BIO1100 All Units Homework latest 2018 august

Question # 00593821
Course Code : BIO1100
Subject: Biology
Due on: 10/03/2018
Posted On: 10/03/2018 12:55 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Unit I Homework

Nutritional Analysis


In Chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook, you learned that the body needs various macro and micronutrients in order to function properly. You also learned about cellular metabolism and what the human body uses as a fuel source. This all seems simple at first glance; however, it can be difficult to determine whether we are getting what our body needs. Even when we know what our body needs, it becomes even more difficult to make sure we are supplying our body with those needs. The car you drive probably requires gasoline in order to function properly. When you need to go somewhere, you make sure you have enough gasoline in the tank to reach your destination. If you do not, you probably stop at a gas station and fill your car’s tank with gas. You do not pour cola in the tank or jelly donuts; you put gas because that is what it needs. Why do we put cola and jelly donuts in our bodies when we do not need them? Often, it is difficult to determine what is in the foods that we eat. Sometimes it is hard to determine if the food contains the correct nutrients or processed foods that our body does not need. This lab exercise will help you learn how to read nutritional labels and determine what your body needs to function properly.


1. Analyze nutritional information based on what the body needs to function properly.

2. Calculate BMI and learn about caloric balance.


You will not need any extra materials other than your textbook and your computer (with internet access) to complete this lab.


• Type or paste all answers directly on this data sheet.

• Use the following nutritional label and answer the questions that follow. You may use your textbook as a resource when comparing the two products.

• Select Save As, and save this document using your last name and student ID as the file name.

• Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when you are finished.

Product A

Product B

Serving Size



Servings Per Container






Saturated Fat



Trans Fat


















Vitamin A






Vitamin C



Vitamin D



Main Ingredients

Milk, potato, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, processed wheat flour

Water, nonfat milk, whole corn, vegetable oil, whole wheat flour, rice flour, whole oat flour

Questions 1 – 5 are short answer questions. Answer each question in the space provided. Question 6 is a short essay. Total: 40 points

1. Which product contains the most calories per serving? (6 points)

2. Which product contains the largest serving size? (6 points)

3. Which product contains the most calories per ounce? (6 points)

4. Which product contains the most nutrients that are not as healthy for the body in large amounts?

(6 points)

5. Which product is a healthier choice? (6 points)

6. Explain why you picked the product that you did in question 5. Your answer should be in paragraph format and should be at least 100 words in length. Type your answer directly below.

Questions 1–4 below are short answer questions. Answer each question in the space provided. Total: 20 points

1. What is your height? ft in What is your weight? Lbs (5 points)

2. What is your BMI? What recommendations are listed? (5 points)

3. What is the caloric balance equation? (5 points)

4. Do you think you are in caloric balance? What are the recommended physical activity levels? (5 points)

Reading Nutrition Facts Labels Total: 40 points

For this portion of the assignment read the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s food facts guide about labels and then answer questions 1 and 2. Click here to access the guide.

Question 1.

Write an essay at least 200 words in length that explains what are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Question 2.

Take any can of vegetables from your pantry. Report the levels of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for a serving size of your vegetable.

Review the label for hamburger and answer question 3. Click here to read the label.

Question 3.

Discuss what stands out to you as a difference between your veggie and the hamburger. Your answer should be at least 100 words in length.

Unit 2 Homework

Unit II Homework

Cancer and Genetics


While viewing the video, answer the following questions. Total: 8 points

1. Centrioles are duplicated during which stage of mitosis? (4 points)

2. During which stage of mitosis are sister chromatids pulled to opposite ends of the cell? (4 points)

After viewing the video, click on the Information tab in the bottom right corner. Answer the following questions. Total: 12 points

1. In which of the cancer types listed, are males not at risk of developing? (4 points)

Cervical, uterine

2. Cigarette smoke is a major risk factor for which type of cancer listed? (2 points)


3. The risk for which type of cancer increases after the age of 55? (4 points)


Continue following the directions under the PROCEDURE section and complete the following table.

Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase % of Cells Dividing % of Cells at rest

Normal Lungs 19 1 0 0 0 5 95

Cancerous Lungs 19 1 1 1 10 90

Normal Stomach 14 2 1 1 2 10 90

Cancerous Stomach 13 2 2 2 1 20 80

Normal Ovary 18 2 1 1 0 7.5 92.5

Cancerous Ovary 19 1 0 0 0 45 55

Continue following the directions under the PROCEDURES section and answer the following questions. Total: 12 points

1. Based on your data and observations, what are some of the differences between normal cells and cancer cells? (4 points)

2. Which type of cancer shows the most aggressive growth? Explain your answer. (4 points)

3. When studying cell division in tissue samples, scientists often calculate a mitotic index, which is the ratio of dividing cells to the total number of cells in the sample. Scientists often calculate the mitotic index to compare the growth rates of different types of tissue. Which type of tissue would have a higher mitotic index, normal tissue or cancerous tissue? Explain. (4 points)

Cancer tissue has a higher mitotic index. This is because there

Go to:

Click Cancer A-Z. At the page that follows there will be links to more information on breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and skin cancer. Review the information for each these cancers. Next, write an essay that discusses either your own risk factors for each type of cancer and steps you might take to decrease those risk factors. As always, you do not have to disclose any actual personal information if you do not wish to. You may create a fictional character and discuss his or her risk factors instead. (30 points)

Unit III Homework

Blood Typing


Blood typing is critical in medicine. If a person receives the wrong type of blood, they can die. The purpose of this homework is to allow you to determine what types of blood can be given to specific patients.

ABO and Rh Blood Typing

Blood typing is discussed on pages 176–178 of the textbook, but let’s skip the genetics of it for now.

First, let’s just focus on the ABO grouping and then we’ll look at the Rh grouping. There are two possible antigens on your red blood cells (RBC), A or B. You can have one of each, both, or none. Therefore, possible ABO blood types are A, B, AB, or O. Now, if you have an antigen on your RBCs, then you will not make antibodies against the antigen. However, you will have antibodies against the antigen you do not have. It is as if you are allergic to the opposite blood type. For example, a person with A antigens (blood type A) will make antibodies to antigen B, since that person does not have B antigens. Therefore, people with blood type A cannot receive type B blood because they have antibodies against B. A person with B blood will make antibodies against A. What do AB people do? The have both antigens, so they do not make antibodies at all. With no antibodies, can they receive type A blood? Sure, and they can receive blood from type B and type O people as well. With no antibodies, they are not “allergic” to any blood type. Let’s look at people with type O blood. They have no antigens, and they make antibodies against A and B. They are allergic to all blood with any antigens; therefore, they can accept blood only from other O people.

Got it? To recap, your blood type depends on the antigens on your red blood cells. You cannot make antibodies against your own cells, but you do make antibodies against the missing antigens. So, A makes antibodies against B, B makes antibodies against A, AB makes no antibodies, and O makes antibodies against both A and B. Remember now that O blood has no antigens, so a person with A or B blood can accept blood from type O people. Type A makes antibodies against B, but O blood does not have B antigens. Likewise, type B can accept from type O; however, type O makes antibodies against A and B and, therefore, can accept blood only if it has not antigens: type O blood.

Rh is the same thing but easier. You are either positive or negative. Either you have the Rh antigen, or you do not. Either you make antibodies, or you do not. A person who is Rh positive does not make antibodies. A person who is Rh negative makes antibodies against Rh. Therefore, an Rh-positive person can accept blood from either Rh-positive or Rh-negative people (they have no antibodies), but Rh-negative people can accept only from other Rh-negative people because they make antibodies against Rh.

Now combine the two concepts. At one extreme, AB positive people make no antibodies (because they have the antigens and cannot be allergic to their own blood) and can accept blood from anyone. At the other extreme, O-negative people make antibodies against A, B, and Rh meaning they can accept blood from no one, except other O-negative people. In between, a person with A-positive blood makes antibodies against B but not Rh. Therefore, they can accept from A or O and Rh-positive or negative. Try to figure out B people.

Be aware that the antibodies are not present in donated blood. When giving your answer to the blood type section, do not forget to include the Rh factor.


1. Determine blood types that blood groups can receive.


1. Type your answers directly on the data sheet.

2. Select Save As, and use your last name and student ID as a file name.

3. Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when finished.

