Harper HUM101 All Quizzes Latest 2021 April (No Week 5 Quiz)

Question # 00624441
Course Code : HUM101
Subject: History
Due on: 05/16/2021
Posted On: 05/16/2021 03:58 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Week 1 Quiz

Question 1The purpose of this class is to "explore the architecture, art, history, literature, music,  _____________________ and theater of the Western tradition from Prehistory through the Medieval era.

Question 2Among the general goals of the course is to apply the familiarity with Western culture that we gain to building an understanding of the ______________________________between our cultural past and present.

Question 3To do well in this class, by the end of the semester, you should be able to prove that you have _____________________________ some aspect of the humanities into your life.

Question 4True or false: This class is an introduction to the study of early through Medieval Western culture. It is not designed to be complete or to cover everything there is to know about early Western culture.

Question 5True or false: The main textbook for this class is available for free as a download.

Question 6True or false: The largest portion of your grade will be based on your performance on exams.

Question 7To pass the class, you must earn at least ________________points.

Question 8The standard for citation of sources you should use whenever you credit a source in your writing is ___________________________________ (MLA) format.

Question 9Any assignment that comes in after midnight of its due date will automatically lose ______________________ percent of the available points.

Question 10The word "respect" in the context of this class means:

Question 11Because this is a fully online class, the following is necessary for success:

Question 12To communicate with the teacher, you should:

Question 13The term "plagiarism" refers to:

Question 14It is considered academic dishonesty when you:

Question 15The consequences for plagiarism, cheating, or academic dishonesty include:

Question 16True or false: During the pandemic, student services, such as the Writing Center and Health and Psychological Services, are available through telephone and virtual meetings.

Question 17True or false: Each discussion forum will require four posted responses.

Question 18True or false: All assignments are due at 8:00 am of the due date.

Question 19The first Class Activity will ask everyone to introduce themselves, by posting their responses to the ____________________________________ in the Discussion Board area.






Week 2 Quiz

Question 1The first method developed to date very old objects is __________________________ dating. This method has limitations, in that it is dependent on there being some organic materials, a small amount of which must be destroyed in the process, and it is cannot be used to date anything older than 60,000 years.

Question 2A sculpture in which figures or designs are carved into a wall or flat surface, so that the design projects out from the wall in three dimensions, is called a: ___________________________.

Question 3The word ___________________________ refers to art that attempts to portray the invisible, such as ideas, feelings or beliefs, rather than the physical world.

Question 4A painting that is created on a wall, usually by applying pigment to wet plaster, is called a __________________________.

Question 5The simplest, oldest, and most common architectural form is the _________________________, a way of creating a doorway or open space in a wall by using two tall uprights held apart and kept stable by a crosspiece laid over the top.

Question 6

A belief that the forces of nature are alive and inhabited by supernatural beings and spirits of the dead is called _______________________________. This type of belief appears to have been dominant in the very earliest cultures.

Question 7A society in which inheritance and identity come through the female line is called ______________________.

Question 8The earliest epoch of human culture, during which time human beings hunted and gathered their food and had no permanent settlements, is called the ___________________________________ period, also called the "Old Stone Age".

Question 9The _______________________ Industry is the name given to the stone tools created from 2.6 to 1.5 million years ago, by the early hominids described in Question #8. These tools were made of “…flaked and smashed quartz riverside pebbles made into poorly formed choppers and sharp stone flakes.”

Question 10The first user of fire was the hominid _____________________________________, who lived about 1.6 million years ago.

Question 11The stone tools created from 1.6 million to 2000.000 years ago by the hominid named in Question #10 are called ____________________________. They are identified by their style, shape (pear or tear-drop), and the skill it took to make them.  This type of tool technology lasted longer (over a million years) than any other, and is the most widespread of any stone tool type

Question 12Fossils of the ___________________________ were discovered in the late 1800’s. It was once thought that they were “cave men” who were stronger than modern humans, but had died out because they could not compete with the more intelligent modern humans. It is now believed that these beings were highly intelligent, and that most human beings from Europe and Asia alive now have inherited between 1.5 to 2.1% of their DNA from these creatures.

