HIST405N Assignments Latest 2021 September (Full)

Question # 00628335
Course Code : HIST405N
Subject: History
Due on: 08/31/2021
Posted On: 08/31/2021 04:44 AM
Tutorials: 1
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HIST405N United States History

Week 1 Assignment

Case Study

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4


Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Optional Resources to Explore

Feel free to review the library guide for scholarly sources and videos at the following link:

Link (website): History Library Guide (Links to an external site.)


The purposes of each case study assignment include the following:

To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources

To advance critical thinking and writing skills

To compile a response to the prompts provided

To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time


Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic:

Option 1: Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

Explain what motivated the European world powers to explore the Americas.

Describe the economic effects of exploration based on the Colombian exchange.

Analyze the effects of exploration on Native Americans.

Based on research, analyze if Europeans might be held accountable for transmitting Old World diseases to people in the Western Hemisphere.

Option 2: Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude

Explain how and why slavery developed in the American colonies.

Describe in what ways the practice of slavery was different between each colonial region in British North America.

Analyze the differences between slaves and indentured servants.

Option 3: Women in Colonial America

Pick two colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern colonies) and explain how women's roles differ in the two colonies of your choice.

Describe what legal rights women held during the colonial period.

Analyze how Native women's lives were different from colonial women's lives.

Make sure to use your course text and incorporate an additional scholarly source from the Chamberlain Library in your response.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 1-2 pages (not including title page or references page)

Use standard essay writing process by including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source)

No abstract is required

In-text citations that correspond with your end references


HIST405N United States History

Week 3 Assignment

Case Study

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 9, 10 (section 10.4), 11 (section 11.5), 13


1 primary source that corresponds with your selected topic (noted in the topic instructions)

Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook)

Optional Resources to Explore

Feel free to review the library guide for scholarly sources and videos at the following link:

Link (website): History Library Guide (Links to an external site.)


The purposes of each case study assignment include the following:

To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources

To advance critical thinking and writing skills

To compile a response to the prompts provided

To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time


Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. Use at least one (1) documented example of the corresponding primary source in your writing.

Option 1: The American System, Transportation, and Communication

Read the following primary source:

Link (website): Of Debates in Congress (Clay's Debate of the American System in 1832) (Links to an external site.) (Click on "Next Image" to see all pages of the debate: pp.258-262.)

Then, address the following:

Describe the idea of Henry Clay's "American System."

Based on Clay's economic vision of America, analyze how the American System would build the American market and economy?

Analyze the role of mechanization and communication in the American System.

Option 2: The Indian Removal Act of 1830

Read the following primary source:

Link (website): Transcript of President Andrew Jackson's Message to Congress 'On Indian Removal' (1830) (Links to an external site.)

Then, address the following:

Evaluate the rationale that President Jackson used in the removal of the Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River. Did the removal have the intended impact?

Identify the responsibilities given to the President under the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

Compare Jackson's actions toward Native Americans in the context of his First Inaugural Address with the path of events during the Trail of Tears.

Determine if the removal of the Native Americans from east of the Mississippi River violate the principles found in the Declaration of Independence?

Option 3: The Abolitionist Movement

Read the following primary source:

Link (website): Declaration of Sentiments of American Anti-Slavery Society (1833) (Links to an external site.) (Click on arrows to view all images of the document. Click on plus and minus signs to enlarge or reduce size of images.)

Then, address the following:

Assess if abolitionists were responsible reformers or irresponsible agitators?

Explain how abolitionists upheld the Declaration of Independence as the foundation of antislavery and abolitionist thought.

Assess the effect of the Gag Rule on the Abolitionist Movement.

Analyze how the women's rights movement would gain momentum from the antislavery movement.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page

In-text citations that correspond with your end references


HIST405N United States History

Week 5 Assignment

Case Study

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 18, 21, 23


Minimum of 3 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook). The sources associated with each topic selection below can be used as part of the 3 scholarly sources.

Optional Resources to Explore

Feel free to review the library guide for scholarly sources and videos at the following link:

Link (website): History Library Guide (Links to an external site.)


The purposes of each case study assignment include the following:

To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources

To advance critical thinking and writing skills

To compile a response to the prompts provided

To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time


Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. Use at least one (1) documented example of the corresponding primary source in your writing.

Option 1: Big Business (Monopolies) and Exploitation of Workers

View the following resource:

Link (video): The Progressive Era (Links to an external site.) (27:30)

Browse and read one (1) of the following:

Link (article): Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (Links to an external site.)

Link (library article): The Pullman Strike (Links to an external site.)

Then, address the following:

Explain if big business leaders were "captains of industry," "shrewd businessmen," or "robber barons."

Based on one of the resources noted for this option, assess American working conditions and exploitation of workers in the Age of Industry.

Analyze the role that government played in reforming American working conditions.

