GC HCA699 Full Course Latest 2017 November

Question # 00580494
Subject: Gender Studies
Due on: 11/25/2017
Posted On: 11/25/2017 07:18 AM
Tutorials: 1
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GC HCA699 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November

dq 1

What is the difference between research and evidence-based practice (EBP) projects? Provide an example of each one and the reason for the difference. Why should health care workers be interested in learning about EBP?

dq 2

Many businesses/organizations have performance problems that can be reevaluated to improve performance. Explain Research Problem and Problem Statement.

GC HCA699 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November

dq 1

What strategies will you use in your new role in health care to review and critique literature pertinent to your practice?

dq 2

"Nobody likes change" is a frequent comment, but creating a culture that allows for new ways of knowing takes a unique set of leadership skills. As a leader, how would you create a culture of change?

GC HCA699 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November

dq 1

What levels of evidence are present in relation to research and practice and why are they important regardless of the method you use?

dq 2

What factors must be assessed when critically appraising quantitative studies (i.e., validity, reliability, and applicability)? Which is the most important? Why?

GC HCA699 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November

dq 1

Define "methodology" and explain how your research problem can be studied. Share your methodology.

dq 2

What are some of the obstacles or barriers to implementing EBP in the health care field? Provide a rationale for your answer. Since there are numerous topics on the issue, it is not appropriate to repeat one that has already been mentioned unless you are providing new information.

GC HCA699 Week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November

dq 1

Reliability and validity are related qualities but independent. They are similar to the terms "precision" and "accuracy," respectively. A wind-up clock that does not work is accurate (valid) twice a day. But it lacks precision (reliability). A digital clock that is always 5 minutes slow is never accurate (valid) but is very precise (reliable). Elaborate on the assessment instrument used in your project to ensure validity and reliability.

dq 2

Why is it important to incorporate a theory or model related to change when implementing practice changes? Does the benefit of incorporating a change model outweigh the time and effort it took to include it?

GC HCA699 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November

dq 1

When reviewing the literature and different types of evidence, there are often gaps in the findings. Are such gaps a help or a hindrance when wanting to create a change?

dq 2

What is the difference between statistically significant evidence and clinically significant evidence? How would each of these findings be used to advance an evidenced-based project?

GC HCA699 Week 7 Discussion Latest 2017 November

Research and EBP projects can be communicated in many ways. Which method do you think is most effective to get to the staff nurse level? To the advance practice nurses? How will you ensure that all appropriate audiences receive your information?

GC HCA699 Week 8 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2017 November

dq 1

Post your Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Project Presentation as directed by the instructor. Review all of the presentations but provide critical commentary only to two others posted. This is a peer review of the proposal project, you will need to address the strengths of the proposal as well as recommendations for improvement. If a post already has two feedback posts then move on to another peer review proposal project presentation. You will be responsible for responding to each peer's feedback that is posted to your original presentation post.

dq 2

There is power in having data to support change. The EBP process is one way of advancing improvements in health care. Identify three strategies that you will now incorporate into your role in health care based on this course. Explain your rationale.

Section A: Problem Description Assessment

Before making a case for an evidence-based project, it is essential to understand the culture of the organization in order to begin assessing its readiness for EBP implementation.

1. Complete the "Organizational Culture and Readiness for System-Wide Integration of Evidence-Based Practice Survey," located in the textbook appendix.

2. Develop an analysis of 250 words from the results, addressing your organization's readiness level, possible project barriers and facilitators, as well as how to integrate clinical inquiry.

3. Make sure to include the rationale for the survey categories scores that were significantly high and low, incorporating details and/or examples. Also explain how to integrate clinical inquiry into the organization, providing strategies that strengthen the organizations weaker areas.

4. Submit a summary of your results. The actual survey results do not need to be included.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, revise "Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment" for your final paper submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment

Due Sept 4, 2017


Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) on your proposed problem description for your EBP project. The paper should address the following:

1. Describe the background of the problem. Tell the story of the issue and why it deserves attention.

2. Identify the stakeholders/change agents. Who, or what organizations, are concerned, may benefit from, or are affected by this proposal. List the interested parties, patients, students, agencies, Joint Commission, etc.

3. Use the feedback from the Topic 2 main forum post and refine your PICOT question. Make sure that the question fits with your graduate degree specialization.

4. State the purpose and project objectives in specific, realistic, and measurable terms. The objective should address what is to be gained. This is a restatement of the question, providing focus. Measurements need to be taken before and after the evidence-based practice is introduced to identify the expected changes.

5. 5) Provide supportive rationale that the problem or issue is an important one for nursing to resolve using relevant professional literature sources.