Question 13One of the oldest known examples of cave art, at least 10,000 years older than any previously discovered cave art, was found in the ____________________________ Caves in southern France in 1994. The drawings of animals in these caves use shading to create a sense of depth and perspective.

Question 14A figure found in Austria, the _____________________________ is one of the oldest known sculpted human figures. It depicts a female, 4 inches long, with large breasts, hips, and buttocks, elaborately coiled hair, and no facial features.

Question 15The belief that only permanent, agriculture-based societies would build large stone monuments has been challenged by the discovery in 1994 of ________________________, in southeastern Turkey. The site contains huge, t-shaped standing stones that are carved with animal and bird designs, that must have required large, organized groups of people to create. However, the site predates agriculture and there is no sign that large groups of people lived near the area for any length of time. 

Question 16In what is called the _______________________ Adaptation, people just east of the Mediterranean began to depend more and more on grain as a significant part of their diet, and to build permanent settlements near sources of water and grain

Question 17Early agriculture, the first basis for ancient societies’ economies, was dependent on the development of _________________________________ technologies, to control water distribution. This development led to major civilizations growing up in river valleys.

Question 18An excellent example of very early large village culture, a step towards full-fledged civilization, can be found at the site named _______________________________, in central Turkey. The people of this place built houses right next to each other, mined and traded obsidian, and buried their dead under the floors of their houses.

Question 19What may have been the first true “city”, is _________________________________, at the northern tip of the Dead Sea.

Question 20The earliest known pottery was created by the ______________________ culture of Japan, where women wound coils of soft clay onto flat bottoms, and then smoothed and decorated the outsides before firing the pots.

Question 21The land bridge that once existed between Asia and North America is called _______________________. Many modern scholars believe that this land bridge allowed human beings to cross from Asia and spread into the American continents between 12 and 10 thousand years ago.

Question 22A ___________________________ point is a stone tool, an arrowhead, spearhead, or knife, with a characteristic oval shape and fluted edges. Examples, dating from 10,000 to 13,500 B.C.E., have been found only in North and Central America and a few northern parts of South America. It is the best evidence we have so far for what might have been the first identifiable human culture to develop in the New World.

Question 23A culture that developed in the Mississippi Valley, called the _________________________________, constructed huge structures, including domed tombs and rectangular platforms to serve as foundations of palaces and temples. These structure have only recently become the subject of archeological study. One famous site is Cahokia, in southern Illinois.

Question 24The __________________________________ was the first major civilization to exist in Mexico. Today, they are best known for the huge sculpted heads that they left behind, and as the originators of the ritual ball game that was part of many American cultures, including the Maya and the Aztec.

Question 25The development of ___________________________, an alloy of tin and copper that could be melted and then harden in any shape, may have triggered the beginnings of complex civilizations




Week 3 Quiz

Question 1The ________________________ is a bow-shaped area of rich agricultural land, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf, and is where the first known cities were located. The area is now occupied by Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and northeast Egypt.

Question 2The large, mud-brick, terraced structures called _____________________ were the defining piece of architecture of the area described in question 1. Some had shrines built atop them dedicated to the city’s patron deity.

Question 3___________________ is the earliest form of writing. It was made of wedge-shaped indentations pressed into half-baked clay tablets, using the end of a specially cut reed or wooden stick.

Question 4This epic poem about a great king is thought to be the earliest surviving great work of literature. It stressed themes of humility, loyalty, and working for worthwhile human achievements. This is called the Epic of ____________________________

Question 5The king named in the previous question had a friend named ___________________, whose death led the king to undertake a journey to find immortality.

Question 6This is a set of laws created by the founder of the Babylonian empire and inscribed on a stele. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” was part of this set of laws, which was called _________________________________.

