HARPER ENG101 Full Course Latest 2018 September

Question # 00594156
Course Code : ENG101
Subject: English
Due on: 10/12/2018
Posted On: 10/12/2018 10:32 AM
Tutorials: 1
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ENG 101 Orientation

Week 1 Discussion

DQ1 Why do you think so many people are undecided about who they are, what they want, and how to go about getting it? What factors play a role in this phenomena?

DQ2 Read a classmate's post and compare it with your own. On what points did you find agreement with your classmate's post and where did you differ?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 At the start of his journey, when Santiago asks a gypsy woman to interpret his dream about a treasure in the Egyptian pyramids, she asks for one tenth of the treasure in return. When Santiago asks the old man to show him the path to the treasure, the old man requests one tenth of his flock as "payment." Both payments represent a different price we have to pay to fulfill a dream; however, only one will yield a true result. Which payment represents false hope?

DQ2 Can you think of examples from your own life when you had to give up something to meet a goal and found the price too high? Can you find similarity in another student's response?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 One of the first major diversions from Santiago's journey was the theft of his money in Tangiers, which forced him into taking a menial job with the crystal merchant. There, Santiago learned many lessons on everything from the art of business to the art of patience. Of all these, which lessons were the most crucial to the pursuit of his Personal Legend?

DQ2 Describe a time where you have faced a situation that initially seemed like an obstacle, but turned out to be an opportunity. Can you find similarities between what you experienced and Santiago (or another student)?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 When he talked about the pilgrimage to Mecca, the crystal merchant argued that having a dream is more important than fulfilling it, which is what Santiago was trying to do. Do you agree with Santiago's rationale or crystal merchant's? Explain your answer.

DQ2 Many students come to college laser-focused on getting a degree, but are less inclined to be college EDUCATED. It is entirely possible to have a college degree and not have a college education. What are the implications (results/consequences) of being so focused on the product (degree) that the process (education) is overlooked?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Santiago and the Englishman disagree on what is the best way to obtain knowledge and gain treasure. One preferring books and the other preferring experience. Is it realistic to just choose one over the other? In what ways do these approaches COMPLIMENT each other?

DQ2 Share a lesson you've learned that did not come from a book. Why did you have to experience it to learn it?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 Many people complain about the quality of their lives and engage in behavior such as comparison, self-doubt, and struggle to find satisfaction and self-worth. But if you compare the average American life to those in underdeveloped nations, there seems to be little to complain about. How do people lose sight of this perspective?

DQ2 Why do you think the alchemist chose to befriend Santiago, though he knew that the Englishman was the one looking for him? At one point the alchemist explains to Santiago the secret of successfully turning metal into gold. How does this process compare to finding a Personal Legend?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Why did Santiago have to go through the dangers of tribal wars on the outskirts of the oasis in order to reach the pyramids? At the very end of the journey, why did the alchemist provoke the 3-day challenge and leave Santiago alone to complete it?

DQ2 Describe a time where you had to face a challenge alone. What was the significance of you facing it by yourself? What did you take away from that experience?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 8 Discussion

DQ1 Santiago's story ends where it begins. Why was it necessary for him to embark on a journey before discovering the treasure?

DQ2 Are you ready to embrace your personal destiny? What lessons do you need to learn before you can fulfill your Personal Legend?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 9 Discussion

DQ1 How does the Rosetan way of interacting compare with today? What (if anything can we learn from them?

DQ2 Name 3 people in your life who influence you on a regular basis. How does having them in your life impact your health (physical or mental)?

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 10 Discussion

DQ1 On p. 33

“We cling to the idea that success is a simple function of individual merit and that the world in which we all grow up and the rules we choose to write as a society don't matter at all.” (pg.33)

What other factors besides "individual merit" contribute to some people being more successful than others?

DQ2 For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 11 Discussion

DQ1 Gladwell tackles the question “is there such a thing as innate talent?” What is his answer and what ELSE does he add to this equation? Why does the latter weigh more heavily than innate talent?

DQ2 What is Gladwell's point students going to Harvard vs Georgetown or even the University of Illinois? p 80-86

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 13 Discussion

DQ1 “The sense of possibility so necessary for success comes not just from inside us or from our parents. It comes from our time: from particular opportunities that our particular place in history presents us with” (137). Name a person from this chapter or in our current time who exemplifies this concept and explain why.

