ECO100 Full Course latest 2018 august

Question # 00593406
Course Code : ECO100
Subject: Economics
Due on: 09/17/2018
Posted On: 09/17/2018 07:33 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Week 1 discussion

"Scarcity Problems"

Watch this short video: Scarcity: The Basic Economic Problem to help you think about this week’s discussion.

Start your discussion by creating a response to these questions:

What is a scarcity problem you’ve experienced in your work or home life?

What system could you use to manage your scarcity problem?

Continue the conversation with your peers:

Read one of your peer’s scarcity problems and provide an additional idea for a system to help solve their problem.

Week 2 discussion

"The Market and Your Decision to Go to College"

The market for higher education is determining the key questions of what gets produced, how it is produced, how much is produced, and who gets how much.

Start your discussion by creating a response to these questions:

Why do you think that more and more students are going to college when, in fact, the price of a college education is increasing? (Be sure to use the models of supply and demand to explain your answer.)

In what ways have changes in the job market influenced your assessment of the value of an education? (Do you have more choices or options?)

Talk with your peers:

Reply to a classmate — was their reasoning similar to yours?

Week 3 discussion

"Looking Closely at Cost and Competition"

Watch this video, Revenue, Profits, and Price: Crash Course Economics #24, to help you prepare for this week’s discussion.

Use the company for which you currently work, a business with which you’re familiar, or the dream business you want to start to reply to these prompts:

Do you think it’s easy for your selected business to enter this same industry?

What are some key fixed, variable, implicit, and/or opportunity costs?

Discuss with your peers:

Read one of your peer’s posts and share another idea for a type of cost.

Week 4 discussion

"Exploring Monopolies and Oligopolies"

Watch this video, Oligopolies and Monopolistic Competition, to help you prepare for this week’s discussion.

Use the company for which you currently work, a business with which your familiar, or a dream business you want to start to reply to these prompts:

With your selected business in mind, determine if it is competitive, monopolistic competitive, an oligopoly, or pure monopoly. Explain how you drew your conclusion about its market structure.

How does the business/firm in this industry determine the price it will charge for the products or services it sells?

Discuss with your peers:

Read one of your peer’s posts and share an insight or question you have about that business and its market structure.

Week 5 discussion

"Considering Tradeoffs You Make Every Day"

Let's talk about two tradeoffs we face every day: how we spend our time and money.

We can only do two things with income: spend it or save it. Time is the ultimate resource. We can choose to spend time working to earn an income or we can do other things, broadly classified as leisure. Reply to these prompts to start your discussion:

How does a change in interest rate affect your decision to spend or save? How would a change in the interest rate affect a firm's decision to invest or save?

How might an increase in the wage rate affect what you do with your time?

Now describe a tradeoff you’ve made in terms of time or income.

Talk about tradeoffs with your peers:

Reply to one peer who made a tradeoff to which you can relate. Discuss and compare your decisions.

Week 6 discussion

"Is the GDP Still Accurate in the Digital Age?"

What the GDP measures, if anything, has become quite the issue in the digital age. Consider this data:

In 2012, U.S. Real GDP was $15,345.63 billion and Real Per Capita GDP was $48,842 billion.

Five years later, at the end of 2017, U.S. Real GDP was $17,096.18 billion and Real Per Capita GDP was $52,446 billion. (All data was extracted May 20, 2018, from FRED

Read this blog, GDP: Falling Short, to help you answer this week’s discussion questions.

Reply to these questions in your response:

Considering the data above, did the U.S. make progress? Explain your answer.

Given what you know now about economics, should the measure of GDP be changed? Why or why not?

Talk with a peer:

Review a peer’s post and let him/her know if you agree or disagree with their reasoning about U.S. progress or the measure of GDP

Week 7 discussion

"Using the Rate of Inflation to Make a Decision"

In Chapter 4 of The Little Book of Economics, Ip talks about the natural rate of unemployment as the rate of unemployment that will not lead to an acceleration in inflation. Keep this reading in mind as you respond to this week’s discussion questions.

