engl147 all correct answers week 5 quiz 20201 june

Question # 00625317
Course Code : ENGL147
Subject: English
Due on: 06/06/2021
Posted On: 06/06/2021 05:08 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Attempt              Time      Score

LATEST  Attempt 1           18 minutes              20 out of 20

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Score for this attempt: 20 out of 20

Submitted Jun 5 at 11:05pm

This attempt took 18 minutes.


Question 1

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following should not be included in your “checklist” while writing your draft as a whole?

  Writing for effectiveness, power, voice, flow, and structure

  Keeping each new paragraph tied to the previous paragraph and to your stance

  Lengthening paragraphs by adding more quotations from sources and by repeating your ideas in the paragraph a few times in different wording

  Keeping in mind that in each body paragraph, you are not just presenting evidence and support, but also using your own voice and logic as the driving force, fully explaining how each piece of evidence proves your point

Our paragraphs should be driven by our own voice, from start to finish, with any sources used inserted smoothly as support. We should not use sources just for length, nor should we repeat ourselves just for length.



Question 2

2 / 2 pts

When drafting your conclusion, your primary purpose should be:

  To open up a new argument about a related sub-topic

  To reiterate your stance without repeating your thesis or points word-for-word and to leave your reader thinking

  To assert that, in closing, your reader should choose between agreeing with you and being “in the wrong”

  To announce what you have done in your essay in a statement like: “In conclusion, I have shown you the ways in which end-of-life care can be improved.”

Avoid logical “either/or” fallacies, avoid “I have shown you”-type statements, and avoid opening a new argument in your conclusion.



Question 3

2 / 2 pts

After writing the full draft of your essay, why should you revisit your introduction and review, and possibly adjust, it?

  Often, our initial draft of the introduction paragraph is too mild in tone. Now that we’ve written our essay, we can go back and be aggressive and combative, making our voice an “angry yell” vs. a “reasonable assertion.”

  Often, our initial draft of the introduction paragraph is lacking in humor. Now that we’ve written our essay, we can go back and insert a joke because humor is essential to good argument.

  Often, our initial draft of the introduction paragraph is in good enough shape, with an attention-grabber, background information, and thesis. Now that we’ve written our essay, we can go back and fine-tune each of those elements for maximum effectiveness and for good, logical flow between each sentence.

  Often, our initial draft of the introduction paragraph is too assertive. Now that we’ve written our essay, we can go back and adjust our wording so the reader understands that we do not have an opinion on the topic either way.

We should revise for effectiveness in each sentence of the introduction paragraph, according to strong argument technique. We should not attempt to sound “angry,” nor should we “erase” our opinion or tell a joke for the sake of telling a joke. In fact, it’s often not a good idea because the topics for argument are usually important enough to people that making a joke may convey a lack of seriousness on your part and damage your credibility.



Question 4

2 / 2 pts

When writing a full essay draft, which of the following does not represent something that we should continually stop and check for?

  Check for places in which we have used “direct quotations” from sources to see if we can remove the quotation marks and change a couple words, thus creating a good paraphrase.

  Check for unity by comparing our topic sentences of body paragraphs to our thesis, making sure they remain parallel in purpose.

  Check for argument integrity by ensuring that we are giving voice to opposition and refuting it respectfully.

  Check for our own voice as the driving force of the essay by making sure we have introduced ideas and sources well and have spent enough time making it clear to the reader how our support proves our point.

All of these should be looked at continually while drafting except for ways to make direct quotations into paraphrases by changing a couple words. It’s good to paraphrase whenever possible, but the definition of paraphrase is not “changing a couple words.” It means reading, digesting, and completely rephrasing a concept.



Question 5

2 / 2 pts

When you are asked to write a full draft of your essay, what are you being asked to do?

  Write a thorough plan that contains a few of the paragraphs but not all

  Compose and submit your actual essay fully written in full paragraph form from start to finish, with sources used, cited, and referenced

  Submit an overview of your goals and topic and plans for research, with a few sources listed, depending on the specific assignment

  Turn in a document with the introduction written, the body mapped out in a formal outline, and the conclusion written

A draft is the full essay, either the first time you write the full essay or subsequent times you revise the full essay. It may be a first, second, third, all the way to final draft, but it is the full written essay.



Question 6

2 / 2 pts

Why should we make every effort to go from “good” to “great” in our first full draft?

  If we go from “good” to great in our first draft, then when our feedback from the instructor and from our peers comes in, we can be confident that we don’t have to do anything with that feedback. We’ve already done our very best in the first draft.

  If we submit a draft that we feel is “good” but that we know we will make stronger later, then the feedback we receive from our instructor and peers will not be as relevant in helping us with what we truly need. The feedback will likely address items we are already planning to improve upon and already have in mind what we will do in those places vs. items we authentically need “a second set of eyes” for.

