ENMT301 Quiz 2 Latest 2020 March

Question # 00611898
Course Code : ENMT301
Subject: Business
Due on: 05/11/2020
Posted On: 05/11/2020 11:50 AM
Tutorials: 1
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ENMT301 Enviroment And Ecosystems Prinicples

Quiz 2 

Question 1Which of the following does not correctly pair the ecosystem with a service it provides?

Question options:

 forests – absorb carbon dioxide

 coasts – provide a buffer against storms

 grasslands – dilute and remove pollutants

 freshwater systems – moderate water flow

 sustainable agriculture systems – produce and maintain soil

Question 2Most species facing extinction today are threatened because of:

Question options:

 living in biodiversity hotspots.

 changing climate.

 the recent impact of a large comet.

 large quantities of dust in the atmosphere.

 human activity.

Question 3The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is required to develop management plans to protect the endangered Indiana Bat under:

Question options:

 Endangered Species Act (ESA)

 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)

 Kyoto Protocol

 Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)

 Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna in Commerce (TRAFFIC)

Question 4Most freshwater is present in the form of:

Question options:

 water in lakes.

 ice caps and glaciers/snow cover.

 water in rivers.


 atmospheric water vapor.

Question 5What sector consumes the largest amount of water globally?

Question options:



residential use


 It is impossible to draw a general conclusion.

Question 6Wetlands are important for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

Question options:

 They reduce flooding by storing water.

 They increase pollutant loads in streams and rivers.

 They provide a steady flow of water to streams.

 They support high species diversity.

 They are transitional areas between aquatic and terrestrial systems.

Question 7Humans harm the oceans in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

Question options:

 Developing along the coast

 Polluting the land

 Recovering waste materials

 Killing marine life with trash

 With chemicals from the agriculture and industry

Question 8What is an example of "point-source" pollution?

Question options:

 urban runoff

 agricultural runoff

 industrial wastewater

 erosion sediments


Question 9The increase in the concentration of a persistent pollutant along the food chain is termed:

Question options:




 biological amplification

 the pesticide treadmill

Question 10Increased soil erosion may be caused by all of the following EXCEPT:

Question options:

 compaction of soil.

 construction of roads.

 construction of shelterbelts.

 clearcutting large forested areas.

 poor agricultural practices.

Question 11Check all that apply: Renewable resources are those that

Question options:

 can never be used up

 will renew themselves relatively quickly, unless ecosystem services responsible for that renewal have been damaged

 can be renewed, but only through intensive investments of capital and labor

 are produced by industrial processes

 are more abundant in developed countries than in developing nations

Question 12Which of the following is a direct cause of deforestation?

Question options:


 Indigenous people

 Decrease of agriculture


 Both insects and diseases are direct causes of deforestation

Question 13All of the following are factors contributing to food insecurity EXCEPT:

Question options:

 Insufficient infrastructure

 Environmental degradation

 Water scarcity

 Civil unrest

 Elimination of poverty

Question 14Sustainable agricultural practices are characterized by all of the following except:

Question options:

 crop selection.

 water and energy conservation.


 use of manure as a fertilizer.

 increasing biological diversity to control pests.

Question 15Using a combination of biological, chemical and cultural methods to control pests is referred to as:

Question options:

 biological control.

 integrated pest management.


 biological magnification.

 resistance management.

Question 16Identify the number one problem in environmental science and sustainability that links all problems together:

Question options:

 the overconsumption of fossil fuels

 the pollution of the environment

 the consumption of fresh water

 the human population is continually increasing

 the depletion of needed resources

Question 17An age structure diagram shaped like a pyramid with a wide base and narrow top is characteristic of a country with:

Question options:

 a rapid population growth rate

 a stable population growth rate

 zero population growth

 decreasing population growth

 a population at its carrying capacity

Question 18 According to Thomas Malthus, which are the three factors that would control the human population that exceeded the earth's carrying capacity?

Question options:

 War, famine, and disease

 Migration, disease, and birth control

 Fertility rate, mortality rate, and migration

 Famine, celibacy, and migration

 Food production, famine, and fertility rate

Question 19        The theory suggesting that future population growth will develop along predictable stages as societies evolve from unindustrialized to postindustrial is called:

Question options:

Societal shift theory

Industrialization theory

 Demographic transition theory

 Malthusian theory

 Cornucopian theory

Question 20Chemicals that mimic or interfere with the actions of hormones in humans and wildlife are called:

Question options:


 persistent chemicals

 endocrine disruptors



Question 21A mutagen is best described as a:

Question options:

 type of microorganism associated with human sewage.

 toxicant that initiates or promotes uncontrolled cell growth.

 toxin produced by bacteria.

 toxicant that alters the DNA sequence of chromosomes.

 toxicant affecting the development of a fetus.

Question 22A dose-response curve shows:

Question options:

 the dose that is lethal to an individual.

 the dose that causes an individual to get sick.

 the correct dose to use in the treatment of illness.

 the dose that will be harmful to the environment.

 the relationship between the dose and the response of the individual.

Question 23The study of the source, fate, and form of toxicants in the environment, including their harmful effects on ecosystems is known as:

Question options:

 Environmental toxicology

 Ecosystem toxicology




Question 24Risk assessment involves all of the following EXCEPT:

Question options:

 financial costs of the predicted risk.

 identification of the hazard.

 dose-response assessment.

 assessment of the exposure.

characterization of the risk.

Question 25        What is NOT a human exposure route considered in risk assessments?

Question options:

 Ingestion with food and water

 Intravenous administration

 Dermal contact


 Non-dietary ingestion

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ENMT301 Quiz 2 Latest 2020 March

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