HIS105 All Week Discussions Latest 2019 January

Question # 00599410
Course Code : HIS105
Subject: History
Due on: 03/13/2019
Posted On: 03/13/2019 07:09 AM
Tutorials: 1
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HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 1 Discussion

During the Reconstruction Era, the Southern states created many laws and policies of their own. These “Black Codes” either tried to minimize federal laws and policies or were in retaliation to them.

Suppose you were a former slave during this era, which one of the following restrictions would you find the most offensive?

Restrictions or prohibitions on voting

Restrictions such as those on job, land purchase, and mobility

Inability to serve on juries or accuse a white person in court

Then, in a full paragraph or two:

Discuss the immediate and long-term consequences from your chosen restriction.

Identify any lessons we can learn today from this restriction and its impact.

Identify the source(s) where you read about the restriction.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Week 1 Learn materials: Mississippi example of “Black Codes”

Chapter 16 (p. 294-5)

An Example: Black Codes in Mississippi: http://web.mit.edu/21h.102/www/Primary%20source%20collections/Reconstruction/Black%20codes.htm

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 2 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

America’s Industrial Revolution transformed all sectors of the economy and changed society. In the text (Chapter 17 p. 310-317), some of the business practices of the late 1800s and early 1900s are described. There are pros and cons to these developments. On one hand, they streamlined costs and made goods and new products available to many more consumers. But, there were also consequences—some unintended.

Choose one of these two new problems introduced by the American Industrial Revolution.

The development of monopolies instead of a competitive business market.

Unsafe and oppressive work conditions.

Then, in a full paragraph or two:

Identify your chosen problem.

Discuss a specific example from that period that clearly illustrates the chosen problem and a negative consequence of it. What did the government do about this—and what should it have done?

Identify a similar problem or example that exists in the USA today.

Identify the source(s) where you read about the problem.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Week 2 Learn materials

Week 2 Resource - Primary Sources

Chapter 17 (p. 316-317, map 17.1 on p. 312)

The Methods of Tycoons

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 3 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

Each region (North, South, West) of the United States experienced the era of Industrialization (1865–1920) differently, with different issues and groups at the forefront.

Choose one of the following groups in the American Industrial Era (1865-1920):

New European immigrants in the east

African Americans in the “new south”

Asian immigrants in the west

Then, in a full paragraph or two:

Identify the main challenges facing this group during these industrial years.

Describe at least one specific example that illustrates such challenge(s) and how the group dealt with it.

Suggest lessons for our own time, such as positive or effective ways for some group today to deal with society's barriers as well as the inevitable challenges of economic change.

Identify the source(s) where you read about the group and its challenges.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Week 3 Learn materials

Chapter 18

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 4 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

Various reform groups with various causes developed in the US in the late 1800s and early 1900s; these are loosely called “Progressives” as they aimed to use government policies or science to improve and advance society. Also, this period was a time when the US started as a major player in international conflicts—first in the “Spanish American War and then in World War I. There were deep isolationist sentiments about such overseas entanglements, and President Wilson first has one position and then the other.

Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the late 1800s and early 1900s.

In the Progressive Era (roughly 1890–1920), multiple groups advocated for reforms in various aspects of government, society, and the economy. Discuss here the “muckrakers” and Taylor’s “scientific management”.

Explain briefly the approach and aim of the “muckrakers” and that of F. W. Taylor.

Compare their approaches and describe your feelings about them, and relate some modern situation that reminds you of one of these approaches and reform causes.

Identify the source(s) where you read about the reform cause.

From the text, Wilson did not maintain his own campaign slogan (“He kept us out of war”).

Explain with some specifics why Wilson became pro-war. Describe your own feelings on that issue when you look back at it, and whether he was right to change.

Briefly, identify a similar international consideration today—or of the last 20 years, and what lesson might be drawn from the example in Wilson’s time.

Identify the source(s) where you read about Wilson.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Week 4 Learn materials

Chapters 19 and 20

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 5 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

After the end of World War I, overall economic growth exploded in the US in the early 1920s, but then there was a severe economic breakdown with the Great Depression of 1929-1939.

Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the 1920s and1930s.

