behs103 full course latest 2017 november (except discussion topic 6)

Question # 00584842
Course Code : BEHS103
Subject: Education
Due on: 12/18/2017
Posted On: 12/18/2017 10:20 AM
Tutorials: 1
Question Dot Image

Week 1 discussion


What is technology?

Instructions for this discussion topic

Review each of the following resources and respond to the questions posed below. In this course, it is a good practice to take notes on the videos and readings so that you can begin to integrate the concepts covered in each. This will also be helpful when you take your quizzes.

Overview of the historical impact of technology

Kelly, K. (2009).Technology’s epic story. Available at:

Diamond, J. (May 1, 1987). The worst mistake in the history of the human race. Discover Magazine, 64-66. Available at:

Some technologies that have helped to change the world

Anthony, D. W. (1994). Moving life forward. Faces (07491387), 11(1), 14. Available at:

Popular Mechanics (n.d.). 101 Gadgets that changed the world. Available at:

Dvorsky, G. (2012). Ten inventions that changed the world in ways we didn’t expect. Available at:

Discussion questions:

1) Based on the resources provided above, how would you define technology? Be sure to use your own words!

2) What are some of the key points made by Kevin Kelly regarding the role of technology in the evolution of humanity? Do you agree with his main arguments? Why or why not?

3) According to Diamond, what is the worst mistake in the history of the human race? What does this mistake have to do with technology and society?

4) What do you think are the top 3 most important technologies of all time? Justify your choices.

5) What is your own favorite technology? Explain your choice.

Remember that in order to earn full credit for discussion participation, you are to must respond fully to every question and submit your best writing. Remember that you must respond to at least two of your classmates before the end of the academic week.

Your responses to the discussion and to your classmates are due on Sunday evening at 11:59 PM EST. Manage your time wisely so that you do not incur a late penalty (refer to the syllabus). Time passes quickly in an 8 week course. Don’t procrastinate!


Black out!

On July 30, 2012, the world’s biggest blackout took place in India when three major power grids collapsed. To learn more about the story, visit:

How do you think you would survive a power blackout?

Although it may seem a little counter-intuitive, we are going to start our consideration of technology in modern society by removing technology from our modern lives. This will lay an important foundation for the remainder of the course. This week, you are to pick one 24-hour period in which you avoid technology as much as possible. This includes the use of the following:

Cell phone and handheld devices

Computers, laptops, tablets


Video games

Smart phones

iPods, MP3, radio

any other mobile device



For an extra challenge: start your day by filling large containers with as much water as you think you might be able to haul from a river or outside well and use only that water throughout the day instead of relying on water from tap.

Obviously, if you must use any of these devices to perform your job or to keep children safe and healthy, you may do so. You may use kitchen appliances to prepare your meals (I don't want your family to go hungry!) and turn your air conditioning or heat on to keep your family comfortable, but during your blackout day, avoid as much modern technology as possible while you are at home. Be very mindful of the technologies that you use or avoid during the day and how this impacts your ability to function. The objective of this exercise is to help you to appreciate the ways in which technology impacts your functioning in everyday life. If you have other family members, see if they will participate with you and use this opportunity to talk about how technology impacts your life as a family.

After you have completed your blackout period, respond to the following questions in 2-3 paragraphs:

What technologies were you aware of using that past generations did not have? How do these technologies impact your life?

What technologies did you give up during your blackout?

What did you miss the most and why?

How did the absence of these devices impact you in the home, workplace and other areas of your life?

Throughout the week, please respond substantively to at least 2 classmates for this discussion topic.

Week 2 discussion


Accessibility of Technology: In Their Shoes

In this discussion activity, you will attempt to use the Internet via screen reader software and will compare/contrast this experience with using the Internet visually in order to analyze the way that technology has or has not lived up to the expectation of equalizing information-sharing.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a student who has a visual disability and who already uses a screen reader program, please consider completing this assignment using a screen reader program that is different from yours and/or by visiting websites to which you do not normally go.


Review some of the leading screen-reader software available to individuals who are blind or low-vision today:

Select a free screen reader program for your phone, tablet, or computer to use for this Activity:

Turning off your monitor, and using only the screen reader program and your speakers, navigate to your top 5 favorite websites and attempt to use each, noting your experience as you go. Keep track of missed links, content that does not work with the screen reader, and any difficulties you encounter.

