BSC2347 All Quizzes Latest 2018 October

Question # 00595841
Course Code : BSC2347
Subject: Psychology
Due on: 12/14/2018
Posted On: 12/14/2018 04:11 AM
Tutorials: 1
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BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 3 Quiz

• Question 1

The cardiac conduction system causes the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart to contract at the same time, and then the left atrium and left ventricle contract at that same time?

• Question 2

The SA node can influence cardiac output?

• Question 3

Which statement is NOT true?

• Question 4

The electrocardiogram (EKG) graph/measurement is dependent upon the AV node generating the electrical impulse?

• Question 5

What statement is NOT true regarding blood vessels?

• Question 6

What statement is NOT true regarding the Frank-Starling Law of the Heart?

• Question 7

What is NOT true of the cardiac output?

• Question 8

Which statement is NOT true regarding the cardiac cycle?

• Question 9

Which statement is NOT true?

• Question 10

Which statement is NOT true regarding the cardiac cycle?

• Question 11

Bradycardia will increase an individuals overall stroke volume?

• Question 12

What statement is NOT true regarding blood pressure?

• Question 13

What factor does NOT influence stroke volume?

• Question 14

What statement is true regarding blood vessels?

• Question 15

What is NOT true of the electrocardiogram (EKG)?






BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 4 Quiz

• Question 1

What is NOT true regarding inflammation?

• Question 2

What is NOT true of a fever?

• Question 3

What is NOT true of the humoral and cellular immune defenses?

• Question 4

Phagocytes are cells that have the capability of engulfing other cells, including human and bacterial cells, along with cellular debris to digest and break down?

• Question 5

What is true of the innate immune defenses?

• Question 6

What is NOT true regarding the adaptable immune defenses?

• Question 7

The lymphatic system has a function/role in recovering fluid that is lost from the capillaries?

• Question 8

Which is NOT a benefit to the inflammatory process?

• Question 9

What is NOT true regarding humoral immunity?

• Question 10

What is NOT true of the lymphatic vessels?

• Question 11

What type of humoral immunity is generated when an individual receives a vaccine?

• Question 12

What is true of cellular immunity?

• Question 13

The antigen determinant, also known as epitope, is the location on an antigen that the immune system can recognize?

• Question 14

What is NOT true of lymph nodes?

• Question 15

What is NOT true of the lymphatic system?



1. What is NOT true of the humoral and cellular immune defenses?

2. Which is NOT a benefit to the inflammatory process?

3. What is NOT true regarding the adaptable immune defenses?

4. What is NOT true regarding humoral immunity?

5. What is NOT true regarding inflammation?

6. The antigen determinant, also known as epitope, is the location on an antigen that the immune system can recognize?

7. What is NOT true of lymph nodes?

8. What is true of the innate immune defenses?


Question 7

The antigen determinant, also known as epitope, is the location on an antigen that the immune system can recognize?

Question 8

What type of humoral immunity is generated when an individual receives a vaccine?

Question 9

What is NOT true regarding the adaptable immune defenses?

Question 10

What is NOT true of lymph nodes?

Question 11

What is true of cellular immunity?

Question 12

What is NOT true regarding inflammation?

Question 13

What is NOT true of the lymphatic vessels?

Question 14

What is NOT true of the lymphatic system?

Question 15

What is NOT true regarding humoral immunity?


Question 1

Phagocytes are cells that have the capability of engulfing other cells, including human and bacterial cells, along with cellular debris to digest and break down?

Question 2

What is NOT true of a fever?

Question 3

Which is NOT a benefit to the inflammatory process?

Question 4

What is NOT true of the humoral and cellular immune defenses?

Question 5

The lymphatic system has a function/role in recovering fluid that is lost from the capillaries?

Question 6

What is true of the innate immune defenses?




What is true of cellular immunity?


What is NOT true of a fever?


The antigen determinant, also known as epitope, is the location on an antigen that the immune system can recognize?


Phagocytes are cells that have the capability of engulfing other cells, including human and bacterial cells, along with cellular debris to digest and break down?