Think about this: If the current unemployment rate is 3.9%, would one expect the rate of inflation to increase or decrease? Explain your answer.

Now you face a wonderful decision. Imagine that you just won a lottery jackpot of $100,000. If you expect inflation to accelerate, should you buy that home you’ve been thinking of now? What would you decide if the rate of inflation is negative?

Reply to a peer and share your opinion about their decision.

Week 8 discussion

"Globalization in Your Life"

Tariffs on steel and aluminum are proposed to be set at 25% for steel and 10% for aluminum.

Watch the video Tariffs and Protectionism to prepare for this week’s discussion.

Reply to these questions in your post:

Who do you think will ultimately pay these tariffs? Explain your answer.

Describe a good or service you use that has been impacted by trade or globalization. What are some advantages and/or disadvantages you have experienced?

Discuss globalization with your peers:

Reply to a peer and discuss their experience with trade or globalization. Was your peer’s experience like yours? Did you learn something new from reading your peer’s reply?

Week 9 discussion

"Exploring Tax Cuts, Jobs, and CBO in the News"

The news today is all about this question:

Will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduce deficits and what will happen to the U.S. debt?

Watch this video: U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says

The video cites the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

Discuss these questions in your post:

Visit the CBO website and confirm that the reporting is accurate. Was the reporting accurate? Why or why not?

Do you think the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will reduce our deficits? Explain your answer.

Discuss with your peers:

Reply to a peer’s response. Did they share the same reasoning about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as you did?

Week 10 discussion

"Exploring the Role of the Federal Reserve Bank"

What is the FED's job and how does the FED manage the money supply? How do banks create money? Let’s explore these questions as we talk about the role of the Federal Reserve Bank, also known as the FED.

Reply to these questions in your post:

If the FED decides to continue the process of raising interest rates, what is the likely response of firms and households to the increased cost of borrowing?

Thinking back to the discussion on the deficit and the debt, how might an increase in the interest rate affect a decision by the government to allow continued large deficits?

Discuss with a peer:

Reply to a peer and discuss if their reasoning about borrowing or allowing large deficits is similar to yours.

Week 11 discussion

"Reflect on What You Learned About Economics"

Identify your top three takeaways from the course and how you’ll leverage them to make good decisions.

You can consider these questions as you reflect on your learning in this course:

What did you learn that will help you make better decisions?

What will you do differently at work or in your personal life as a result of being able to apply economic principles to your decision making?

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to learn about the principles of economics?


Question 1

If macroeconomics looks at the economy as a whole, it focuses on which of the following?

Question 2

In a discussion of economics, which of the following would exert the most influence on an individual firm's decision to hire workers?

Question 3

What is the basic difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics?

Question 4

What is the basic difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics?

Question 5

Which of the following is most likely a topic of discussion in macroeconomics?

Question 6

Attending college is a case where the ________________ exceeds the monetary cost.

Question 7

Most real-world choices aren't about getting all of one thing or another; instead, most choices involve _________________, which includes comparing the benefits and costs of choosing a little more or a little less of a good.

Question 8

The law of ____________________________ explains why people and societies rarely make all-or-nothing choices.

Question 9

Also called the opportunity set—a diagram which shows what choices are possible—which of the following is the model that economists use to illustrate the process of individual choice in a situation of scarcity?

Question 10

Scarcity implies that:


Question 1

Which of the following would reduce the supply of microcomputers?

Question 2

A supply curve is a graphical illustration of the relationship between price, shown on the vertical axis, and ____________, shown on the horizontal axis.

Question 3

The ____________ is the quantity where quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal at a certain price.

Question 4

Which of the following is the only price where quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied?

Question 5

If a firm faces ________________________, while the prices for the output the firm produces remain unchanged, a firm's profits will increase.

Question 6

If the price is below the equilibrium level, then the quantity demanded will exceed the quantity supplied. What is this known as?

Question 7

What is enacted when discontented sellers, feeling that prices are too low, appeal to legislators to keep prices from falling?

Question 8

The nature of demand indicates that as the price of a good increases:

Question 9

A demand curve shows the relationship between price and _________________ on a graph.

