HCC CHEM1305 2021 January Homework Assignments Latest (Full)

Question # 00632293
Course Code : CHEM1305
Subject: Chemistry
Due on: 02/09/2022
Posted On: 02/09/2022 02:22 AM
Tutorials: 1
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CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 1 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Which of the following items was made using chemistry?

  a computer

  a firework

  a loaf of bread

  all of the above

 Question 2What is the definition of chemistry?

  the study of living organisms

  the scientific study of the human mind

  the study of the composition, properties, and interactions of matter

  the study of earth's physical structure and substance

 Question 3Chemistry is sometimes referred to as “the central science”.



 Question 4Which field of science can be connected to chemistry?




  all of the above

 Question 5Which  branch of chemistry deals with the study of chemicals that contain carbon?

  inorganic chemistry

  organic chemistry

  physical chemistry

  analytical chemistry

 Question 6Attempts to understand the behavior of matter extend back for more than 2500 years.



 Question 7Which of the following is NOT a step in the scientific method?

  make up some fake data

  formulate a hypothesis

  design and perform experiments

  accept or modify the hypothesis

 Question 8Is the following statement an example of a scientific theory or law?

If the temperature of a gas in a closed system is increased, the pressure will increase.



 Question 9Is the following statement an example of a scientific theory or law?

An element is composed of tiny particles called atoms.



 Question 10One of the best ways to succeed in a chemistry course is to do ALL of the given practice problems.





CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 2 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Which of the following is a proper measurement?


  yard stick

  50 meters


 Question 2Give the number of significant figures in each:

a) 6000 mL


 b) 0.02508 cm


 c) 94.2 g


d) 1,001 in

Question 3What is the number 0.000583 in scientific notation format?

  5.83 × 10-4

  5.83 × 104

  5.83 × 10-3


 Question 4What is the number 7.9 × 108 written as an ordinary number?





 Question 5Complete the calculation and choose the answer using the correct number of significant figures:

5.007 m × 6 m

  30.042 m2

  30.04 m2

  30 m2

  30 m

 Question 6Complete the calculation and choose the answer using the correct number of significant figures:

17.75 g + 21 g

  39 g

  38.8 g

  38.75 g

  38.75 g2

 Question 7Choose the correct abbreviation for the unit "milliliter" and define in terms of the base unit.

  mil; 100 mil = 1 l

  ML; 1 ML = 1,000,000 L

  mL; 1000 mL = 1 L

  μL; 1,000,000 μL = 1 L

 Question 8Convert 651,000 m to km, given 1000 m = 1 km

  65.1 km

  6.51 km

  651,000,000 km

  651 km

 Question 9Convert 135 lb to kg, given 1 lb = 454 g; 1000 g = 1 kg

  3.36 kg

  61.3 kg

  0.000297 kg

  297 kg

 Question 10What is the density of oxygen, given that a 2.00 L sample of oxygen has a mass of 2.86 g?

  5.72 g/L

  1.43 g/mL

  0.699 g/L

  1.43 g/L




CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 3 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Which of the following is NOT an example of matter?

  a cup of water

  a helium balloon


  a pillow

 Question 2How many carbon atoms are there in the chemical formula for iron(III) carbonate, Fe2(CO3)3?





 Question 3Which phase of matter has a definite volume but an indefinite (variable) shape?





 Question 4Classify each type of matter as either an element, a compound, a homogeneous mixture, or a heterogeneous mixture.

a) a bowl of cereal with milk heterogeneous mixture

b) sodium element

c) carbon dioxide compound

d) apple juice homogeneous mixture

Question 5Classify each property as physical or chemical.

a) silver is a silver-colored metal physical property

b) propane gas readily burns in air chemical property

c) pure sodium will explode if dropped in water chemical property

d) copper conducts electricity physical property

Question 6Classify each change as physical or chemical.

a) a match is ignited physical change

b) a drop of alcohol evaporates

c) two colorless solutions are combined and form a yellow color

d) a tablet of aspirin is ground to a powder physical change

Question 7In a reaction, 1.000 g copper metal is heated with yellow sulfur to form copper sulfide as a product. 1.252 g of copper sulfide is made. What is the mass of sulfur that had reacted with the copper metal?

  0.252 g

  1.000 g

  1.252 g

  2.252 g

 Question 8Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.



 Question 9Substances at higher temperatures have a higher kinetic energy (atoms are moving faster) than substances at lower temperatures (atoms are moving slower).



 Question 10What is the boiling point of water according to the Kelvin scale?