The lymphatic system has a function/role in recovering fluid that is lost from the capillaries?



1. What is true of cellular immunity?

2. What is NOT true regarding inflammation?

3. What type of humoral immunity is generated when an individual receives a vaccine?

4. What is NOT true of the lymphatic system?

5. What is NOT true of the lymphatic vessels?

6. What is NOT true of lymph nodes?

7. The lymphatic system has a function/role in recovering fluid that is lost from the capillaries?

8. Which is NOT a bene²t to the inflammatory process?

9. What is NOT true regarding humoral immunity?

Question 14

Which statement is NOT true? D. Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped from one ventricle in span of one minute

Question 15

What is NOT true of the electrocardiogram (EKG)?


Question 1

What is NOT true regarding humoral immunity?

Question 2

The lymphatic system has a function/role in recovering fluid that is lost from the capillaries?

Question 3

What is NOT true of the humoral and cellular immune defenses?

Question 4

What type of humoral immunity is generated when an individual receives a vaccine?

Question 5

What is NOT true regarding the adaptable immune defenses?

Question 6

Phagocytes are cells that have the capability of engulfing other cells, including human and bacterial cells, along with cellular debris to digest and break down?

Question 7

What is NOT true of the lymphatic vessels

Question 8

What is NOT true regarding inflammation?

Question 9

What is true of cellular immunity? Question 10

The antigen determinant, also known as epitope, is the location on an antigen that the immune system can recognize? True

Question 11

What is NOT true of the lymphatic system? C. The pancreas is a lymphatic gland

Question 12

What is true of the innate immune defenses?C. Exposure rate of the pathogen does not matter for its maximum effectiveness

Question 13

Which is NOT a benefit to the inflammatory process?A. Initiates the production of antibodies

Question 14

What is NOT true of lymph nodes? D. Cancer cells would never be found in lymph nodes

Question 15

What is NOT true of a fever? C. It will generate vasodilation in the infected area of the body



BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II



Module 6 Quiz

• Question 1

Which of the following is true regarding metabolism?

Anabolism is the process of breaking down larger structures/molecules into smaller ones.

Cellular respiration is the catabolic reactions in the cells utilized to make ATP.

The most efficient production of ATP does not require oxygen.

Protein metabolism for the production of ATP produces harmful ketone bodies as a by-product.


• Question 2

The uvula is a projection of the soft palate that assists in closing off the nasopharynx during chewing and swallowing.




• Question 3


Which of the following is NOT found in gastric juices?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl)

Intrinsic factor


Sodium bicarbonate ions


• Question 4


Which cell creates and secretes hydrochloric acid?

Mucous cells

Parietal cells

Chief cells

Enteroendocrine cells


• Question 5


Which of the following is true regarding salvia?

It contains the digestive enzyme amylase.

It is mostly composed of nitrogen.

It contains intrinsic factor.

It plays no role in the sense of taste.


• Question 6

Which of the following is the first phase of deglutition?

Buccal phase

Pharyngeal phase

Esophageal phase

Gastric phase


• Question 7


Which is true regarding the small and large intestine?

The large intestine will absorb water from the remaining indigestible food.

The small intestine finishes the mechanical digestion process.

The duodenum is the portion of the small intestine connected to the large intestine.

The small intestine uses only segmentation motility.


• Question 8


Which of the following vitamins is water soluble?

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Vitamin K


• Question 9

Which of the following is true regarding the bile?

The liver produces and concentrates bile.

Bile is needed to assist in the chemically digestion of fiber.

Gallstones can develop within the gallbladder due to increased levels of cholesterol or bile salts in the bile.

Bile is concentrated by the pancreas.


• Question 10

The esophagus is anterior to the trachea.




• Question 11

Which of the following is true regarding the digestive system?

Mechanical digestion occurs only in the mouth.

Mechanical digestion occurs only in the small intestine.

Mechanical and chemical digestion occurs in the stomach.

Most of the nutrient absorption occurs in the large intestine.


• Question 12

Which of the following statements is true of lipids?

