biol102 All Labs Assignments latest 2018 february

Question # 00587196
Course Code : BIOL102
Subject: Biology
Due on: 03/03/2018
Posted On: 03/03/2018 08:10 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Lab 1: Introduction to Science


• On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 1 Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed in the Course Schedule (under Syllabus).

• To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

• Save your Lab 1 Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab1 (e.g., Smith_Lab1).

• You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Exercise 1: Data Interpretation

Dissolved oxygen is oxygen that is trapped in a fluid, such as water. Since many living organism requires oxygen to survive, it is a necessary component of water systems such as streams, lakes and rivers in order to support aquatic life. The dissolved oxygen is measured in units of ppm (parts per million). Examine the data in Table 4 showing the amount of dissolved oxygen present and the number of fish observed in the body of water the sample was taken from; finally, answer the questions below.

Post-Lab Questions

1. What patterns do you observe based on the information in Table 4?

2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water.

3. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis?

4. What would be the independent and dependent variables?

5. What would be your control?

6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why?

7. Graph the data from Table 4: Water Quality vs. Fish Population

8. Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7

Exercise 2: Experimental Variables

Determine the variables tested in the each of the following experiments. If applicable, determine and identify any positive or negative controls.


1. A study is being done to test the effects of habitat space on the size of fish populations. Different sized aquariums are set up with six goldfish in each one. Over a period of six months, the fish are fed the same type and amount of food. The aquariums are equally maintained and cleaned throughout the experiment. The temperature of the water is kept constant. At the end of the experiment the number of surviving fish is surveyed.

A. Independent Variable:

B. Dependent Variable:

C. Controlled Variables/Constants:

2. To determine if the type of agar affects bacterial growth, a scientist cultures E. coli on four different types of agar. Five petri dishes are set up to collect results:

One with E. coli and type of nutrient agar and

One with E. coli and type of mannitol-salt agar

One with E. coli and type of MacConkey agar

One with E. coli and type of LB agar

One with type of nutrient agar without E. coli

All of the petri dishes received the same volume of agar, and were the same shape and size. During the experiment, the temperature at which the petri dishes were stored, and at the air quality remained the same. After one week the amount of bacterial growth was measured.

A. Independent Variable:

B. Dependent Variable:

C. Controlled Variables/Constants:

D. Experimental Controls/Control Groups:

Exercise 3: Testable Observations

Determine which of the following observations (1-6) are testable. For those that are testable answer the following questions:

Determine if the observation is qualitative or quantitative

Write a hypothesis and null hypothesis

What would be your experimental approach?

What are the dependent and independent variables?

What are your controls - both positive and negative?

How will you collect your data?

How will you present your data (charts, graphs, types)?

How will you analyze your data?


1. The observation was on the growth of a plant as per there placement, hence it has been observed that when the plant kept on a window sill it grows at a faster rate of three inches as compared to when it is kept on a coffee table in the middle of the living room.

2. The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes is taller than the other tellers.

3. When Sally eats healthy foods, her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she eats fatty foods.

4. The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm.

5. For the past two days, the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm

6. George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings.

Exercise 4: Conversion

For each of the following, convert each value into the designated units.

1. 46,756,790 mg = _______ kg

2. 5.6 hours = ________ seconds

3. 13.5 cm = ________ inches

4. 47 °C = _______ °F

Lab 2: The Chemistry of Life

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Nitrogen fixation is a natural process by which inert or unreactive forms of nitrogen are transformed into usable nitrogen. Why is this process important to life?

2. Given what you have learned about the hydrogen bonding shared between nucleic acids in DNA, which pair is more stable under increasing heat: adenine and thymine, or cytosine and guanine? Explain why.

3. Which of the following is not an organic molecule; Methane (CH4), Fructose(C6H12O6), Rosanne (C20H36), or Ammonia (NH3)? How do you know?


Experiment 1: Testing for Proteins

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 1: A Priori Predictions

Sample Initial Color Final Color Is Protein Present?