  100 K

  212 K

  273 K

  373 K


CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 4 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Which of the following scientists proposed the first Atomic Theory?

  J. J. Thomson

  Ernest Rutherford

  John Dalton

  James Chadwick

 Question 2Match the following information about the subatomic particles:

relative mass is 0.00055


relative charge is +1


location is inside nucleus

neutrons and protons

Other Incorrect Match Options:

neutrons and electrons

 Question 3Refer to the periodic table (https://ptable.com/ (Links to an external site.)) and type in the number of protons each of the following elements have in their nucleus:

silver, Ag  47

xenon, Xe  54

potassium, K  19

copper, Cu  29

nitrogen, N  7

Question 4Choose the correct atomic notation for an atom of cobalt with 32 neutrons in its nucleus.





 Question 5What is the term for atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.


  atomic notation



 Question 6Type in the number of neutrons in each of the following isotopes of tungsten, W:





Question 7Fill in the following table (assume the atoms are neutral):

Isotope                Number of Protons         Number of Neutrons     Number of Electrons






13           14          


Question 8Chlorine has two naturally occurring isotopes: Cl-35 with mass 34.969 amu and a natural abundance of 75.78%, and Cl-37 with mass 36.966 amu and a natural abundance of 24.22%. What is the calculated atomic mass of chlorine?

  36 amu

  3545 amu


  35.45 amu

 Question 9Type in how many electrons can each of the following sublevels hold:





Question 10Electrons will occupy sublevels in order of increasing…









CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 5 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Using the periodic table, classify each of the following elements as a metal or a nonmetal, and then further classify each as a representative element, transition metal, or inner transition metal:

a. Se      nonmetal                    ["", "", ""]           

b. Yb                   ["", ""]                                ["", "", ""]           

c. Mo                   ["", ""]                                ["", "", ""]           

d. K                   ["", ""]                   representative element


 Question 2Give the group name for the following elements:

a. F      halogen

b. Xe      noble gas

c. Mg      alkaline earth metal

d. Rb      alkali metal

Question 3Identify each of the following elements (type in the chemical symbol for the element, not the name):

a. the halogen in the same period as potassium

 b. the Group 10 element in the same period as Ba

 c. the alkali metal in the same period as the element with 14 protons

 d. the noble gas in the same period as an isotope with 80 protons and 120 neutrons

 e. the alkaline earth metal in the fifth period

 Question 4Find the element that corresponds to the following electron configurations (type in the chemical symbol for the element, not the name):

a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d3      

b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p3      

c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2      

d. (Kr) 5s2 4d1     

e. (Ar) 4s2 3d10 4p1      

Question 5State how many valence electrons each of the following elements has:

a. Cl      

b. Al      

c. P      

d. K      

e. O      

f. Si      

g. Mg      

h. Ar      

Question 6Predict the ionic charge for each of the following ions based on the group number of the element in the periodic table:

a. P ion      3-

b. Rb ion      1+

c. F ion      1-

d. Ba ion      2+

e. Al ion      3+

Question 7Give the noble gas that each of the following ions are isoelectronic with (type in the chemical symbol for the element, not the name):

a. Br -      

b. N3-      

c. Ca2+      

d. Li+      

e. Ba2+      

Question 8a. From the following list of elements, which one has the smallest atomic radius?

Fe, K, Br, Ca, Ge      Br

 b.From the following list of elements, which one has the largest atomic radius?

Ca, Be, Sr, Ba, Mg      Ba

Question 9a. From the following list of elements, which one has the most metallic character?

Ag, Sn, Zr, I, Rb      Rb

 b.From the following list of elements, which one has the least metallic character?

As, Bi, P, N, Sb      N

Question 10

a. From the following list of elements, which one has the highest ionization energy?

O, Ne, C, Li, F      Ne

 b.From the following list of elements, which one has the lowest ionization energy?

