BUSN319 Full Course Latest 2020 December

Question # 00620674
Course Code : BUSN319
Subject: Business
Due on: 12/22/2020
Posted On: 12/22/2020 04:36 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Week 1 Discussion


As we are learning this week, environmental scanning is critical to understanding the internal impact of events occurring outside of the organization. Select one of the five environmental forces (social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory), discuss an actual trend that fits into that particular environmental force, and describe the marketing opportunity it creates.

Please respond to the graded topic prompt above with either a text reply or by posting a multimedia response, and verify that your submission posts.



Week 2 Discussion


Visit the U.S. Census website at www.census.gov (Links to an external site.). What information can you find that will help you to estimate the size of the market for your Course Project product? What demographics can you learn about potential buyers that will help you target the addressable market, such as age, gender, income, education, and so forth?

Please respond to the graded topic prompt above with either a text reply or by posting a multimedia response, and verify that your submission posts.



Week 3 Discussion


Discuss how marketers use primary data and secondary data, and provide some examples. Feel free to help your classmates by sharing sources you've found while working on your Course Project!

Please respond to the graded topic prompt above with either a text reply or by posting a multimedia response, and verify that your submission posts.



Week 4 Discussion


Discuss why it's important to test new products prior to launch, and provide an example of a type of product and the testing it likely passes through.

Please respond to the graded topic prompt above with either a text reply or by posting a multimedia response, and verify that your submission posts.



Week 5 Discussion


Share your opinion. Is there any truth in the statement "geographical pricing will always be unfair to buyers who do not live within the target geography?" Why or why not?

Please respond to the graded topic prompt above with either a text reply or by posting a multimedia response, and verify that your submission posts.



Week 6 Discussion


Discuss how brand managers integrate social media into their communications strategies, and provide an example of a social media ad that is integrated with other media, such as print, radio, or TV.

Please respond to the graded topic prompt above with either a text reply or by posting a multimedia response, and verify that your submission posts.



Week 7 Discussion


Review the Marketing Mix Tutorial in the Week 7: Lesson module. In the tutorial, assume you are Connie, the Assistant Marketing Manager. Evaluate the marketing mixes presented, select between two options for a new product, and post here in the discussion which option you chose and why.

Please respond to the graded topic prompt above with either a text reply or by posting a multimedia response, and verify that your submission posts.






Week 2 Course Project


The Course Project gives students the opportunity to synthesize all of the concepts in the BUSN319 Marketing course in a comprehensive marketing plan for a new product (a good or service). This approach enables students to combine functional expertise based on their own work experience and field of study.

Please note:  The course project is not related to CAPSIM.  They are different assignments.  CAPSIM is an individual assignment.  The course project is a team project.


Product innovation and marketing are the only enduring competitive advantages that companies can use to survive and thrive in the marketplace. A marketing plan is a guide for those product innovations and marketing activities for a specified period of time, typically about 5 years. Marketing plans are used internally to guide marketing activities, or they can be used to communicate with external audiences to raise capital.

There are important things to consider as the plan is created.

Is the marketing idea valid and able to last for years in the future? For example, do not base your marketing plan on a fad or crisis situation such as a global pandemic because the plan is not going to last or be valid once the fad or crisis has ended.

What is unique or distinctive about the product that separates it from competitors?

Does a viable market of interested customers exist for the product?

Is the target market large enough, accessible, and capable of purchasing your product? Remember, no marketer in the world ever has everyone as a target market or the marketer would quickly go out of business.  Marketers develop pricing, promotions, products and retail distribution plans for a target audience.  The word target means a bulls-eye focus on the central main customer group instead of on everyone or on the wide range of possible customers. The plan will include a bullet-pointed target audience description specifying the demographic characteristics of the primary purchase decision maker and buyer for the household (usually mom). Target audiences are constrained by one gender, a narrowly defined age range tied to a life cycle stage, a socio-cultural reference group earning within one income and economic level.

