Excelsior BUS323 Complete Course Latest 2021 April

Question # 00624284
Course Code : BUS323
Subject: Business
Due on: 05/14/2021
Posted On: 05/14/2021 09:18 AM
Tutorials: 1
Question Dot Image

BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 1 Learning Community

Your instructor will leave a weekly video, notes, additional resources here. This is a space where you can interact, ask questions about the material, assignments, etc.

Post your initial response on the discussion board by Wednesday at 11:59PM/Eastern for maximum timeliness credit. Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting. Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. See the Discussion Rubric for how you will be evaluated for this activity. You are also expected to read the responses to your original posts, and if a classmate raises a question or an issue that warrants a response, you are expected to respond. All responses must be completed by Sunday at 11:59PM/Eastern.

Consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to make your initial post, click on "Reply." Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click "Post Reply."

To respond to a peer, click “Reply” beneath her or his post and continue as with an initial post.


This Learning Community (discussion) will be graded using the discussion board rubric. All Learning Communities (Discussions) combined are worth 30% of your final course grade.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 3 Learning Community

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana

One reason business students look at history and case studies is the chance to reflect on the facts of the case, determine the causes of a (regrettable) action, and through analysis make a recommendation regarding the policies and procedures that would have prevented such a disaster. To start the course, we will look at the 2007-2009 financial disaster. The actions leading up to the crises were not illegal at the time. Yet, in retrospect, they were unethical because the actions were unfair, lacked accountability and transparency, and held few responsible for any negative outcomes.

Financial institutions in the U.S. had governmental pressure to provide loans to potential homeowners. That pressure was intense enough such that lenders were lax on determining whether the borrowers could pay back those loans. At the same time, the availability of mortgages led to an increase in the cost of real estate, leading many investors to choose real estate investment funds. Typically, there are agencies that value all types of investment funds to determine the safety of the funds. Those rating agencies and government regulators did not assess the risk in these shady loans.

Here is a brief video to explain what happened next:

For our first discussion, pick one of the following roles from the 2007-9 financial crises described in the articles below. Also, be sure to review the lecture posted below by your instructor.

Mortgage Lender (Links to an external site.)

The 49-year-old mother of two became a face of housing-crisis misdeeds when the Justice Department pursued civil-fraud charges against her for her work at Countrywide Financial Corp.

Manager-Real Estate Securities Investment Firm (Links to an external site.)

Why only one top banker went to jail for the financial crisis.

Director-Security Risk Rating Firm  (Links to an external site.)

Your chosen role in the title of your post.

The ethical dilemma, or values conflict, your role faced in the 2008 crisis.

The values lacking in your role’s organization that would have led to a comprehensive analysis of the risks associated with the bad practices.

Identify the stakeholders from your point of view, and the way those stakeholders will influence your decisions on how to resolve any dilemma.

Talk about the role of conformity bias in your chosen organization and other external influences on your role in decision making in your organization.

Be sure to provide a citation at the end of your initial post.

Post your primary response on the discussion board. Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting. Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. See the Discussion Rubric for how you will be evaluated for this activity. You are also expected to read the responses to your original posts, and if a classmate raises a question or an issue that warrants a response, you are expected to respond.

Reply to one of each of the roles above (Lender, manager, director). In your reply, consider any items missed by the original post from the list above. Also, discuss which of your personal values would have prevented the crises, and which what blind spots you may have had.

Your responses to the discussion questions should relate the assigned readings and viewings to the discussion topic and should not consist only of personal opinion. Your opinion is important to the discussion, but you should add connections to the material to support your views. Without a foundation in the literature, your opinion has little professional value. For example, "Based on Trevino and Nelson's stance that cultural relativism creates an environment where unethical behavior is justified through the cultural discourse (year, P#), the discussion should center around....". This type of statement allows you to connect your views to the literature. This is possible even when you are providing personal examples.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 5 Learning Community

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana

The subject of the second case study analysis is the Wells Fargo debacle.

Watch the video, Scandals Illustrated. Read the article, Wells Fargo Fraud (Links to an external site.). And, be sure to view the instructor's lecture posted in the discussion thread.

For this discussion answer the following questions in your initial post:

Explain how this case study demonstrates conflict of interest, and identify one other company that you know of (current or former employer, an organization in the news) that has had to address conflicts of interest.