Make one of your visits to a website with a lot of video content – could you access the video with the screen reader?

Try to access a website to which you have never been before – keep similar notes.

Then, access a disability organization’s website – any of your choice, but several are listed here:

Analyze your experience with each website and respond to the following questions

Did you notice differences in the websites?

What did you find frustrating about this activity?

What would you recommend to make this experience easier?

Do you think that you would have an easier time navigating with a screen reader program if you had more experience using it, or were there other factors?

How does this activity alter your perspective on the experience of the visually impaired and those with other physical impairments that make technology use a challenge?

Remember, in order to earn full participation credit for this discussion topic, you must respond substantively to at least 2 classmates throughout the week.


Reenvisioning the Educational System

Watch the following fascinating perspective on education: (Note: you may want to take notes!)

Respond to the following items in 2-3 well-written paragraphs. Once you have responded, read and respond to the ideas of at least 2 of your classmates during the week. Refer to the syllabus for guidelines on discussion participation.

Summarize three main points you took away from this presentation.

Visit the following website identifying the top educational systems in the world: Take a look at 3 or more of these countries and briefly describe why these systems are so successful. Do you see any commonalities across these systems?

Given what you have learned this week about the social sciences, education, and the transformative effect of technology on learning and development, propose an educational model for the future. What do you think should stay the same, what should change, and what role does technology play in helping to implement your model? What are the potential consequences (positive and negative) of the changes you propose?

Week 3 discussion


The changing nature of intimate relationships

View and read the videos and readings provided for Discussion Topic 5 and complete the following questions as a response to this topic.

1) Briefly summarize the main points made in the resource list for this discussion. Focus particularly on the works of Turkle (video), Broadbent (video), Janssen et al (2014), and Malt (2007).

2) Integrating what you have read/viewed, how has technology changed the nature of social relationships in people of all ages. How has it changed the manner in which “relationship work” is conducted? Are relationships and our sense of self weakened or strengthened by technology? How do you feel about these changes? (Be sure to cite the authors you reference in your response.)

Your response should be several paragraphs in length. Be sure to use your best writing skills and proofread your work. Once you have posted your response, respond to the work of at least two classmates to earn full participation credit.


Online social identity and what it says about us

1) Briefly summarize the main points from the readings/resources for Discussion Topic 6.

2) Activity:

a. Conduct an Internet search on your own name and email addresses. Be sure to include nicknames or other names that you have used in the past. You may want to include screen names or avatar names. What, if anything, do your screen names and email addresses say about you?

b. Also use keywords that pull for publicly available information such as tax records, bankruptcy, marital status, criminal background, and court proceedings. Try to find private information about yourself including phone numbers, records about children, and work history.

3) Reflection: Respond to the following questions in your response to this discussion topic

What information did you find about yourself? Were you surprised by what you found? Did you find things about yourself that you would rather keep private?

The information that you found on the Web creates a perception of who you are. We can think of this as your “online social identity.” What does your online identity say about you? What might a hiring manager, supervisor, friends, and loved ones think about the online image you have created?

4) McWhorter’s (video) entertaining discussion about texting suggests that language is evolving before our very eyes and is a nuanced and legitimate form of communication. Irvine’s article supports this idea, noting that the modalities of communication used by young people have changed as the result of available technologies. Yet, future employers and college professors emphasize the importance of formal, unemotional writing as essential to presenting a proper and professional social identity. Referencing the resources for Discussion Topic 6, do you think that employers and educators are wrong in their strict expectations of formal communication? Why or why not? What do you think is the proper place for new “languages” that have evolved in tandem with technology (e.g. txting, L33T speak, emoticons, etc.)?

Remember to respond to at least 2 classmates throughout the week. I have toyed with the idea of letting people search on classmate names, but thought that might be a little too invasive. Still, this is publicly available information. If you have thoughts about the social image created by your classmates as reported by them, let them know. Be diplomatic, be kind, be helpful, but be honest.