Questions: Questions 1-10 are short answer questions and should be answered in complete sentences. Total: 100 points

1. The first patient has type O+ blood. Which antigens does this person have on his/her red blood cells? (including Rh) (10 points)

2. List ALL blood types that can be given to a patient with the type of blood that the patient in question one has.

(10 points)

3. The second patient has A+ blood type. Which antigens does this person have on her red blood cells? (Including Rh) (10 points)

4. List ALL blood types that can be given to a patient with the type of blood that the second patient has.

5. The third patient has AB- blood type.Which antigens does this person have on her red blood cells? (including Rh) (10 points)

6. List ALL blood types that can be given to a patient with the type of blood that the third patient has.

7. Which blood type is the universal blood recipient? (Can receive all blood types) (10 points)

8. Which blood type is the universal donor? (10 points)

9. Can a person with type O blood receive any other blood type besides type O? Why?(10 points)

10. Can a patient with Rh- blood receive Rh+ blood without rejecting it? Explain why. (10 points)

Unit V Homework



In previous chapters, we learned that life is very diverse. Organisms range from single cells to multi-celled. Some organisms cannot even be seen with the naked eye. Is diversity increasing or decreasing? In the future, will we have more organisms? Does our population play a role in the lives of other organ-isms? Should we be considered if an organism goes extinct? The following exploratory activity will help you understand threats to organisms, what is being done to save them, and how organisms are classified.


Computer with internet access


1. Go to: or copy and paste the address into your web browser.

2. In the search term, box type in the word Ivory-billed Woodpecker .

3. Click on the scientific name for Ivory-billed Woodpecker.

4. Read the information and answer the following questions.

Questions 1 – 20 are short answer questions and should be answered in a few words. Total: 80 points

Type all answers directly in the data sheet text boxes and upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file with your last name and student number when finished. You may need to adjust the textbox size to display all text.

1. In your own words, explain the purpose of the IUCN Red List. (4 points)

2. What is the scientific name for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker? (4 points)

3. Are there any similar species? If so, name them. (4 points)

4. In your own words state where are Ivory-billed Woodpeckers found. (4 points)

5. What is the current status of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker? What was it before the year 2000? (4 points)

6. What is the population trend? (4 points)

7. How many mature Ivory-billed Woodpeckers are estimated to exist? How many sub-populations?

8. In your own words describe the habitat that Ivory-billed Woodpeckers require. (4 points)

9. How long do Ivory-billed Woodpeckers live? (4 points)

10. In which Kingdom is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

11. In which Phylum is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

12. In which Class is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified?

13. In which Order is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

14. In which Family is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

15. What is the most significant threat to Ivory-billed Woodpeckers. (4 points)

16. Describe in your own words what (if anything) is currently being done to protect the species. (4 points)

17. What is the primary food source for this species? (4 points)

18. With such low population numbers, why might genetic diversity be a concern? (4 points)

19. Do you feel that it is worth it to save this species? Explain why or why not.

(4 points)

20. In your opinion, can this species be saved or is it too late? Briefly explain your answer. (4 points)

21. Considering what you have learned from this activity and the textbook chapters, explain your thoughts about the following statement: "Humans rely on other organisms for survival; however, other organisms would be better off without humans." Take a stand and argue for or against this statement.

Unit VI Homework

Virtual Bypass Surgery


Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. One procedure to treat blockage in the arteries of the heart is bypass surgery. Someone you know may have already had this procedure; however, few people really realize what occurs during the surgery. The following lab will guide you through the steps of a virtual bypass surgery.


1. Identify the major structures and functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and immune systems.

2. Evaluate various risk factors for diseases within body systems.

3. Relate homeostatic imbalances to disease states.

4. Discuss various treatments, cures, and procedures for common diseases.


Computer with internet access


1. Go to the following website: (or

2. Click on ENTER

3. Click on ANATOMY to review the anatomy of the heart.

4. When you are ready to conduct the surgery:

a. Select INTERN from the three choices provided (Intern, Surgeon, Specialist). This will allow you more time.

b. Make sure you read all information on the screen.

5. Type all answers directly on the data sheet. All answers must be written in complete sentences.

6. Select Save As, and use your last name and student ID as a file name.

7. Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when finished.