Question 10

What is the term economists use to refer to the relationship that a higher price leads to a lower quantity demanded?


Question 1

"Constant returns to scale" describes a situation where:

Question 2

In microeconomics, which of the following is synonymous with economies of scale?

Question 3

Which term describes a situation where the quantity of output rises, but the average cost of production falls?

Question 4

In order to determine the average variable cost, the firm's variable costs are divided by _______________________.

Question 5

If a firm is experiencing _____________________, then as the quantity of output rises, the average cost of production rises.

Question 6

In a free market economy, firms operating in a perfectly competitive industry are said to have only one major choice to make. Which of the following is that choice?

Question 7

In the ________, the perfectly competitive firm will react to losses by __________________________.

Question 8

In the _________, the perfectly competitive firm will seek out ________________________.

Question 9

Firms operating in a market situation that creates ___________________, sell their product in a market with other firms who produce identical or extremely similar products.

Question 10

If a perfectly competitive firm is a price taker, then which of the following is true?


Question 1

Which of the following will be least concerning to a firm that has a monopoly over a particular industry?

Question 2

For a monopolistic firm, which of the following would be the ideal conditions for barriers to entry?

Question 3

When the demand for a good or service limits the quantity that can be sold to an output at which the firm experiences economies of scale,

Question 4

A firm that holds a monopoly position in the marketplace is:

Question 5

A monopolistically competitive firm may earn abnormally high profits in the

Question 6

If a monopolistic competitor raises its price, it _________ customers than a perfectly competitive firm, but ________________ customers compared to the number that a monopoly that raised its prices would.

Question 7

Shopping malls typically lease retail space to many clothing stores. When these retailers compete to sell similar but not completely identical products, they engage in which of the following?

Question 8

Which of the following poses a difficult challenge for U.S. competition policy?

Question 9

Government policy-makers often must decide how to balance the potential benefits of ______________ against the potential benefits of _____________ .

Question 10

Splitting up a natural monopoly held by a public utility that produces and provides electricity would


Question 1

Since Baltimore passed the first _______________ in 1994, several dozen cities enacted similar laws in the late 1990s and into the 2000s.

Question 2

As the __________ substitute for low-skill labor becomes available, the demand curve for low-skill labor will shift to the left.

Question 3

Improvements in the productivity of labor will tend to:

Question 4

Whenever there is a shortage at a particular price, the quantity sold at that price will equal:

Question 5

If the demand for software engineers __________ slower than does supply, then wages of software engineers will __________.

Question 6

When consumers and businesses have greater confidence that they will be able to repay in the future, _______________________.

Question 7

Many economists believe that the trend toward greater wage inequality across the U.S. economy was primarily caused by _____________.

Question 8

In contrast to goods and services markets, _____________ are rare in labor markets, because rules that prevent people from earning income are not politically popular.

Question 9

The "law of supply" functions in labor markets; that is, a higher __________ for labor leads to a higher quantity of labor supplied.

Question 10

Are markets always in equilibrium?


Question 1

Which of the following is included in the calculated Gross Domestic Product?

Question 2

Economists would most likely classify which of the following as consumer durable goods?

Question 3

The nominal value of any economic statistic refers to the number that is actually announced at that time, while the ________________ refers to the statistic after it has been adjusted for inflation.

Question 4

_______________, which can be estimated by the growth of GDP, ultimately determines the prevailing standard of living in a country.

Question 5

___________ is about two-thirds of the demand side of GDP, but it moves relatively little over time.

Question 6

For most high-income countries of the world, GDP _________________ over time.

Question 7

On the demand side of GDP, consumption by _____________ is the largest component of GDP, accounting for about two-thirds of the GDP in any year.

Question 8

Which of the following is included in GDP calculations?

Question 9

Which is the best description GDP?

Question 10

Which of the following statements is true?


Question 1

Reginald looked for work for six months but could not find a job to his liking. He now spends his time at the beach. For purposes of employment he is considered:

Question 2

A college student who is enrolled in school full time and not seeking employment is considered:

Question 3

The rise in unemployment that occurs because of a recession is known as cyclical unemployment, because it is closely tied to the ______________.