K, Rb, Li, Cs, Na      Cs


CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 6 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Classify each of the following as a binary ionic compound, ternary ionic compound, binary molecular compound, binary acid, or ternary oxyacid:

a. bleach, NaClO      ternary ionic compound

b. carbon monoxide, CO      binary molecular compound

c. phosphoric acid, H3PO4(aq)      ternary oxyacid

d. iodized salt, KI      binary ionic compound

e. hydrofluoric acid, HF(aq)      binary acid

Question 2Give the name for each of the following ions:

a. NO2-      nitrite ion

b. NH4+      ammonium ion

c. S2-      sulfide ion

d. Ag+      silver ion

e. Sn2+      tin ion

Question 3Give the formula for each of the following ions: (the superscript and subscript functions will not appear in the dropdown choices, but the correct answer should still be clear to you)

a. zinc ion      Zn2+

b. hydronium ion      H3O+

c. nitride ion      N3-

d. lead(II) ion      Pb2+

e. cyanide ion      CN-

Question 4Give the formula for the each of the following ionic compounds given their constituent ions: (the subscript function will not appear in the dropdown choices, all numbers seen should be thought of as subscripts)

a. sodium sulfide, Na+ and S2-      Na2S

b. lead(IV) sulfate, Pb4+ and SO42-      Pb(SO4)2

Question 5Give the name for each of the following ionic compounds:

a. SrI2      strontium iodide

b. Fe2(CrO4)3      iron(III) chromate

c. Na2O      sodium oxide

d. CrP      chromium(III) phosphide

e. BaCO3     barium carbonate

Question 6Give the formula for each of the following ionic compounds: (the subscript function will not appear in the dropdown choices, all numbers seen should be thought of as subscripts)

a. lead(II) sulfite      PbSO3

b. zinc bromide      ZnBr2

c. copper(II) phosphide      Cu3P2

d. magnesium nitrate      Mg(NO3)2

e. aluminum oxide      Al2O3

Question 7Give the name for each of the following binary molecular compounds:

a. Cl2O5      dichlorine pentaoxide

b. BrF      bromine monofluoride

c. I2O4      diiodine tetraoxide

d. SF4     sulfur tetrafluoride

e. CO      carbon monoxide

Question 8Give the formula for each of the following binary molecular compounds: (the subscript function will not appear in the dropdown choices, all numbers seen should be thought of as subscripts)

a. nitrogen monoxide      NO

b. carbon tetrachloride      CCl4

c. dihydrogen monoxide      H2O

d. dichlorine heptaoxide      Cl2O7

e. dinitrogen trioxide      N2O3

Question 9Give the name for each of the following acids:

a. HCl(aq)      hydrochloric acid

b. H2SO3(aq)      sulfurous acid

c. HClO3(aq)      chloric acid

d. HI(aq)      hydroiodic acid

e. H2CO3(aq)      carbonic acid

Question 10Give the formula for each of the following acids: (the subscript function will not appear in the dropdown choices, all numbers seen should be thought of as subscripts)

a. hypochlorous acid      HClO(aq)

b. hydrofluoric acid      HF

c. nitrous acid      HNO2(aq)

d. phosphoric acid      H3PO4(aq)

e. hydrobromic acid      HBr(aq)


CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 7 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Choose the correct evidence of a chemical reaction for each of the following observations:

a) adding a piece of zinc metal to acid causes bubbles to form

a gas is produced

b) mixing two colorless solutions gives a pink solution

a gas is produced

c) adding potassium metal to water causes flames

an energy change is observed

d) adding sodium chloride to a silver nitrate solution causes a white powder to form in the solution

an insoluble solid is produced in a solution

Question 2Choose the most correct chemical equation (with all the appropriate symbols) for the following reaction:

nitric acid reacts with aqueous ammonium hydroxide to give aqueous ammonium nitrate plus water

  HNO3  +  NH4OH  →  NH4NO3  +  H2O

  HNO3  +  NH4OH  +  NH4NO3  +  H2O

  HNO3(aq)  +  NH4OH(aq)  →  NH4NO3(aq)  +  H2O(l)

  HNO3(s)  +  NH4OH(l)  →  NH4NO3(aq)  +  H2O(g)

 Question 3Balance the following chemical reactions (choose "1" if no coefficient is needed):

a) 1 Al2(CO3)3(s)  →  1 Al2O3(s)  +  3 CO2(g)

b) 1 Hg2(NO3)2(aq)  +  2 NaBr(aq)  →  1 Hg2Br2(s)  +  2 NaNO3(aq)

c) 2 (NH4)3PO4(aq)  +  3 Pb(NO3)2(aq)  →  1  Pb3(PO4)2(s)  +  6 NH4NO3(aq)

Question 4Classify each of the following chemical reactions:

a) 3 Sn(s)  +  2 P(s)  →  Sn3P2(s)


b) 2 HClO4(aq)  +  Ba(OH)2(s)  →  Ba(ClO4)2(s)  +  2 H2O(l)


c) Cu(s)  +  2 AgC2H3O2(aq)  →  Cu(C2H3O2)2(aq)  +  2 Ag(s)


d) 2 LiClO3(s)  →  2 LiCl(s)  +  3 O2(g)


e) Pb(NO3)2(aq)  +  2 LiCl(aq)  →  PbCl2(s)  +  2 LiNO3(aq)