Week 4 discussion


Technology and the changing nature of work

The following resources are also listed under Week Four Learning Resources for your convenience*

For this discussion, watch the following videos:

1. Erik Brynjolgsson (2013) The key to growth, race with the machines available at:

2. Robert Gordon (Feb, 2013): The Death of Innovation, the End of Growth.

And read the following articles:

1. Ronne, J. (2015). What technological advancements will most affect our lives in the semi-near future? Retrieved from:

2. Newman, R. (2012). Ten businesses that will boom in 2020.

3. (n.d.) Thirty fastest- growing jobs by 2020. Available at:

4. (n.d.). Thirty of the fastest declining occupations. Available at:

Discussion questions:

What does Erik Brynjolfsson say about productivity and income? How does Brynjolfsson say that people can find gainful employment if they have to compete against technology? (1-2 sentences)

What does Robert Gordon say about productivity and innovation? (1-2 sentences)

Brynjolfsson and Gordon present contrasting viewpoints on productivity in the US, but both agree that worker incomes have fallen. Looking forward, do you side with Brynjolfsson’s optimism or Gordon’s pessimism about technology’s impact on the worker and why? What do you think will happen to income and standard of living in the decades to come?

Visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook at: In the search box, type in name of the career you that you hope to pursue. Depending on how specific the career is, you may be given several links as options or you may be taken directly to a summary page. Once on the summary page, pay special attention to the information about job outlook for the next ten years.

What career did you choose?

How many jobs currently exist for this career?

What is the expected job outlook for this career?

How do you think your chosen career will be impacted by technology?

Remember to respond substantively to at least 2 other classmates during the week to earn full participation credit.


Technology and Work-Life balance

The following resources are also listed under Week 4 content for your convenience* Read the articles below:

1. Kumar, H., & Chakraborty, S. (2013). Work life balance (WLB): A key to organizational efficiency. Aweshkar Research Journal, 15(1), 62-70. Retrieved from:

2. Smith, J. (Jun 3, 2013). The best big companies for work-life balance. Forbes. Retrieved from:

3. Tobak, S. (Jul 24, 2013). The work-life balance myth. Retrieved from:

Discussion questions:

Using your own words, define “work-life” balance.

Based on what you have read, why is work-life balance important (cite sources as appropriate) for individuals as well as organizations?

Based on what you have read, what are some effective strategies for improving work-life balance?

What different approaches might anthropologists, gerontologists, and sociologists take regarding work-life balance? In other words, what issues arise regarding work-life imbalance might be of particular interest to each of these social sciences?

Throughout the week, remember to respond substantively to at least 2 classmates in order to receive full credit for participation.

Week 5 discussion


The Digital Divide

Review the materials for this discussion and respond to the following questions:

Does the existence of a digital divide violate the Declaration of Human Rights? If so, which articles do you think are violated?

Should the Internet be a right? Defend your position. What are the costs and benefits associated with your position? What policies or laws might be affected by your position?

Is it possible to close the digital divide? Defend your position.

How might technology be used to close the divide?

Remember to respond to at least 2 classmates this week to earn full participation credit.


Copyright versus creativity

Respond to the following questions:

1) Briefly describe your understanding of copyright, fair use, and creative commons. How do these terms relate to one another?

2) How does Lessig say that laws make criminals of today’s technology proficient children? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

3) You have a blog that has become very popular with friends and strangers. They tell you that you are a great storyteller and a fantastic photographer and should write a book of your adventures. You decide to self-publish a book of the stories and pictures you documented on your last trip and hope to make a little money from this venture. The book will be available in electronic form, so your pictures will be easy to “borrow” online. Would you apply for a copyright, a Creative Commons copyright, or no copyright at all? What is your reasoning?

4) A nice decision tree about copyright is available at the following link: Question: At the bottom of the .pdf, you’ll note that the work has been copyrighted. Does this mean that sharing this link with you as part of this discussion is a violation of copyright? Why or why not?

Week 6 discussion


Stem Cells

Technological advances have made it possible for scientists and practitioners to expand life expectancy and improve quality of life. Some of these advances are not without controversy. One such area that has generated ethical debate is that of stem cell research.

In this conference, you will explore what stem cell research is, and the controversy surrounding it. Stem cell research is an excellent example of the interdisciplinary impact of technology on society. Beyond the philosophical questions raised regarding the nature of human life, stem cell research also generates debate at the policy level.