Animal fats are commonly liquid at room temperature.

Increased consumption of saturated and unsaturated fats can increase an individual’s risk for cardiovascular disease.

Lipids are the body’s most efficient source of energy.

Lipids are utilized to produce certain molecules like hormones.


• Question 13

Which of the following is true about essential nutrients?

The body can use vitamins as an energy source if needed.

Certain vitamins need lipids present to be absorbed.

Insoluble fiber intake can lead to diarrhea.

Mineral in are diet are used to make ATP.


• Question 14

Which of the following is an example of chemical digestion?



Gastric juices



• Question 15

Which of the following statements is true about carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are utilized as a secondary source of energy by the body.

Fiber is a highly digestible form of carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the digestive system and are commonly found in candy and soda.

Excess carbohydrate intake is stored within fat cells.


BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II


Module 7 Quiz

• Question 1

The kidneys secrete a hormone that influences red blood cell production?

• Question 2

What is of a nephron?

• Question 3

The nephrons drain the filtrate into the minor and major calyxes that converge to form the renal pelvis and ultimately the ureter?

• Question 4

What is NOT regarding the renal blood vessels?

• Question 5

Relaxation of both the internal and external urethral sphincters is done through conscious awareness?

• Question 6

What is NOT of the male and female urethras?

• Question 7

In healthy kidneys, what is not a common substance filtered out of the glomerulus?

• Question 8

What is NOT of hormonal control on the nephron?

• Question 9

Diuretics are a class of drugs that increase the activity of antidiuretic hormone?

• Question 10

What is NOT of the urinary bladder?

• Question 11

The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is highly regulated because if GFR increases, the amount of urine output decreases?

• Question 12

What is NOT of urine formation?

• Question 13

Aldosterone’s main effect is the raise the blood pressure by increasing sodium ion absorption in the nephrons leading to increased water absorption and increased water volume?

• Question 14

What is NOT about urine?

• Question 15

Tubular secretion within urine formation is when:




1. Tubular secretion within urine formation is when:

2. The kidneys secrete a hormone that influences red blood cell production?

3. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is highly regulated because if GFR increases, the amount of urine output decreases?

4. Diuretics are a class of drugs that increase the activity of antidiuretic hormone?

5. What is of a nephron?

6. In healthy kidneys, what is not a common substance filtered out of the glomerulus?

7. What is NOT of the male and female urethras?

8. What is NOT regarding the renal blood vessels?

9. The nephrons drain the filtrate into the minor and major calyxes that converge to form the renal pelvis and ultimately the ureter?

10. What is NOT of the urinary bladder?

11. Aldosterone’s main effect is the raise the blood pressure by increasing sodium ion absorption in the nephrons leading to increased water absorption and increased water volume?

12. What is NOT of urine formation?

13. What is NOT about urine?

14. Relaxation of both the internal and external urethral sphincters is done through conscious awareness?

15. What is NOT of hormonal control on the nephron?

A nephron eliminates wastes from the body, regulates blood volume and blood pressure, controls levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulates blood pH. Its functions are vital to life and are regulated by the endocrine system by hormones such as antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone, and parathyroid hormone

29. Tubular secretion of the urine formation allows for larger substances, such as drugs, to be excreted fromthe body?

30. The cervix is technically part of the vagina?

31.Trans fat is the healthiest fat for the body?

32. What is NOT of lipid metabolism?

33. Chemical digestion of proteins begins in which region of the digestive system?

34. Vitamins and minerals can be used as an energy source if needed to be?

35. If glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases, overall blood volume will decrease?

36. The cephalic phase of gastric secretion can be stimulated by the sight, taste or even smell of food?

37. Luteinizing hormone within a male reproductive system directly influences testosterone production?

38. If the breathing rate slowed and carbon dioxide levels increased within a body, the blood pH would:

would become more acidic

39. The secretory phase of the uterine cycle is when the endometrium starts to breakdown and is sloughed off through the cervix and vagina?

