ENGL147 week 6 quiz 2020

Question # 00620025
Course Code : ENGL147
Subject: English
Due on: 12/29/2020
Posted On: 12/01/2020 11:53 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Question 1

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following would be the most helpful reply to a classmates’ draft during peer review?


“Sarah, I really liked this essay! You might want to go to the APA website, but otherwise, great work!”



“Hi Sarah! Please see attached; I used track changes to fix all your grammar errors. Otherwise, super paper!”



“Hi Sarah! Please see attached; I have thoroughly filled out the required peer review sheet for you with many comments and ideas regarding structure, flow, voice, and balance. Don’t hesitate to discuss further!”



“Sarah, you really didn’t follow directions and I really don’t know what I can say to help.”


When you are asked to use a peer review sheet and to fill it out thoroughly, that is what you must do. All of the other answers offer little to nothing of value.


Question 2

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following is the most reasonable goal for peer review?


Having all of your errors fixed



Giving enough feedback to get a good grade



Being an “extra set of eyes” for your classmates and getting “extra sets of eyes” from them toward a strong, more effective argument research essay



Finding other students who wrote about a similar topic and using their paragraphs in your essay, just changing some words so it isn’t plagiarism


Our goal should be to give and receive the experience of a true “test reader” with an eye toward real improvement in our essay content.


Question 3

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following phrases best describes what you should do when performing peer review?


Teach grammar



Be insulting



Support success



Act superior


Peer review means that one peer is supporting another toward success with the techniques you both have studied, not teaching rules of writing, nor insulting or degrading the other.


Question 4

2 / 2 pts

How valuable is peer review?


It is very valuable because you have the experience of being in the same journey with your classmates and, as a result, you can offer solid, informed support.



It is very valuable because you are both completely inexperienced and need to learn the basics of how to write a paragraph and how to cite sources. As a result, you can lean on each other while learning these new ideas.



It is not very valuable because neither of you has a degree in English, and neither of you is qualified to teach writing.



It is not very valuable because the person who really matters in the instructor. The instructor will be giving you your grade, so who cares what your classmate thinks?


The word “peer” connotes equality; you have both traveled this journey together and have both learned and practiced the same concepts each week. You are valuable in ways no outsider, even the instructor, can be.


Question 5

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following responses to your peer reviewer are appropriate?


Asking your peer reviewer a question if you don’t quite understand a suggestion.



Asking your peer reviewers questions about why they think they are qualified to tear your writing apart.



Pointing out to your reviewers that their drafts are pretty shabby, so you don’t care what they think about your draft.



Thanking your peer reviewer, making sure to include some sarcasm like, “Thanks a lot for your oh so superior advice, Mr. Perfect.”


Just keep in mind that your peers are in the same situation as you, trying to do their best. Be respectful at all times and understand that your peers are not criticizing you- they are on the same journey you are.


Question 6

2 / 2 pts

When working in peer review groups, which version of your draft should you supply to your reviewers?


The exact same draft you submitted to your instructor last week because you want to see if your reviewers give you the same feedback



The most up-to-date draft possible, hopefully with some revision between your instructor’s comments and your peer review post, if possible, because the better your draft, the more helpful the feedback will be



The exact same draft you submitted to your instructor last week because you already have enough work and don’t want to keep revising your paper unless you have to for a grade



A draft that you have revised after receiving your instructor’s feedback because the main goal of peer review is to have a better draft than anyone else


You should always be improving your draft. If it’s possible for you to revise between your instructor’s comments and posting your draft to peer review, you should. The better the draft, the more helpful the feedback.


IncorrectQuestion 7

0 / 2 pts

Which of the following topic sentences introduces a definition-genre argument?


However, “good hygiene” is a relative term, which makes it a difficult concept to rely on without setting specific parameters for its meaning.



In light of such compelling statistics that illuminate a need for more oxygen equipment in small town hospitals, a number of viable approaches might be applied to the problem.



However, getting to an answer to such questions requires a look at the causes that have led to the closure of these clinics.



In fact, one of the key early articles on autism, while largely misinformed and certainly now outdated, does provide flashes of insight that are very helpful today.


Definition involves establishing a definition of a term so that your reader and you are basing your understanding on a concept that is clear to both of you.


Question 8

2 / 2 pts

Read the following thesis statement and choose which argument genre best describes it: At the heart of the arguments for and against a raise in minimum wage lies the same concern for impact on the economy; therefore, a reasonable compromise should be acceptable for all parties.


Values-based position genre



Problem/solution argument genre



Definition argument genre



Evaluation argument genre


This thesis is best described as values-based because of its premise of a common value, an appeal to both sides’ better natures.


Question 9

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following topic sentences introduces an evaluation-based argument?


However, “good hygiene” is a relative term, which makes it a difficult concept to rely on without setting specific parameters for its meaning.



In light of such compelling statistics that illuminate a need for more oxygen equipment in small town hospitals, a number of viable approaches might be applied to the problem.



However, getting to an answer to such questions requires a look at the causes that have led to the closure of these clinics.



In fact, one of the key early articles on autism, while largely misinformed and certainly now outdated, does provide flashes of insight that are very helpful today.


When applying the evaluation argument genre, we base our point on examining the qualities of an existing artifact, like an important historic article, or the qualities of an existing program, institution, or organization.


Question 10

2 / 2 pts

Which of the following is true of argument genres?


They represent patterns of writing that can be applied not just to improving our argument research essays but toward many other types of writing.



They represent patterns of writing that can be applied only to argument research essays in a college course.



The names of some of the argument genres are “warrant,” “claim,” and “rebuttal.”



The names of some of the argument genres are “logos,” “ethos,” and “pathos.”


Argument genres are patterns of development that appear in argument but also in other academic, professional, and real-world writing. The names of some of these patterns are “definition,” “values-based,” “cause and effect,” and “evaluation.”


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ENGL147 week 6 quiz 2020

Tutorial # 00618733
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