Question 7The __________________ Empire was the third of the major empires of the ancient Near East. This empire was notable for its use of iron weapons, and for its reputation for ruthlessness in war, but also for the size and magnificence of its cities, such as Nineveh.

Question 8A stringed musical instrument called a ________________ is one of the only instruments found from this period. A famous example was found in a royal burial site and belonged to a queen of Ur.

Question 9A person named ______________________ left the city of Ur and established a relationship with a single divine being, called Yahweh, which became the basis for the first monotheistic religion.

Question 10The Hebrew Scriptures are also called the ______________________________, and are sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Question 11An extremely important figure in ancient Israelite history is the warrior-king _____________. He was also known as a poet as well as the king who successfully established Israel as a unified, powerful state.

Question 12The First Temple was built at around 1,000 B.C.E, by King __________________________.

Question 13The Israeli kingdom split into Israel and ___________ after the reign of the king named in the previous question.

Question 14The Western Wall, also called the ______________________ Wall, is all that is now left of the Temple of the ancient Israelites, after the Second Temple’s destruction by the Romans. It is now identified as a place for mourning, and as a source of conflict between Jews and Muslims, who both claim control over the site.

Question 15The ________________ was considered both a gift and a god by Egyptians. Its predictable and gentle patterns of flooding, which provided both water and fertilizer, created arable land along its northern sections, and allowed Egypt to produce large surpluses of food.

Question 16The first “pharaoh” of Egypt was named______________________. He is credited with having united the kingdoms of Lower and Upper Egypt into a single, stable political state.

Question 17Egyptian civilization was one of the first to invent a form of writing. Its writing is called __________________________________. ?

Question 18The ancient Egyptians used art, music and poetry to express gratitude to natural forces they considered divine. One example of a poetic prayer is the __________________________.?

Question 19The first true, smooth-sided pyramid was built for King Djoser by the architect, __________, the first architect and designer whose name is remembered.

Question 20A famous work of art called the _______________________________ is a two-sided dish depicting the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Question 21The pyramids of Giza were built for _____________________, the pharaoh whose tomb is the Great Pyramid. The other two pyramids at Giza were built for his son and grandson.

Question 22During the period called the New Kingdom, pharaohs stopped building pyramids, and instead built hidden stone tombs in the _______________________.

Question 23The brief period of the rule of one ruler of Egypt led to short-lived changes in the traditional Egyptian canon of art. This time, called the ________________________, resulted in more naturalism, detail, and humanity in paintings of the royals and the aristocracy.

Question 24The first of the Nubian kingdoms was known as _________________, ruled from a capital of the same name. It was likely formed in order for Nubians to have some form of organized protection from the frequent Egyptian raids into Nubia.

Question 25The _______________________ was an impressive piece of ancient Nubian architecture. Its exact purpose is not known but it was most likely a palace or temple of some sort.



Week 4 Quiz

Question 1The earliest major civilization in the Greek world is called the __________ civilization. It was wealthy, highly advanced, and apparently peaceful, but may have been devastated by the effects of a volcanic eruption on the island of Thera.

Question 2This earliest civilization developed two forms of writing. One is a hieroglyphic type, and the other is now called ________. Unfortunately, neither of these writing systems has been deciphered.

Question 3The first advanced civilization on the mainland of Greece is called the _________. This group of cities was the last stage of the Greek Bronze Age.

Question 4The massive structure now called the ______________ was the entrance to the city of Mycenae, constructed to intimidate enemies.

Question 5The legendary _________ was won by the Greeks, who gave the enemy a gigantic wooden horse as a strategic trick. It was designed to look like a peace offering, but soldiers were hidden inside.

Question 6The term _______________, meaning “eternal glory” referred to the value that Greek society placed on achieving excellence and a lasting reputation through competition.

Question 7The great epic poem that tells about one episode in the Trojan War is called the _______________. It is ascribed to the poet Homer, along with a second epic called the Odyssey.