1. Albumin Solution Extremely Pale Yellow Yellowish purple. Yes

2. Gelatin Solution Light almost clear yellow Lavender Yes

3. Glucose Clear Clear Blue No

4. Water Clear Clear Blue No

5. Unknown Milky White Cloudy sky blue No

Sample Initial Color Final Color Is Protein Present?

1. Albumin Solution Yellow/Clear Purple Yes

2. Gelatin Solution Yellow/Clear Purple Yes

3. Glucose Clear Bluish Clear No

4. Water Clear Bluish Clear No

5. Unknown Cloudy Cloudy sky blue No

Table 2: Testing for Proteins Results

Take a picture of your results. Include a note with your name and date on an index card in the picture. Insert picture here:







Post-Lab Questions

1. Write a statement to explain the molecular composition of the unknown solution based on the results obtained during testing with each reagent.

2. How did your a priori predictions from Table 1 compare to your actual results in Table 2? If there were any inconsistencies, explain why this occurred.

3. Identify the positive and negative controls used in this experiment. Explain how each of these controls are used, and why they are necessary to validate the experimental results.

4. Identify two regions which proteins are vital components in the human body. Why are they important to these regions?

5. Diet and nutrition are closely linked to the study of biomolecules. Describe one method by which you could monitor your food intake to ensure the cells in your body have the materials necessary to function.

Experiment 2: Testing for Reducing Sugars

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 3: Testing for Reducing Sugars Results

Sample Initial Color Final Color

Reducing Sugar Present

1 – Potato Cloudy White Bluish/Greenish Yes

2 – Onion Cloudy Yellow Yellow-Green Yes

3 - Glucose Solution Clear Yellowish Yes

4 – Water Clear Clear Blue No

5 – Unknown Cloudy Cloudy Blue No

Take a picture of your results. Include a note with your name and date on an index card in the picture. Insert picture here:







Post-Lab Questions

1. What can you conclude about the molecular make-up of potatoes and onions based on the two tests you performed? Why might these foods contain these substance(s)?

2. What results would you expect if you tested ribose, a monosaccharide, with Benedict’s solution? Biuret solution?

Experiment 3: What Household Substances are Acidic or Basic?

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 4: pH Values of Common Household Substances


pH Prediction

Test Strip Color and pH

Acetic Acid (Vinegar)



Sodium Bicarbonate Solution (Baking Soda)



Dish Soap






Cranberry Juice






Take a picture of your results. Include a note with your name and date on an index card in the picture. Insert picture here:

Post-Lab Questions

1. What is the purpose of determining the pH of the acetic acid and the sodium bicarbonate solution before testing the other household substances?

2. Compare and contrast acids and bases in terms of their H+ ion and OH- ion concentrations.

3. Name two acids and two bases you often use.

Lab 3: Cell Structure and Function


• On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 3Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed intheCourse Schedule (under Syllabus).

• To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

• Save your Lab 3Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab3 (e.g., Smith_Lab3).

• You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Identify three major similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

2. Where is the DNA housed in a prokaryotic cell? Where is it housed in a eukaryotic cell?

3. Identify three structures which provide support and protection in a eukaryotic cell.

Experiment 1: Cell Structure and Function

Label each of the arrows in the following slide image:



C=Cell wall


Post-Lab Questions

1. What is the difference between the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

2. Would an animal cell be able to survive without mitochondria? Why or why not?

3. What could you determine about a specimen if you observed a slide image showing the specimen with a cell wall, but no nucleus or mitochondria?

4. Hypothesize why parts of a plant, such as the leaves, are green, but other parts, such as the roots, are not. Use scientific reasoning to support your hypothesis.

Experiment 2: Osmosis - Direction and Concentration Gradients

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 3: Sucrose Concentration vs. Tubing Permeability

Table 3: Sucrose Concentration vs. Tubing Permeability

Band Color % Sucrose in Beaker % Sucrose in Bag Initial Volume (mL) Final Volume (mL) Net Displacement (mL)

Yellow 3 30 10 30 30

Red 3 15 10 25 25

Blue 3 3 10 15 15

Green 30 3 10 10 10


When dialysis tubing containing less sucrose concentration is placed in a beaker of water, the volumeof the contents in dialysis tubing increases.

