BSC2347 Module 11 Final Exam December 2020 Latest

Question # 00620558
Course Code : BSC2347
Subject: Education
Due on: 12/17/2020
Posted On: 12/17/2020 12:52 PM
Tutorials: 1
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QUESTION 1       Semen contains all of the following substances, EXCEPT:

                Prostate fluid

                Seminal vesicle fluid



QUESTION 2       Which statement is true of blood vessels?

                All blood vessels have valves to prevent backflow.

                The blood pressure of the arteries is lower than the blood pressure of the veins in a healthy person.

                Capillaries are the only type of vessel that allow exchange of gases and nutrients.

                The tunica media of veins is thicker than the tunica media of arteries.

QUESTION 3       A vasectomy is a medical procedure where the epididymis is cut and the ends are cauterized to prevent the passage of sperm within the male reproductive system.



QUESTION 41.   The cervix is technically part of the vagina.



QUESTION 5       Which of the following statements is true about carbohydrates?

                Carbohydrates are utilized as a secondary source of energy by the body.

                Fiber is a highly digestible form of carbohydrates.

                Complex carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the digestive system and are commonly found in candy and soda.

                Excess carbohydrate intake is stored within fat cells.

QUESTION 6       The clitoris within a female is considered an erectile tissue.



QUESTION 7       Which statement is true of the corpus luteum?

                It produces luteinizing hormone.

                It is composed of multiple ova.

                It will start to breakdown and degenerate if an egg is fertilized.

                It stimulates the endometrium thickening.

QUESTION 8       Which hormone has the most powerful effect on water reabsorption in the collecting ducts?

                Antidiuretic hormone


                Atrial natriuretic peptide


QUESTION 9       Respiratory alkalosis can be caused by:



                Increasing the H+ ion concentration

                Shallow breathing

QUESTION 10     Which of the following statements is true of the dilation phase of delivery?

                This phase includes the beginning of uterine contractions.

                It include the act of “pushing” the baby through the birth canal.

                It is the shortest phase of labor.

                The placenta is delivered during this stage.

QUESTION 11     Which of the following choices is synthesized by the stomach?

                Sodium bicarbonate




QUESTION 12     Which of the following statements is NOT a function of lipids in the human body?

                Hormonal synthesis

                Cellular structural support

                Used as the body’s primary source of energy

                Found in the myelin sheaths of axons

QUESTION 13     Which type of white blood cell is most numerous and typically increased with bacterial infections?





QUESTION 14     The SA node influences cardiac output.



QUESTION 15     Hyponatremia is usually corrected by a decrease in antidiuretic hormone.



QUESTION 16.   The epididymis will allow:

                Sperm to maturate as they pass through the epididymis.

                Sperm to be motile in the female reproductive system by providing energy to them.

                For testosterone to be production.

                For the production of a fluid that protects the sperm within the female reproductive system.

QUESTION 17.   All of the following occur during pregnancy, EXCEPT:

                The stomach enlarges allowing for more digestion to occur.

                The glomerular filtration rate increases.

                Cardiac output increases.

                Respiration rate increases.

QUESTION 18.   Which of the following statements is true regarding urine formation?

                The majority of the filtrate produced is reabsorbed by the glomerulus.

                The collecting duct is formed from the afferent arteriole.

                The vasa recta blood vessels surround the loop of Henle (nephron loop) region of the renal tubules.

                The collecting duct reabsorbs water and the majority of nutrients back into the bloodstream.

QUESTION 19.   The secretory phase of the uterine cycle is when the endometrium starts to breakdown and is sloughed off through the cervix and vagina.



QUESTION 20.   The vagina’s acidic pH is helpful for sperm to produce energy and be motile.



QUESTION 21.   Metabolic acidosis can occur from ingesting too many basic substances or from chronic vomiting stomach contents.



QUESTION 22     Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial fluid, not the intracellular fluid.



QUESTION 23.   Atrial natriuretic peptide ultimately decreases blood pressure by increasing the excretion of sodium ions within the kidneys.



QUESTION 24     Which of the following statements is true of the lymphatic system?

                A function of the lymph nodes is to assist in activation of the immune system.

                The pancreas is a lymphatic gland.

                The lymphatic system assists the cardiovascular system in oxygen delivery.

                The lymph nodes contain a high concentration of erythrocytes.