The textbook highlights the significant emergence of new cultural trends due to improved technology (radio, movies, photography) and the spread of books & magazines (writers) in the “roaring” 1920s as well as in the 1930s, and also to new movements like the Harlem Renaissance, consumerism, and new “norms” for women.

Consider the new technology of radio and photography. With specific examples from the 1920s, discuss how these new technologies helped one of the movements and trends above.

Explain whether you think this helped to develop a more unified national culture or more individuality, and identify a similar example today with technology helping a trend or movement.

Identify the source(s) where you read about the trend of the 1920s.

The Great Depression (1929-1939) was one of the most devastating economic downturns that America has ever experienced. Determine whether you believe that the federal responses to the Great Depression by President Franklin Roosevelt encouraged real economic growth and confidence or whether the arguments by critics of the day were accurate that it made the Depression last longer.

Identify your position and support it with at least two specific examples of New Deal responses.

Provide a rationale for your response.

From this historical experience, identify any lessons for today for handling or avoiding severe economic downturns in the U.S. economy.

Identify the source(s) where you read about the New Deal responses.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Week 5 Learn materials

Chapters 21 and 22

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 6 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

By the late 1930s, the US was still dealing with the Great Depression, and conflict was intensifying between powers in Europe and between Japan and its neighbors in Asia. At first, isolationist sentiments prevailed, but eventually the US entered the conflict. Besides developments of the overseas conflict, the next few years of a “war economy” had an enormous impact on the nature of work and the workforce that left a lasting legacy.

Choose and discuss one of the following two topics related to the American experiences in World War II:

Focusing on American opinions and events of the late 1930s and early 1940s, discuss isolationist views and why those changed.

Identify two isolationist arguments for staying out of World War II.

Describe the events that led us into war despite the isolationist views. What lessons can be drawn from this experience for our modern day concerns about war and when to engage in it.

Identify the source(s) where you read about the New Deal responses.

In the period 1940-1945, the US would go into a “war economy” that dramatically impacted the American economy and society. It was one of the most devastating economic downturns that America has ever experienced. Determine whether you believe that the federal responses to the Great Depression by President Franklin Roosevelt encouraged real economic growth and confidence or whether the arguments by critics of the day were accurate that it made the Depression last longer.

Give two examples of changes during the “war economy” period

Describe the impact on US society and work during the war years

Taking the long term view, explain ways our society is different due to the wartime experiences.

Identify the source(s) where you read these changes during World War II.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Week 6 Learn materials

Chapters 23

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 7 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

By the early 1950s, the US was a world super-power militarily and economically. The Great Depression was no more. But, two major rival powers were developing, rivals ideologically and militarily: The Cold War between the US and its allies versus the Soviet Union and its allies/clients would be the dominant international issue for the next four decades. Domestically, in the 1950s and the 1960s, the US would begin grappling head-on with major Civil Rights and economic issues, as well as a divisive conflict in Vietnam---and widespread demonstrations and some high profile assassinations.

Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the period from the late 1940s and through the 1960s.

Discuss America’s Cold War policy or strategy aimed at dealing with communism and the Soviet threat, and an example of a Cold War conflict or crisis.

Identify one or two Cold War strategies of the US. Describe a specific example of a conflict or crisis that was part of this Cold War strategy, and compare or contrast this to the international situation today.

Identify the source(s) where you read about these Cold War issues.

Discuss the Civil Rights advances and struggles that took place in the 1950s and 1960s along with relevant legal developments.

Identify two key specific events of the Civil Rights struggle and at least one major piece of legislation or court decision.

Explain the historical significance of your examples and ways they have impacted our own time.

Identify the source(s) where you read these Civil Rights issues.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Chapters 24 and 25

Week 7 Learn materials

Week 7 Primary Sources

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 8 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

The 1970s and 1980s brought remarkable changes for the Untied States. The Cold War between the US and its allies versus the Soviet Union and its allies/clients was still the dominant international issue. China was also going to start emerging as a major world power. Nixon was dealing with Vietnam and then Watergate—one of the pivotal scandals of modern history. Reagan would bring a new national spirit, and he would tackle economic problems by deregulation and moderating taxes—and he would be dealing with a very new type of Soviet leadership.