Post-Lab Questions

1. For each of the tubing pieces, identify whether the solution inside was hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic in comparison to the beaker solution in which it was placed.

2. Which tubing increased the most in volume? Explain why this happened.

3. What do the results of this experiment this tell you about the relative tonicity between the contents of the tubing and the solution in the beaker?

4. What would happen if the tubing with the yellow band was placed in a beaker of distilled water?

5. How are excess salts that accumulate in cells transferred to the blood stream so they can be removed from the body? Be sure to explain how this process works in terms of tonicity.

6. If you wanted water to flow out of a tubing piece filled with a 50% solution, what would the minimum concentration of the beaker solution need to be? Explain your answer using scientific evidence.

7. How is this experiment similar to the way a cell membrane works in the body? How is it different? Be specific with your response.

Lab 4: Enzymes


• On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 4Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed intheCourse Schedule (under Syllabus).

• To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

• Save your Lab 4Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab4 (e.g., Smith_Lab4).

• You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. How could you test to see if an enzyme was completely saturated during an experiment?

2. List three conditions that would alter the activity of an enzyme. Be specific with your explanation.

3.Take a look around your house and identify household products that work by means of an enzyme. Name the products, and indicate how you know they work with an enzyme.

Experiment 1: Enzymes in Food

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 1: Substance vs. Starch Presence

Table 1: Substance vs. Starch Presence

Substance Resulting Color Presence of Starch?

Positive Control: Ginger Root Yellow No

Negative Control: Distilled Water Yellow/Brown No

Food Product: Bread Blue/Black Yes

Food Product: Potato chips Blue/Black Yes

Saliva: Yellow/Brown No

Post-Lab Questions

1. What were your controls for this experiment? What did they demonstrate? Why was saliva included in this experiment?

2. What is the function of amylase? What does amylase do to starch?

3. Which of the foods that you tested contained amylase? Which did not? What experimental evidence supports your claim?

4. Saliva does not contain amylase until babies are two months old. How could this affect an infant’s digestive requirements?

5. There is another digestive enzyme (other than salivary amylase) that is secreted by the salivary glands. Research to determine what this enzyme is called. What substrate does it act on? Where in the body does it become activated, and why?

6. Digestive enzymes in the gut include proteases, which digest proteins. Why don’t these enzymes digest the stomach and small intestine, which are partially composed of protein?

Experiment 2: Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 2: Balloon Circumference vs. Temperature

Tube Temperature (°C) Uninflated Balloon Circumference (cm) Final Balloon Circumference (cm) Difference in Balloon Circumference (cm)

1 - (Cold) 8 6 12 6

2 - (RT) 24 16.2 10.2

3 - (Hot) 85 25 19

Post-Lab Questions

1. What reaction is being catalyzed in this experiment?

2. What is the enzyme in this experiment? What is the substrate?

3. What is the independent variable in this experiment? What is the dependent variable?

4. How does the temperature affect enzyme function? Use evidence from your data to support your answer.

5. Draw a graph of balloon diameter vs. temperature. What is the correlation?

6. Is there a negative control in this experiment? If yes, identify the control. If no, suggest how you could revise the experiment to include a negative control.

7. In general, how would an increase in substrate alter enzyme activity? Draw a graph to illustrate this relationship.

8. Design an experiment to determine the optimal temperature for enzyme function, complete with controls. Where would you find the enzymes for this experiment? What substrate would you use?

Lab 5: Meiosis


• On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 5Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed intheCourse Schedule (under Syllabus).

• To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

• Save your Lab 5Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab5 (e.g., Smith_Lab5).

• You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.


Pre-Lab Questions

1. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.

2. What major event occurs during interphase?

Experiment 1: Following Chromosomal DNA Movement through Meiosis

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Trial 1 - Meiotic Division Without Crossing Over Pipe Cleaners Diagram:

Take pictures of your pipe cleaners for each phase of meiosis I and II without crossing over. Include notes with your name, date and meiotic stage on index cards in the pictures. Please use the lowest resolution possible so that your file does not become too large to submit.