Are the financial projections sound? They should include a list of assumptions.

Is the management team competent?

How will investors get a return on their investments?

In order to help you answer these and similar questions, create your marketing plan utilizing the following course resources.

Building an Effective Marketing Plan located in Appendix A of your textbook

Financial Aspects of Marketing located in Appendix B of your textbook

View the marketing plan outline (Links to an external site.)



Length: Your final written marketing plan must be double-spaced and include  12 to 15 pages of content excluding the cover page, references and your appendix containing all of your tables and charts.

Coverage: The plan will cover all sections of the marketing plan outline.

APA and Sources: The plan will use at least three but ideally about ten research sources in addition to your textbook and follow all APA guidelines.


Week 2, you will submit a two-page topic proposal for instructor approval.

Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft of your marketing plan for instructor feedback.

Week 7-8: Your final marketing plan is due at the end of Week 7 or 8 at the latest.


Week 2: Topic Proposal (20 points)

During Weeks 1 and 2, you will select a topic for the marketing plan, and thereafter, all related assignments (the draft in Week 4 and the final marketing plan in Week 7 or 8) must be on that same topic. You may not change your marketing plan topic without approval from your instructor.

COVID 19 Advisory Note: We are experiencing a unique challenge in the world due to COVID 19. It is tempting to develop a reactionary crisis plan to launch a product or service related to COVID 19 but I request that COVID 19 be excluded from all product or service ideas. Please do not mention it in any of your plans or proposals. Ideas for or related to COVID 19 will not be approved because they would only last as long as the pandemic and not survive after it ends. So, this requests that you please develop plans as if there was no pandemic..

Your topic must be for a new product (a good or service). Because this is an applied, creative project and not a research paper, please be creative and do not select a new product for a large brand, such as Starbucks. If you are interested in coffee, for example, consider your own bistro as your topic and then use information from companies like Starbucks or Seattle's Best Coffee for ideas and competitive research as you work on your project.

For Week 2, write a two-page description of your product, using/including the following outline as subheadings.

Information about ownership and company structure (partnership, sole proprietorship or corporation and which type)

A description of the service or product

A mission statement (What is unique about your product or service versus the competitors in your industry (name the industry) describe how and why the business and/or its product or service will be valuable to your  a)customers, b)employees and c)shareholders)

Marketing goals (These should be measurable so you can track achievement of them. Your marketing goals can describe a total revenue, expenses and profitability goal as well as a market share goal and then explain how these goals will be achieved by stating at least one measurable goal for each of the four Ps and the timing when each will be achieved)

Who a typical customer might be (include the gender, age range, income level, reference group, ethnic background and other socio-cultural characteristics (i.e. Caucasian women ages 30 to 40 who are mothers of young children ages 3 to 10, residing in the suburbs, married, home owners with household income of $100,000 to $150,000 per year and they do not work outside of the home)

Submit a copy of the Topic Proposal to the Week 2: Course Project Topic Proposal Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.

Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan (100 points)

At the end of Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft to your instructor for grading and feedback. Be sure to read Appendix A in the text and use the marketing plan outline  (Links to an external site.) from the Files folder in Canvas. It is recommended that you start working on your draft in Week 2 after your instructor has approved your topic. Complete as much as you are able in order to get an initial draft (approximately 75% of the final paper). Remember, the more you complete on this initial draft, the greater the input that the professor can provide and the less work you will need to do for the final draft.

Submit a copy of the marketing plan draft to the Week 4: Course Project Draft Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.

Week 7 or 8: Final Marketing Written Plan (220 points)

Submit a copy of the final plans to the Week 8: Course Project Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.



Week 4 Course Project


The Course Project gives students the opportunity to synthesize all of the concepts in the BUSN319 Marketing course in a comprehensive marketing plan for a new product (a good or service). This approach enables students to combine functional expertise based on their own work experience and field of study.

