ENMT301 All Assignments Latest 2020 March

Question # 00611897
Course Code : ENMT301
Subject: Business
Due on: 05/11/2020
Posted On: 05/11/2020 11:47 AM
Tutorials: 1
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ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples

Expectations Essay Assignment

This assignment allows you to think about what you already know about environment and ecosystem management and to reflect on your expectations for and interest in this course.

Please write a brief 2-paragraph paper addressing the following points:

Think about previous science courses you have taken. Briefly describe one concept or principle you have learned about and explain how you believe it relates to environment and ecosystem management.  Include proper documentation for any source you used in APA format.

Take a look at the topics we will cover in our course by briefly browsing the weekly “Content” area of our LEO classroom. Which of the topics interests you the most and why? What do you hope to learn? Include a reference to one of our course readings relating to the topic in APA format.

Your paper should be 1 page long (excluding references), double-spaced, with 1-inch margins all around, and 12-pt font (Times News Roman or similar).

Please document any sources used to prepare your essay in APA format with both in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your assignment. If you have forgotten how to use APA format, go to our library’s website on “APA Citation Examples” (http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/apa_examples.cfm) and/or review our library’s APA tutorial (http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/apa_tutorial.cfm).


ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples

Consequences of Our Energy Use Assignment


In Week 5, you have learned about the various energy sources and energy uses, along with the underlying environmental problems, and calculated your carbon footprints. For this assignment, please answer the following questions clearly and concisely in your own words:

1. How are energy use and carbon footprint generally related, and why? Briefly describe in one to two sentences.

Pick up an item in front of you right now. It has a carbon footprint in terms of anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide emitted to make that product. Explain why and outline some steps that would take fossil fuel use to produce that product in no more than one paragraph.

What are three main environmental consequences of our fossil fuel use?  Provide one sentence for each of these consequences in terms of their root causes and their effects.

Consider the emissions associated with burning fossil fuels:

What are three emissions regulated in the U.S. for the burning of fossil fuels?

What is the most non-toxic emission resulting from complete combustion of fossil fuel?

What is one hazardous emission resulting from fossil fuel combustion? Describe the potential effects of this hazardous emission in one or two sentences. Is this emission on EPA’s list of Hazardous Air Pollutants (https://www.epa.gov/haps)?

Cheap fossil fuel has driven the world economy up to this point.  You learned that there are other energy sources we can use.  What do you think is the most promising alternative energy source and why? Provide one sentence each to describe three advantages and one disadvantage of this energy source compared to fossil fuels. Additionally, review the current U.S. energy data you looked at this week. How heavily does the U.S. currently rely on this energy source and what sector is it mainly used for?

Energy experts estimate that Americans could save 20% of our energy use with simple conservation measures.  How much energy savings is 20% of American energy use annually equivalent to?  Please provide a way to communicate how much energy that is equivalent to – such as how many barrels of oil that is equivalent to, or what countries that amount of energy powers, or any other form you think might be effective (such as “energy slave”).

Please document any sources used to answer these questions in APA format with both in-text citations and a reference list at end of your assignment.


ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples

Case Study - Part A: Literature analysis/article summary of ecological lake case study


The case study assignment is broken down into two parts, as described below. There is a grading rubric for each portion of the case study. Make sure that you fulfill all aspects of the grading rubric before turning in each assignment.

Part A: Literature Analysis/Article Summary

For this case study, select one of these lakes:

the case of the Aral Sea

the case of Lake Chad

These cases have similar themes that we will discuss in fuller detail after part A of this assignment has been completed.

Using the UMUC Library, search for relevant and scholarly articles that address reasons for the degradation and ecological damage of the lake or sea you selected during the last 50 to 60 years.

If you need help using the UMUC Library database, go to http://www.umuc.edu/library/ and click on the Ask a Librarian link, or use our library's tutorial on obtaining research materials: http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/research_tutorial.cfm

If you are unsure about how tell if an article is scholarly, please review the following information: http://sites.umuc.edu/library/libhow/articles.cfm

From among the articles, select one scholarly article to use for part A of this case study assignment:

Concise two- to three-paragraph summary of the main ideas in the article. Be sure to describe both the reasons for the degradation and the ecological damage with supportive detail. (50 points)

One-paragraph discussion of how the information presented in your article relates to ecological principles and sustainable practices that you have read about and discussed in class. In the case of your chosen lake or sea, were ecological principles ignored or unsustainable practices used? Be sure to clearly identify specific ecological principles and sustainable practices from the course readings, referencing at least one assigned course reading from Weeks 1-3. (30 points)

Clear, concise paragraphs, with transitions between paragraphs and no grammatical or spelling errors (10 points)

Appropriate APA in-text citations and reference list (10 points)


ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples

Case Study - Part B: Case study final report on ecological lake case study

Part B: Case Study Final Report

Continue researching your topic (Aral Sea or Lake Chad) with reliable resources. Then, write a complete case study report (with introduction and conclusion), answering the following questions:

What human activities led to the degradation of the body of water? How are the human activities that led to the degradation tied to human population growth, choice of technologies, and growing global affluence? Which ecological principles did we ignore as part of our degradation of this ecosystem?

Did any natural changes exacerbate the degradation? If so, identify them.

What are the effects of the degradation on the ecosystem itself? How has this ecosystem degradation impacted the people living in the area?

Was there a tipping point to the ecosystem degradation? Explain your answer.

What was the management plan for restoring the ecosystem, if there was one?

What suggestions do you have for a management plan, and how does your plan address the ecological principles that were ignored as part of our degradation of this ecosystem? Are there more data you need to collect before proceeding with recommendations? If so, what data do you need?

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ENMT301 All Assignments Latest 2020 March

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