EXCELSIOR PSY280 Full Course Latest 2020 November

Question # 00618824
Course Code : PSY280
Subject: Psychology
Due on: 10/28/2020
Posted On: 10/28/2020 06:46 AM
Tutorials: 1
Question Dot Image


Module 1 Discussion

Mental Health For All By Involving All

Each week, we will introduce the focus of the module through a TED Talk video that you will then reflect upon in a graded reflection activity.  This introductory activity helps learners to think about and explore the meaningfulness of the course content covered in the module.

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcome 5.

Watch the TED Talk by  Vikram Patel—Mental Health for All by Involving All (Links to an external site.) [Video file] [12 min 18 sec].

 Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content. How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? What did you learn from this TED Talk that you can apply to your career? Explain.

Image of a man in an asylum

Evaluation Criteria

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.



Module 2 Discussion

What We're Learning From 5,000 Brains

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcome 1.

Watch the TED Talk by Read Montague— What we’re learning from 5,000 brains (Links to an external site.) [Video file][13 min 18 sec].

Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content. How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? Explain.

Describe how what you learned from watching this video agrees with what you know and believe and/or how it has changed the way you think about the topic.

Evaluation Criteria

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.



Module 3 Discussion

How To Make Stress Your Friend

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcome 1.

TEDTalks: Kelly McGonigal—How to make stress your friend (Links to an external site.) [Video file][14 min 25 sec].


Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content.  How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? Explain.

Give an example of how you can implement the information from this video in your daily life and/or to help others.

Evaluation Criteria

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.



Module 4 Discussion

The Bridge Between Suicide and Life

Should people who want to die be prevented from killing themselves? Most health care professionals, and a variety of people in other occupations as well, are obligated to try to prevent people from killing themselves. Laws require them to treat suicidal people in essentially the same manner they would treat homicidal people, even to the extent of breaking doctor-patient confidentiality to do so. At the other extreme are people like Jack Kevorkian, MD, a physician who believed doctors ought to help their patients commit suicide when asked.  What would you do if someone you know is thinking about suicide?

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcomes 1 & 2.

Watch the TEDTalks: Kevin Briggs—The bridge between suicide and life (Links to an external site.) [Video file][14 min 10 sec].

Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content. How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? Explain.

What information from the video can you use in your career? Give a specific example.

What do you think about suicide laws and the requirement that mental health professionals intervene to prevent suicide even when it goes against the wishes of their clients and their professional codes of ethics (confidentiality)?

Do clients avoid talking about suicidal thoughts because of these laws?

How should you deal with a close friend or relative whom you think may be thinking about suicide?

In your posting, include a list of questions you would ask an expert if you found yourself in this situation.

Evaluation Criteria

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.



Module 5 Discussion

A Simple Way To Break A Bad Habit

Substance use:  when, where, and why do we use them?

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcomes 2 & 3.

Watch the TEDTalks: Judson Brewer—A simple way to break a bad habit (Links to an external site.) [Video file][9 min 24 sec]

Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content. How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? Explain.

Think of a bad habit you’d like to break and in which the information from the video could help you. Describe the technique you could employ and apply it to your bad habit.

Evaluation Criteria

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.



Module 6 Discussion

The Voices In My Head

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcomes 2 and 3.

Watch the TEDTalks: Eleanor Longden – The voices in my head (Links to an external site.) [video][14 min 13 sec].

Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content. How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? Explain.

In what ways did this video challenge your stereotypes about individuals with certain types of mental health diagnoses? Give an example of a personal experience this video made you think about in a different way.

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.



Module 7 Discussion

How Autism Freed Me To Be Myself

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcome 1.

TEDTalks: Rosie King--How autism freed me to be myself (Links to an external site.) [Video file][6 min 8 sec].

Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content.  How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? Explain.

In what ways has autism spectrum disorder touched your life?  Give a specific example.

 Evaluation Criteria

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.



Module 8 Discussion

Could A Drug Prevent Depression and PTSD?

While some individuals won't hesitate to pop a pill that will make them feel better, others hesitate to take medication.

By successfully completing this reflection activity, learners demonstrate Module Outcome 2.

TEDTalks: Rebecca Brachman--Could a drug prevent depression and PTSD? (Links to an external site.) [Video file][18 min 24 sec].

Reflect on your own thoughts and ideas about the content of the video by writing answers to the following:

Illustrate your understanding of why this video is relevant to the course by reflecting on and reacting to the content. How does the topic of this activity relate to your personal and professional life? Explain.