1) Before you read the following, record what your current understanding of stem cells is.

2) After reviewing the learning resources for this discussion topic, respond to the following questions (use your own words):

What are stem cells?

Why are stem cells considered important? What are they capable of doing?

Explain the difference between adult and embryonic stem cells.

What are the controversies inherent in stem cell research?

Does the information in this discussion topic alter your original ideas about stem cells?

Your response to these items should be 2-3 paragraphs in length in total. In order to receive full credit, remember to respond substantively to at least 2 classmates throughout the week.

As with all controversial issues, thoughtful discussion is encouraged, but it is important to be respectful of the opinions of others and to express yourself in ways that are not inflammatory or deliberately provocative.


Longevity, public health, medical technology

The average life expectancy (LE) in 1900 was 47 years of age. In 2008, the average LE in the US was 80 years, and by 2020, the US Census Bureau projects that the average LE will be 79.5 years. Life expectancy in the US differs by sex and race. Women live about 5 years longer than men, and whites live about 4 years longer than African-Americans. (Source:

At the population level, increased life expectancy has been attributed to two major factors related to technology. Public health measures such as vaccinations and water treatment have added 25-30 years to our life expectancy while medical advances have added about 5 years. These measures have significantly reduced the incidence of infant mortality and allowed people to be healthier well into their 70’s, 80’s and beyond. (Source:

Part 1: Take the following online survey:

Take note of the questions being asked in the survey and consider the factors that might impact your longevity. (NOTE: The survey does ask you to provide an email address and create a password as the calculator is regularly updated to account for new research findings. If you have strenuous objections to providing your email address you can create a dummy account through a free email provider or contact the instructor for an alternate writing assignment. )

Part 2: At the level of the individual, genetic and environmental factors help to predict how long a person will live. For this discussion topic, review the following (embedded in the discussion topic #12 area):

1) (article) Zeliadt, N. (July 1, 2010). Live long and proper: Genetic factors associated with increased longevity identified. Scientific American. Retrieved from:

2) (video) DeGrey, A. (2009). The economics of immortality. Retrieved from (7:17)

3) (short story) Vonnegut, K. (1953). The big trip up yonder. Retrieved from:

Respond to the following questions:

Share your survey results – what is your predicted life expectancy? What factors contributed to your longevity (or lack thereof)?

Briefly summarize 1-2 points made in each of the resources in Part 2. Limit your summary to 1-3 sentences per resource. Your summaries need not be exhaustive – just tell us what you found to be the “take home” message for each resource.

What are the economic, sociological, psychological, and healthcare implications of an aging population that could live indefinitely?

What role does technology play in health across the lifespan? How does it keep us from being healthy? How does it promote health? (If you are having trouble answering this question, the optional resources below may be helpful)

How long do you think we should live? Should we live indefinitely or should there be limits? Justify your response.

In order to receive full credit for this conference, remember to respond substantively to at least 2 classmates throughout the week.

Optional additional resources that may help you to answer conference questions (or find some resources of your own!):

Berkley (2003) – Are biotech foods safe to eat? (

Centers for Disease Control (2011) – Four specific health behaviors contribute to a longer life ( )

Dye (2012) – Living longer: Increasing lifespan may be in our control (

Olshansky et al (2005) – A potential decline in life expectancy in the United States in the 21st century (

Giuliano (2011) - Public health longevity developments – focus on foods (

Health Canada (2008) – website on biotechnology and food in Canada ( )

Meer & Misner (2008) – Biotechnology and food ( )

Milstrey (2011) – Longevity technology will transform mankind (

Shah (2007) – Public health meets mobile technology ( )

Virginia Assistive Technology System (n.d.) - Assistive technology and aging (

Week 7 discussion


The cost of readily available entertainment

The Internet has created numerous ways for the public to obtain music without paying for it even though this activity violates copyright law (Note: Interestingly, it is rather difficult to find Internet sites in favor of anti-piracy laws. Think about why this might be the case.). The Internet also provides numerous ways for artists to promote tours, new music, and memorabilia.

Review the Discussion 13 learning resources regarding online piracy and respond to the questions that follow:

How have the ways that people access and purchase music changed over the years and what role has technology played?