40. The clitoris within a female is considered an erectile tissue?

41. What is typically NOT seen in a healthy microscopic urine specimen observation?

White blood cells

42. The extracellular fluid is about 1/3 of the overall body water content?

43. The role of the liver in the digestive system is to:

Assist in the mechanical breakdown of fats


Site of filtrate formation.


Site that drains the distal convoluted tubule.


Blood supply that directly receives substances from the tubular cells.


Site at which most of the tubular reabsorption occurs


) Low pressure, porous vessels that reabsorb solutes and water from the tubule cells


) High pressure vessel that forces fluid and solutes into the glomerular capsule.


May form meandering vessels or bundles of long straight vessels.


) Play a role in urine concentration.


Fenestrated vessels that allow passage of all plasma elements but not blood cells.


The mechanism that establishes the medullary osmotic gradient depends most on the permeability properties of the ________.


Which of the following is not associated with the renal corpuscle?


An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water is due to a(n) ________.


The urinary bladder is composed of ________ epithelium.


The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin ________.


Which of the choices below is not a function of the urinary system?


The ________ artery lies on the boundary between the cortex and medulla of the kidney.


The glomerulus differs from other capillaries in the body in that it ________.


The descending limb of the nephron loop ________.


Select the correct statement about the ureters.


The fatty tissue surrounding the kidneys is important because it ________.


The renal corpuscle is made up of ________.


The functional and structural unit of the kidneys is the ________.


Which of the following does not describe the justaglomerular complex?


The chief force pushing water and solutes out of the blood across the filtration membrane is ________.


Which of the following acts as the trigger for the initiation of micturition (voiding)?


The filtration membrane includes all except ________.


The mechanism of water reabsorption by the renal tubules is ________.


Most electrolyte reabsorption by the renal tubules is ________.


The macula densa cells respond to ________.


Which of the following is not reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule?


The fluid in the glomerular (Bowman's) capsule is similar to plasma except that it does not contain a significant amount of ________.


Alcohol acts as a diuretic because it ________.


The function of angiotensin II is to ________.


A disease caused by inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) by the pituitary gland with symptoms of polyuria is ________.


An important characteristic of urine is its specific gravity or density, which is ________.


Place the following in correct sequence from the formation of a drop of urine to its elimination from the body.


1. major calyx

2. minor calyx

3. nephron

4. urethra

5. ureter

6. collecting duct


Select the correct statement about the nephrons.


What would happen if the capsular hydrostatic pressure were increased above normal?


Which of the following is NOT a part of the juxtaglomerular complex?


Which of the following is NOT regarding tubular reabsorption?


Which of the following is the least important influence on reabsorption of a substance in the nephron?


Reabsorption of high levels of glucose and amino acids in the filtrate is accomplished by ________.


Which of the choices below is a function of the nephron loop?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of kidney development from embryo to fetus?


Which of the following best describes kidney function in older adults (70 years or older)?


The factor favoring filtrate formation at the glomerulus is the ________.


If the Tm for a particular amino acid is 120 mg/100 ml and the concentration of that amino acid in the blood is 230 mg/100 ml, the amino acid will ________.


If one says that the clearance value of glucose is zero, what does this mean?


Excretion of dilute urine requires ________.


Which of the choices below is NOT a method by which the cells of the renal tubules can raise blood pH?


In the ascending limb of the nephron loop the ________.


Select the correct statement about urinary system development.


Which of the choices below is the least important role of tubular secretion?


What is the most direct function of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?


Which of the choices below is the salt level-monitoring part of the nephron?


Which of the hormones below is responsible for facultative water reabsorption?


Which of the choices below is NOT a glomerular filtration rate control method?


Which of the choices below are the most important hormone regulators of electrolyte reabsorption and secretion?


Which cells of the kidney are chemoreceptors that respond to changes in solute content of the filtrate?


ADH activated water channels called ________ are essential for water reabsorption in the collecting duct.


The need to get up in the middle of the night to urinate is called ________.


The area between the ureters and urethra is called the ________ in a bladder.