Discuss your thoughts about prevention of mental health issues versus treatment of them. Is one more effective and/or efficient than the other? Explain.

Evaluation Criteria

Your post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM EST. Your replies to posts are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM EST.

Discussion Posts due by Thursday

Include your responses to all discussion "parts" in your posting.

Posts and replies must be respectful and substantial (at least 250 words). All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

It is required that you integrate the reading or viewing materials into some of your posts, providing in-text citations and a reference list for the materials you reviewed.

Please note: You are encouraged to post as soon as possible.

Discussion Responses to Other Posts by Sunday

You must choose and respond to (at least) three of your peers’ original discussion posts (replies to your own discussion post do not count here).

Respond to any comments or questions posted to you from your peers. Please monitor the discussion often and respond to feedback and comments in a prompt manner.

Respond to any additional questions posted by your instructor to the class as a whole or to you by the end of the module.

Responses must be respectful and substantial. All posts must conform to college-level writing conventions with correct grammar and spelling as well precise word choice and vocabulary.

Each reply must be at least 75 words.

Please note: The instructor will upload a lengthy post on Friday or Saturday. The instructor will include some of the following in that post: address important points about the reading, share scholarly conversation around the topic, contextualize the importance of the questions, summarize the student conversation, address some misconceptions, add insights, provide timely and relevant information from our culture, etc.

Discussion Expectations:

Superior participation in the discussion is demonstrated when you include some of the following:

Expand on ideas, compare and contrast, synthesize, debate, seek common ground, inject knowledge, provide current information from cultural or world events, etc.

Share what you learned from the peer’s post that has changed your view. Discuss how you expanded your initial view or thoughts because you have heard other perspectives.

Describe what was difficult for you to understand in the reading or viewing materials. Discuss what you still have a problem understanding and why.


Module 1 Assignment

Chapter 1: Abnormal Psychology - Overview and Research Approaches

Chapter 2: Earliest Views of Abnormal Behaviorabnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You may also have video quizzes or essays assigned for the module, which also need to be done.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Chapter 1: Abnormal Psychology: Overview and Research Approaches

Introduction: Abnormal Psychology: Overview and Research Approaches

1.1: What Do We Mean by Abnormality? (15 points)

1.2: Classification and Diagnosis (15 points)

1.3: Culture and Abnormality (9 points)

1.4: How Common Are Mental Disorders? (15 points)

1.5: Research Approaches in Abnormal Psychology (9 points)

1.6: Sources of Information (12 points)

1.7: Forming and Testing Hypotheses (12 points)

1.8: Correlational Research Designs (12 points)

1.9: The Experimental Method in Abnormal Psychology (15 points)

Chapter 2: Earliest Views of Abnormal Behavior

Introduction: Earliest Views of Abnormal Behavior

2.1: The First Views of Mental Disorders (15 points)

2.2: Views of Abnormal Behavior in the 1500s and 1600s (9 points)

2.3: Humanitarian Reform (9 points)

2.4: Views of the Causes and Treatment of Mental Disorders in the 1800s and 1900s (15 points)

2.5: The Emergence of Modern Views of Abnormal Behavior (15 points)


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.



Module 2 Assignment

Chapter 3: Causal Factors and Viewpoints

Chapter 4: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosisabnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You also have an essay due in your webtext this week, worth 100 points.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Chapter 3: Causal Factors and Viewpoints

Introduction: Causal Factors and Viewpoints

3.1: Risk Factors and Causes of Abnormal Behavior (15 points)

3.2: Perspectives to Understanding the Causes of Abnormal Behavior (9 points)

3.3: The Biological Perspective (15 points)

3.4: The Psychological Perspective (15 points)

3.5: The Social Perspective (15 points)

3.6: The Cultural Perspective (12 points)

Chapter 4: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

Introduction: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

4.1: Three Fundamental Concepts (9 points)

4.2: The Nature and Goals of Assessment (15 points)

4.3: Important Factors Influencing Assessment (12 points)

4.4: Methods of Psychosocial Assessment (15 points)

4.5: Physical Assessment (15 points)

4.6: Integrating Assessment Data and Optimizing Decision Making (9 points)

4.7: Classifying Abnormal Behavior (15 points)

Essay: Intro: Psychological Perspectives (100 points)


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.