Please note:  The course project is not related to CAPSIM.  They are different assignments.  CAPSIM is an individual assignment.  The course project is a team project.


Product innovation and marketing are the only enduring competitive advantages that companies can use to survive and thrive in the marketplace. A marketing plan is a guide for those product innovations and marketing activities for a specified period of time, typically about 5 years. Marketing plans are used internally to guide marketing activities, or they can be used to communicate with external audiences to raise capital.

There are important things to consider as the plan is created.

Is the marketing idea valid and able to last for years in the future? For example, do not base your marketing plan on a fad or crisis situation such as a global pandemic because the plan is not going to last or be valid once the fad or crisis has ended.

What is unique or distinctive about the product that separates it from competitors?

Does a viable market of interested customers exist for the product?

Is the target market large enough, accessible, and capable of purchasing your product? Remember, no marketer in the world ever has everyone as a target market or the marketer would quickly go out of business.  Marketers develop pricing, promotions, products and retail distribution plans for a target audience.  The word target means a bulls-eye focus on the central main customer group instead of on everyone or on the wide range of possible customers. The plan will include a bullet-pointed target audience description specifying the demographic characteristics of the primary purchase decision maker and buyer for the household (usually mom). Target audiences are constrained by one gender, a narrowly defined age range tied to a life cycle stage, a socio-cultural reference group earning within one income and economic level.

Are the financial projections sound? They should include a list of assumptions.

Is the management team competent?

How will investors get a return on their investments?

In order to help you answer these and similar questions, create your marketing plan utilizing the following course resources.

Building an Effective Marketing Plan located in Appendix A of your textbook

Financial Aspects of Marketing located in Appendix B of your textbook

View the marketing plan outline (Links to an external site.)



Length: Your final written marketing plan must be double-spaced and include  12 to 15 pages of content excluding the cover page, references and your appendix containing all of your tables and charts.

Coverage: The plan will cover all sections of the marketing plan outline.

APA and Sources: The plan will use at least three but ideally about ten research sources in addition to your textbook and follow all APA guidelines.


Week 2, you will submit a two-page topic proposal for instructor approval.

Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft of your marketing plan for instructor feedback.

Week 7-8: Your final marketing plan is due at the end of Week 7 or 8 at the latest.


Week 2: Topic Proposal (20 points)

During Weeks 1 and 2, you will select a topic for the marketing plan, and thereafter, all related assignments (the draft in Week 4 and the final marketing plan in Week 7 or 8) must be on that same topic. You may not change your marketing plan topic without approval from your instructor.

COVID 19 Advisory Note: We are experiencing a unique challenge in the world due to COVID 19. It is tempting to develop a reactionary crisis plan to launch a product or service related to COVID 19 but I request that COVID 19 be excluded from all product or service ideas. Please do not mention it in any of your plans or proposals. Ideas for or related to COVID 19 will not be approved because they would only last as long as the pandemic and not survive after it ends. So, this requests that you please develop plans as if there was no pandemic..

Your topic must be for a new product (a good or service). Because this is an applied, creative project and not a research paper, please be creative and do not select a new product for a large brand, such as Starbucks. If you are interested in coffee, for example, consider your own bistro as your topic and then use information from companies like Starbucks or Seattle's Best Coffee for ideas and competitive research as you work on your project.

For Week 2, write a two-page description of your product, using/including the following outline as subheadings.

Information about ownership and company structure (partnership, sole proprietorship or corporation and which type)

A description of the service or product

A mission statement (What is unique about your product or service versus the competitors in your industry (name the industry) describe how and why the business and/or its product or service will be valuable to your  a)customers, b)employees and c)shareholders)

Marketing goals (These should be measurable so you can track achievement of them. Your marketing goals can describe a total revenue, expenses and profitability goal as well as a market share goal and then explain how these goals will be achieved by stating at least one measurable goal for each of the four Ps and the timing when each will be achieved)

Who a typical customer might be (include the gender, age range, income level, reference group, ethnic background and other socio-cultural characteristics (i.e. Caucasian women ages 30 to 40 who are mothers of young children ages 3 to 10, residing in the suburbs, married, home owners with household income of $100,000 to $150,000 per year and they do not work outside of the home)

Submit a copy of the Topic Proposal to the Week 2: Course Project Topic Proposal Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.

Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan (100 points)

At the end of Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft to your instructor for grading and feedback. Be sure to read Appendix A in the text and use the marketing plan outline  (Links to an external site.) from the Files folder in Canvas. It is recommended that you start working on your draft in Week 2 after your instructor has approved your topic. Complete as much as you are able in order to get an initial draft (approximately 75% of the final paper). Remember, the more you complete on this initial draft, the greater the input that the professor can provide and the less work you will need to do for the final draft.

Submit a copy of the marketing plan draft to the Week 4: Course Project Draft Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.

Week 7 or 8: Final Marketing Written Plan (220 points)

Submit a copy of the final plans to the Week 8: Course Project Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.



Week 8 Course Project


The Course Project gives students the opportunity to synthesize all of the concepts in the BUSN319 Marketing course in a comprehensive marketing plan for a new product (a good or service). This approach enables students to combine functional expertise based on their own work experience and field of study.

Please note:  The course project is not related to CAPSIM.  They are different assignments.  CAPSIM is an individual assignment.  The course project is a team project.


Product innovation and marketing are the only enduring competitive advantages that companies can use to survive and thrive in the marketplace. A marketing plan is a guide for those product innovations and marketing activities for a specified period of time, typically about 5 years. Marketing plans are used internally to guide marketing activities, or they can be used to communicate with external audiences to raise capital.

There are important things to consider as the plan is created.

Is the marketing idea valid and able to last for years in the future? For example, do not base your marketing plan on a fad or crisis situation such as a global pandemic because the plan is not going to last or be valid once the fad or crisis has ended.

What is unique or distinctive about the product that separates it from competitors?

Does a viable market of interested customers exist for the product?

Is the target market large enough, accessible, and capable of purchasing your product? Remember, no marketer in the world ever has everyone as a target market or the marketer would quickly go out of business.  Marketers develop pricing, promotions, products and retail distribution plans for a target audience.  The word target means a bulls-eye focus on the central main customer group instead of on everyone or on the wide range of possible customers. The plan will include a bullet-pointed target audience description specifying the demographic characteristics of the primary purchase decision maker and buyer for the household (usually mom). Target audiences are constrained by one gender, a narrowly defined age range tied to a life cycle stage, a socio-cultural reference group earning within one income and economic level.

Are the financial projections sound? They should include a list of assumptions.

Is the management team competent?

How will investors get a return on their investments?

In order to help you answer these and similar questions, create your marketing plan utilizing the following course resources.

Building an Effective Marketing Plan located in Appendix A of your textbook

Financial Aspects of Marketing located in Appendix B of your textbook

View the marketing plan outline (Links to an external site.)



Length: Your final written marketing plan must be double-spaced and include  12 to 15 pages of content excluding the cover page, references and your appendix containing all of your tables and charts.

Coverage: The plan will cover all sections of the marketing plan outline.

APA and Sources: The plan will use at least three but ideally about ten research sources in addition to your textbook and follow all APA guidelines.


Week 2, you will submit a two-page topic proposal for instructor approval.

Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft of your marketing plan for instructor feedback.

Week 7-8: Your final marketing plan is due at the end of Week 7 or 8 at the latest.


Week 2: Topic Proposal (20 points)

During Weeks 1 and 2, you will select a topic for the marketing plan, and thereafter, all related assignments (the draft in Week 4 and the final marketing plan in Week 7 or 8) must be on that same topic. You may not change your marketing plan topic without approval from your instructor.