Question 4

The definition of market equilibrium states that at the _______________, the quantity of labor demanded by employers will equal the quantity supplied.

Question 5

If a nation's labor force receives a significant influx of young workers:

Question 6

What name is given to the index based on the prices of exported or imported merchandise?

Question 7

Inflation can be calculated in terms of how the overall cost of ___________________ changes over time.

Question 8

Inflation implies that the level of all prices _____________________.

Question 9

The situation where the buying power of money in terms of goods and services increases is called:

Question 10

While one occasionally sees references to inflation over short time periods, the term typically implies a(n) _____________ in prices.


Question 1

Which term describes circumstances where a country's exports exceed its imports?

Question 2

What is the name for goods and services produced in one country that are then sold in other countries?

Question 3

If exports and imports:

Question 4

The term _____________ describes circumstances where a country's imports exceed its exports.

Question 5

Trade surpluses and trade deficits can be __________________ for an economy in certain circumstances.

Question 6

The idea behind comparative advantage reflects the possibility that one party:

other party.

Question 7

The idea behind comparative advantage reflects the possibility that one party:

Question 8

Colombia produces coffee with less labor and land than any other country; it therefore necessarily has:

Question 9

Which of the following is true?

Question 10

Jeremy has a(n) __________________ in all aspects of camping: he is faster at setting up tents, gathering firewood, paddling a canoe, cooking meals, and washing up.


Question 1

A(n) ________________________________ is calculated as a flat percentage of income earned, regardless of level of income.

progressive tax

regressive tax

proportional tax

estate and gift tax

Question 2

Which of the following terms is used to describe the set of policies that relate to government spending, taxation, and borrowing?

financial policies

monetary policies

fiscal policies

economic policies

Question 3

A(n) __________________________ policy will cause a greater share of income to be collected from those with high incomes than from those with lower incomes.

proportional tax

regressive tax

progressive tax

excise tax

Question 4

What do goods like gasoline, tobacco, and alcohol typically share in common?

A progressive tax is imposed on each of them.

A regressive tax is imposed on each of them.

They are all subject to government excise taxes.

They are all subject to government fiscal taxes.

Question 5

_____________________ are a form of tax and spending rules that can affect aggregate demand in the economy without any additional change in legislation.

Standardized employment budgets

Discretionary fiscal policies

Automatic stabilizers

Budget expenditures

Question 6

When the interest rate in an economy decreases, it is most likely as a result of:

an increase in the government budget surplus or its budget deficit.

a decrease in the government budget surplus or its budget deficit.

an increase in the government budget surplus or a decrease in its budget deficit.

a decrease in the government budget surplus or an increase in its budget deficit.

Question 7

When governments are borrowers in financial capital markets, which of the following is least likely to be a possible source of the funds from a macroeconomic point of view?

central bank prints more money

increase in household savings

decrease in borrowing by private firms

foreign financial investors

Question 8

A __________________ often results in an outflow of financial capital leaving the domestic economy and being invested in the global economy.

trade surplus

trade deficit

fiscal deficit

twin surplus

Question 9

From a macroeconomic point of view, which of the following is a source of demand for financial capital?

savings by households and firms

foreign financial investment

domestic household private savings

government borrowing

Question 10

The U.S. economy has two main sources for financial capital: _______________________ and ____________________________.

private savings from U.S. households and firms; inflows of foreign financial investment

private sector investment; government borrowing

private savings from U.S. households and firms; government borrowing

private sector investment; inflows of foreign financial investment from abroad


Question 1

When banks hold excess reserves because they don't see good lending opportunities:

it negatively affects contractionary monetary policy.

it negatively affects expansionary monetary policy.

expansionary monetary policy is unaffected.

contractionary monetary policy is unaffected.

Question 2

How are the specific interest rates for the lending and borrowing markets determined?