What are the ethical concerns related to accessing entertainment and what, if anything, has been done to address these concerns?

Are the claims of the motion picture and music industries justified? Do you think the Internet has created more harm than good to artists in the music and entertainment industries? Why or why not?

Do you think the power of the Internet, social media, and crowdfunding are likely to change how entertainment is created and financed in the future? Why or why not?

Remember to respond to at least 2 classmates during the week in order to earn full participation credit.


Technology and child development

Review the Discussion 14 Learning Resources and respond to the questions that follow.

1. According to researchers, what are the potential consequences of tablet technology on the physical, cognitive and social development of children?

2. Let’s pretend you have a friend with a 1 year old and a 5 year old. She asks you for your opinion as to whether she should allow either of her kids to use her iPad to plays educational games. Based on what you have learned from this week's learning resources, compose a message to her with what you think are the pros and cons. Include some recommendations. Your response should be 2-3 paragraphs long and should outline some of the things you learned from the discussion resources.

Remember to respond to at least 2 classmates during the week to earn full participation credit.

Quiz 1

Question 1

Which of the following is not considered a social science?


physical anthropology



Question 2

Which of the following is considered the newest social science?

political science




Question 3

Which of the following social scientists is most likely to study evolution?



Social Psychologist


Question 4

Which of the following social scientists are most likely to study attraction and intimacy?



Social psychologist

Cultural anthropologist

Question 5

Which famous social scientist advocated for revolution as a way to counteract the oppression caused by industrialization and capitalism?





Question 6

Since 1900, life expectancy has increased by about:

10 years

20 years

30 years

40 year

Question 7

Most of the increase in life expectancy since 1900’s is due to advances in medical technology.



Question 8

A 2009 US Department of Education report found that students achieve best in face to face classrooms rather than fully online classrooms.



Question 9

The first type of distance learning was:


correspondence courses

online courses


Question 10

Distance learning opportunities are most likely to be appealing to:

full time workers

stay at home moms

the disabled

all of the above

Quiz 2

Question 1

Which social science discipline is most likely to study the origins of language by studying artifacts?





Question 2

The birth of telecommunications was marked by the work of:

Guglielmo Marconi

Samuel Morse

Johannes Gutenburg

Alexander Graham Bell

Question 3

The precursor to the Internet was called:


Web 1.0



Question 4

Emoticons have been in use since:

The 70's

The 80's

The 90's

The 2000's

Question 5

The Michelangelo virus had a significant impact on society because:

Computer sales dropped significantly in its aftermath

It raised awareness among users of the potential dangers of Internet use

It infected millions of personal computers

All of the above

Question 6

Which of the following best describes the characteristics of Web 3.0:





Question 7

Which of the following is best characterized as “static” and “unidirectional?”

Web 1.0

Web 2.0

Web 3.0

Web 4.0

Question 8

“Ambient Intimacy” is the illusion of intimacy created by online interaction.



Question 9

According to psychologist Sherry Turkle, which of the following is a major shortcoming of too much online interaction?

Online friendships are more demanding than real life friendships.

It forces us to spend too much time in contemplation and solitude.

We no longer learn from our social mistakes that are made in real life interactions because online communications can be edited and perfected.

All of the above

Question 10

According to linguist McWhorter, texting is not a legitimate language.



Quiz 3

Question 1

Which of the following happened because of the Bronze Age?

Man was able to build permanent structures

Man was able to build fire for the first time

Man became a hunter-gatherer

All of the above

Question 2

The domestication of animals was important because

They provided labor

They provided a food source

They allowed man to establish permanent settlements

All of the above

Question 3

Which of the following social structures/institutions did not emerge as a direct result of the early civilization of man and the establishment of permanent settlements?


Government and a system of laws

Social classes

Labor unions

Question 4

What technological advancement allowed for the civilization of Europe?

The long bow

The steam engine


The ancient plow

Question 5

The Middle Ages (or Dark Ages) was a time of very little technological progress



Question 6

Merchant guilds were important because

They were anti-union

They regulated prices and quality standards to protect their members

They adhered to the notion of “every man for himself”

All of the above

Question 7

The five day work week came about due to concerns raised by:

Women’s rights advocates

Children’s rights advocates

Religious advocates

Environmental advocates

Question 8

Which of the following is not true of the family structure during Industrialization?