  If we submit a “great” draft the first time around, that means we can slide through the final few weeks because we do not need revisions.

  If we submit a draft that we feel is “good” but that we know we will make stronger later, we will have to listen to a bunch of feedback and criticism, which is annoying.

Going from “good” to “great” in the very first draft allows for much, much more effective feedback all around, and we should welcome and attend to it. What’s more, the amount of feedback we receive should not be the only factor in how much revision we do. It is our responsibility to take what we have learned and studied and apply it with our own critical thinking skills toward the best final essay possible.



Question 7

2 / 2 pts

Imagine that you have written your draft, using all of your sources, and having all paragraphs in place, but you are 2 pages short of the bare minimum. What should you do?

  You should submit your draft anyway; your instructor will tell you how to make it longer.

  You should submit your draft anyway; you already have ideas for making it longer later.

  You should keep working until your draft is longer by adding two more pages that restate your existing arguments and evidence, just with different words.

  You should keep working until your draft is longer by enhancing the strength of the arguments you are making, developing each point in more depth and detail, with more logic and examples and more sentences that appeal to and persuade your reader.

If your draft is significantly short of the minimum required length, it is your responsibility to meet the minimum required length through enhanced, effective argument strategies.



Question 8

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following thoughts is not helpful during the drafting phase?

  “I don’t want to even look at this draft anymore right now. However, I don’t have to look at it anymore right this minute, so I will keep working later today so that my instructor can give me the most effective feedback once I improve my draft before submitting.”

  “I don’t want to even look at this draft anymore right now. I know it could be better and can clearly see where and how, but I’m tired of writing. I’m only changing what my instructor tells me to, anyway.”

  “I am super excited because I did my very best work on this draft and cannot wait to hear what my instructor says about it.”

  “This is great! I’ve worked hard and revised and reviewed my draft several times. Now, I can get really strong feedback for making it even better!”

As much as we would like to “quit” after we write out the draft the first time, we are cheating ourselves if we don’t go back and work toward a “great” draft vs. one that “just works” because we won’t get the feedback we really need and because we aren’t giving ourselves the chance to revise toward excellence later.



Question 9

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following represents the most effective “going from good to great” revision approach to the following sentences that appear in the middle of a paragraph and that use source material? Original sentences before revision: However, experts do hold differing opinions about breast feeding. For example, Smith (2018) asserts that it is not possible for babies to receive the range of nutrients in breast milk in any other food source. While the nutrient argument is valid, we simply cannot control what mothers put into their bodies, which makes formula a much more stable food source.

  Revised sentences: For example, Smith (2018) asserts that it is not possible for babies to receive the range of nutrients in breast milk in any other food source, but Bakker (2018) suggests that while the nutrient argument is valid, we simply cannot control what mothers put into their bodies, which makes formula a much more stable food source.

  Revised sentences: For example, Smith (2018) scores big points when he asserts that it is not possible for babies to receive the range of nutrients in breast milk in any other food source, but Bakker (2018) ridiculously suggests that while the nutrient argument is valid, we simply cannot control what mothers put into their bodies, which makes formula a much more stable food source.

  Revised sentences: For example, experts disagree about best breast milk. In agreement with my thesis, Smith (2018) and Bakker (2018) say that formula is the best choice.

  Revised sentences: However, experts do hold differing opinions about breast feeding. I do not, for example, feel it is possible for babies to receive the range of nutrients in breast milk in any other food source, but while the nutrient argument is valid, we simply cannot control what mothers put into their bodies, which makes formula a much more stable food source (essays.com).

We should avoid “I” and any essay website. When revising, we want to focus on the ways in which our voice leads into source use and in which our voice synthesizes sources to make our own point or to illuminate points.



Question 10

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following represents the most effective “going from good to great” revision approach to the following topic sentence? Original topic sentence: But how can we accept the word of Dr. Kevorkian?

  Revised topic sentence: Indeed, Dr. Kevorkian took heavy criticism and was named by many “Dr. Death,” but I always thought he had the right idea.

  Revised topic sentence: But, many people referred to Dr. Kevorkian as “Dr. Death,” so his word is useless.

  Revised topic sentence: Indeed, Dr. Kevorkian took heavy criticism and was named by many “Dr. Death”; however, his basic philosophy about the right to die contains valuable insights that still apply.

  Revised topic sentence: Indeed, many doctors in the old days had some good insights (Smith, 2020).

We need to make it clear why we would question the word of this individual and exactly the point we are trying to make by exploring, or even mentioning, this individual. Also, we should avoid logical fallacies like Appeal to Popularity, avoid “I,” and avoid using a source as the voice of a topic sentence. In addition, we should avoid vague clichés like “In the old days.”

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engl147 all correct answers week 5 quiz 20201 june

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