Identify the ways that management structure can hinder ethical behavior on the job, in this case and in the organization you cited above.

In the Wells Fargo scandal and the organization that you identified above, how would you improve communication to alleviate conflicts of interest?

Consider how the culture of the organization chosen by your classmate affects the way that communication and management strategy is implemented in order to promote an ethical workplace.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 7 Learning Community

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

- George Santayana

Global Technology Concerns. The subject of the third case study analysis is Google’s actions in China. Please read the following article, Why Google Quit China – And Why It’s Heading Back. (Links to an external site.) And, listen to the instructor video posted in the discussion thread below.

For this discussion answer the following questions in your initial post:

Transcultural global ethics always maintains the value of human rights. Have Google’s operations been consistent with the value of human rights? What example can you give to support your position?

Google is in the internet business, but many global operations include sourcing supplies that are sold elsewhere. What suggestions would you have for an organization that is seeking to enter the global market for sourcing products and services in order to support human rights and provide some standard for ethical transactions?

What role do bribes play in conducting business overseas? Are technology companies, which are eager to gain market share in growing economies, at risk of violating the provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?

In your replies, discuss the elements necessary to support an organization’s transcultural ethics policy.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 8 Learning Community

Your instructor will leave a weekly video, notes, additional resources here. This is a space where you can interact, ask questions about the material, assignments, etc.

Post your initial response on the discussion board by Wednesday at 11:59PM/Eastern for maximum timeliness credit. Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting. Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. See the Discussion Rubric for how you will be evaluated for this activity. You are also expected to read the responses to your original posts, and if a classmate raises a question or an issue that warrants a response, you are expected to respond. All responses must be completed by Sunday at 11:59PM/Eastern.

Consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to make your initial post, click on "Reply." Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click "Post Reply."

To respond to a peer, click “Reply” beneath her or his post and continue as with an initial post.


This Learning Community (discussion) will be graded using the discussion board rubric. All Learning Communities (Discussions) combined are worth 30% of your final course grade.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 1 Learning Reflection

This activity is all about you. Let's talk about your learning. Did you achieve your goals for the module? What information from this week did you find helpful for your career and future goals? How will you use the information? Share what interactions, resources, activities helped you to meet the goals, and how they helped. Include links and images to these experiences. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection.

Also, what challenged you? What are you grappling with? Did you have an 'Aha' moment?

The purpose of the reflection is for you to engage in metacognition. Metacognition is a high-level learning skill that we want to help you develop.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 2 Learning Reflection

This activity is all about you. Let's talk about your learning. Did you achieve your goals for the module? What information from this week did you find helpful for your career and future goals? How will you use the information? Share what interactions, resources, activities helped you to meet the goals, and how they helped. Include links and images to these experiences. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection.

Also, what challenged you? What are you grappling with? Did you have an 'Aha' moment?

The purpose of the reflection is for you to engage in metacognition. Metacognition is a high-level learning skill that we want to help you develop.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 3 Learning Reflection

This activity is all about you. Let's talk about your learning. Did you achieve your goals for the module? What information from this week did you find helpful for your career and future goals? How will you use the information? Share what interactions, resources, activities helped you to meet the goals, and how they helped. Include links and images to these experiences. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection.

Also, what challenged you? What are you grappling with? Did you have an 'Aha' moment?

The purpose of the reflection is for you to engage in metacognition. Metacognition is a high-level learning skill that we want to help you develop.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 4 Learning Reflection

This activity is all about you. Let's talk about your learning. Did you achieve your goals for the module? What information from this week did you find helpful for your career and future goals? How will you use the information? Share what interactions, resources, activities helped you to meet the goals, and how they helped. Include links and images to these experiences. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection.

Also, what challenged you? What are you grappling with? Did you have an 'Aha' moment?

The purpose of the reflection is for you to engage in metacognition. Metacognition is a high-level learning skill that we want to help you develop.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 5 Learning Reflection

This activity is all about you. Let's talk about your learning. Did you achieve your goals for the module? What information from this week did you find helpful for your career and future goals? How will you use the information? Share what interactions, resources, activities helped you to meet the goals, and how they helped. Include links and images to these experiences. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection.

Also, what challenged you? What are you grappling with? Did you have an 'Aha' moment?