Women became more domesticated

The amount of space per family increased because wages were higher in the city than in the country

The size of the average family decreased

The number of multigenerational families decreased

Question 9

Since 1850, the number of hours that the average person works per week has:

Stayed the same


Increased slightly

Increased dramatically

Question 10

Which of the following is true about work-life balance in the US:

The OECD ranks the US among the top 3 countries in managing work-life balance

Single women manage work-life balance as well as married women

We are working more hours than ever before

The amount of leisure time in the US has increased steadily since 1900

Quiz 4

Question 1

According to the Constitutional Rights Foundation, both Plato and Aristotle believed that it was possible for an ideal political state to exist.



Question 2

The principle of "one person, one vote" is the cornerstone of which type of government?





Question 3

The work of the founding fathers made the United States what type of government?





Question 4

The first code of law is attributed to:




Pre-civilized man

Question 5

Which of the following is NOT true about the role of agriculture?

It is not truly a technology because it did not contribute to the progression of humankind

It led to a greater focus on smaller social units like the family and the individual

It led to the development of a specialized society because not everyone could work in the fields

It created a sustainable source of food that led to population growth

Question 6

The social institution of “government” evolved as a means to manage an increasingly more specialized society.



Question 7

One major reason that feudalism fell was a work shortage that occurred due to the loss of almost a third of the population of Europe from the Bubonic Plague.



Question 8

Who first stated that the rights of man included the right to life and liberty?

John Locke

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Question 9

Which of the following important pieces of legislation is NOT associated with improving access for people with disabilities?

The Tech Act of 1998


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act


Question 10

Web activism allows individuals to begin social movements that can lead to political change.



Quiz 5

Question 1

The only source of stem cells is embryonic tissue.



Question 2

The oldest documented record of medical practice comes from:





Question 3

The first medical school in the United States was founded during:

The Age of Enlightenment

The Middle Ages

The Revolutionary War

The Reformation

Question 4

The scientist who discovered that exposure to a mild form of pox protected people from a more severe form of pox was:





Question 5

All but which of the following are famous for advocating that better health is possible by decreasing the spread of germs?

Ignaz Semmelweiss

Edward Jenner

Florence Nightingale

Joseph Lister

Question 6

By 2023, the chronic illness that is likely to increase the most (in terms of percentage) is:



mental disorders


Question 7

Which is not a consequence of the advent of the birth control pill?

A stabilization of the nuclear family

Older, more financially stable mothers

Fewer births (lower birth rate)

A rise in infertility problems

Question 8

The process that results in the creation of an animal that is the exact genetic copy of another is called:

introcytoplasmic injection

in vitro fertilization


stem cell regeneration

Question 9

Which disease led to a movement towards public water sanitation?





Question 10

Which of the following is true about the US health care system?

The US has the highest infant mortality rate of any developed nation

The life expectancy of the average US citizen is higher than that of any other developed nation.

US health primary and preventative care is considered the best in the world

The US has more physicians per capita than any other developed country

Quiz 6

Question 1

In ancient times, story tellers were considered to be of lowly status.



Question 2

The Internet has made it possible for anyone with an Internet connection to see the Dead Sea Scrolls up close.



Question 3

Ancient Egyptians are famous for a stiff and formal style of artwork known as:




Trompe l’oeil

Question 4

Religion was a main artistic theme for every era but which of the following?

The Rococo Period

The Gothic Era

The Baroque Period

The Carolingian Era

Question 5

The Industrial Revolution gave rise to a preoccupation with consumerism and materialism that was evident in which type of art?


Art Nouveau



Question 6

The first person to use an early form of the camera called the camera obscura was:





Question 7

Gregorian chants are recognizable because they are:


Accompanied by instruments

Secular in nature

All of the above

Question 8

Which of the following is NOT true about the piano:

The modern keyboard was invented during the Renaissance

The expansion of the keyboard from 5 octaves to 8 octaves enabled composers to write music that highlighted exceptional musical skill

The keyboard was important to the development of polyphony

The development of quality steel and cast iron during the Industrial Revolution greatly improved piano construction

Question 9

Which of the following happened as the result of sound mixing technology in the 1980’s?