The ________ mechanism is the general tendency of vascular smooth muscle to contract when stretched.


The presence of pus in the urine is a condition called ________.


Sodium-linked water flow across a membrane not under hormonal control is called ________ water reabsorption.


List three substances that are abnormal urinary constituents and provide the proper clinical term for such abnormalities.











BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 8 Quiz

A & P II Module 8 Quiz

1. Blood pressure will increase with the increased reabsorption of sodium ions?

2. Both hypokalemia and hyperkalemia can cause and lead to cardiac arrhythmias?

3. If the carbon dioxide levels increase within the body, blood pH levels increase?

4. Metabolic alkalosis can occur from a person vomiting excessively, which will result in a decrease of blood pH levels?

5. Edema is abnormal accumulation of fluid that occurs within the cells?

6. The extracellular fluid is about 2/3 of the overall body water content?

7. If a condition causes an increase amount of carbonic acid due to an increase of carbon dioxide, the overall blood pH will decrease?

8. Hypercalcemia will result in muscle spasm and tetany?

9. A rise in plasma osmolality (an increase in electrolytes) will lead to an increase thirst sensation and increase of secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

10. Hypernatremia can result from an increase of water intake?

11. The renal system has the greatest influence on the acid-base balance within the body, but takes the longest time to make changes?

12. Non-electrolyte solutes create positively or negatively charge ions in water?

13. If the body is hyperventilating, releasing more carbon dioxide from the body than being produced, H+ion concentration will decrease?

14. Solutes, especially electrolytes, can change the plasma osmolality that influences the movement of water?

15. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) hormone will cause an increase secretion of sodium ions of body resulting in a decrease of blood pressure.






BSC2347 Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Module 10 Quiz

Anatomy & Physiology II Module 10 Quiz

1.This is the term given to the mass of cells that contains trophoblast cells and an inner mass of cells that implants within the endometrium:

2.What is NOT a change to a mother’s organ systems during pregnancy?

3.This stage of the delivery is when crowning occurs?

4.What best describes the umbilical vein?

5.An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants outside of the endometrium and is rarely life threatening for the mother?

6.Which hormone is involved for the stimulation and development of contractions to occur in the myometrium?

7.Cortical reactions in the process of fertilization involves:

8.This hormone spikes after the egg is fertilized, maintains the viability of the corpus luteum and tested for within at home pregnancy tests?

9.The acrosomal reaction within fertilization involves:

10.The process of capacitation within fertilization involves:

11.What is NOT true of embryonic development?

12.Most of the fetus’s organ systems are functional by 4-6 months; with this generalization, which system is not functional by this time frame, which can affect premature babies ability to survive without medical assistance?

13.Fertilization usually occurs in the:

14.Which of the following cannot pass through placental barriers?

15.This is the term given to a fertilized egg?








• Question 1

What is true of cellular immunity?

• Question 2

What is NOT true about the breathing process?

• Question 3

What term best describes the normal amount of air that is brought into and out of the lungs during quiet or resting breathing?


• Question 4

What portion of the EKG wave pertains ventricles contracting during the cardiac cycle?


• Question 5

What term best describes the amount of air expelled from the lungs after a maximum inspiratory effort?

• Question 6

What statement is true of capillaries?


• Question 7

For inspiration to occur, intrapulmonary pressure must be higher than atmospheric pressure?


• Question 8

Coagulation is the final step in the hemostasis process?


• Question 9

As the inspiratory muscles contract, the thoracic volume increases leading to an increase of pulmonary volume, which decreases the intrapulmonary pressure.


• Question 10

Stroke volume is the measurement of:


• Question 11

The right atrium:



• Question 12

Humoral immunity involves the production of antibodies that will attack any and all bacteria or viruses?


• Question 13

The trachealis muscle is located on the posterior aspect of the trachea, facing the esophagus?


• Question 14

What is true of the intercalated discs?


• Question 15

Type O blood is the universal recipient blood type?


• Question 16

What portion of the EKG wave pertains to the atria undergoing depolarization?