Question 8The fall of Bronze Age civilization in Greece led to a “Dark Age” until about 700 BCE. This was followed by a period of re-emerging cities, colonization, and cultural development called the _____________Age.

Question 9The center of the Greek social and political system was the ______________, a term that refers to a self-sufficient, independent city-state which each individual identifies as his or her home.

Question 10The writing down of epic poetry was made possible by the Greek adoption of the ____________ alphabet. This alphabet consisted of only about two dozen symbols for sounds, and became the basis for most modern alphabets.

Question 11The shrine to Apollo at ___________________ was one of the most important religious centers in Greece. The Oracle there, embodied in a priestess called the Pythia, was consulted for all important decisions.

Question 12The sculpted figure of an idealized young man is called a__________ figure. Such sculptures were meant to portray perfection in the human form, and obeyed a strict set of rules that guaranteed that each part of the body was in mathematical proportion to all other parts. Early in Greek history, these figures were stiff and rigid, similar to Egyptian sculptures.

Question 13After about 500 B.C.E, sculpted figures started to be posed in a relaxed, natural position called ___________________. This position had the figure’s body slightly twisted, with knees and elbows bent, and weight more on one foot than the other.

Question 14One of the most important of the city-states, Athens, began to develop into a democracy after the statesman _______________ was appointed to resolve the problems that came from debt-slavery.

Question 15The period called the Classical, also called _________________ started after the end of the Persian Wars, and is considered the cultural peak of Greek civilization, particularly for Athens.

Question 16The second major tragic playwright was _________________, the author of the plays, Ajax, which depicts the cruelties of war, and Oedipus the King. This play was considered by Aristotle to be the play that comes closest to perfection.

Question 17The most famous Greek temple is the ___________________, built on the Acropolis in Athens and dedicated to the goddess Athena. It was built with funds from the Delian League treasure and is an excellent example of the use of optical techniques used to create a sense of balance and order.

Question 18The most important leader of Athens during its height was ___________________. He was responsible for the construction of the temples on the Acropolis and for giving a famous speech in defense of democracy at a funeral for men who died in the Peloponnesian Wars.

Question 19The first of Greek philosophy’s most influential figures was ____________________, who believed that asking questions and pushing the individual to confront contradictions in his thinking was the best way to find truth. His trial for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens resulted in his death, but also in his becoming a lasting symbol of integrity and self-sacrifice in service to truth.

Question 20The student of Plato, named ___________________, was the third great figure at the foundations of Western philosophy. Unlike his teacher, he emphasized the importance of careful, disciplined observation. 

Question 21The period after the death of Alexander the Great in which Greek culture and language, arts, science and philosophy spread and flourished is the called the _____________________ Period.


Question 22The leading city of the last period of Greek dominance was _________________, where the Great Library built by Ptolemy I became the most important center of learning in the Mediterranean world. 

Question 23A mathematician named _____________________ wrote a work entitled, Elements. His work on the basic principles of geometry are still in use.

Question 24Founded by Zeno of Citium, the philosophy called _________________ encouraged acceptance, courage, patience and letting go of emotions to achieve happiness.

Question 25The only playwright whose work has survived from this period is _______________________. Where most of the arts became more dramatic and extreme, his comedies are gentle satires set in middle-class families. Only one of his plays has survived intact, entitled Dyskolos, or The Grouch. 




Week 6 Quiz

Question 1The capital of the Byzantine empire was the city ______________________. It was renamed Istanbul when the Byzantine empire was finally conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

Question 2In 476, the rule of Rome was taken by __________, who claimed the title of “king of Italy”. This signaled the end of the western Roman empire.

Question 3The most important early ruler of the Byzantine empire was ___________. Ruling from 527 to 565 C.E., he is credited with defeating the armies of the Ostragoths and Vandals, and establishing the Byzantine empire as successor to Roman power and culture.