Insert pictures here:

Trial 2 - Meiotic Division with Crossing Over Pipe Cleaners Diagram:

Take pictures of your pipe cleaners for each phase of meiosis I and II with crossing over. Include notes with your name, date and meiotic stage on index cards in the pictures. Please use the lowest resolution possible so that your file does not become too large to submit.

Insert pictures here:

Part 2: Modeling Meiosis with Crossing Over

Part 2 - Meiotic Division Beads Diagram:

Post-Lab Questions

1. What is the ploidy of the DNA at the end of meiosis I? What about at the end of meiosis II?

2. How are meiosis I and meiosis II different?

3. Why do you use non-sister chromatids to demonstrate crossing over?

4. What combinations of alleles could result from a crossover between BD and bd chromosomes?

5. How many chromosomes were present when meiosis I started?

6. How many nuclei are present at the end of meiosis II? How many chromosomes are in each?

7. Identify two ways that meiosis contributes to genetic recombination.

8. Why is it necessary to reduce the number of chromosomes in gametes, but not in other cells?

9. Blue whales have 44 chromosomes in every cell. Determine how many chromosomes you would expect to find in the following:

Sperm Cell:______________________________

Egg Cell:________________________________

Daughter Cell before Meiosis I:______________

Daughter cell from Meiosis II:____________

10. Research and find a disease that is caused by chromosomal mutations. When does the mutation occur? What chromosomes are affected? What are the consequences?

There are many examples of diseases that are caused by chromosomal mutations. Some of these are Huntington's disease, Down syndrome, Turner syndrome etc.

11. Diagram what would happen if sexual reproduction took place for four generations using diploid (2n) cells.

Experiment 2: The Importance of Cell Cycle Control

For each of the five abnormalities you find online, copy and paste a picture of it (and be sure to cite the URL for the picture)—you will not be photographing your own results for this section of lab, because you’re doing your research online for the questions below.

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

1. [paste in your online picture and cite the URL]

2. [paste in your online picture and cite the URL]

3. [paste in your online picture and cite the URL]

4. [paste in your online picture and cite the URL]

5. [paste in your online picture and cite the URL]

Post-Lab Questions

1. Record your hypothesis from Step 1 in the Procedure section here.

2. What do your results indicate about cell cycle control?

3. Suppose a person developed a mutation in a somatic cell which diminishes the performance of the body’s natural cell cycle control proteins. This mutation resulted in cancer, but was effectively treated with a cocktail of cancer-fighting techniques. Is it possible for this person’s future children to inherit this cancer-causing mutation? Be specific when you explain why or why not.

4. Why do cells which lack cell cycle control exhibit karyotypes which look physically different than cells with normal cell cycle.

5. What are HeLa cells? Why are HeLa cells appropriate for this experiment?

Lab 6: Taxonomy


• On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 6 Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed in the Course Schedule (under Syllabus).

• To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

• Save your Lab 6 Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab6 (e.g., Smith_Lab6).

• You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Use the following classifications to determine which organism is least related out of the three. Explain your rationale.

Table 2: Classifications

Classification Level American Green Tree Frog European Fire- Bellied Toad Eastern Newt

Domain Eukarya Eukarya Eukarya

Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia

Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordata

Class Amphibia Amphibia Amphibia

Order Anura Anura Caudata

Family Hylidae Bombinatoridae Salamandridae

Genus Tursipops Bombina Notophthalmus

Species cinerea bombina viridescens


3. How has DNA sequencing affected the science of classifying organisms?

4. You are on vacation and see an organism that you do not recognize. Discuss what possible steps you can take to classify it.