Module 3 Assignment

Chapter 5: Stress and Physical and Mental Health

Chapter 6: Panic, Anxiety, Obsessions, and Their Disordersabnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You also have two video quizzes due this week.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (10 points)

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) with Insomnia (10 points)

Chapter 5: Stress and Physical and Mental Health

Introduction: Stress and Physical and Mental Health

5.1: What Is Stress? (15 points)

5.2: Stress and Physical Health (12 points)

5.3: Stress and Immune System Functioning (12 points)

5.4: Emotions and Health (15 points)

5.5: Treatment of Stress-Related Physical Disorders (15 points)

5.6: Stress and Mental Health (15 points)

5.7: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Causes and Risk Factors (15 points)

5.8: Prevention and Treatment of Stress Disorders (15 points)

Case Study: PTSD

Chapter 6: Panic, Anxiety, Obsessions, and Their Disorders

Introduction: Panic, Anxiety, Obsessions, and Their Disorders

6.1: The Fear and Anxiety Response Patterns (15 points)

6.2: Overview of the Anxiety Disorders and Their Commonalities (12 points)

6.3: Specific Phobias (15 points)

6.4: Social Anxiety Disorder (15 points)

6.5: Panic Disorder (15 points)

6.6: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (15 points)

6.7: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (15 points)

6.8: Cultural Perspectives (9 points)

Case Study: Agoraphobia and Panic

Case Study: Hoarding


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.



Module 4 Assignment

Chapter 7: Mood Disorders and Suicide

Chapter 8: Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disordersabnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You also have three video quizzes due this week.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Martha: Major Depressive Disorder (10 points)

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Ann: Bipolar Disorder (10 points)

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Sharon: Dissociative Amnesia (10 points)

Chapter 7: Mood Disorders and Suicide

Introduction: Mood Disorders and Suicide

7.1: Mood Disorders: An Overview (15 points)

7.2: Unipolar Depressive Disorders (15 points)

7.3: Causal Factors in Unipolar Mood Disorders (15 points)

7.4: Bipolar and Related Disorders (15 points)

7.5: Causal Factors in Bipolar Disorders (9 points)

7.6: Sociocultural Factors Affecting Unipolar and Bipolar Disorders (9 points)

7.7: Treatments and Outcomes (15 points)

7.8: Suicide: The Clinical Picture and the Causal Pattern (15 points)

7.9: Suicide Prevention and Intervention (15 points)

Case Study: Bipolar

Chapter 8: Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders

Introduction: Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders

8.1: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: An Overview (12 points)

8.2: Somatic Symptom Disorder (15 points)

8.3: Illness Anxiety Disorder (12 points)

8.4: Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder) (15 points)

8.5: Factitious Disorder (12 points)

8.6: Dissociative Disorders: An Overview (9 points)

8.7: Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (12 points)

8.8: Dissociative Amnesia (9 points)

8.9: Dissociative Identity Disorder (15 points)

8.10: Cultural Factors, Treatments, and Outcomes in Dissociative Disorders (9 points)

Case Study: Factitious Disorder


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.



Module 5 Assignment

Chapter 9: Eating Disorders and Obesity

Chapter 11: Substance-Related Disordersabnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You also have an essay and a video quiz due this week.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Dissociative Identity Disorder: Dr. Holliday Milby (10 points)

Chapter 9: Eating Disorders and Obesity

Introduction: Eating Disorders and Obesity

9.1: Clinical Aspects of Eating Disorders (15 points)

9.2: Risk and Causal Factors in Eating Disorders (15 points)

9.3: Treatment of Eating Disorders (9 points)

9.4: The Problem of Obesity (9 points)

9.5: Risk and Causal Factors in Obesity (12 points)

9.6: Treatment of Obesity (12 points)

Case Study: Binge-Eating Disorder

Chapter 11: Substance-Related Disorders

Introduction: Substance-Related Disorders

11.1: Alcohol-Related Disorders (15 points)

11.2: Causal Factors in Alcohol Use Disorder (15 points)

11.3: Treatment of Alcohol-Related Disorders (15 points)

11.4: Substance Use Disorder (9 points)

11.5: Opium and Its Derivatives (12 points)

11.6: Stimulants (15 points)

11.7: Sedatives (9 points)

11.8: Hallucinogens (15 points)

11.9: Gambling Disorder (12 points)

Case Study: Gambling Disorder

Essay: Disorders: Evaluating Media Coverage of Psychological Disorders (100 points)


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.