Question 4The most famous of the churches built by #3 is the ________________, a magnificent structure that, at the time of its completion, was the largest building in Europe. It is still standing.

Question 5Another important contribution by #3 was the ___________________, also called the Justinian Code. This work gathered together and organized into one document over 900 years’ worth of accumulated Roman legal writings, and eventually formed the basis for most later European legal systems, except for England’s.

Question 6A major crisis hit the Byzantine empire in the 8th century, called the __________________ Controversy. This crisis was caused a conflict over the creation and use of images of Jesus, Mary, and other sacred figures. Some supported the creation of these “icons”, while others who believed that it was idolatry destroyed much of the art already in existence.

Question 7The first emperor of the Byzantine Macedonian Dynasty was ______________. During the “Macedonian Renaissance” under his and his successors’ rule, universities were reopened and literature and art flourished.

Question 8An alphabetic system called ___________________ was introduced by Byzantine missionaries to Slavic peoples, so that they could write the Bible and other religious texts in the Slavonic languages. This alphabet became the basis for writing in Eastern Europe and Russia.

Question 9Living and working in the early 12th century, a Byzantine princess named __________________ is now considered one of the greatest writers of the Byzantine empire. Her biography of her father, Emperor Alexios, is one of our best sources of information about that period of Byzantine history.

Question 10A type of bound book called a ___________________ replaced the scrolls that had been in use earlier in the Byzantine empire.

Question 11A part of the Pope’s authority came from ___________________, a document supposedly written by the Roman emperor Constantine which gave the “pope” religious authority over all of Western Europe. The document was later discovered to be a forgery.

Question 12The translation into Latin of the Old and New Testaments in 382 by ____________________ eventually became the official Bible of the Catholic Church. It is now called the Vulgate.

Question 13In the 500’s, ________________________ of Nursia wrote his “Rule”, as guidelines for monastic communities. This established a system governing monastic life based on poverty, obedience, and work, especially devoted to copying and preserving important texts. The “Rule” became the model for most early monastic orders in Europe.

Question 14The first important pope, __________________________, was pope from 590-604. He established the bureaucratic structure of the Church, reformed and standardized the calendar, sent missionaries out, and established regular, consistent Church policies of governance.

Question 15One of the reforms carried out by #14 was the development of ________________________, a type of plainsong that entire groups of men or women could participate in together. This became the standard musical form used for prayer and for religious rituals.

Question 16One of the books created in a British scriptorium is the ______________________ Gospels, created in a Northumbrian monastery after which it is named, sometime in the late 7th or early 8th century. It is now considered one of the greatest works of medieval art.

Question 17The style used in the decorations of #16 is called the ______________________ Style. It is characterized by “detailed geometric designs, interlace, and stylized animal decoration”, particularly used in illuminated manuscripts. It was unique to the British Isles and is therefore sometimes called the “Insular Style”. 

Question 18An important archeological site in Suffolk, called _____________________is where the burial mound of an Anglo-Saxon leader has yielded jewelry, weapons, armor, and a whole ship. This find has given modern archeologists a chance to see early Anglo-Saxon artistic designs and lifestyles.

Question 19The poem, _______________________ is the earliest known epic poem written in English. It is set in the Pre-Christian world of Germanic tribes, and depicts a warrior’s battle with monsters and dragons for the sake of glory for himself and his king, but it also references disastrous human intertribal conflicts.

Question 20The most important of the Carolingian rulers, ____________________________, conquered much of what is now Western Europe, but he is mainly known for trying to establish a new Roman Empire, now fully Christian. His reign would see what has been called the “Carolingian Renaissance”, and become the basis for European concepts of ideal Christian kingship.

Question 21An epic poem celebrating a warrior of the king in #20 was the _________________, a poem in which a great warrior dies in battle, rather than ask for help from his king. This warrior became the model of European concepts of nobility throughout the Middle Ages and later, into the Renaissance.