The purpose of the reflection is for you to engage in metacognition. Metacognition is a high-level learning skill that we want to help you develop.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 6 Learning Reflection

This activity is all about you. Let's talk about your learning. Did you achieve your goals for the module? What information from this week did you find helpful for your career and future goals? How will you use the information? Share what interactions, resources, activities helped you to meet the goals, and how they helped. Include links and images to these experiences. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection.

Also, what challenged you? What are you grappling with? Did you have an 'Aha' moment?

The purpose of the reflection is for you to engage in metacognition. Metacognition is a high-level learning skill that we want to help you develop.



BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 7 Learning Reflection

This activity is all about you. Let's talk about your learning. Did you achieve your goals for the module? What information from this week did you find helpful for your career and future goals? How will you use the information? Share what interactions, resources, activities helped you to meet the goals, and how they helped. Include links and images to these experiences. You may submit a video, audio/podcast, or written reflection.

Also, what challenged you? What are you grappling with? Did you have an 'Aha' moment?

The purpose of the reflection is for you to engage in metacognition. Metacognition is a high-level learning skill that we want to help you develop.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 1 Quiz  

Question 1Virtue ethics is based on the writings of:




Alasdair MacInrye

Question 2Examples of virtue ethics include: honesty, self-control, and





Question 3Which ethical theory looks at the role of justice and fairness?

Consequentialist theory

Virtue ethics

Duty based ethics

The reputation lens


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 2 Quiz  

Question 1An example of “reciprocity bias” is that people:

  Who receive a nothing are more likely to purchase a product that they would typically avoid purchasing

  Who receive a small gift are more likely to purchase a product that they would purchase anyway

  Who receive a small gift are more likely to purchase a product that they would typically avoid purchasing

  Who receive a small gift are less likely to purchase a product that they would typically avoid purchasing

Question 2Stanley Milgram’s famous 1963 studies on obedience and authority have illuminated the ways that most human beings can be influenced to commit_____________, even when those individuals would never have imagines themselves capable or performing those acts.

  Bank heists

  Human atrocities

  Bank fraud

  Spelling errors

 Question 3In the Patrick Lin TED Talk about cars, the ethical dilemma involves what type of car?






BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 3 Quiz  

Question 1According to the ACFE video, companies are only as ethical as their employees, and employees take their ethics cues from


  A cue card



Question 2Mary Gilbert, in the GVV pillar 2 video, says that if we look back at when we did voice our values, we can make a list of the factors that made it easier for us to do so, what she calls the



  Naughty list

  Grocery list

Question 3According to the ACFE video, it is important to know that there is a difference between ethics and _____.  Just because actions are “acceptable” does not mean that the actions are ethical.

  The law

  A big raise

  Filing a complaint



BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 4 Quiz  

Question 1According to the GVV pillar 3 video, what does “normalization” mean?

  By expecting values conflicts to be a normal part of our lives, we can approach them calmly and competently

  A type of school at the turn of the 20th Century

  Finding an average temperature

  Finding it normal that you will not deal with ethical issues well

 Question 2The perception of existential competitive threats, according to Taylor, has been used by unethical organizations to justify the creation and maintenance of toxic incentive and undermine

  Efforts to raise concerns about the unethical actions

  The balance sheet

  The hiring of new leaders

  The reputation of the organization

 Question 3According to the HBR Taylor article, corruption, fraud, and other integrity scandals differ in cause and trajectory, but they also tie in with group conditions with

  Some effort



  Alarming inconsistency


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 5 Quiz  

Question 1Companies have shareholders that desire a return on financial support, employees that want to have a safe job earning a reasonable wage, and

  The government who wants companies to earn a profit so as to tax them

  Customers who desire a quality product or service at a reasonable price

  Customer who desire to put their competition out of business

  The community that wants to take all the profits of the organization

 Question 2The third step on Carroll’s pyramid, occupying the 3rd largest position is

  Legal responsibilities

  Ethical responsibilities

  Economic responsibilities

  Philanthropic responsibilities

 Question 3Having a desire to make a positive effect in your organization and community provides strength, and gives you courage to


  Pass on a raise

  Inspire others to commit fraud

  Inspire others to act ethically


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 6 Quiz  

Question 1The forth strategy for avoiding bribes, according to the HBR article, is

  Become a non-profit

  Shut down the organization

  Recalibrate performance-based targets and compensation relative to high risk

  Wing it

 Question 2The HBR article suggests that bribery is not really about the money, it is about:

  No, it really is about money. Lots of it.