• Question 17

Arterioles are the smallest form of an artery and is where gas exchange occurs?


• Question 18

What statement is NOT true of veins?


• Question 19



What is the secretion by the type II alveolar cells that prevent the lungs from collapsing between each breath by reducing surface tension?


• Question 20

What is true of thrombocytopenia?


• Question 21

Oxygen and carbon dioxide gas exchange in the lungs occurs due to:


• Question 22



What factor will not directly affect stroke volume?


• Question 23



The nasal conchae assist in the filtering and moistening incoming air within the nasal cavity?


• Question 24



The visceral pleura is found attached to the inner surface of the ribs?



• Question 25



The bronchial tree allows the passage of inspired air to reach the alveolar sacs for gas exchange to occur?


• Question 26



What is the correct pathway of the cardiac conduction system?


• Question 27



What is NOT true of the trachea?



• Question 28



This portion of the cardiac condution system controls the rate at which the heart contracts?


• Question 29



What anatomical structure ensures the heart valves only open and close in one direction?


• Question 30



What muscle is not considered a respiratory muscle?


• Question 31



Inhaled air is warmed, humidified and moistened primarily by the nasal conchae?


• Question 32



What is NOT true of the hemostasis process?



• Question 33



Antibodies are specific to one type of epitope?


• Question 34



For expiration to occur, the intrapulmonary pressure has to:



• Question 35



What is NOT a role of the nasal cavity?


• Question 36



An abnormal clot formation within a blood vessel is referred to as:


• Question 37



The pulmonary arteries contain deoxygenated blood?


• Question 38



The right lung has two lobes?


• Question 39



What is NOT true regarding the larynx?


• Question 40



The left ventricle:



• Question 41



What is the most numerous type of leukocyte?


• Question 42



Increased heart rate will increase the overall cardiac output?


• Question 43



What is NOT true regarding inflammation?


• Question 44

Cardiac output is measured by multiplying heart rate (per minute) by breathing rate (per minute)?

• Question 45

T Helper cells are involved in cellular and humoral immunity activation?

• Question 46

What is NOT a benefit to the inflammatory process?


• Question 47

The exposure rate of a pathogen determines the effectiveness of innate defenses?


• Question 48

What is true of gas exchange within the lungs?


• Question 49

What type of plasma protein plays a role within maintaining plasma osmotic pressure, blood pressure and is the most numerous?


• Question 50

What type of humoral immunity is generated when an individual receives an infection from another person?

• Question 51

Only arteries undergo vasoconstriction and vasodilation?

• Question 52

What is NOT true of the pleura of the lungs?


• Question 53

Anemia is classified and defined as the body being iron deficient?


• Question 54

The right atrium and right ventricle will contract first, then the left atrium and ventricle contract?

• Question 55

What is true of polycythemia?


• Question 56

The primary role of the smooth muscle surrounding the bronchi is to provide structural support.

• Question 57

Cardiac output is the amount of blood ejected from both ventricles with each contraction?


• Question 58

What is NOT true of erythrocytes?


• Question 59

The thoracic and pulmonary volumes can both increase?


• Question 60



What is NOT true regarding the heart valves?








• Question 1



Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial fluid, not the intracellular fluid?


Answers: True



• Question 2



What is NOT true of the dilation phase of delivery?


Answers: A.

It is the beginning of uterine contractions


It is the longest phase of labor


Cervical dilation occurs


It is when the mom actively pushes the baby out


• Question 3



The role of the liver in the digestive system is to:

Answers: A.

Remove toxins from the digestive system


Assist in the mechanical breakdown of fats


Chemically digest fats


Absorb fats


• Question 4



What is true of fiber?


Answers: A.

It is a form of protein


We can only absorb it with the presence of fat


Our bodies can digest it and extract the nutrients from it


It can help prevent constipation


• Question 5



Hyponatremia is usually corrected by a decrease in antidiuretic hormone?


Answers: True



• Question 6



The acrosome of a sperm:


Answers: A.