COVID 19 Advisory Note: We are experiencing a unique challenge in the world due to COVID 19. It is tempting to develop a reactionary crisis plan to launch a product or service related to COVID 19 but I request that COVID 19 be excluded from all product or service ideas. Please do not mention it in any of your plans or proposals. Ideas for or related to COVID 19 will not be approved because they would only last as long as the pandemic and not survive after it ends. So, this requests that you please develop plans as if there was no pandemic..

Your topic must be for a new product (a good or service). Because this is an applied, creative project and not a research paper, please be creative and do not select a new product for a large brand, such as Starbucks. If you are interested in coffee, for example, consider your own bistro as your topic and then use information from companies like Starbucks or Seattle's Best Coffee for ideas and competitive research as you work on your project.

For Week 2, write a two-page description of your product, using/including the following outline as subheadings.

Information about ownership and company structure (partnership, sole proprietorship or corporation and which type)

A description of the service or product

A mission statement (What is unique about your product or service versus the competitors in your industry (name the industry) describe how and why the business and/or its product or service will be valuable to your  a)customers, b)employees and c)shareholders)

Marketing goals (These should be measurable so you can track achievement of them. Your marketing goals can describe a total revenue, expenses and profitability goal as well as a market share goal and then explain how these goals will be achieved by stating at least one measurable goal for each of the four Ps and the timing when each will be achieved)

Who a typical customer might be (include the gender, age range, income level, reference group, ethnic background and other socio-cultural characteristics (i.e. Caucasian women ages 30 to 40 who are mothers of young children ages 3 to 10, residing in the suburbs, married, home owners with household income of $100,000 to $150,000 per year and they do not work outside of the home)

Submit a copy of the Topic Proposal to the Week 2: Course Project Topic Proposal Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.

Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan (100 points)

At the end of Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft to your instructor for grading and feedback. Be sure to read Appendix A in the text and use the marketing plan outline  (Links to an external site.) from the Files folder in Canvas. It is recommended that you start working on your draft in Week 2 after your instructor has approved your topic. Complete as much as you are able in order to get an initial draft (approximately 75% of the final paper). Remember, the more you complete on this initial draft, the greater the input that the professor can provide and the less work you will need to do for the final draft.

Submit a copy of the marketing plan draft to the Week 4: Course Project Draft Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.

Week 7 or 8: Final Marketing Written Plan (220 points)

Submit a copy of the final plans to the Week 8: Course Project Upload module in Canvas for grading by your instructor.



Week 5 Assignment  


The You Decide is due this week. First be sure you read the assignment background in module 5 before you attempt to complete the assignment. This assignment inbox includes a Turnitin screen to assess the percentage of original ideas in your analysis. Please do not copy any ideas from an outside source but be creative and original developing your own analysis and suggestions. Aim for a Turnitin score of 20% or less.

The answer to the Coffee Shop Bistro break-even question should be presented this way:

Write the calculations for how you determined the exact number of products the Coffee Shop Bistro would have to sell to break even.

Play media comment.

This assignment is not a research project so you will develop your own original marketing mix ideas. The choice of business is not optional but must be for the Coffee Shop Bistro described in the instructions in module 5.. Your suggested solutions of how the coffee shop bistro described in the assignment instructions can improve using each of the 4 Ps of marketing may include:

Product or Service suggestions for improvements.  Only a sentence or two is needed to explain your fresh new idea.


Price: Please keep this very simple and focus on suggestions related to the list price, but not the sale price or special deals which would fall under promotions.


Promotion:  These are ideas to raise awareness about the product or service (PR and advertising) as well as incentives to encourage trial and repurchase of the product or service (discount pricing, bundles, coupons, deals, samples, and more!).


Place:  Place refers to the distribution of the product or service so the customer can access and purchase it easily. Place answers the question where can I buy it?  Strategic ideas related to all of the means through which/locations where customers can purchase and acquire the product or service would be included here as part of your place suggestions.

See the Week 5 You Decide Overview module for details.


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BUSN319 Full Course Latest 2020 December

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