  Trying to skirt the law every step of the way.

  That person wanting to feel respected.

  Catching you making a bribe so you go to jail.

 Question 3What is the 5th GVV pillar?

  Self-Knowledge and Alignment





BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 7 Quiz  

Question 1When preparing to discuss values and conflicts, we frame our perspective in a way that will appeal to the values and perspective that we share with our





 Question 2GVV pillar 5 is the pillar called


  Self-knowledge & alignment

  Reasons & rationalizations


 Question 3What are some activities that organizations use to support compliance efforts?

  Training programs & hotlines

  Free books and cable

  Extra vacation time


 BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 2 Assignment   

Ethical Issues in the Workplace

Recognition, Analysis, and


One of the most beneficial exercises in a course exploring ethics is to develop a paper that allows you the opportunity to create connections between your professional view of ethics and applied ethical theories. The nature of ethical decision making is recognition, analysis, and resolution.

Your paper must explore a current ethical issue in your workplace. It can be a current or former employer, or someplace where you have volunteered.  Ideally, the issue that you explore is something related to your current or future career.

A few ideas for your consideration:

 ~ You are responsible for enforcing a physical fitness/readiness standard for your employer. Due to your workplace responding to a catastrophe for the past month, many people have neglected their physical fitness.  How do you address the issue of physical fitness when the staff has not had the time to put into it?

~ Your co-worker has been consistently late for the past month unbeknownst to the supervisor. Reporting such behavior could mean that your co-worker is dismissed, or put on a performance improvement plan.  Yet, the co-worker is dealing with a personal tragedy because her 5-year-old son was diagnosed with Leukemia. Do you report?

~ You take a new hire on a sales call and meet with an executive at company X, your most important client. While your back is turned to grab something out of your briefcase, the executive fondles the back side of your new employee. What do you do to protect the employee yet preserve the relationship with the client?

This final paper is your opportunity to delve into a topic within the framework of ethics that you find interesting based on your approved topic and thesis statement.

Select the topic of your final project and submit a two paragraph write-up.

For your submission, in the first paragraph, explain the issue in 3 sentences or less. Then, give the ethical dilemma, which is the identification of values that are in conflict.

The second paragraph should identify any internal and external stakeholders.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 3 Assignment   

The Whistleblower

"The sad truth is that societies that demand whistleblowers be martyrs often find themselves without either, and always when it matters most." ~ Edward Snowden

Assume that you work for one of the organizations that was the subject of the whistleblower complaint (see below). The directors of the organization want to eliminate the barriers to reporting issues, address concerns immediately, and thus avoid future embarrassing and costly whistleblower claims. In a 1-2 page paper, give a very brief overview of the matter, identify barriers to whistleblowing in the organization, and ways to overcome those barriers. Determine whether competition played a role in the unethical behavior or hindered potential whistleblowers. Give your recommendations for an updated whistleblower policy.

Read the following articles, and select the organization you want to focus on.

Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies (Links to an external site.)

Nova Nordisk Agrees to pay $58M for Failure to Comply with FDA-Mandated Risk Program (Links to an external site.)

Insurance whistleblower recoveries from Phillips & Cohen cases bring Novo Nordisk's Victoza settlement to $60 million (Links to an external site.)

Military Whistleblowers Express Fears Over Safety & Health (Links to an external site.)

Air Force: No Punishment for F-22 Whistleblowers Captain Josh Wilson & Major Jeremy Gordon (Links to an external site.)

 In this assignment, you will outline the process of whistleblowing from a personal and managerial perspective.  Consider reviewing this article (Links to an external site.) in preparation for the assignment. To earn maximum points:

Your paper should be 1-2 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and must follow APA  guidelines, use Time New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, with one-inch margins.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence/paragraph structure do matter; spend time editing your paper. Suggest giving yourself a three-day cooling off period between finishing the paper and editing the paper; this approach can make a difference in what you catch and correct.

You must use and cite to the articles listed above and include at least one additional resource.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 4 Assignment   

Final Project Annotated Bibliography

Ethical Issues in the


Recognition, Analysis, and


One of the most beneficial exercises in a course exploring ethics is to develop a paper that allows you the opportunity to create connections between your professional view of ethics and applied ethical theories. The nature of ethical decision making is recognition, analysis, and resolution.