Discuss lessons in leadership with the examples of President Nixon and President Reagan:

Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the 1960s and 1970s, especially to the terms of Presidents Nixon and Reagan.

Discuss lessons in leadership with the examples of President Nixon and President Reagan:

Identify a leadership example from President Nixon’s handling of the Watergate issue, and another example from Reagan’s presidency.

Give two lessons in leadership—one from each example. They can be positive lessons or negative lessons (good things to do; things not to do, etc). Discuss how these lessons can apply to those in business or politics or some other realm.

Identify the source(s) where you read about these issues.

Discuss Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors:

Identify a strategy or policy from the Nixon presidency that related to the Cold War, and another from the Reagan presidency.

In hindsight, describe your views of each approach and how effective (or not) each approach was.

Identify the source(s) where you read these issues.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Chapters 26 and 27

Week 8 Learn materials

Week 8 Primary Sources

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 9 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

By the 1990s, the US was stepping into the “Information Age”. This would coincide with the presidency of Bill Clinton. One can also see this as a period when global connections really became more visible and faster, in part because of new trade agreements around the globe. In North America, there was NAFTA—the North American Free Trade Agreement. By the late 1990s the US economy was entering a dynamic period of growth.

Choose and discuss one of the following two topics related to the American history under President Clinton:

Discuss opposing viewpoints about free trade during the 1990s.

For the period of the Clinton presidency, identify one view of those favoring “free trade” and one view of those who were opposed.

Explain how you would weigh the pros and cons of this policy. In hindsight, what is your view of NAFTA? Is globalization good?

Identify the source(s) where you read about these “free trade” issues of that time.

Discuss the “economic rebound” of the late 1990s under President Clinton.

Identify three of the “package” of changes that characterized the economic boost of the “information revolution” in the late 1990s.

Discuss and explain what you think was the most important of these changes. What can we learn from that sort of period of economic rebound?

Identify the source(s) where you read about these changes during the late 1990s. For guidance, view this short video.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Chapter 28

Week 9 Learn materials

Week 9 Primary Sources

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 10 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

Between 200 and2016, the US experienced remarkable changes internationally and domestically. By any measure, the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, was a game changer. With that a long, still-ongoing “war on terror” began that meant military engagements overseas and increased domestic security measures. In 2008, remarkably, the US elected its first African American president, Barack Obama. He was elected to a second term in 2012.

Choose and discuss one of the following two topics related to American history under Presidents Bush and Obama:

Discuss the Sept. 11 (2001) attack and its impact.

Describe what stands out to you (perhaps from memory) from the events of Sept. 11, 2001

Give two examples of events or changes since 9/11 that you attribute to that terrorist attack. In your view, what should we learn from this attack and our experiences trying to deal with it.

Identify the source(s) where you read about these “free trade” issues of that time.

Discuss president Obama’s election and presidency. (Considering our many explorations of race relations and Civil Rights in our history, there is much that can be said of President Obama’s election and presidency, and it is still perhaps too early to evaluate fully.)

Identify two specific examples that you think were the most important developments of Obama's presidency.

Explain why you chose those two examples.

Identify the source(s) where you read about these changes of the early 21st Century.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Chapter 29

Week 10 Learn materials

Week 10 Primary Sources

HIS105 American History after 1865

Week 11 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

This week we have no new reading or subjects. Over the 11-week course, we have covered many events and issues that arose in the United States between 1865 and today. From the era of Reconstruction, the Progressive era and Jim Crow, the roaring 20s and the Great Depression, the Cold War and Civil Rights struggles, on through the age of Information to now. We have seen many examples of people struggling for rights and freedoms and people having to adapt to significant changes in the economy, technology, laws, and society. We have seen military engagements impact lives and our country. Think about these various periods and challenges.

Please do the following two things for your main post in our last discussion—this reflection:

Choose a specific historical event or example and reflect on the “long range” effect of it on your own life.

Choose another historical event and reflect on the “long range” impact on the modern workplace—perhaps on the profession you have chosen.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond. Feel free to say any fond farewells to classmates and instructors.

Reference Material

No new reading; reflect back on the course.

For guidance, view this short video:

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HIS105 All Week Discussions Latest 2019 January

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