper.


Upload to Project Concert a copy of your finalized formal paper and any artifacts associated with your practicum project.


N599 Nursing Capstone

Module 8 Assignment  

Capstone Project Oral Presentation.

The oral presentation will take place via teleconference within your community setting. You will be on camera and be asked to provide proof of identification, such as a passport or government issued ID card. Other faculty, administrative members of Aspen University and your guests may also be present. Thirty minutes will be allowed for the oral presentation. For the first twenty minutes, using a visual presentation, you will present your Capstone project, summarizing the aspects of the project that were reported in the formal paper. Visual aides must be included, and may be either a Powerpoint®, Impress®, Prezi®, or poster-board. For the final ten minutes, the Capstone Mentor/Instructor will have an opportunity to question you about various aspects of the project. If time allows, other audience or faculty members may also ask questions/seek clarification.

If the oral presentation is unsatisfactory, the student will be given one opportunity to improve performance. If a second “unsatisfactory” presentation is delivered, you will receive a failing grade for this course, which falls under the policies and procedures of Aspen University.

This module is worth 400 points of your final grade.

Please submit your Powerpoint®, Impress®, Prezi®, poster or other visual media in your oral presentation in the Oral Presentation drop box and upload a copy of the presentation to Project Concert.

In the comments section make certain to include the date and time of your completed oral defense.

Assignment Expectations-

Length: Powerpoint: 15-17 slides; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner


  Title slide and reference slides in APA style. (at least 2 slides)


Project Description (1 slide)

Project Rationale (2 slides)

Personal/Professional Expectations (2 slides)

Project Goals (1 slide)

Analysis of the Literature (4 slides)

Procedure Findings (5 slides)

 Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document and a Word document (.pptx) and (.doc or .docx) or Open Office Impress.

File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module1.pptx”)

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Aspen N599 Assignments Latest 2021 May (Full)

Tutorial # 00624280
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