6. Develop an initial reference list to assure that there is adequate literature to support your evidence-based practice project. Follow the "Steps to an Efficient Search to Answer a Clinical Question" box in chapter 3 of the textbook. Use "NUR-699 Search Method Example" to assist you.

7. 7) The majority of references should be research articles. However, national sources such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS), or the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and others may be used when you are gathering statistics to provide the rationale for the problem.

8. Once you get into the literature, you may find there is very little research to support your topic and you will have to start all over again. Remember, in order for this to be an evidence-based project, youmusthave enough evidence to introduce this as a practice change. If you find that you do not have enough supporting evidence to change a practice, then further research would need to be conducted.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section B: Problem Description" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process

Search Method Example

Search Method

A comprehensive electronic search was completed using the following databases:

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

National Guideline Clearinghouse




The search included English-only published articles between 1990 and 2005.

Key words used in the search were:

Pediatric asthma education



Grade school children

Systematic reviews

Randomized controlled trials

Search results revealed 75 publications. The abstracts were screened and 10 studies were relevant to pediatric asthma education involving self-management, self-monitoring behaviors, self-efficacy, and educational programs with various interventions. These studies included three systematic reviews, five randomized control trials (RCT), one cohort descriptive study, and one qualitative study. Refer to Appendix A for a complete reference list.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section B: Problem Description

NUR699.R.EvidenceBasedPracticeProposalFinalPaperOverview_student.docx NUR699.R.Evidence-BasedPracticeProjectProposalFormat_student.docx NUR699.R.EBPimplementationPlanGuide_student.docxNUR699.R.EBPStudentExample_Student.docx

Due Date: Sep 18, 2017 23:59:59Max Points:60


To begin, work through the reference list that was created in the "Section B: Problem Description" assignment in Topic 2. Appraise each resource using the "Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists," available in the textbook appendix. The specific checklist you use will be determined by the type of evidence within the resource.

Develop a research table to organize and summarize the research studies. Using a summary table allows you to be more concise in your narrative description. Only research studies used to support your intervention are summarized in this table. Refer to the "Evaluation Table Template," available in the textbook appendix. Use the "Evaluation Table Template" as an adaptable template.

Write a narrative of 750-1,000 words (not including the title page and references) that presents the research support for the projects problem and proposed solution. Make sure to do the following:

1. Include a description of the search method (e.g., databases, keywords, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and number of studies that fit your criteria).

2. Summarize all of the research studies used as evidence. The essential components of each study need to be described so that readers can evaluate its scientific merit, including study strengths and limitations.

3. Incorporate a description of the validity of the internal and external research.

It is essential to make sure that the research support for the proposed solution is sufficient, compelling, relevant, and from peer-reviewed professional journal articles.

Although you will not be submitting the checklist information or the evaluation table you design in Topic 3 with the narrative, the checklist information and evaluation table should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section C: Literature Support" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section C: Literature Support

Due Date: Sep 25, 2017 23:59:59Max Points:60


Write a paper of 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page) paper for your proposed evidence-based practice project solution. Address the following criteria:

1. Proposed Solution: (a) Describe the proposed solution (or intervention) for the problem and the way(s) in which it is consistent with current evidence. Heavily reference and provide substantial evidence for your solution or intervention. (b) Consider if the intervention may be unrealistic in your setting, too costly, or there is a lack of appropriate training available to deliver the intervention. If the intervention is unrealistic, you may need to go back and make changes to your PICOT before continuing.

2. Organization Culture: Explain the way(s) in which the proposed solution is consistent with the organization or community culture and resources.

3. Expected Outcomes: Explain the expected outcomes of the project. The outcomes should flow from the PICOT.

4. Method to Achieve Outcomes: Develop an outline of how the outcomes will be achieved. List any specific barriers that will need to be assessed and eliminated. Make sure to mention any assumptions or limitations which may need to be addressed.

5. Outcome Impact: Describe the impact the outcomes will have on one or all of the following indicators: quality care improvement, patient-centered quality care, efficiency of processes, environmental changes, and/or professional expertise.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section D: Solution Description" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section D: Solution Description

Due Date: Oct 02, 2017 23:59:59Max Points:60


In 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page), apply a change model to the implementation plan. Include the following:

1. Roger's diffusion of innovation theory is a particularly good theoretical framework to apply to an EBP project. However, students may also choose to use change models, such as Duck's change curve model or the transtheoretical model of behavioral change. Other conceptual models presented such as a utilization model (Stetler's model) and EBP models (the Iowa model and ARCC model) can also be used as a framework for applying your evidence-based intervention in clinical practice.

2. Apply one of the above models and carry your implementation through each of the stages, phases, or steps identified in the chosen model.

