CSU EMG6301 Complete Course Latest 2022 May

Question # 00635379
Course Code : EMG6301
Subject: Education
Due on: 05/21/2022
Posted On: 05/21/2022 03:50 AM
Tutorials: 1
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EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 1 Journal

Select one of the focusing events from the textbook readings. What are some mitigation and prevention strategies that you think could have helped prevent the disaster you selected? Can you think of any reasons why these strategies were not applied?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 2 Journal

Our textbook discusses the 1947 Texas City explosions as an example of a human-caused accidental disaster. What types of human-caused hazards exist in your community? What do you think can be done to keep those hazards from becoming disasters? Do you think your community has done enough to prevent such disasters?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 3 Journal


When dealing with disasters, mistakes are often repeated, such as failure to recognize hazards, anticipate consequences, and plan for and effectively respond to poor and marginalized communities, as well as poor communications and coordination.

How has your own community prepared to address these challenges since Hurricane Katrina? What policy changes have been made? Are there any policy changes that you would like to see enacted that are not already in place?


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 4 Journal

While the area known as Tornado Alley is most associated with strong tornadoes, there have been tornadoes in each of the 50 states. How prepared is your community for a strong tornado?

Suppose you were interested in buying a home that is located in Tornado Alley. How close would you want it to be to a storm shelter? What other considerations would you investigate before buying the home (e.g., building codes and construction materials)?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.




EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 5 Journal


Hurricane Harvey was deemed a 500-year storm, which means it had a 1-in-500 probability of happening in a given year. The Houston area has experienced three 500-year storms in three years (2015–2017). Land use has been identified as a contributing factor of the severity of the storms.

How has land use in your community contributed to severity of storms in your area? What are some modifications you think should happen that could better prepare your community for a severe weather event?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 6 Journal


Both chapters in our reading for this unit discussed ways in which climate change has played a role in the frequency and severity of the respective disasters. How do you think climate change has impacted the frequency and severity of disasters that happen in your own community?

You do not need to limit your response to hurricanes and wildfires. Think about other changes you might have seen over the past years, such as drought, an increase or decrease of rainfall or snowfall and increasing severity in summer or winter storms.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 7 Journal


The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction outlines four priorities for action to prevent new disaster risks and reduce existing disaster risks. How could one of those priorities be implemented in your own community to reduce disaster risk for you and other community members?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 8 Journal


Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.

EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 2 Assignment  


For this assignment, you will begin by briefly summarizing how emergency management has developed from 1900 to the present.

Next, you will select one of the focusing events we have covered so far in our readings. Then, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the following details about the event.

What happened during that focusing event?

Which focusing event characteristics pertain to that event?

What are some lessons learned from that event?

How did collaboration between emergency management stakeholders play a role in the outcome of that event?

You will also examine how the selected disaster has contributed to changes in federal policy and procedures for emergency management and how disaster and emergency management has changed during the past 100 years for that type of disaster (hurricane, earthquake, etc.).

NOTE: You can use the information provided in the unit lesson as a guide when writing your assignment, but you cannot use the actual information provided there as your response. You must locate your own information and cite and reference your sources using APA Style.

Your presentation must be at least 14 slides of content, not counting the title or reference slides. The title slide must include your name.

The following must be incorporated into your PowerPoint presentation:

Include a minimum of five images that support the content of the slides.

To provide additional context and amplify the information on each slide, you must use the Notes feature of PowerPoint (The notes section is not where you place references, though you should place citations in the notes as well as on the slides. Your notes should be similar to a script of what you would say if you were actually giving the presentation to a group of people.)

Use at least three scholarly sources for your information, and cite and reference any information from those sources in APA Style.

Remember that text on the slides should not be too small, nor should there be excessive text on each slide. Include just a few bullet points of text on the slides themselves. For additional guidance when creating your PowerPoint, refer to the Success Center  tutorial, PowerPoint Basics .

Keep in mind that most of the written content for your assignment will be provided in the notes section. Therefore, neglecting to include the explanatory notes will adversely affect your grade.

You will submit your assignment via SafeAssign. Submit the assignment as a PowerPoint presentation, not as a PDF.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 4 Assignment  


Select one of the focusing events we read about in Units III and IV. Provide an introduction that briefly details the major points of your essay. Include a brief background of the selected event and discuss how that event has contributed to changes in federal government policy and procedures for emergency management. Be sure to address at least one of the policies explained in our textbook in your discussion.

The completed assignment must be a minimum of three full double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.

You are required to use a minimum of two outside sources as part of your essay. One outside source must be from the CSU Online Library.

For guidance in finding library resources, you can view the CSU Online Library’s video, How to Research Emergency Services Management Topics. (Transcript for How to Research Emergency Services Management Topics video)

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced according to APA guidelines; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information; do not copy directly from the text or from any other source.

Formatting information is provided for you in the CSU Citation Guide, so please take a moment to review that resource to correctly format your work.

Viewing the following tutorials created by the Success Center may also be helpful as you work on your assignment:

 Essay Writing tutorial

 Introductions and Conclusions tutorial

 In-Text Citations tutorial

 References tutorial


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 6 Assignment  


Congratulations! You are now the emergency manager for your community!

Our readings in Units V and VI provided information on several disaster declarations, grants, and recovery programs a community can apply to for help responding to disasters that overwhelm local and state resources.

For this assignment, select a type of disaster that might occur in your own community. Compose a four-page paper including the following elements:

Provide an introduction that briefly details the major points of your essay.

Provide a brief background on your community that includes demographics and geographic region information.

Include information on the type of event you selected (earthquake, hurricane, etc.), and how that event could affect your community.

Analyze how at least two strategies (disaster declarations, grants, recovery programs) can be used to help the community recover from the event.

You are required to use a minimum of two outside sources as part of your essay. One outside source must be from the CSU  Online Library.

For guidance in finding library resources, you can view the CSU Online Library’s video, How to Research Emergency Services Management Topics. (Transcript for How to Research Emergency Services Management Topics video)

The completed assignment must be a minimum of four full double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.

Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information—do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced according to APA guidelines; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section.

Formatting information is provided for you in the CSU Citation Guide, so please take a moment to review that resource to correctly format your work.

Viewing the following tutorials created by the Success Center may also be helpful as you work on your assignment:

 Essay Writing tutorial

 Introductions and Conclusions tutorial

 In-Text Citations tutorial

 References tutorial


EMG6301 Emergency Management

Final Exam

Question 1Select one of the following key focusing events to discuss for this question:

Mississippi Flood of 1927,

Great Dust Bowl of 1930s,

Texas City Explosion of 1947, or

Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918.

Our textbook details several characteristics that make up a focusing event. Explain (do not just list) which of those characteristics apply to the focusing event you selected, and describe the events that led to the disaster; key lessons learned; corrective actions; and any significant impacts to politics, emergency management practices, laws, policy, or regulations that occurred as a result of your selected focusing event.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 2Our readings included information on several disaster declarations, grants, and recovery programs a community can apply to for help when responding to disasters that overwhelm local and state resources. Select a disaster that happened after Hurricane Katrina, and discuss at least two strategies (disaster declarations, grants, recovery programs) that were used to help the community recover from the event.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Question 3Describe the formation of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). What changes to DHS and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) were made following Hurricane Katrina? Why?

Your response must be at least 100 words in length.



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CSU EMG6301 Complete Course Latest 2022 May

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