QUESTION 25     Blood exiting the right ventricle flows through which valve?





QUESTION 26     What is secreted by the alveoli cells that prevent the lungs from collapsing between each breath by reducing surface tension?



                Pulmonary fluid


QUESTION 27     Which of these statements is NOT true regarding urethras?

                The male urethra passes through the prostate gland.

                The female urethra is much shorter compared to the male urethra.

                Males are more at risk for bladder infections due to the length of the urethra.

                If there is urinary retention, a catheter may be inserted through the urethra.

QUESTION 28     Healthy urine is mostly composed of:





QUESTION 29     Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding lipid metabolism?

                It occurs if the body cannot make enough energy from glucose.

                It produces ketone by products.

                It can lead to a fruity smell to the urine and breath.

                It will occur after carbohydrate and protein metabolism efforts have been exhausted.

QUESTION 30.   In healthy kidneys, which of these substances is not a commonly filtered out of the glomerulus?


                Sodium ions



QUESTION 31.   Which of the following is a benefit to the inflammatory process?

                It helps spread of pathogens throughout the body.

                It stops the repair process.

                It acts as an alarm for the adaptive immune system.

                It initiates the production of antibodies.

QUESTION 32     Luteinizing hormone within a male reproductive system directly influences testosterone production.



QUESTION 33.   The entire cardiac cycle is dependent upon the AV node generating the electrical impulse, which then “passes” to the SA node.



QUESTION 34.   If GFR increases, overall blood volume and blood pressure will decrease.



QUESTION 35     Luteinizing hormone within the female reproductive system directly influences what process?

                Ovulation of the oocyte

                Endometrium thickening

                Follicle development


QUESTION 36.   The role of the liver in the digestive system is to:

                Absorb fats

                Assist in the breakdown of fats

                Chemically digest fats

                Remove toxins from the digestive system

QUESTION 37.   Which factor does NOT influence stroke volume?

                The amount of stretch or tension in the ventricle just before it contracts

                The amount of blood that is filling up the ventricle

                High blood pressure

                The oxygen levels in the blood  

QUESTION 38.   The contraction of the heart follows which sequence?

                The right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, then left ventricle

                The left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, then right ventricle

                Both atria contract together, then both ventricles contract together

                All four chambers contract at the same time.

QUESTION 39.   The uterus is regulated directly by follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone.



QUESTION 40.   Vitamins and minerals can be used as a direct energy source if needed to be.



QUESTION 41     Tubular secretion of the urine formation allows for larger substances, such as drugs, to be excreted from the body.



QUESTION 42     Capacitation must occur first for the acrosomal reaction to occur.



QUESTION 43 The majority of nutrient absorption occurs in which region of the digestive system?



                Small intestine

                Large intestine

QUESTION 44     The mouth allows for the processes of both chemical and mechanical digestion.



QUESTION 45     Which of the following statements is true regarding the pathway of blood through the heart?

                From the left ventricle, blood is pumped into the right atrium.

                From the right atrium, blood passes through the mitral valve into the aorta.

                Blood returning to the heart from the lungs enters the left atrium.

                The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood out to the systemic circuit.

QUESTION 46     Which of the following statements is true of the nephrons?

                They are only found in the medulla of the kidneys.

                They are the structural and function units of the kidneys.

                The loop of Henle is designed to assist in maximizing glucose reabsorption.

                The blood is filtered in the renal tubule section.

QUESTION 47     Hypokalemia is the only electrolyte imbalance that can lead to cardiac arrhythmias.



QUESTION 48     Which of the following is true about the breathing process?

                The scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles are primary respiratory muscles.

                As lung volume increases, intrapulmonary pressure increases.

                For air to enter into the lungs, the atmospheric pressure must be equal to intrapulmonary pressure.

                The pleural fluid allows the lungs to expand without friction in the thoracic cavity.

QUESTION 49     Which substance or hormone would not lead to dehydration?



                Thyroid Stimulating Hormone


QUESTION 50     The acrosome of a sperm:

                Is an energy allowing sperm to be motile.

                Contains enzymes that allow the sperm to penetrate the egg.

                Protects the sperm from the acidic vagina pH.

                Protects the sperm from the female’s leukocytes.


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BSC2347 Module 11 Final Exam December 2020 Latest

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