Questions 1 – 10 are short answer questions and should be answered in two to three words or one to two complete sentences. Total: 60 points

1. Which chamber of the heart receives oxygen-depleted blood from the superior and inferior vena cava? (6 points)

2. Which chamber of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body? (6 points)

3. How much blood can the heart move the through the body in an average lifetime? (6 points)

4. How is the patient’s anxiety level reduced before surgery? (6 points)

5. What are the responsibilities of the perfusionist? (6 points)

6. What are the responsibilities of the anesthetist? (6 points)

7. What vein is harvested from the leg to be grafted to the heart? (6 points)

8. What is the name of the membranous sac that encloses the heart? (6 points)

9. What is injected into the heart to stop it from beating? (6 points)

10. In your own words, what is the purpose of the drug protamine? (6 points)


1. The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency to help reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Click here or copy and paste the URL below into your web browser to read the article and answer the question:


11. Based on the key screening tests recommended for optimal cardiovascular health and coronary heart disease risk factors listed, what are your risk factors? Are you healthy? Do you know the answers to all the tests listed? What are some things that you might change in your life or your family’s lives in order to reduce your risk factors? You can view helpful information under each of the tabs at the top of the site.

Unit VIII Homework

Plant Transpiration


If you have not already, you or someone you know will try to grow a variety of plants either inside your house or outside in a garden. What type of soil do you need? How often should you water the plants? Should you plant them in full sun? Why do some plants need less water and some more? These are questions that many people have about plants. In this activity, you will have a chance to manipulate different variables to see how much water some plants use and how much some lose through transpiration.


1. Conduct virtual experiments to determine factors that affect transpiration.

2. Compare and contrast sustainable and unsustainable farming practices.


Computer with internet access


1. Go to:


3. Read and follow the information under PROCEDURES and complete the lab for all 4 plants and all 3 variables.

4. Reset the lab and complete the lab for the next set of 4 plants and 3 variables.

5. Record your information in the Results Table provided on this sheet.

6. During and after the lab, answer the questions below.

7. Type all answers directly on the data sheet.

8. Select Save As and use your last name and student ID as a file name.

9. Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when finished.

Questions 1 – 10 are short answer questions and should be answered in two to three words or one to two complete sentences. Total: 40 points

1. Explain how the heater, the fan and the lamp are being used to test environmental factors as they relate to plant transpiration. (4 points)

2. State a scientific question you have based on what you know of the experiment. (4 points)

3. State your hypothesis. (4 points)

4. In your own words, explain the process of transpiration. (4 points)

5. Which environmental factors that you tested increased the rate of transpiration? Did the rate of transpiration increase for all plants tested? Explain. (4 points)

6. Of the environmental factors tested, did any affect the transpiration rate more than the others? Explain. (4 points)

7. Which species of plants that you tested had the highest transpiration rates? Why do you think different species of plants transpire at different rates? (4 points)

8. What is your conclusion? (4 points)

9. Did your results support your hypothesis? If so, how? If not, why not? (4 points)

10. State another question about transpiration that you would like to have answered that you did not answer in this lab activity. (4 points)

Results Table: You should include data for eight different plants. Make sure you reset the lab (upper right corner) to receive four more plants. Total: 20 points

Amount of water transpired after 1 hour (mL)

Plant Normal Fan Heater Lamp

Question 11 is a short essay. Your response should be at least 200 words in length. Total: 40 points

11. You want to reduce the amount of money that you are spending at the grocery store. You and your family decide to plant a small garden to provide a variety of foods. Since you completed the activity above, you know that plants require certain nutrients in order to survive.

Read the information in the textbook concerning the future of agriculture (pages 586 – 592). What are some methods that you would implement into your garden? What would you try to avoid? In addition to your textbook, locate at least one article in the CSU Online Library that provides further information on your chosen methods. Make sure you provide a detailed response.

Unit VII Homework

Human Reproduction PowerPoint Presentation


Well, it is that time—yes, time for that talk. For this activity, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation about human

reproduction. You are to pretend that the presentation is what you will use to give your son or daughter “the talk” about

human reproduction. Make sure you use correct terminology. If you have never created a PowerPoint presentation, make

sure you view the CSU Success Center videos suggested in the unit learning activity.

Your presentation must include the following:

? overall purpose of the reproductive systems;

? information about the male and female systems including:

o at least two visual aids illustrating the two systems, and

o structure and function of the major organs of both male and females systems;

? methods of practicing “safe sex” and preventing pregnancy; and

? STDs.

Be sure to follow the formatting guidelines provided below:

? Use bulleted information on slides (5 lines or less).

? Include details in the speaker’s notes.

? Include a separate title slide and a separate reference slide.

? Use appropriate font and backgrounds.

? Include at least nine slides, but not more than 15 slides (not counting your title slide or reference slide).

? Use correct APA format for references and citations, and use correct grammar and spelling.

? Upload the presentation as a .ppt or .pptx file.

Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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BIO1100 All Units Homework latest 2018 august

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