Question 22The system that dominated Western Europe from the 9th to the 15th century is called _______________. It was a system which depended on the relationship between “lords” and their “vassals”, based on land ownership and land use. Holding of land was offered in exchange for work or service, particularly military service.


Question 23Among the last groups to convert to Christianity were the _________________________, from Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. Well into the 10th century, they were still conducting raids on monasteries. Also called Norsemen and famous for their skills in sailing, they eventually established settlements in Iceland and even temporarily on the northeastern edge of the Americas.

Question 24The invasion of England in the year 1066, now called the ______________________ Invasion, was the last example of large-scale movements of peoples in Europe, in the early Middle Ages.

Question 25A major survey of the English lands conquered by the Normans ruler, called the ___________________ and completed in 1086, was the first written survey of the population and its wealth done in England. 



Week 7 Quiz

Question 1The 13th century historian and author of the Al-Muqaddimah was _______________. He held many important political jobs, but is best known today as a founding figure in modern economics and sociology, and for his theory of a “Cyclical Theory of History.”

Question 2The city most closely associated with the beginning of Islam is ___________. It is the holiest place in Islam, the place where Islam began. 

Question 3The ideal man of traditional Arabic tribal culture is the __________________. He shows courage, patience, generosity, and hospitality, but is also determined and firm, particularly to avenge wrongs done to his tribe.

Question 4The holiest book in Islam is the _____________________, which records the words spoken to the Prophet (P.B.U.H). by the angelic messenger.

Question 5The most sacred site in Islam is the ____________________, a cube-shaped building that the Prophet (P.B.U.H) cleansed of idols and dedicated to Allah. The structure stands in the center of the Masjid al-Haram, the largest and one of the oldest mosques in the world.

Question 6The “Five Pillars” of Islam include the declaration of faith, charity, fasting for the sacred month, prayer five times a day and the ____________________, meaning a journey to Mecca at least once in one’s lifetime.

Question 7The _______________ is an Islamic term meaning the community of believers.

Question 8Increasing conflicts over the succession of leadership led to divisions in the Muslim community. The _________________ believed that the caliphate should be chosen by consensus.

Question 9The third major caliphate, the Abbasids, moved the capital to a new city, ___________________, which quickly became a center of commerce and learning, and the largest city in the world.

Question 10The most famous of the Abbasid caliphs was ______________________, noted for his patronage of the arts and of science, and for increasing the prosperity of his empire by supporting trade with China and India, and encouraging technological advancements, particularly in agriculture.

Question 11Founded by the caliph named in #10, the ______________________ became a center of learning and a focal point for scholarship and intellectual discussion during the Islamic Golden Age.

Question 12One of the first books on optics was written by ____________________, born in 965, in Basra. Today, he is considered by some to be the first modern scientist, due to his insistence on experimentation.

Question 13The most influential medieval book on medicine was written by ______________________. He wrote The Canon of Medicine, a summary of all known information about medicine to that time, around 1060.

Question 14Living in the 12th century, the scholar _______________________ is now credited with having integrated the study of Aristotle into theology and philosophy. He had a huge influence on the later Western theologian, Thomas Aquinas.

Question 15____________________ is the largest and most famous mosque in Egypt. Originally founded as a Shi’a mosque, it later developed into one of the world’s oldest universities, and is now known as a center of Sunni studies and Islamic law.

Question 16A series of wars called the ____________________ started in 1096 as an attempt by northern European Christians, called “Franks”, to take control of the “Holy Land”, most specifically, Jerusalem.

Question 17During the second of these wars, a Muslim military leader named _______________________ rose to become famous as the most effective military and admired opponent faced by Western Christian forces.

Question 18Human or animal figures seldom appear in Islamic art. Instead, artists used forms like __________________, beautiful writing, which was used to decorate almost everything, from mosques and palaces to household objects like dishes, textiles, metalwork, and rugs.