U.S. Treasury Department Board policy

by the forces of supply and demand

through open market operations

by altering the discount rate

Question 3

Atlantic Bank is required to hold 10% of deposits as reserves. If the Central Bank increases the discount rate, how would Atlantic Bank respond?

by noting a decrease in net worth

by increasing its reserves

its balance sheet will be unchanged

it can make more loans with increased loan assets

Question 4

What term is used to describe the interest rate charged by the Central Bank when it makes loans to commercial banks?

discount rate

reserve requirement

Fed rate

open market rate

Question 5

Which of the following is considered to be a relatively weak tool of monetary policy?

quantitative easing

altering the discount rate

reserve requirements

reducing the money supply

Question 6

Regardless of the outcome in the long run, ______________________ always has the effect of stimulating the economy in the short run.

expansionary monetary policy

contractionary monetary policy

reverse quantitative easing policy

tight monetary policy

Question 7

Which of the following institutions oversees the safety and stability of the U.S. banking system?

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Federal Open Market Committee

The Federal Reserve

Question 8

When the Central Bank acts in a way that causes the money supply to increase while aggregate demand remains unchanged, it is:

following a contractionary monetary policy.

following a quantitative easing policy.

following a tight monetary policy.

following an expansionary monetary policy.

Question 9

Which of the following events would cause interest rates to increase?

lower tax rates

a higher discount rate

lower reserve requirements

an open market operation to buy bonds

Question 10

When the Central Bank lowers the reserve requirement on deposits:

the money supply increases and interest rates decrease.

the money supply and interest rates decrease.

the money supply and interest rates increase.

the money supply decreases and interest rates increase

Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Economic Brief

Due Week 5, worth 150 points

This assignment is aligned to these course outcomes:

• Explain economic principles and their applications in the real world.

• Summarize the different types of market structures and the role of government in economics.

In the workplace, we are often asked to create “briefs.” A brief provides a snapshot, or short, written

summary, of a situation or event that has occurred. It is generally just a few pages long and may include

additional visuals like a graph, chart, or table. In this assignment, write a brief about economic concepts in

an industry that interests you.

Industry Selection and Background Resources

Use this resource to select an industry:

• NAICS (North American Industry Classification System)

These resources are available to help you identify a U.S. industry and the products and services it


• Mergent Online

Help Video on Mergent Industry Reports

• Business Source Complete

United States Industry Profiles

All Industry Profiles by Country (select Industry Profiles in the left menu Source Types)

• Flipster Online Magazines

Scroll through to view these recommendations: Bloomberg Businessweek and Fast Company


1. Begin this assignment by selecting an industry (and/or subsector) from the NAICS list.

2. To best prepare for this assignment, it will be important to review the industry background

resources above, The Little Book of Economics and the OpenStax chapter readings, as well as

your prior discussion board questions and responses.

3. Use the optional template to help you get started.

4. Get familiar with the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). (See Instructions below.)


Develop an economic brief that is two to three (2-3) pages long in which you:

1. Select an industry and describe the goods and/or services this industry produces. Pick an

industry from the NAICS list.

2. Identify this industry’s market structure and at least two or more market characteristics that

support this market structure. (Market structures are covered in Weeks 3 and 4.)

3. Describe any notable microeconomic relationships, market outcomes, and/or trends in this

industry. Include a graph, chart, or table containing related data. (Microeconomic relationships

and market outcomes are covered in Weeks 2 through 4.)

ECO100 – Principles of Economics

© 2018 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information

and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of

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4. How might government impact this industry’s market prices, output, and/or market structure?

(Government intervention through price controls, industry regulations, and antitrust enforcement

is covered in Weeks 2 and 4.)

5. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different compared to

other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for

details. (Note: You’ll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these


o Your brief should include a cover page.

o Your brief should be two to three (2-3) pages in length (not including the cover page),

double-spaced, 12-point font.

o Your brief should include a minimum of one (1) reference/citation in the text.

Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Final Report

This assignment is aligned to this course outcome:

• Apply macroeconomic concepts to current and personal economic events and decisions.

In addition to writing about macroeconomic concepts, it's equally important to be able to convey your

understanding of these concepts by communicating them to others. In the workplace you might do this by writing briefs (like you did for Assignment 1), creating presentations, or writing reports for your manager or team.

