BSC2347 All Modules Discussions Latest 2019 January

Question # 00597940
Course Code : BSC2347
Subject: Psychology
Due on: 02/08/2019
Posted On: 02/08/2019 09:10 AM
Tutorials: 1
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BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 01 Discussion

Needle Exchange

The incidence rate of Hepatitis C infection, the most common blood-borne infection in the United States, has more than doubled since 2004 (Zibbell, 2018). The opioid crisis in the U.S. has largely contributed to this increase because shared needles among injection drug users is the primary factor in hepatitis C transmission.

Needle exchange programs allow drug users to safely exchange used needles for little or no cost. As of 2011, 211 needle exchange programs existed in the United States (Green, 2012) and many more have been implemented since then.

In your post, address the following questions:

Are needle exchange programs effective at reducing blood-borne disease transmission?

Should more state or federal government agencies set up needle exchange facilities to help combat blood borne diseases or do they encourage the use of drugs?

Is there a better method to help combat blood borne diseases contracted through shared needles?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 02 Discussion

Heart Disease

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2015), cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of deaths in the United States, equating to about 1 in every 4 deaths, even though CVD is largely preventable. Recently, various studies have shown promise with stem cell therapy treating heart disease.

Research stem cell therapy in the treatment of heart disease and the possible promises it has as a therapy. In your post, address the following questions.

Should science and healthcare professionals pursue this a treatment option for heart disease? Why or why not?

What obstacles and issues would scientists need to overcome in order for stem cell therapy to become a mainstream treatment for heart disease?

Which types of CVD could be treated with stem cell therapy?

What kind of financial/societal impacts would stem cell therapy have on the healthcare system?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 03 Discussion

Blood Pressure

Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels in the blood) is associated with various cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and myocardial infarction. Research how hypercholesterolemia develops, as well as its complications.

A common treatment for hypercholesterolemia is a class of drugs called statins. In your post, address the following questions:

Are statins the best course of treatment for hypercholesterolemia in adults? Why or why not?

Should they be prescribed to adults with hypercholesterolemia with no evidence of heart disease?

Should teenagers be prescribed statins if they are diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia? Why or why not?

Is there a better solution for these situations?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 04 Discussion

Vaccines & Science

The creation and implementation of vaccinations is one of healthcare’s greatest achievements. Vaccinations have saved countless lives and prevented the development of debilitating and life-threatening diseases such as polio, rubella, mumps, pertussis, and measles.

Despite the success and benefits vaccinations bring to public health, there has been a growing anti-vaccination trend with claims that vaccinations are dangerous and/or unnecessary. Research the claims and concerns anti-vaccination groups have and determine if there is any scientific validity to this information. Also, research current scientific literature on vaccinations and their overall benefits/risks to public health. Remember to use valid and credible references.

As an individual entering into a healthcare profession, you will need to be able to interact with patients about this issue. In your post, address the following questions:

How would you address a patient’s concerns, fears, and/or worries about vaccinations?

What scientific research would you utilize in your conversations about the benefits and need for vaccinations?

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student's post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 05 Discussion


According to the CDC, smoking “leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body” and “costs the United States billions of dollars each year” (CDC, 2018). In response to these statistics and other research, states and cities across the United States are passing laws to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products from 18 years of age to 21.

Perform research on the short-term and long-term effects that tobacco products have on teenagers and adults, along with the impact smoking and tobacco related products have on the healthcare system.

After your research, address the following questions in your post:

Do you think more states and cities should adopt laws and policies to raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products from 18 years of age to 21?

Do these laws infringe on civil liberties and individual personal freedom?

What else could be done to help prevent teenagers and adults from smoking?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 06 Discussion

Are GM Foods more Nutritious?

Due to consumer demand, there is a growing trend in the United States for food companies to have their foods be verified to contain no GM (genetically modified) products or ingredients. Research the use of GM foods and plants within our food supply, including their pros and cons, primary use, and any possible health issues related to them.

In your post, address the following questions:

Are there advantages to the use of GM foods?

Is there a justifiable fear to consuming GM foods/ingredients within our diets or are consumers overreacting? Why or why not?

Are organic foods more nutritious and safer compared to GM foods? Why or why not?

After your research, will you change your dietary and food purchasing choices?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 07 Discussion

Dialysis Safety

Hemodialysis (also known as “dialysis”) is a common treatment for patients with kidney disease. In the United States, more than 468,000 patients are on dialysis (NIH, 2018). Since 1993, hospitalization rates related to the process of dialysis has risen between 47-87% (CDC, 2018).

Many patients seek dialysis care at outpatient facilities that are not inspected as frequently as other healthcare facilities, like nursing homes and hospitals. For example, in California, kidney dialysis clinics are only inspected on average once every six years.

In your post, address the following questions:

Should kidney dialysis centers be held to the same safety standards as other healthcare facilities?

Are current regulations for dialysis centers strong enough?

Should more frequent inspections be required?

Are there other ways to reduce the risk of infection for dialysis patients?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 08 Discussion

Energy Drinks

Consumption of energy drinks (such as Redbull®, Monster Energy Drink®, and Rockstar®) among children, teenagers, and young adults has risen in the last decade. Emergency department visits relating to energy drink consumption has also risen (Thorlton, 2014). These drinks contain various vitamins and electrolytes, and other ingredients that alter the body’s fluid balance.

Research the effects these energy drinks have on the body and the complications associated with them. In your post, address the following questions:

How do energy drinks influence the overall electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body?

Should this multi-billion dollar industry be more highly regulated? Why or why not?

Should energy drink companies be allowed to market these products to children? Why or why not?

Should it be illegal to sell them to anyone under the age of 16? Why or why not?

Should these drinks have a warning label on them? Why or why not?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 09 Discussion

Birth Control

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, most forms of birth control are now covered by health insurance with no out-of-pocket costs, but there are limitations. Research the various methods/techniques of birth control and find statistical data on unplanned pregnancies across the United States and within your state.

In your post, address the following questions:

Are you surprised by the pregnancy rates within the United States and your state? Why or why not?

Should birth control products be free to anyone who wants to use it?

Should birth control products, such as condoms, birth control pills and patches, be readily available for teenagers without a parent's knowledge or consent? Why or why not? If so, at what age?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 10 Discussion

End of Life Care

The right-to-die is a concept stating that a patient with terminal illness should have the choice to voluntarily end his or her life. Some see this as a humane way to die with dignity, while others condemn this idea.

Patients in the entire United States can currently choose to refuse life-saving or life-extending treatments through an advanced directive, but only a handful of states allow physician-assisted suicide. Each of these states have enacted slightly different laws, but most allow physicians to prescribe a lethal medication that a patient self-administers. Address the following questions in your post.

In your opinion, should competent adults have the right to choose physician-assisted suicide?

Should physician-assisted suicide be legal in every state?

How should we define the term “terminal illness?”

Is physician-assisted suicide ethically different than a patient refusing treatment?

Is it ethical to allow patients to suffer if they wish to end their life?

BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 11 Discussion

Self-Assessment and Reflection

You made it! You’re finishing up a difficult series of A&P courses! Take a moment and reflect on how much your knowledge of human anatomy and physiology has improved.

In your post, address the following questions:

How will your increased knowledge of anatomy and physiology impact your chosen career?

Did these courses improve your ability to think critically about patient scenarios?

Is critical thinking important within your professional field?

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BSC2347 All Modules Discussions Latest 2019 January

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