Protects the sperm from the acidic vagina pH


Protects the sperm from the female’s leukocytes


Contains enzymes that allow the sperm to penetrate the egg


Is used for energy allowing sperm to be motile


• Question 7



The extracellular fluid is about 1/3 of the overall body water content?


Answers: True



• Question 8



What is NOT true of the male and female urethras?


Answers: A.

Males are more at risk for bladder infections due to the length of the urethra


If there is urinary retention, then a catheter is inserted within an individual


The male’s urethra passes through the prostate gland


The female’s urethra is much shorter compared to the male’s urethra


• Question 9



Diuretics have what effect on the kidneys?


Answers: A.

Decrease glucose reabsorption


Increase water excretion


Increase sodium ion reabsorption


Increase potassium ion reabsorption


• Question 10



An egg is typically fertilized within the uterus of a female reproductive tract?


Answers: True



• Question 11



Only hypokalemia can lead to cardiac arrthmias?

Answers: True



• Question 12



What hormone has the most powerful effect on water reabsorption in the collecting ducts?

Answers: A.

Atrial natriuretic peptide


Antidiuretic hormone






• Question 13



What substance or hormone would not lead to dehydration?

Answers: A.





Atrial natriuretic peptide




• Question 14



The uterine cycle is regulated directly by follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone?


Answers: True



• Question 15



The mouth allows for the processes of chemical and mechanical digestion?


Answers: True



• Question 16



Respiratory alkalosis can be caused by:


Answers: A.

Shallow breathing




Increasing the H+ ion concentration




• Question 17



Which of the following is not found within semen?


Answers: A.



Prostate fluid


Seminal vesicle fluid




• Question 18



What type of cell produces hydrochloric acid within the gastric glands?

Answers: A.

Enteroendocrine cells


Parietal cells


Chief cells


Mucous cells


• Question 19



What is true of the nephrons?


Answers: A.

The blood is filtered in the renal tubule section


They are the structural and function units of the kidneys


The loop of Henle is designed to assist in maximizing glucose reabsorption


They are only found in the cortex of the kidneys


• Question 20



What is NOT a function of lipids in our body?


Answers: A.

Used as the body’s primary source of energy


Cellular structural support


Hormonal synthesis


Found in the myelin sheaths of axons


• Question 21



What is NOT true of lipid metabolism?

Answers: A.

It occurs if the body cannot make enough energy from glucose


Can lead to a fruity smell to the urine and breath


It will occur after carbohydrate and protein metabolism efforts have been exhausted


It produces ketone by products


• Question 22


The cephalic phase of gastric secretion can be stimulated by the sight, taste or even smell of food?


Answers: True



• Question 23



A vasectomy is a medical procedure where the epididymis is cut and the ends are cauterized to prevent the passage of sperm within the male reproductive system?


Answers: True



• Question 24



What is NOT a change in a female’s body during pregnancy?

Answers: A.

The stomach enlarges allowing for more digestion to occur


Cardiac output increases


Respiration rate increases


The glomerular filtration rate increases


• Question 25



Luteinizing hormone within the female reproductive system directly influences what process?

Answers: A.

Endometrium thickening




Follicle development


Ovulation of the oocyte


• Question 26



The clitoris within a female is considered an erectile tissue?

Answers: True



• Question 27



Vitamins and minerals can be used as an energy source if needed to be?

Answers: True



• Question 28



Trans fat is the healthiest fat for the body?


Answers: True



• Question 29

What is NOT true about urine formation?

Answers: A.

The glomerulus is formed from the afferent arteriole


The vasa recta blood vessels surround the loop of Henle (nephron loop) region of the renal tubules


The majority of nutrients and water is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream from the collecting duct


The majority of the filtrate produced is reabsorbed by the renal tubules


• Question 30



The secretory phase of the uterine cycle is when the endometrium starts to breakdown and is sloughed off through the cervix and vagina?


Answers: True



• Question 31



If the breathing rate slowed and carbon dioxide levels increased within a body, the blood pH would:

Answers: A.

