ENMT301 Final Exam Latest 2020 March

Question # 00611900
Course Code : ENMT301
Subject: Business
Due on: 05/11/2020
Posted On: 05/11/2020 11:53 AM
Tutorials: 1
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ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples

Final Exam

Question 1What is/are vital function(s) of soil? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 Regulate water flow through hydrologic cycle

 Transport nutrients into streams and lakes

 Facilitate breakdown of pollutants

 Provide support for plants and structures

 Indefinitely store nutrients

Question 2Which of the following characterizes a symbiotic relationship? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 a close interrelationship where both species benefit

 a close interrelationship where one species benefits, and the other is not affected

 a close interrelationship where one species benefits, and the other is adversely affected

 an intimate relationship between members of two or more species

 a relationship where two species partition the available resources

Question 3All forms of renewable energy come from one of the following three sources: (Check the three sources that apply.)

Question options:


 Heat of the earth's crust


 Gravitational attraction of moon and sun

 Water pressure

Question 4What are the factors determining food security? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 food availability

 food utilization

 food access

 food production

 food demand

Question 5Excessive removal of groundwater can result in: (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 land subsidence

 drying wetlands

 groundwater desalinization

 saltwater intrusion

 dropping water tables

Question 6Which of the following are examples of environmental indicators? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 Water quality

 Extinction rate

 Land use change

 Gross domestic product

 Household income

Question 7Which of the following is true for Type III survivorship? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 The probability of survival decreases with age.

 The probability of survival increases with age.

 Death occurs primarily in older individuals in this category.

 Organisms in this category typically have a large number of offspring but provide only little parental care.

 Organisms in this category typically have a small number of offspring and provide a high amount of parental care.

Question 8Which of the following are potential causes for bias in a scientific research study? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 Funding from special interest groups

 Independent peer-review process

 Political views of scientist

 Pressure to publish data for promotion

 Collaboration of several scientists with different backgrounds and affiliations

Question 9Which of the following features is typical of K-selected species?

Question options:

 late reproduction.

 small body size.

 early maturity.

 short life span.

 large broods.

Question 10What does carbon neutrality mean?

Question options:

 That no carbon dioxide is produced in a process

 That no carbon dioxide is absorbed in a process

 No net carbon dioxide emission from a process

 The carbon released from a process does not impact anything

 The carbon absorbed from a process does not impact anything

Question 11Put the following historical views of the environment in the correct chronological sequence (from past to present).

___        Earth Day celebrant: demonstrates support of environmental quality by planting trees

___        Global environmental citizen: recognizes that the human race is part of a global ecosystem and that human quality of life and ecosystem quality are linked.

___        Preservationists: protecting resources based on the belief that all life deserves respect and consideration.

____     Conservationist: protecting resources to conserve them for their usefulness for people.

___        Frontier attitude: desire to conquer and exploit nature as quickly as possible.

Question 12                       

Education, labor skills, and health are considered:

Question options:

 natural capital

 economic capital

 social capital

 human capital

 political capital

Question 13What are some methods to prevent non-point source pollution? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 Sediment traps

 Limit use of fertilizers and pesticides

 Use the storm sewer to dispose of chemicals

 Keep yard wastes of sidewalks and streets.

 Install a septic system

Question 14Which of the following processes play an important role in the phosphorus cycle? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:




 Cellular respiration


Question 15Which of the following is true of highly developed countries? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 a list would include Canada, Australia, and Norway

 have high fertility rates

 have very low infant mortality rates

 have shorter life expectancies than less developed countries

 have low rates of population growth

 have high rates of population growth

Question 16What are characteristics of sustainable production? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 just-in-time manufacturing

 large warehouses for product storage

 resource efficiency

 green product design

 life-cycle design to include product disposal

Question 17The energy released in the burning of biomass fuels: (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 originated as solar energy.

 was stored as chemical energy in plant tissues or animal waste products.

 was initially converted from solar energy to chemical energy by the process of cellular respiration.

 is converted into electricity more efficiently that other renewable energy sources.

 is one of the oldest fuels known to humans.

Question 18What factors influence the risk management process? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 Costs-benefit considerations

 Existing laws and court rulings

 Income level and social conditions

 Technological options

 Political and public opinion

Question 19Water pollution problems in the Chesapeake Bay are caused by: (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 fertilizer runoff

 livestock operation runoff

 urban runoff

 sewage treatment plan discharge

 dumping of industrial chemicals into the bay

Question 20The ocean conveyor belt affects: (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 The nitrogen cycle


 Storage of carbon dioxide and heat in the ocean

 Regional and possibly global climate

 Surface water currents

Question 21What is true about fossil fuels? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 Fossil fuels have fueled economic development since the Industrial Revolution.

 Over two thirds of the world's energy is supplied by fossil fuels.

 Non-renewability is not a concern with fossil fuels.

 Fossil fuel resources are evenly distributed around the globe.

 A major concern related to fossil fuels is carbon dioxide emissions.

Question 22The average time a molecule spends in its reservoir is known as:

Question options:

 resilience time

 reservoir time

 residence time

 storage time

 cycling duration

Question 23Which of the following activities makes the human species significant agents of environmental change on earth? (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 generation of toxic waste

 burning fossil fuels

 depleting fresh-water resources

 eradicating unique species

 polluting water and air

Question 24Rank the following waste management options in order from the most preferred to the least preferred option:

___        Disposal in a Sanitary Landfill

___        Reuse

____     Waste Minimization

___        Recycling

___        Incineration with Energy Recovery

Question 25        Environmental sustainability implies: (Check all that apply.)

Question options:

 the actions of humans directly impacting the wellbeing of the natural environment

 future generations will have the resources necessary for quality of life

 natural resource management focused on economic profits

 a shared global responsibility for conservation practices

 the environment can function indefinitely without going into a decline from the stresses imposed by *human society on natural systems


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ENMT301 Final Exam Latest 2020 March

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