HSV405 Unit 4 Assignment - Program Development

Question # 00650524
Subject: Business
Due on: 11/17/2023
Posted On: 11/17/2023 04:05 AM
Tutorials: 1
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HSV405: Human Service Admin.

Unit 4 Assignment: Program Development; Responding to a Grant Proposal

Due Date: Points: 50

Overview: In this assignment, you will assume the role of a grant writer for a hypothetical grant “Youth Mental Health and Social Media Grant.” After reviewing the request, you will respond to the grant proposal and pitch your idea for a program to address the impact of social media on youth mental health. Request for Proposal:

The Human Service Coalition is seeking proposals for a grant to support a project that will address the relationship between youth mental health and social media. The project should focus on developing and implementing evidence-based interventions that can help to improve the mental health of young people who are using social media. Eligibility: Proposals are eligible from any organization or individual that has a creative proposal. Applicants must have a strong track record of success in implementing evidence-based interventions.

Funding Amount: The total funding available for this grant is $350,00.00. The funding will be used to cover the startup costs of the project, including staff salaries, materials, and travel.

Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

• The quality of the project narrative. • The feasibility of the budget. • The relevance of the project to addressing youth mental health.

Additional Suggestions: The project should focus on one or more of the following areas:




• Developing and implementing educational programs that teach young people about the risks and benefits of social media use.

• Developing and implementing interventions that help young people develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with cyberbullying and other forms of online harassment.

• Developing and implementing interventions that help young people to build positive self-esteem and body image.

• Developing and implementing interventions that help young people to connect with supportive adults and peers.

• The project should be designed to be scalable and sustainable. The applicant should have a clear plan for how the project will be implemented and evaluated.

• This grant is an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of young people. By supporting this project, you can help to ensure that young people have the resources they need to thrive in the digital age.

Instructions: When submitting your proposal, you must include the following information:

• A summary of the issue at hand (i.e., youth mental health and social media).

• Your pitch: A project idea that provides a detailed description of the project.

• A line-item budget that outlines the costs of the project.


• Submit a Word document in APA format. • Three pages in length, four pages max. excluding the Title and Reference pages. • Include at least 2 resources.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

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HSV405 Unit 4 Assignment - Program Development

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