Question 5Choose the correct, balanced chemical equation for the following combination reaction:

aluminum metal is heated with sulfur powder to form solid aluminum sulfide

  Al(s)  +  S(s) heatrxn AlS(s)

  Al(s)  +  S(s) heatrxn Al2S3(s)

  2 Al(s)  +  3 S(s) heatrxn Al2S3(s)

 Question 6Choose the correct, balanced chemical equation for the following decomposition reaction:

solid lithium carbonate decomposes with heat to form solid lithium oxide and carbon dioxide gas

  Li2CO3(s) heatrxn Li2O(s)  +  CO2(g)

  LiCO3(s) heatrxn 2 LiO(s)  +  CO2(g)

  LiCO2(s) heatrxn Li(s)  +  CO2(g)

 Question 7Using the activity series, predict whether a reaction occurs or no reaction occurs for each of the following single-replacement reactions:

a) Cu(NO3)2(aq)  +  Ni(s)  →Reaction Occurs

 b) Au(s)  +  H2SO4(aq)  →No Reaction

c) FeSO4(aq)  +  Ag(s)  →Reaction Occurs

Question 8Using the solubility table, determine whether each of the following compounds are soluble or insoluble in water:

a) calcium sulfide, CaSsoluble

b) lead(II) sulfate, PbSO4insoluble

c) barium chromate, BaCrO4insoluble

Question 9Using the solubility table, predict whether a reaction occurs or no reaction occurs for each of the following double-replacement reactions:

a) AgC2H3O2(aq)  +  SrI2(aq)  →No Reaction

b) FeSO4(aq)  +  CuCl2(aq)  →No Reaction

c) NaOH(aq)  +  Co(NO3)2(aq)  →No Reaction

Question 10Choose the correct, balanced chemical equation for the following neutralization reaction:

nitric acid reacts with aqueous barium hydroxide to form aqueous barium nitrate and water

  HNO3  +  BaOH  →  BaNO3  +  H2O

  2 HNO3(aq)  +  Ba(OH)2(aq)  →  Ba(NO3)2(aq)  +  2 H2O(l)

  HNO3(aq)  +  Ba(OH)2(aq)  →  Ba(NO3)2(aq)  +  H2O(l)


CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 8 Homework Assignment  

Question 1One half of a mole of atoms would contain how many atoms?

  6.02 × 1023 atoms

  6 atoms

  3.01 × 1023 atoms

  144 atoms

 Question 2Calculate the number of particles in 0.200 mol of chlorine molecules, Cl2.

  6.02 × 1023 molecules

  7.09 molecules

  35.45 molecules

  1.2 × 1023 molecules

 Question 3Calculate the number of moles in 3.00 × 1024 formula units of manganese(II) sulfate, MnSO4.

  151.00 moles

  4.98 moles

  6.02 × 1023 moles

  2.00 × 1023 moles

 Question 4Determine the molar mass for each of the following:

a) silicon, Si28.09 g/mol

b) ozone, O348.0 g/mol

c) iron(II) acetate, Fe(C2H3O2)2173.93 g/mol

d) nitroglycerin, C3H5O3(NO2)3227.09 g/mol

Question 5How many moles of dinitrogen oxide, N2O are in a 19.3 g sample of N2O?

  6.43 moles

  2.28 moles

  0.439 moles

  19.3 moles

 Question 6What is the mass of 61.5 moles of zinc, Zn?

  0.941 g

  1.06 g

  4021 g

  61.5 g

 Question 7Calculate the number of molecules in 5.68 g propane, C3H8.

  7.75 × 1022 molecules

  0.129 molecules

  2.33 × 1024 molecules

  5.68 molecules

 Question 8What is the mass percent of C in oxalic acid, H2C2O4?

  12.01 %

  26.7 %

  13.3 %

  33.3 %

 Question 9An iron phosphide compound contains 335 grams of iron and 124 grams of phosphorus. What is the empirical formula of this compound?




 Question 10Hexamethylene diamine has a molar mass of 115 g/mol and an empirical formula of C3H8N. What is the molecular formula of the compound?







CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 9 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Consider the general chemical equation:  A  +  2 B  →  3 C

How many moles of C are produced from 1 mol of A?