Explain the benefits of the Federal Government regulations of monopolies.

Analyze which progressive presidents attained economic justice and reform for workers.

Option 2: Who is A Progressive?

Review the following site:

Link (website): Presidential Election of 1912: A Resource Guide (Links to an external site.)

Then, address the following:

According to Roosevelt, what are the characteristics of a progressive?

Explain and give examples of the characteristics of "anti-progressives."

Trace what types of activities "anti-progressives" engaged in?

Analyze the goals of progressivism.

Explain what areas of society progressives addressed?

Analyze the progressive achievements Roosevelt highlights in his speech?

Option 3: World War I

Review the following resources:

Link (video): A War to End All Wars: Part 2 (Links to an external site.) (6:56)

Link (library article): The Treaty of Versailles and the Rise of Nazism (Links to an external site.)

Then, address the following:

Trace the origins of World War I, and assess if the world war was inevitable in 1914?

Explain if it was possible for the United States to maintain neutrality in World War I. If yes, explain how. If no, explain why not.

Analyze if the United States should have entered World War I to make the world safe for democracy.

Analyze if the Treaty of Versailles was a fair and effective settlement for lasting world peace.

Explain if the United States Senate should have approved of the Treaty of Versailles.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page

In-text citations that correspond with your end references


HIST405N United States History

Week 7 Assignment

Case Study

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 28, 29, 30


Minimum of 1 primary source

Minimum of 4 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook)

Optional Resources to Explore

Feel free to review the library guide for scholarly sources and videos at the following link:

Link (website): History Library Guide (Links to an external site.)


The purposes of each case study assignment include the following:

To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources

To advance critical thinking and writing skills

To compile a response to the prompts provided

To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time


Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic. Use at least one (1) documented example of the corresponding primary source in your writing.

Option 1: McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns

The Cold War brought about an irrational fear of communism and communist activities in the United States. As we are learning this week, one of the most vocal instigators of this paranoia was Senator Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy delivered a speech about the imminent threat of communism on February 9, 1950. Perform a search on the internet and locate and read Joseph McCarthy's speech given in Wheeling, West Virginia on February 9, 1950. Copy and paste the following keywords into your Google search bar: "Joseph McCarthy, Wheeling, West Virginia." The speech is also referred to as "Enemies from Within."

Construct the case study by responding to the following prompts:

Explain how Senator Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations within the speech. What specific threats did these nations pose?

Assess if Senator Joseph McCarthy charges were accurate.

Analyze anti-communist sentiments during the Cold War era, were these sentiments valid. If so, how? If not, why not?

Explain if there are other examples of events similar to the Red Scare that have occurred throughout history and modern day.

Examine what happened to people who invoked the Fifth Amendment, refused to appear or were found in violation of the law as defined by the Congressional Committee.

Option 2: The Civil Rights Movement

Using the Internet, locate and read Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech given in Washington D.C., August 1963. Copy and paste the following keywords into your Google search bar: "I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr." Feel free also to locate and incorporate additional scholarly sources to respond to this case study, including information on the Civil Rights Movement.

Construct the case study by responding to the following prompts:

Explain if the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s effectively changed the nation.

What effect would the Civil Rights Acts have across the continent on minority groups?

Do you think that the tactics and strategies that civil rights activists used in the 1960s would apply to today's racial and ethnic conflicts? Why or why not?

Do the ideas of the 1960s still have relevance today? If so how? If not, why not?

Analyze how the Civil Rights Movement would impact diversity in America today.

Option 3: American Domestic and Foreign Policies (1953-1991)

Complete a search either in the Chamberlain Library or internet for domestic and foreign polices of four (4) of the following Presidents. Please incorporate at least one primary source of either a policy or act that you have chosen to write about.








Then, compare domestic and foreign polices of your four (4) presidents by answering the following prompts:

Explain how your selected presidents worked to improve the United States economically and socially. Give at least one example of each president.

Assess if the policies of your choice of presidents strengthen or weaken the United States.

Explain how you see your choice of presidents served the public interest and further the cause of democracy.

Determine if it is constitutional for the United States to fight preemptive wars.

Determine if human rights and morality should be the cornerstones of United State foreign policy.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 4-5 pages (not including title page and references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page

In-text citations that correspond with your end reference


HIST405N United States History

Week 8 Assignment

Journal Entry

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Review chapters as needed

Review lessons as needed


For this activity, reflect on the course content and address the following:

Identify and elaborate on one or two lessons you have learned from our study of United States history that affect you today in your daily life and/or work.

Provide advice to the next group of students who will be taking this course.

How has this course affected you today in your daily life and/or work?

What should incoming students be aware of regarding this class?

What strategies did you use that they may find useful?

What advice can you provide to help them earn an A?

Writing Requirements

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

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HIST405N Assignments Latest 2021 September (Full)

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