Question 19A ___________________ is a semicircular niche in the wall of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca toward which Muslims pray.

Question 20The oldest structure built to accommodate Muslim worship is the _____________________ in Jerusalem, built in 691 by the Umayyad Caliph, Abd al-Malik.

Question 21A type of Arabic literature that became influential in the West is a collection of entertaining stories. One particularly famous example is the _______________________. In this book, a sultaness named Shahrazade tells entertaining tales to her husband, to prevent her execution. The stories include the tales of Ali Baba, Sinbad the Sailor, and Alladin and the Lamp.

Question 22One aspect of Persian culture that was accepted in Islam, in spite of its use of human and animal figures, is the Persian ______________________, a type of small, exquisitely detailed painting used to illustrate books.

Question 23Near the city of Granada in southern Spain is the _______________________, one of the most beautiful of all Muslim palaces. It was originally built as a fortress in 889, but was reconstructed by later rulers, who made it a showplace of fountains and gardens.

Question 24The Sufi sect, which “renounces casual worldliness and seeks to unite the physical and spiritual through intensified physical experience”, produced poets such as __________________, whose poetry is now considered among the most beautiful spiritual writings in the world.

Question 25A musical instrument called the _______________________ was the “sultan of instruments”, and became the ancestor of the European lute.







Week 8 Quiz

Question 1The type of political system in which power and wealth rested with armed men in control of plots of agricultural land is called ________________.

Question 2In the system named in #1, the people working the land became tied to the land, becoming ____________. Although these peasants were not technically slaves, they were not free to leave the land and they had to obey the owner of the manor.

Question 3The people living and working in towns came to be known as the ____________ or middle class. They were the merchants and craftsmen who benefitted from and supported increasing trade of the High Middle Ages.

Question 4Medieval organizations called ___________ became the center of power in towns. Their purpose was to give craftsmen a way to protect the quality and prices of the good they sold, and to provide training and credentials to new workers.

Question 5The attempt by Christian kingdoms of northern Spain to take control away from the Muslims who ruled Spain was called the _______________________.

Question 6The Catholic Church was damaged by potentially corrupt practices, such as _________________, the selling of Church offices.

Question 7On November 27th, 1095, in Clermont, Pope _________________ gave a sermon to call on all Christian warriors to devote themselves to doing battle against the “pagans” who had control of Jerusalem. This was the beginning of the Crusades, a series of wars that lasted for over 150 years and had major, transformative impacts on Western Europe.

Question 8One of the reasons for the Crusades was to secure sites sacred to Christians, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where Jesus’s crucified body was said to have been entombed. These sacred sites were the objectives of _____________________, a journey undertaken out of religious devotion.

Question 9A style of church building called ___________________ developed as a result of the need for larger “reliquary” churches, to hold the large crowds that would travel to see a relic, a sacred object, such as a piece of the “True Cross”. These buildings featured rounded arches and elaborate interior decorations.

Question 10The English nobility’s’ rebellion against King John in the early 1200’s led to the nobles’ forcing the king to sign the ____________________ in 1215, a document that became the foundation of English democracy. It limited the power of the king, so that he was forced to get permission before raising taxes.

Question 11Starting in the late 1100’s, a set of rules for nobles’ behavior called the __________________ Tradition became the main theme of a literary form called the “Romance”. This set of rules established how men and women of noble birth should behave, especially toward each other.

Question 12The religious order named the Dominicans often worked at the new universities, studying the works of Aristotle and Plato, as well as the writings of early Church fathers. Their attempts to reconcile the Church’s teachings and Christian scriptures with Greek and Roman sources was called _________________________.

Question 13The first European “universities” were established in the cities of ______________, Paris, and Oxford.

Question 14The most important intellectual figure from Paris was __________________. In his monumental work, Summa Theologica, he argued for a middle way between faith and reason, because both reason and faith are necessary for salvation.

