Eastern Florida NUR3164 Unit 7 Quiz Latest 2019 March

Question # 00600450
Course Code : NUR3164
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 04/16/2019
Posted On: 04/16/2019 08:40 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NUR3164 Introduction to Nursing Research and Health Informatics

Unit 7 Quiz

Question 1

What are the existing resources that promote meeting the challenge of teaching informatics in the health professional curriculum?

sufficient number of trained faculty.

readily available technical infrastructure.

teaching materials and assignments.

simulation and academic electronic health records (AEHRs) software.

Question 2 What kind of educational training is required to become a practice workflow and information management redesign specialist?

Community-college based

Ph.D.-level focus


In-service training and certification

Question 3 What agency's research led to the development of The Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) competencies?




AMIA 10x10.

Question 4 What position has given The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act authority to influence practice?

a popular training program for informatics specialists.

an organizational certification that develops informatics competencies.

an academic program specialized in electronic health records software.

federal legislation that promotes the use of electronic health records.

Question 5 What professional role advocates for users’ needs and acts as a liaison among the users, the IT staff, and the vendor?


data scientist.


implementation support specialist.

Question 6 What can faculty do to help ensure student success and engagement?

make evaluative comments in the discussion forum as to the quality of each student’s post so they can improve

administer multiple-choice tests to measure students’ progress in learning the concepts.

provide timely feedback to students using a grading rubric through the grading center.

use their discretion as to the amount and frequency of their feedback to the students.

Question 7 What are the two critical criteria for selecting a CMS/LMS from a faculty perspective?

ease of use and tool set.

installed base and integration.

cost and scalability.

ease of use and installed base.

Question 8 What is the main difference between a portal approach and a proprietary course management system (CMS) approach in distance education?

(FYI: EFSC has a CMS)

Portal-based systems can only be accessed by faculty of an institution, and proprietary CMS systems can be accessed by students and faculty.

Portal-based systems can be accessed by students and faculty of an institution, and proprietary CMS systems can only be accessed by faculty.

Portal-based systems are products purchased or licensed by a vendor, and proprietary CMS systems are developed and customized by the learning institution.

Portal-based systems are developed and customized by the learning institution, and proprietary CMS systems are products purchased or licensed by a vendor.

Question 9 Which two instrumental movements pushed correspondence courses forward?

The Society to Encourage Studies at Home and Chautauqua College of Liberal Arts

The invention of the television and cable services

The development of web 2.0 tools and the internet

Fiber-optic cables and 2-way video communications

Question 10 What should the faculty members focus on to create a distributed learning environment?

take their face-to-face lectures and turn them into a podcast.

teach the course the same way as the face-to-face course, as all sections of the course need to be the same.

use the same activities as the on-campus courses; there is no need to adjust them.

develop learning activities that engage the learner with relevant real-world activities.

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Eastern Florida NUR3164 Unit 7 Quiz Latest 2019 March

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