FSU PHIL110 Midterm Quiz Latest 2020 February

Question # 00618164
Subject: Education
Due on: 10/08/2020
Posted On: 10/08/2020 09:32 AM
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Midterm Quiz

Question 1In PHIL 110 class, we studied that critical thinking is

  Thinking outside the box

  Passively absorbing ideas and information

  Conforming our ideas to the wishes of the group

  Thinking inside the box

 Question 2Which of the following is true of a deductively valid argument?

  All of the Above

  If the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true

  The premises may or may not be true

  The Truth of the premises guarantees the truth of the conclusion

 Question 3Which of the following is a statement?

  What day is today?

  Fayetteville is the largest city in the USA

  Quit telling lies!

  Dear God, let all my critical thinking students make an A in this class

 Question 4The part of an argument that gives us evidence or reason for accepting the conclusion is referred to as

  a premise

  a conclusion

  an explanation

  an indicator word

 Question 5The conclusion of the following argument is _______

Witches are real. They are mentioned in the Bible. There are many people today who claim to be witches. And historical records reveal there were witches in Salem.”

  They are mentioned in the bible

  And historical records reveal there were witches in Salem

  There are many people today who claim to be witches

  Witches are real

 Question 6Explanations, unlike arguments,

  always contain at least a premise and a conclusion

  All of the above

  try to prove that a statement is true

  try to show why or how something is the way it is

 Question 7Which one of the following is an argument?

  I stayed home from school because I was sick

  God exists because He created the heavens and earth

  He cheated on the critical thinking test because if he didn't, he would flunk the course

  I ate because I was hungry

 Question 8In the argument below, the premise is __________

I think that the Miss USA contestant should withdraw from the contest being that she is an adulteress

  None of the Above

  Miss USA contestant is an adulteress

  Miss USA contestant should withdraw from the contest

  The argument has no premises, since there is no evidence that Miss USA contestant is adultress

 Question 9"If I do not wake up, then I cannot go to work. If I cannot go to work, then I will not get paid. Therefore, if I do not wake up, then I will not get paid"

This is an example of


  Modus tollens

  Disjunctive syllogism

  Hypothetical syllogism

  Modus ponens

 Question 10All human beings need oxygen to survive. You are a human being, so you need oxygen to survive This is argument is

  Both invalid and unsound

  sound but invalid

  valid but unsound

  Both valid and sound

 Question 11A conseqeunce of not thinking critically, according to the text, is...

  greater creativity

  loss of personal freedom

  personal success

  greater control

 Question 12All cobras are poisonous snakes, and all poisonous snakes are dangerous. It follows that all cobras are dangerous. This argument is

  Deductively Invalid

  Inductively Weak

  Deductively valid

  Inductively strong

 Question 13All students at Fayetteville State University are white. You are a student at Fayetteville State University. Therefore, you are white. This argument is

  Sound but Invalid

  Valid but Unsound

  Invalid and Unsound

  Valid and Sound

 Question 14This argument is____________


“I have been watching that barber shop for many months now, and 70% of the men I have seen coming out have had bad haircuts both when they went in and when they came out. I predict that in the next Month around 70% of the men are going to come out of there with bad haircuts.”

  Deductively Valid

  Inductively Weak

  Inductively Strong

  Deductively Invalid

 Question 15Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. So, if you have been a heavy cigarette smoker for many years, you will probably die of lung cancer. This argument should be treated as



  Both deductive and inductive


 Question 16Three students who made perfect scores on Paul’s Critical Thinking class final were originally from California. Therefore, the next student who makes a perfect score on Paul’s Critical Thinking class final will also be from California. This is an example of a (n)

  Sound Argument

  Valid Argument

  Deductive argument

  Inductive Argument

 Question 17If it rains, then the ground will be wet. It has rained. Therefore, the ground is wet. This is an example of

  Modus Tollens

  Modus Ponens

  Denying the Antecedent

  Categorical Syllogism

 Question 18If you reside in New York, then you live in the USA. You don’t live in the USA. Therefore, you don’t live in New York. This is an example of

  Denying the antecedent

  Affirming the consequent

  Modus Tollens

  Modus Ponens

 Question 19A police officer arrested one of the critical thinking students based upon this argument: "If the student was guilty then he would be nervous. He ws nervous; therefore, he was guilty." The police officer's argument is

  invalid because it affirms the consequent

  invalid because it affirms the antecedent

  valid because it affirms the consequent

  valid because it denies the consequent

 Question 20All U.S Presidents have been men. So, it is likely that the next president will be a man. This is argument is

  Cogent but not strong

  Both valid and sound

  Both strong and cogent

  Strong but not cogent

 Question 21Most U.S presidents have been black. Therefore, probably the next president will be black.

  Sound but not valid

  Strong but uncogent

  Both valid and sound

  Both strong and cogent

 Question 22"The cake has either chocolate or vanilla frosting.The cake does not have vanilla frosting.Therefore, the cake has chocolate frosting."