 Question 2Given the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, calculate the moles of oxygen gas produced from 5.00 mol of H2O2

2 H2O2(l)  →  2 H2O(l)  +  O2(g)

  1 mol

  2.5 mol

  5 mol

  10 mol

 Question 3How many moles of propane gas, C3H8, react with 1.29 mol of oxygen gas?

C3H8(g)  +  5 O2(g)  →  3 CO2(g)  +  4 H2O(g)

  6.45 mol

  0.258 mol

  1 mol

  5 mol

 Question 4Given the balanced equation, calculate the mass of H2 that can be prepared from 141 g Al.

2 Al(s)  +  6 HNO3(aq)  →  2 Al(NO3)3(aq)  +  3 H2(g)

  212 g

  1.50 g

  5.22 g

  15.8 g

 Question 5Given the balanced equation, calculate the mass of Cl2 required to produce 6.78 g of PCl3.

2 P(s)  +  3 Cl2(g)  → 2 PCl3(l)

  5.25 g

  137 g

  10.2 g

  70.9 g

 Question 6What mass of CO2 will react with 1.00 g LiOH?

2 LiOH(s)  +  CO2(g)  →  Li2CO3(s)  +  H2O(l)

  1.84 g

  0.500 g

  2.00 g

  0.920 g

 Question 7If 9.00 moles of hydrogen gas and 9.00 moles of oxygen gas are combined, what is the limiting reactant?

2 H2(g)   +   O2(g)  →   2 H2O(l)




 Question 8If 50.0 g of Co react with 30.0 g of S, which compound is the limiting reactant?

Co(s)   +   S(s)  →   CoS(s)




 Question 9A manufacturer performs a chemical reaction to produce sulfur hexafluoride, SF6. After the reaction is complete, 480.2 kg is isolated. If the theoretical yield of SF6 was 546.7 kg, what was the percent yield of the reaction?





 Question 10A student dissolves 1.50 g of copper(II) nitrate in water. After adding aqueous sodium carbonate solution, the student obtains 0.875 g of CuCO3 First, calculate the theoretical yield of the CuCO3 and next use that to calculate the percent yield for this student’s experiment. What is the percent yield?

Cu(NO3)2(aq)   +   Na2CO3(aq)  →   CuCO3(s)   +   2 NaNO3(aq)






CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 10 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Gases do not expand or compress.



 Question 2A barometer reads 30.8 in. Hg. Express the pressure in each of the following units:

a) kPa104 kPa

b) torr782 torr

c) psi15.1 psi

d) atm1.03 atm

Question 3A container of gas at 7.00 atm and 212 K is cooled to 140 K. If volume is constant, what will the final pressure be?

  70.0 atm

  10.5 atm

  4.69 atm

  1.49 atm

 Question 4A 3.2 L balloon of helium gas at 260 K increases in volume to 8.5 L. To keep the pressure constant, what should the final temperature of the balloon be?

  690 K

  0.10 K

  130 K

  27.2 K

 Question 5A sample of air at 5.00 atm expands from 1.75 L to 2.50 L. If the temperature remains constant, what is the final pressure in atm?

  0.286 atm

  2.50 atm

  1.25 atm

  3.50 atm

 Question 6A balloon with a volume of 1.0 L is filled with 0.10 moles of argon. If another 0.10 moles of argon is added (for a total of 0.20 moles) (and pressure and temperature remain constant), what will the final volume of the balloon be?

  1.2 L

  2.0 L

  22 L

  0.8 L

 Question 7If 10.0 L of neon gas exerts a pressure of 8.5 atm at 373 K, what is the number of moles of gas?

  2.78 moles

  6.48 moles

  0.781 mole

  1.50 mole

 Question 8At STP conditions, what is the volume of 2.30 moles of oxygen gas?

  230 L

  22.4 L

  11.2 L

  51.5 L

 Question 9What is the density of neon gas at STP conditions?

  20.18 g/L

  0.90 g/L

  1.00 g/L

  22.4 g/L

 Question 10A sample of O2 gas is collected over water at 21 °C. If the total pressure of the gas was 758 mm Hg, what is the partial pressure of the O2 gas? (the partial pressure of the water vapor at 21 °C is 18.7 mm Hg)

  40.5 mm Hg

  777 mm Hg

  739 mm Hg

  760 mm Hg



CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 11 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Liquids have a variable shape, but a fixed volume.