Your paper must explore a current ethical issue in your workplace. It can be a current or former employer, or someplace where you have volunteered.  Ideally, the issue that you explore is something related to your current or future career.

A few ideas for your consideration:

~ You are responsible for enforcing a physical fitness/readiness standard for your employer. Due to your workplace responding to a catastrophe for the past month, many people have neglected their physical fitness.  How do you address the issue of physical fitness when the staff has not had the time to put into it?

~ Your co-worker has been consistently late for the past month unbeknownst to the supervisor. Reporting such behavior could mean that your co-worker is dismissed, or put on a performance improvement plan.  Yet, the co-worker is dealing with a personal tragedy because her 5-year-old son was diagnosed with Leukemia. Do you report?

~ You take a new hire on a sales call and meet with an executive at company X, your most important client. While your back is turned to grab something out of your briefcase, the executive fondles the back side of your new employee. What do you do to protect the employee yet preserve the relationship with the client?

This final paper is your opportunity to delve into a topic within the framework of ethics that you find interesting based on your approved topic and thesis statement.

Building on your paper topic selection from Module 2, in this assignment you will be creating and submitting an annotated bibliography. First time creating an annotated bibliography?  No worries!  The Excelsior Owl (Links to an external site.) has guidance, an example to view, and tips for success. For maximum points be sure to include:

At least 5 different references listed in the annotated bibliography; feel free to have more than 5 sources!

Cite at least 2 of the sources used in this course. Your references may include academic and trade journals, but should not include unverified, non-credible sources such as blogs.

Your annotation for each reference must include:

A brief summary of the information in that source.

A brief evaluation of the quality of the source’s information.

A brief evaluation of whether the source is useful for the purpose of the research.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 5 Assignment   

Corporate Social Responsibility

"Creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals - they are both essential ingredients for long-term success." ~ Bill Ford

Assume that you work for the organization that was the subject of the ethics complaint. You will describe the ethics scandal and stakeholders. Then, using at least two of the articles below, explain how you will update your organization’s CSR policy to avoid similar ethics breaches going forward and regain public trust.

Please research a current (within the past 2 years) scandal involving online privacy. You may use scholarly or credible news sources for the background information (for example, Wall Street Journal, New York Times), but not blogs or news aggregators (such as Huffington Post).

Here’s the list of potential sources on CSR:

Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility (Links to an external site.)

Pitfalls to Avoid (Links to an external site.)

Tips for Corporate Social Responsibility (Links to an external site.)

Carroll’s CSR Pyramid And Its Applications to Small And Medium Sized Businesses (Links to an external site.)

Business Cases and Corporate Engagement with Sustainability: Differentiating Ethical Motivations (Links to an external site.)

Corporate Social Responsibility, Noise, And Stock Market Volatility (Links to an external site.)

References and Image Sources

In this assignment, you provide an analysis of a company that is not following its CSR and ethics policies. You will be presenting your response in a video (or short paper if you prefer). To earn maximum points:


Your video should be 2-3 minutes in length. Please make sure that you “share” the video; if you keep it private, it cannot be graded. Free video sources (Links to an external site.). Of course, you can use your own video recording software if you choose. YouTube links are allowed as well.

In lieu of a recording, you may submit a paper. The paper should be 4-5 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and must follow APA guidelines, use Time New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, with one inch margins.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence/paragraph structure do matter; spend time editing your paper. Suggest giving yourself a three-day cooling off period between finishing the paper and editing the paper; this approach can make a difference in what you catch and correct.

You must use and cite to the articles listed above, and include at least one additional resource.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 6 Assignment   

Final Project Outline

Building on your paper topic selection from Module 2 and annotated bibliography in Module 4, in this assignment you will be creating and submitting an outline for the Module 8 paper.

A full-sentence outline helps you create the structure of your paper and the topic sentences of your paragraphs at the same time. Think of this document as your blueprint for the final paper. By approaching the outline in this way, you can easily move paragraphs around and edit the flow of the paper before you write a full draft. This makes editing for the flow of information easier.