This Final Report assignment will be a Word document (approximately 3 pages) that builds off your previous Economic Brief and selected industry.

For this assignment, you'll examine at least one of the macroeconomic indicators or policies below within the context of the industry you have previously selected.

• GDP growth

• Unemployment rates

• Inflation rates

• Interest rates

• International trade policy and issues related to trade balances, trade restrictions, etc.

• Government fiscal policy and issues related to taxation, government spending, and budget deficits

• FED (central bank) monetary policy and issues related to the FED’s mission to stabilize the economy

Macroeconomic Resources for Industry and Economy

These resources are available to help you find the size and growth rate of your industry in the U.S. economy and/or relative to GDP:

• Real GDP – Click on Section 1, then table 1.1.6 (click on MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

• % change in Real GDP – Click on Section1, then table 1.1.1 (click on MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

• GDP by Industry – 2008 to 2017 annual data (click on MODIFY to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

• % change in GDP by industry – 2008 to 2017 annual data (click on MODIFY to change the year

range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

These resources are available to help you measure and track macroeconomic indicators and outcomes

of macroeconomic policies:

• Unemployment rates – Data is from Bureau of Labor Statistics (

• Inflation rates as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Data is from Bureau of Labor

Statistics (

ECO100 – Principles of Economics

© 2018 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information

and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of

Strayer University.

Page 2 of 4

• % Change in Real Exports and Imports – Click on Section 4, then table 4.2.1 (click on MODIFY

to change the year range and frequency). Data is from Bureau of Economic Analysis (

• Government receipts, expenditures, and savings – Click on Section 3, then table 3.1 for total

government and table 3.2 for federal government. (Click on MODIFY to change the year range

and frequency.) Data is from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (

• FED Funds Interest Rates. Data is from Trading Economics (


1. To begin this assignment, recall the industry you selected in Assignment 1.

2. Use the industry GDP resources above to assess the size and growth rate of this industry.

3. Next, identify a newsworthy macroeconomic indicator or policy that may impact your selected

industry. Use the macroeconomic resources above to find patterns and trends.

4. It will also be important to review relevant chapters from The Little Book of Economics, the

OpenStax: Principles of Macroeconomics chapter readings, and your prior discussion board

questions and responses.


Prepare a Final Report that is approximately two to three (2-3) pages long in which you:

1. Assess your selected industry’s relative size and growth rate in the economy.

2. Identify at least one newsworthy macroeconomic indicator or policy that is important for the

industry to monitor, e.g., GDP, unemployment, inflation rates, interest rates, trade policy,

government taxation and spending decisions, and/or FED decisions.

3. Explain why this macroeconomic indicator or policy is important and how it may impact your

selected industry.

4. Describe a recent trend in the macroeconomic indicator or policy. Include a graph, chart, or table

that illustrates the observed trend.

5. Conclude with a forecast for the industry based on whether the trend identified in part 4 is

expected to continue. Provide support for your conclusion.

6. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different compared to

other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for

details. (Note: You’ll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these


o Your brief should include a cover page.

o Your brief should be two to three (2-3) pages in length (not including the cover page),

double-spaced, 12-point font.

o Your report should include a minimum of two (2) references/citations in the text.

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NRS465 Applied Evidence-Based Project and Practicum Week 6 Discussion DQ 1 After discussion with your preceptor, describe how leadership and economic models of health care can be used to opt …
GCU NRS465 Week 5 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2024
NRS465 Applied Evidence-Based Project and Practicum Week 5 Discussion DQ 1 Stakeholder support is necessary for a successful project implementation. Consider your internal stakeholders, such …
GCU NRS465 Week 4 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2024
NRS465 Applied Evidence-Based Project and Practicum Week 4 Discussion DQ 1 Assess the culture of the clinical site/organization and organizational policies for potential challenges in implem …
GCU NRS465 Week 3 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2024
NRS465 Applied Evidence-Based Project and Practicum Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 Develop a PICOT question using your approved nursing practice problem. Post a draft of your PICOT question in the f …