Performers no longer needed to perform flawlessly in order to have a high quality recording

The ability to perform in front of a live audience became more important

Production time increased because sound mixing technology was more complicated and labor intensive than having musicians in the recording studio

Larger sound studios were needed to accommodate more musicians

Question 10

According to Daphne Bavelier (video):

Older adults do not like gaming

The average gamer is 21 years old

Adult gamers can detect the movements of 6 to 7 rapidly moving targets compared with the average adult who can only track 3 to 4

Adult gamers have reduced vision due to eye strain

Presentation Progress Report

At the end of Week 6, you are to submit a progress report that demonstrates that you have been working towards your final presentation. Your progress report should be 1-3 pages in length and include the following:

A well-written paragraph that states in detail what your topic is. Be sure to clearly link your topic to both technology and society/societal trends.

A well-written paragraph that identifies the type of presentation you plan to give (e.g. slideshow, written materials, podcast, YouTube, etc.). Your presentation should be creative, engaging, and informative. Remember that in the last week of class, YOU become the teachers. Think about your audience and how to present material in an interesting and clear manner.

A preliminary outline that shows what will you address in your presentation. You may provide an actual outline, or describe in words the approach you will take. Use the rubric for the final presentation to help you structure your outline. Your outline and presentation should include the following components:

Define your topic, linking it to technology and society

Trace the history of your topic

Describe how your topic compares to at least one other culture

Identify relevant policies related to your topic

Discuss future trends related to your topic

Reference summaries

Create a reference list of at least 5 scholarly sources that you will use in your presentation. References should use APA format (6th edition). For assistance with APA format, visit the UMUC library site at the following link:

Finding scholarly sources

Being an informed consumer of social research is an important skill. At UMUC, we are fortunate to have access to an extensive collection of journals, periodicals and books, but what do you do when you don’t have an academic library? Google it, of course! Google Scholar is readily available to anyone with access to the Internet. Simply open and click the “More” tab at the top of the page, then click on “Google Scholar” and type in your search words.

For this part of the applied final project, you will use the UMUC library databases or Google Scholar to:

Locate 5 scholarly or credible sources on your chosen topic

Locate at least 1 article that addresses your topic from the perspective of a different country or culture

Locate at least 1 article related to policy (i.e. what policies exist, are being considered, or are needed to address your issue)

What is a scholarly or credible source? For your project, you should be relying on sources that have credibility. Appropriate sources would be articles written by experts in the field, articles found in peer-reviewed journals, published documents from well-known research groups (e.g. Pew Research), and reports published by government agencies (e.g. NIH, CDC). Inappropriate sources would include popular websites (e.g.,, Wikipedia) or media outlets (e.g. Fox, MSNBC, WSJ, NY Times, Forbes, etc.). These sources do not always accurately report their findings and are sometimes prone to bias. If a website or article fails to report the credentials of the author and does not provide citations for the information contained in the article, chances are it is not a scholarly source and therefore should not be used.

For more information, the UMUC Library has more information on how to evaluate your sources available at:

Submit a summary of each article using the worksheet that follows. In your own words, identify the key findings of the article. Do not simply state what the article was about (e.g. "This article talks about cyberbullying."). What specific information did you learn from your source? (e.g. "Cyberbullying has become a popular means of abuse among teenagers, affecting about half of all young people.") The purpose of this summary is to prove that you have actually read and understood each of your sources. Your summaries should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. Do NOT simply copy and paste the abstract or any other part of your source! This is plagiarism and is a violation of university policy that can result in being reported to the Dean’s office.

The purpose of this assignment is to 1) ensure that you are using appropriate, scholarly sources, and 2) to make sure you are on track for your final presentation to the class.

Complete and save the worksheet as a document or .pdf and submit as an attachment in the Assignments area.

Reference 1 – Cross-cultural reference

Citation in APA format (2 pts)

Key findings (6 pts)

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the main findings in your source.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (2 pts)

Reference 2 – Policy reference

Citation in APA format (2 pts)

Key findings (6 pts)

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the main findings in your source.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (2 pts)

Reference 3

Citation in APA format (2 pts)

Key findings (6 pts)

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the main findings in your source.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (2 pts)

Reference 4

Citation in APA format (2 pts)

Key findings (6 pts)

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the main findings in your source.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (2 pts)

Reference 5

Citation in APA format (2 pts)

Key findings (6 pts)

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the main findings in your source.