 Question 2What type of intermolecular forces exist between molecules of Cl2?

  dipole-dipole attractions

  dispersion forces

  intramolecular bonding

  hydrogen bonding

 Question 3Which of the following liquids has the highest surface tension?





 Question 4Which of the following liquids has the highest viscosity?





 Question 5What is the term for the change of physical state from liquid to solid?





 Question 6Heat energy is NOT required to turn liquid water into gaseous water vapor.



 Question 7Use the phase diagram below to answer what physical state H2O is at 99 °C and 500 kPa.

A graph is shown where the x-axis is labeled “Temperature in degrees Celsius” and the y-axis is labeled “Pressure ( k P a ).” A line extends from the origin of the graph which is labeled “A” sharply upward to a point in the bottom third of the diagram labeled “B” where it branches into a line that slants slightly backward until it hits the highest point on the y-axis labeled “D” and a second line that extends to the upper right corner of the graph labeled “C”. C is labeled “Critical point, with a dotted line extending downward to the x-axis labeled 374 degrees Celsius, and another dotted line extending to the y-axis labeled 22,089 k P a. The two lines bisect the graph area to create three sections, labeled “Ice (solid)” near the middle left, “Water (liquid)” in the top middle and “Water vapor (gas)” near the bottom middle. Point B is labeled “Triple point” and has a dotted line extending downward to the x-axis labeled 0.01, and another dotted line extending to the y-axis labeled 0.6. Halfway between points B and C a dotted line extends from the originally discussed line downward to the point 100 degrees Celsius on the x-axis, and another dotted line extends to the y-axis at 101 k P a. Another dotted line extends from this dotted line downward at 0 degrees Celsius.




 Question 8Solids can readily compress and expand.



 Question 9Identify the type of crystalline solid (metallic, network covalent, ionic, or molecular) formed by each of the following substances:

a. Timetallic


 b. S8molecular

c. KBrionic

d. SiO2network covalent

Question 10Classify each substance as either a metallic, ionic, or molecular solid:

a) a hard, brittle substance that has a very high melting point metallic

b) a dull substance that is not soluble in water and has a low melting point molecular

c) a shiny substance that is a very good conductor of electricity ionic


CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry

Chapter 12 Homework Assignment  

Question 1Predict whether each of the following is held together by ionic or covalent bonds:

a. water, H2O          covalent

b. calcium chloride, CaCl2          ionic

c. potassium oxide, K2O          ionic

d. carbon disulfide, CS2          covalent

Question 2State whether the following is true or false about the following ionic compounds:

a. in a sodium bromide formula unit, NaBr, the sodium atom has lost electrons and the bromine atom has gained electrons

c. in a calcium oxide formula unit, CaO, the calcium and oxygen from a bond by sharing electrons

d. calcium and oxide ions form a bond by an attraction between the ions

Question 3State whether the following is true or false about the following molecular compounds:

a. in a molecule of sulfur dioixide, SO2, the valence electrons are transferred from oxygen to sulfur

b. the S-O bond length equals the sum of the two atomic radii

c. in a molecule of hydrogen bromide, HBr, the valence electrons are shared by the hydrogen and bromine atoms

d. the H-Br bond length is less than the sum of the two atomic radii

Question 4Predict which element in each of the following pairs is more electronegative according to the general electronegativity trends in the periodic table:

a. C or O          O

b. Cl or Br          Cl

c. F or N          F

d. Si or P          P

Question 5Calculate the electronegativity difference between each of the following:

a. the bond between P and S          0.4

b. the bond between H and Br          0.7

Question 6Classify each of the following as either a polar covalent bond or nonpolar covalent bond:

a. F-F          nonpolar covalent bond

b. H-O          polar covalent bond

c. H-P          polar covalent bond

d. C-F          polar covalent bond

Question 7Which of the following is the correct electron dot formula for a molecule of HOCl?

a. HOCl_1.png

b. HOCl_2.png

c. HOCl_3.png

d. HOCl_4.png

Question 8Which of the following is the correct structural formula for a molecule of CH2S?

a. CH2S_1.png

b. CH2S_2.png

c. CH2S_3.png

d. CH2S_4.png

Question 9Predict the electron geometry and molecular geometry for each of the following molecules:

a. NF3 electron geometry: tetrahedral

molecular geometry:

b. H2S electron geometry:

molecular geometry:

c. SiH4electron geometry:

molecular geometry:

 d. HCN electron geometry:

molecular geometry: linear

Question 10CH3F has a polar bond (between the C-F), is it also a polar molecule?



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