This argument is referred to as

  disjunctive syllogism

  modus ponens

  modus tollens

  hypothetical syllogism

 Question 23Denying the antecedent arguments has the following pattern:

  If p then q; not q; so, not p

  If p then q; if q then r; so, if p then r

  If not p, then not q; not p; so, not q

  If p then q; not p; so, not q

 Question 24"If you study hard then you will pass this class. You do not study hard. Therefore, you will not pass this class." This argument is

  invalid because it denies the antecedent

  valid because it affirms the antecedent

  invalid because it affirms the antecedent

  valid because it denies the antecedent

 Question 25 According to social relativism, the beliefs of a society

  cannot be true

  can be mistaken

  can be criticized

  cannot be mistaken

 Question 26 During the 1930's and 1940's, the Nazi regime in Germany murdered and tortured millions of innocent people. According to social relativism,

  what the Nazis did was obviously wrong and should be condemned by all moral people

  what the Nazi's did was obviously wrong and should be condemned bu all religious people since they violated one of the ten commandments; namely, "thou shall not kill."

  the murder and torture of innocent people is objectively wrong

  what the Nazis did was right for the Nazis since genocide was an integral part of their cultural or societal beliefs

 Question 27 Which of the following can prevent one from thinking critically?


  All of the Above


  peer pressure

 Question 28Conformism is said to be one of the hindrances to good critical thinking because it can

   cause dependence on others and reduce one's creativity

  promote higher order thinking

  promote tolerance and orderliness in society

  help people to think critically and independently

 Question 29Our most important source of information about the world, according to critical thinkers, comes from

  Personal Experience

  Church Pastors


  Our Spouses

 Question 30Which of the following factors are to be considered in deciding whether someone should be considered an expert?


  All of the Above



 Question 31Which of the following is most accurate regarding background beliefs or information?

  Background beliefs are fallible; however, they are not subject to revision

  Background beliefs should be subject to revision if sufficient evidence is presented against them

  Background beliefs are not subject to revision even if enough evidence is presented against them

  Background beliefs are infallible; hence they are not subject to revision

 Question 32We fall into inappropriate appeal to authority by

  Checking the expert's credentials

  Regarding an expert as a non-expert

  Regarding a non-expert as an expert

  Ignoring the expert

 Question 33We are guilty of confirmation bias when we

  when we rely on experts rather than non-experts

  when we rely on non-experts rather than experts

  when we seek out and use only evidence that confirms our cherished views

  when we rely on evidence not because it is credible but because it is memorable or striking

 Question 34

Some of the students of Paul’s critical thinking class who invoked a few vivid media reports of tragic plane crashes believe that air travel is more dangerous than other modes of transportation. Therefore, they are scared of travelling by airplane. These students are guilty of...

  Confirmation bias

  Availability error

  Availability bias

  Confirmation error

 Question 35Which of the following is accurate?

  Experts are infallible; therefore, they can never be doubted

  We are justified in doubting experts if they are bias

  Non-Experts are more knowledgeable than non-experts; therefore, we should accept claims made by them, no matter what.

  When experts disagree about a claim we have good reason to accept it

 Question 36An argument, as that term is used in critical thinking, is

  a report of what will happen in the future

  a physical fight between two angry people

  a claim defended with reason

  a quarrel or dispute between two or more persons

 Question 37It is impossible for an argument to have more than one premise



 Question 38When inductively strong arguments have true premises, they are said to be cogent



 Question 39A valid argument can have false premises and a false conclusion



 Question 40If an argument is valid, then it is sound



 Question 41A sound argument cannot have a false premise and a false conclusion



 Question 42 Both modus ponens and modus tollens are deductively valid



 Question 43In arguing against the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, one of the Senators said this “We finally did away with the individual mandate tax that was established under that wonderful bill called Obamacare”, he continued “No, if you didn’t catch on, I was being very sarcastic. That was the stupidest, dumbass bill that I’ve ever seen.” What fallacy is involved in this argument?

  Two Wrongs Make a Right

  Straw Man

  Ad Hominem

  Look who's talking

 Question 44Professor Handsome Paul, I deserve a better grade than a D in this class. Look, my parents just got a divorce. If they see that I got a D, they will just blame each other, and the fighting will start all over again. Give me a break. This is a classic fallacy of

  Appeal to Pity


  Personal Attack (Ad Hominem)

  A[peal to tradition

 Question 45Paul says that students who cheat on exams should not automatically be expelled from school. But it's ridiculous to insist that students should never be punished for cheating. What fallacy is involved here?


  Red Herring

  Straw Man

  Appeal to Tradition

 Question 46Mother to Student: I just received your phone Bill. It has gone way over the limit. I am really pissed off.

Student to Mother: My math class has been extremely hard. Thank God, I was the only one who made an A on a test today. Identify the fallacy involved in this argument.

  Appeal to Ignorance

  Straw Man

  Red Herring


 Question 47Is the theory of evolution true? Yes. Polls show that most people believe in it. This is an example of a fallacy called

  Red Herring

  Straw Man

  Appeal to Ignorance


 Question 48Of course, the death penalty is a just punishment. It has been used for centuries. What fallacy is involved in this argument?

  Appeal to Tradition

  Straw Man

  Genetic fallacy

  Ad Hominem

 Question 49Job: I can’t believe it. My bank made a mistake on my account balance. There is an extra $2,000.00 in my checking account.

Sampson: Are you going to report the mistake?

Job: Why should I? They have been ripping me off for years with their high ATM fees.

Job is committing a fallacy called


  Look who's talking

  Two Wrongs Make a Right

  Red Herring

 Question 50IRS agent:  Dr. Boaheng, there is nothing in these documents that proves that you haven't been cheating on your taxes. Therefore, I must assume that you have been cheating on your taxes. What fallacy is involved here?

  Two Wrongs Make a Right

  Look Who is Talking

  Appeal to ignorance

  Appeal to Tradition

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FSU PHIL110 Midterm Quiz Latest 2020 February

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