Question 15During the 1200’s, a new style of church building called ____________________ became popular. Because of technical innovations, this new type of building could be larger and taller than any other, with high roofs, thin walls, and lots of stained-glass windows to let in light.

Question 16Among the innovations that made the new style possible was the _______________________, a stone structure that supported thinner walls by taking the weight from them and moving it away from the building.

Question 17From 1378-1417, the Catholic Church was in the ______________________, a period of crisis during which there were two Popes, and for a short time, three Popes, each one claiming to be the one true Pope.

Question 18The Church refused to allow the Bible to be translated into _____________________ languages, such as Italian, French, or English, mainly as a way to maintain control.

Question 19Another crisis of the 1300’s was the _______________________, a conflict between the rulers of England and France over the throne of France.

Question 20Also known as the Pestilence, the Great Plague or the Black Plague, the ____________________ Plague, appearing in Venice in 1347, killed over half of the population of Europe in three years, and was one of the reasons for the decline of feudalism.

Question 21The Italian poet named ______________________ published the Divine Comedy in 1320, a monumental, three-part allegory in which a man journeys through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. It was the first major work of literature written in a European common language, rather than in Latin.

Question 22The Canterbury Tales, by _____________________, is the first major work of literature in English. It is also significant for its humor, social commentary, and naturalism, with realistic characters from all social classes.

Question 23During the 1400’s, the Italian intellectuals and artists turned to ___________________, a belief that human beings are worthy of study. They were particularly interested in the literature of ancient Greece and Rome, particularly in their original languages, and in classical art.

Question 24The paintings of ________________, including “The Lamentation of Christ”, demonstrated a renewed interest in more realistic depictions of space and perspective, and more attention to human emotion.

Question 25After studying the writings of ancient Roman historians and rulers, ________________________, argued that an effective ruler should be guided by practical necessity, not morality.




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HUM101 ANCIENT THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL WEST Week 3 Quiz Question 1The ________________________ is a bow-shaped area of rich agricultural land, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian …
HUM101 Research Proposal - What have you found through
1. What have you found through your research about your topic (the topic you proposed back on February 17th)? 2. What problems have you run into? For example, are you having trouble identifying goo …
Harper HUM101 Week 7 Quiz Latest 2021 April
HUM101 ANCIENT THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL WEST Week 7 Quiz Question 1The 13th century historian and author of the Al-Muqaddimah was _______________. He held many important political jobs, but is best …
Harper HUM101 Week 4 Quiz Latest 2021 April
HUM101 ANCIENT THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL WEST Week 4 Quiz Question 1The earliest major civilization in the Greek world is called the __________ civilization. It was wealthy, highly advanced, and app …
Harper HUM101 Week 8 Quiz Latest 2021 April
HUM101 ANCIENT THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL WEST Week 8 Quiz Question 1The type of political system in which power and wealth rested with armed men in control of plots of agricultural land is called __ …
Harper HUM101 Week 6 Quiz Latest 2021 April
HUM101 ANCIENT THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL WEST Week 6 Quiz Question 1The capital of the Byzantine empire was the city ______________________. It was renamed Istanbul when the Byzantine empire was fin …
Harper HUM101 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2021 April
HUM101 ANCIENT THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL WEST Week 2 Quiz Question 1The first method developed to date very old objects is __________________________ dating. This method has limitations, in that it …
Harper HUM101 All Quizzes Latest 2021 April (No Week 5 Quiz)
HUM101 ANCIENT THROUGH THE MEDIEVAL WEST Week 1 Quiz Question 1The purpose of this class is to "explore the architecture, art, history, literature, music,  _____________________ and t …
HUM101 Research Project Final Draft
Humanities 101 General Description of the Research Project Assignment The topic of your project should be concerned with the relationship between your life and one single aspect of early Western …
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HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 1 Discussion EVIDENCE BASED RESOURCES You have probably heard of evidence-based medicine, but have you heard of evidenc …
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