For this activity, create a full-sentence outline for your final paper. Each sentence will act as a topic sentence for a new paragraph. The entire paper should be outlined using this method. This will allow your instructor to provide feedback to you about the information flow in your paper.

First time creating an outline? No worries! The Excelsior Owl has guidance, examples to view, and tips for success.


BUS323 Business Ethics

Module 8 Assignment   

Final Research Paper

Ethical Issues in the


Recognition, Analysis, and


One of the most beneficial exercises in a course exploring ethics is to develop a paper that allows you the opportunity to create connections between your professional view of ethics and applied ethical theories. The nature of ethical decision making is recognition, analysis, and resolution.


Your paper must explore a current ethical issue in your workplace. It can be a current or former employer, or someplace where you have volunteered. Ideally, the issue that you explore is something related to your current or future career.

A few ideas for your consideration:

~ You are responsible for enforcing a physical fitness/readiness standard for your employer. Due to your workplace responding to a catastrophe for the past month, many people have neglected their physical fitness. How do you address the issue of physical fitness when the staff has not had the time to put into it?

~ Your co-worker has been consistently late for the past month unbeknownst to the supervisor. Reporting such behavior could mean that your co-worker is dismissed, or put on a performance improvement plan. Yet, the co-worker is dealing with a personal tragedy because her 5-year-old son was diagnosed with Leukemia. Do you report?

~ You take a new hire on a sales call and meet with an executive at company X, your most important client. While your back is turned to grab something out of your briefcase, the executive fondles the back side of your new employee. What do you do to protect the employee yet preserve the relationship with the client?

This final paper is your opportunity to delve into a topic within the framework of ethics that you find interesting based on your approved topic and thesis statement.

Focus your paper on the connection between your topic and ethics theory. You must use your approved topic. You must use at least two ethical theories in your analysis.

You must support your views. While your opinions are important, they are not enough for a discussion for this type of paper. The academic connections are crucial.

Use your full-sentence outline to build the paper. This creates the blueprint for the final paper.

Your paper must include the following:

Introduction and overview of the ethical issue. Provide a clear description of the topic including all relevant facts (who, what, when, where, and why). This is where your thesis statement resides.

History of an ethical issue in the workplace. Provide a brief background of the organization, description of the dilemma, and justification for why this experience is an ethical dilemma. (Hint: define ethical dilemma, and show how your facts meet the definition).

Academic research on ethical theories, lenses, or models. Include both modern and traditional ethical theories in your analysis.

Explore ramifications of potential solution options based on the ethical theory analysis.

Conclusion; include a final discussion of how you—as a participant in the resolution—would play a role, the personal implications or consequences you may experience, and how you would handle these consequences.

References in APA format. You must cite at least 2 of the sources used in this course. Your references may include academic and trade journals but should not include unverified, non-credible sources such as blogs. You must have a minimum of 5 references.

Your paper should be 5-7 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and must follow APA guidelines, use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, with one-inch margins.



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HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 1 Discussion EVIDENCE BASED RESOURCES You have probably heard of evidence-based medicine, but have you heard of evidenc …
Walden HLTH6412 All Assignments Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 1 Assignment DISTINGUISHING RELIABLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION Ensuring that you utilize reliable health information to in …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 6 Assignment Latest 2025
HLTH6412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 6 Assignment FINAL PROJECT Each day the public is exposed to many different forms of health communication. Health communications and the healt …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 5 Assignment 3 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 5 Assignment 3 INFOGRAPHIC FOR HEALTH EDUCATION TO E-LEARNING Keeping in mind the knowledge you gained from completing …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 5 Assignment 2 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 5 Assignment 2 INTRODUCTION TO DATA STORYTELLING WITH INFOGRAPHIC This assignment explores how much an infographic can …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 5 Assignment 1 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 5 Assignment 1 USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTH EDUCATION It may be difficult to believe that the term Artificia …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 3 Assignment 2 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 3 Assignment 2 ASSESSING CULTURAL COMPETENCE Being a culturally competent health educator can help reduce the health eq …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 3 Assignment 1 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 3 Assignment 1 ASSESSING PERSONAL BIAS Bias is a result of our environment and background. We often make quick judgment …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 2 Assignment 2 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 2 Assignment 2 ASSESSING THE HEALTH LITERACY LEVEL OF HEALTH EDUCATION MATERIALS Carson, the community health educator …