How do you know that this is a credible/scholarly source? (2 pts)

Final project

Creating the presentation

• Presentations and discussion questions are due on Monday evening of Week 8 by 11:59 PM EST.Refer to the syllabus for the grading rubric. Your presentations will be graded according to how well the presentation satisfies each of the requirements.

• Your presentation should take about 10-15 minutes for your classmates to view or review.

o If you are narrating your presentation, using a video, or providing a podcast, this time limit is self-explanatory.

o If you are submitting an unnarrated slide show (PowerPoint or Prezi), provide notes or a transcript to help your viewer understand what they are viewing.

o If you are submitting a paper, keep in mind that one double spaced page takes about 3 minutes to read, so your paper should be about 3-5 double-spaced pages in length.

• If you are doing a PowerPoint presentation, you may want to do a web search on “effective PowerPoint presentations” – there are plenty of sites with great suggestions. My top 5 tips are:

1) Use easy to read fonts and keep them consistent throughout the presentation.

2) Make sure your text is large enough. For standard fonts, a pitch of 28 is usually a good size (with headers being larger).

3) Use bullet points rather than paragraphs and complete sentences, especially if you are providing narration.

4) Visual images that illustrate the point you are trying to make promote deeper learning, but don’t go crazy with the clip art! Simpler is usually better.

5) Go easy on the animations. They can be effective, but they shouldn’t be distracting.

• Remember to provide citations – if you are presenting a fact that you learned from an article, website or other source, you MUST provide a citation. I expect that everyone will be using citations since you all conducted research to learn more about your topics.

• In a slide show, you can provide the citation in small font at the bottom of the slide you are citing.

• In a paper, you must use in-text citations and a reference list.

• In an audio presentation, you can verbally acknowledge your source (e.g. “Dr. John Smith from Harvard University said…”) or you can provide a separate reference list along with your presentation.

• Do NOT plagiarize. Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional use of another’s words or ideas and passing them of as one’s own. It is a serious academic offense that must be reported to the Dean’s Office. You cannot copy and paste from another source without providing a citation. In fact, you should use quotes very sparingly (less than 10% of your work). Even paraphrasing without attribution is considered plagiarism. If you have questions about APA format, citations, or plagiarism, visit the UMUC library and use the search feature to get more information, OR ask!

• Save your presentation with a title that includes your name so that your classmates won’t get confused when they download your work.

Posting the presentation

• Post your presentation and discussion question under Week 8 Course Content – “POST PRESENTATIONS HERE” by Monday evening at 11:59 PM EST.

• IN ADDITION: Post your presentation to the Assignments link in the weekly content area. This step is important because posting to the Assignments link allows me to attach the grading rubric and send the grade directly to the grade book.

• Give your topic a subject line in the following format: Presentation Topic_Name (e.g. Parenting and Technology_John Doe).

• Post your discussion question in the body of the text.

• Attach your presentation or provide your link in the body of the text – Note: LEO does NOT have a size limit on files; however, programs like Knovio may have problems processing larger file sizes.

Monitor your presentation

Throughout the remainder of the week, check to see if anyone has responded to your presentation and provide a response as appropriate.

Review presentations

Review and respond to at least 5 classmates during the week. This is your discussion participation score for the week. Please try to provide initial responses by Friday or early Saturday so that everyone has a chance to respond by Sunday evening.

Since everyone is working hard on their presentations, it would be nice for everyone to receive feedback. If you see that a presentation has not received any feedback, please make the effort to provide some comments to your peers so that everyone’s work is recognized.

Rate presentations

Visit the survey provided in the discussion area called BEHS103 Peer Review Rating Form and rate the presentations you reviewed on a scale from 4 to 10. Rate every presentation you reviewed even if you didn’t respond. The average peer rating is worth 10% of the presentation grade. Ratings should be submitted by the last day of the term (Sunday evening at 11:59 PM EST).

The URL for the survey is: ____________________________

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