Would become neutral


Would become more basic


Stay the same


Would become more acidic


• Question 32



The walls of the ureters contain smooth muscle to assist with the passage of urine from the kidneys to the bladder?


Answers: True



• Question 33



Urine is mostly composed of:

Answers: A.









• Question 34



The large majority of nutrient absorption occurs in which region of the digestive system?

Answers: A.



Small intestine




Large intestine


• Question 35



Atrial natriuretic peptide ultimately decreases blood pressure by increasing the excretion of sodium ions within the kidneys?


Answers: True



• Question 36



Electrolyte solutes concentration can influence water movement and water content within cells?


Answers: True



• Question 37



The majority of chemical digestion occurs in which region of the digestion system?

Answers: A.

Large intestine


Small intestine






• Question 38



This is the smallest region of the small intestine and receives the chyme, bile, and pancreatic juices?

Answers: A.









• Question 39



The gallbladder’s role within the digestive system is to:

Answers: A.

Store and concentrate bile


Assist in the production of sodium bicarbonate


Produce bile


Store digestive enzymes


• Question 40



Both hypernatremia and hyponatremia will lead to cardiac arrhythmias?

Answers: True



• Question 41



If glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increases, overall blood volume will decrease?

Answers: True



• Question 42



Embryonic development consists of the three germ layers forming and ultimately developing into all of the organs of the body.

Answers: True



• Question 43



In healthy kidneys, what is not a common substance filtered out of the glomerulus? Answers: A.





Sodium ions




• Question 44


The cervix is technically part of the vagina?


Answers: True



• Question 45


What part of the kidney filters the incoming blood?

Answers: A.



Collecting duct


Proximal convoluted tubule


Bowman’s capsule


• Question 46

What doesn’t the pancreas synthesize?

Answers: A.

Digestive enzymes






Sodium bicarbonate


• Question 47



What statement is NOT true of the testes?

Answers: A.

There is only one spermatic cord for both testes


The median septum divides the two testicles within the scrotum


They are covered by the tunica albuginea


They produce sperm and testosterone


• Question 48



The vagina’s acidic pH is helpful for sperm to produce energy and be motile?

Answers: True



• Question 49



Capacitation must occur first for the acrosomal reaction to occur?


Answers: True



• Question 50



What is NOT true of the corpus luteum?


Answers: A.

It produces progesterone


It is composed of the remaining granulosa cells from the ovulated oocyte


It stimulates the endometrium thickening


It will start to breakdown and degenerate if an egg is fertilized


• Question 51



The epididymis will allow:


Answers: A.

For the production of a fluid that protects the sperm within the female reproductive system


For testosterone to be production


Sperm to maturate as they pass through


Provide energy for sperm to allow them to be mobile in the female reproductive system


• Question 52



Luteinizing hormone within a male reproductive system directly influences testosterone production?

Answers: True



• Question 53



What is NOT an anatomical feature to the small intestine to allow for increased surface area?


Answers: A.

Small pits and glands within the mucosa


Villi extensions of the mucosa


Circular folds within the mucosa


Microvilli found on the absorptive cells of the mucosa


• Question 54

What is NOT true of the large intestine?


Answers: A.

It has a shorter length than the small intestine?


It will absorb remaining water from indigestible food


It contains circular folds to assist with increasing the surface area of the large intestine


It contains a large population of bacteria that assist in the digestive process


• Question 55



The parasympathetic system will stimulate the digestive system activity and function?


Answers: True



• Question 56



If the renal system increases its reabsorption of bicarbonate ions, an increase in the blood’s pH levels would occur?


Answers: True



• Question 57



What is typically NOT seen in a healthy microscopic urine specimen observation?


Answers: A.





Epithelial cells


White blood cells


• Question 58



Metabolic acidosis can occur from ingesting too many basic substances or from chronic vomiting stomach contents?


Answers: True



• Question 59



Tubular secretion of the urine formation allows for larger substances, such as drugs, to be excreted from the body?

Answers: True



• Question 60



Chemical digestion of proteins begins in which region of the digestive system?

Answers: A.

Large intestine






Small intestine



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