Module 6 Assignment

Chapter 10: Personality Disorders

Chapter 13: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disordersabnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You also have two video quizzes due this week.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Liz: Borderline Personality Disorder (10 points)

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Josh: Schizoaffective Disorder (10 points)

Chapter 10: Personality Disorders

Introduction: Personality Disorders

10.1: Clinical Features of Personality Disorders (15 points)

10.2: Challenges in Personality Disorders Research (15 points)

10.3: Cluster A Personality Disorders (15 points)

10.4: Cluster B Personality Disorders (15 points)

10.5: Cluster C Personality Disorders (12 points)

10.6: General Sociocultural Causal Factors for Personality Disorders (9 points)

10.7: Treatments and Outcomes for Personality Disorders (12 points)

10.8: Psychopathy (15 points)

Case Study: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Chapter 13: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Introduction: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

13.1: Schizophrenia (15 points)

13.2: Clinical Picture (9 points)

13.3: Other Psychotic Disorders (9 points)

13.4: Genetic and Biological Factors (12 points)

13.5: Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities (15 points)

13.6: Psychosocial and Cultural Factors (9 points)

13.7: Treatments and Outcomes (9 points)

Case Study: Schizophrenia


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.



Module 7 Assignment

Chapter 14: Neurocognitive Disorders

Chapter 15: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence (Neurodevelopmental Disorders)abnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You also have two video quizzes due this week.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: David: Autism Spectrum Disorder (10 points)

Video Quiz: Answer the Quiz: Alvin: Dementia Alzheimer's Type (10 points)

Chapter 14: Neurocognitive Disorders

Introduction: Neurocognitive Disorders

14.1: Brain Impairment in Adults (15 points)

14.2: Delirium (12 points)

14.3: Major Neurocognitive Disorder (9 points)

14.4: Alzheimer’s Disease (15 points)

14.5: Neurocognitive Disorder Resulting from Vascular Problems (9 points)

14.6: Neurocognitive Disorder Characterized by Profound Memory Impairment (Amnestic Disorder) (9 points)

14.7: Disorders Involving Head Injury (12 points)

Case Study: Delirium

Chapter 15: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence (Neurodevelopmental Disorders)

Introduction: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence (Neurodevelopmental Disorders)

15.1: Special Considerations in Understanding Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence (9 points)

15.2: Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents (15 points)

15.3: Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorder (12 points)

15.4: Elimination Disorders (12 points)

15.5: Neurodevelopmental Disorders (12 points)

15.6: Specific Learning Disorders (9 points)

15.7: Intellectual Disability (9 points)

15.8: Special Considerations in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents (15 points)

Case Study: Conduct Disorder


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.



Module 8 Assignment

Chapter 16: Psychological Treatment

Chapter 17: Societal and Legal Issues in Abnormal Psychologyabnormal revel.jpg

Each week, you will go to your webtext and complete the assignments listed there by due date (Sunday of each week).  In the webtext, you will complete the reading, activities, and the short quiz at the end of each assigned section.  You also have your final essay due this week.

When they are completed, this will be noted in your gradebook and dashboard.

Assignment Instructions

Enter your Revel webtext.

To complete, open assignments under the due date for the week (Sunday) and complete the assignments listed:

Chapter 16: Psychological Treatment

Introduction: Psychological Treatment

16.1: An Overview of Treatment (15 points)

16.2: Measuring Success in Psychotherapy (15 points)

16.3: What Therapeutic Approaches Should Be Used? (9 points)

16.4: Psychosocial Approaches to Treatment (15 points)

16.5: Sociocultural Perspectives (9 points)

16.6: Biological Approaches to Treatment (15 points)

Case Study: Treatment

Chapter 17: Societal and Legal Issues in Abnormal Psychology

Introduction: Societal and Legal Issues in Abnormal Psychology

17.1: Perspectives on Prevention (12 points)

17.2: Inpatient Mental Health Treatment (9 points)

17.3: Involuntary Commitment (12 points)

17.4: Therapists and the Duty to Warn (9 points)

17.5: Patients' Rights (9 points)

17.6: The Insanity Defense (9 points)

17.7: Organized Efforts for Mental Health (12 points)

17.8: Challenges for the Future (9 points)

Case Study: James Holmes

Summary: Societal and Legal Issues in Abnormal Psychology

Essay: Therapies: Approaches to Psychotherapy (100 points)


All REVEL webtext activities and assignments combined are worth 60% of your final course grade.

Scores will be automatically posted from your webtext to your Canvas gradebook after they are graded.




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