Exercise 1: Dichotomous Key Practice

Table 3: Dichotomous Key Results

Organism Binomial Name
















Post-Lab Questions

1. What do you notice about the options of each step as they go from number one up?

2. How does your answer from Question 1 relate to the Linnaean classification system?

Exercise 2: Classification of Organisms

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 2: Key Characteristics of Some Organisms

Organism Kingdom

Domain Defined Nucleus Motile Cell Wall Photosynthesis Unicellular

E. coli Yes Yes

Protozoa Yes Yes Yes

Mushroom Yes Yes

Sunflower Yes Yes Yes

Bear Yes Yes

Figure 4: Exercise 2 - Classification of Organisms Flow Chart

Post-Lab Questions

1. Did this series of questions correctly organize each organism? Why or why not?

2. What additional questions would you ask to further categorize the items within the kingdoms (Hint: think about other organisms in the kingdom and what makes them different than the examples used here)?

3. What questions would you have asked instead of the ones that you answered about when classifying the organisms?

Lab 7: Ecological Interactions

• On your own and without assistance, complete this Lab 7Answer Sheet electronically and submit it via the Assignments Folder by the date listed intheCourse Schedule (under Syllabus).

• To conduct your laboratory exercises, use the Laboratory Manual located under Course Content. Read the introduction and the directions for each exercise/experiment carefully before completing the exercises/experiments and answering the questions.

• Save your Lab 7Answer Sheet in the following format: LastName_Lab7 (e.g., Smith_Lab7).

• You should submit your document as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file for best compatibility.

Pre-Lab Questions

1. Would you expect endangered species to be more frequently generalists or specialists? Explain your answer.

2. How does temperature affect water availability in an ecosystem?

3. Choose a species and describe some adaptations that species developed that allow them to survive in their native habitat.

Experiment 1: Effects of pH on Radish Seed Germination

Data Tables and Post-Lab Assessment

Table 1: pH and % Radish Seed Germination

Stage/Day Observations Acetic Acid Sodium Bicarbonate Water

Stage/Day Observations

Acetic Acid

Sodium Bicarbonate


Initial pH




Day 1-2

Shell is medium brown in color – all seeds closed

Shell is dark brown in color –All seeds closed

5 seeds starting to come out remainder of 5 out of shell- 10

Day 3

Shell is medium brown in color – All seeds closed

Shell is dark brown in color –All seeds closed

5 seeds out with green leaves – 5 shells out with white fuzzy root

Day 4

Shell is medium brown in color – All seeds closed

Shell is dark brown close to black in color – All seeds closed

All seeds out of shell and have green leaves - 10

Day 5

Shell is medium brown in color – All seeds closed

Shell is dark brown close to black in color – All seeds closed

All seeds out and have green leaves – 6 standing up and pushing lid up, remainder 4 forming to stand up

Day 6

Shell is medium brown in color – All seeds closed

Shell is dark brown in color close to black– All seeds closed

All seeds out and have green leaves – all standing up and lid pushing up.

Day 7

Shell is medium brown in color – All seeds closed

Shell is dark brown in color close to black – All seeds closed

All seeds out and have green leaves – all standing up and lid pushing up.

Post-Lab Questions

1. Compare and construct a line graph based on the data from Table 1 in the space below. Place the day on the x axis, and the number of seeds germinated on the y axis. Be sure to include a title, label the x and y axes, and provide a legend describing which line corresponds to each plate (e.g., blue = acetic acid, green = sodium bicarbonate, etc…).

2. Was there any noticeable effect on the germination rate of the radish seeds as a result of the pH? Compare and contrast the growth rate for the control with the alkaline and acidic solutions

3. According to your results would you say that the radish has a broad pH tolerance? Why or why not? Use your data to support your answer.

4. Knowing that acid rain has a pH of 2 - 3 would you conclude that crop species with a narrow soil pH range are in trouble? Explain why, or why not, using scientific reasoning. Is acid rain a problem for plant species and crops?

5. Research and briefly describe a real world example about how acid rain affect plants. Be sure to demonstrate how pH contributes to the outcome, and proposed solutions (if any). Descriptions should be approximately 2 - 3 paragraphs. Include at least three citations (use APA formatting).

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biol102 All Labs Assignments latest 2018 february

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