3. In addition, create a conceptual model of the project. Although you will not be submitting the conceptual model you design in Topic 5 with the narrative, the conceptual model should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section E: Change Model" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section E: Change Model

Due Date: Oct 02, 2017 23:59:59Max Points:60


In 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page), provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution. Include the following:

1. Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Although you will not be submitting the consent or approval form(s) in Topic 5 with the narrative, the consent or approval form(s) should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

2. Describe the amount of time needed to complete this project. Create a timeline. Make sure the timeline is general enough that it can be implemented at any date. Although you will not be submitting the timeline in Topic 5 with the narrative, the timeline should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

3. Describe the resources (human, fiscal, and other) or changes needed in the implementation of the solution. Consider the clinical tools or process changes that would need to take place. Provide a resource list. Although you will not be submitting the resource list in Topic 5 with the narrative, the resource list should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

4. Describe the methods and instruments, such as a questionnaire, scale, or test to be used for monitoring the implementation of the proposed solution. Develop the instruments. Although you will not be submitting the individual instruments in Topic 5 with the narrative, the instruments should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

5. Explain the process for delivering the (intervention) solution and indicate if any training will be needed.

6. Provide an outline of the data collection plan. Describe how data management will be maintained and by whom. Furthermore, provide an explanation of how the data analysis and interpretation process will be conducted. Develop the data collection tools that will be needed. Although you will not be submitting the data collection tools in Topic 5 with the narrative, the data collection tools should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

7. Describe the strategies to deal with the management of any barriers, facilitators, and challenges.

8. Establish the feasibility of the implementation plan. Address the costs for personnel, consumable supplies, equipment (if not provided by the institute), computer related costs (librarian consultation, database access, etc.), and other costs (travel, presentation development). Make sure to provide a brief rationale for each. Develop a budget plan. Although you will not be submitting the budget plan in Topic 5 with the narrative, the budget plan should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

9. Describe the plans to maintain, extend, revise, and discontinue a proposed solution after implementation.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section F: Implementation Plan" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Top of Form

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section F: Implementation Plan

Due Date:Oct 9, 2017 23:59:59Max Points:60


In 500-750 words (not including the title page and reference page), develop an evaluation plan to be included in your final evidence-based practice project. Provide the following criteria in the evaluation, making sure it is comprehensive and concise:

1. Describe the rationale for the methods used in collecting the outcome data.

2. Describe the ways in which the outcome measures evaluate the extent to which the project objectives are achieved.

3. Describe how the outcomes will be measured and evaluated based on the evidence. Address validity, reliability, and applicability.

4. Describe strategies to take if outcomes do not provide positive results.

5. Describe implications for practice and future research.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine "Section G: Evaluation" for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Section G: Evaluation of Process

Due OCT 16, 2017


Throughout this course you will be developing a formal, evidence-based practice proposal.

The proposal is the plan for an evidence-based practice project designed to address a problem, issue, or concern in the professional work setting. Although several types of evidence can be used to support a proposed solution, a sufficient and compelling base of support from valid research studies is required as the major component of that evidence. Proposals are submitted in a format suitable for obtaining formal approval in the work setting. Proposals will vary in length depending upon the problem or issue addressed; they can be between 3,500 and 5,000 words. The cover sheet, abstract, references page, and appendices are not included in the word limit.

Section headings and letters for each section component are required. Responses are addressed in narrative form in relation to that number. Evaluation of the proposal in all sections is based upon the extent to which the depth of content reflects graduate-level critical-thinking skills.

This project contains seven formal sections:

1. Section A: Organizational Culture and Readiness Assessment

2. Section B: Problem Description

3. Section C: Literature Support

4. Section D: Solution Description

5. Section E: Change Model

6. Section F: Implementation Plan

7. Section G: Evaluation of Process

Each section (A-G) will be submitted as separate assignments so your instructor can provide feedback (refer to applicable modules for further descriptions of each section).

The final paper will consist of the completed project (with revisions to all sections), title page, abstract, reference list, and appendices. Appendices will include a conceptual model for the project, handouts, data and evaluation collection tools, a budget, a timeline, resource lists, and approval forms.

Use the "NUR-699 EBP Implementation Plan Guide" and "NUR-699 Evidence-Based Practice Project Student Example" to assist you. Also refer to "NUR-699 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Format."

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Top of Form

Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Final Paper


Develop a presentation no longer than 10-12 minutes with comprehensive speaker's notes that covers all of the major areas of your proposal.

You will need to post your Evidence-Based Practice Presentation to the main forum in Topic 8 as directed by the instructor for class discussion and peer feedback.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Evidence-Based Practice Presentation


While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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GC HCA699 Full Course Latest 2017 November

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