CSU EMG6301 Unit 4 Journal Latest 2022 May

Question # 00635368
Course Code : EMG6301
Subject: Education
Due on: 05/21/2022
Posted On: 05/21/2022 03:38 AM
Tutorials: 1
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EMG6301 Emergency Management

Unit 4 Journal

While the area known as Tornado Alley is most associated with strong tornadoes, there have been tornadoes in each of the 50 states. How prepared is your community for a strong tornado?

Suppose you were interested in buying a home that is located in Tornado Alley. How close would you want it to be to a storm shelter? What other considerations would you investigate before buying the home (e.g., building codes and construction materials)?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


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CSU EMG6301 Unit 4 Journal Latest 2022 May

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