DQ2 In this chapter, Gladwell argues that “Jewish doctors and lawyers did not become professionals in spite of their humble origins. They became professionals because of their humble origins” (159). What does he mean by this? Provide an example from the book and a PAGE NUMBER to help your fellow students to follow your logic.

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 14 Discussion

Which chapter of Outliers (so far) has challenged what you previously believed to be true about success? In what way did it challenge your belief (10 points) (7-10 sentences)

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 15 Discussion

After reading Outliers, why is it foolish/short sighted to compare our success with that of others? (10 points; 7-10 sentences)

ENG 101 Orientation

Week 16 Discussion

Describe something you have failed at in the past, but decided to try again and succeeded. What did you learn from that experience? (10 points) (7-10 sentences)

ENG 101 Orientation

Short Essay 1 Discovery

This essay focuses on discovering yourself as a writer. You will analyze both your skills and your anxieties as a writer. In two, double spaced pages, with an introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs and conclusion, answer the following questions:

What are you most anxious about, when writing? For example, do you worry most about grammar and mechanics? About organization? About the deadline? About page length? About being judged? Why? What happened in your writing history that has created anxiety in this area?

ENG 101 Orientation

Short Essay 2 Rhetoric

After reading Backpacks & Briefcases: A Step Toward Rhetorical Analysis, consider what you've read about Santiago in the Alchemist. Paulo Coehlo is the Rhetor. What do you think he is trying to persuade the reader to do? Use evidence from the story to support your answer in a 2 page, double-spaced, 12 point font, standard margins essay with an introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs and a conclusion.

ENG 101 Orientation

Short Essay 3 Process

After reading From Topic to Presentation: Making Choices to Develop Your Writing, consider your own writing process. In a 2 page, double-spaced essay, describe your writing process. How much of your process is consistent with the article? Where does it differ? What do you do when you receive feedback on an essay? Make sure your essay has an introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs and a conclusion.

ENG 101 Orientation

Short Essay 4 Comparison

Compare your journey to Santiago's. How has his journey shaped your ideas about what it means to pursue your dreams? What three lessons have been the most critical on your journey thus far? Answer in a 2-page essay, double-spaced, 12 point font, with standard margins. Make sure to include an introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs and a conclusion.

ENG 101 Orientation

Outliers Majors Essay

The Juxtaposition of Work & Luck


transitive verb \?j?k-st?-?p?z\

jux·ta·posed jux·ta·pos·ing

Definition of JUXTAPOSE

: to place side by side for the purpose of comparison

In the book, Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell, Gladwell juxtaposes the ideas

of work and luck. In some chapters, he argues that hard work and

dedication will lead to success, and that is doesn’t matter where you come

from. In other chapters, he argues that luck and opportunity DO play a

role in success, in which case, it DOES matter where you come from.


(even if you think it’s both, for the purposes of THIS assignment, you MUST

choose a side)

1. Provide an example from the book where Gladwell discusses the role of

hard work OR luck and opportunity with regard to success

2. Provide two additional examples of Outliers (in the real world i.e. Mark

Zuckerberg or Beyonce, etc) that support your position

3. Be sure to INTRODUCE your position, SUPPORT your position,



3-4 Pages – Include works cited from any external references (periodicals,

ENG 101 Orientation

Final Essay Applied Learning Portfolio

Your final essay will be in the form of a portfolio, not to exceed 4-5 pages. You will reflect on your writings and readings and do the following:

1) Page 1 of Portfolio: RHETORIC: Write a 1-page summary reflection of what you learned and found most helpful and applicable about Rhetorical Writing

2) Page 2 of Portfolio: PROCESS: Write a 1-page summary reflection on what you have learned and found most helpful and applicable to the Writing Process

3) Page 3 of Portfolio: OBSTACLES: Write a 1-page summary reflection on what you have learned and found most helpful and applicable to overcoming obstacles

4) Page 4 of Portfolio: SUCCESS: Write a 1-page summary reflection on what you have learned ABOUT SUCCESS and found most helpful and applicable to YOUR OWN LEARNING/LIFE JOURNEY

You are at liberty to reference the digital textbook, the Alchemist, and Outliers. ALL THREE MUST BE REFERENCED in the portfolio, preferably more than once. You are also at liberty to use external sources, but they must be properly cited.


1 page per topic, not to exceed 1.5 pages

12 point font

Double Spaced

Numbered Pages

MLA Formatted

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HARPER ENG101 Full Course Latest 2018 September

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