Lackawanna PHL105 Discussions Latest 2021 February (Full)

Question # 00622128
Course Code : PHL105
Subject: Philosophy
Due on: 03/03/2021
Posted On: 03/03/2021 06:48 AM
Tutorials: 1
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PHL105 Intro to Philosophy

Module 1 Discussion

DQ1 In the article Epistemology: Who Needs it?Preview the document Susan Haack reflects on the real-world relevance of epistemological ideas and begins with the thought that all of us—when we wonder what to make of newspaper reports of supposed medical breakthroughs, of failures of military intelligence, etc. call, implicitly or explicitly, on epistemology.

What does evidence consist of? Where do desires and feelings fit into evidence?

DQ2 Over the course of this module, you learned about Epistemology. With all, you have learned answer the following question(s).

Can you engage in “genuine inquiry” if you desire to reach a specific conclusion? Why or why not?


PHL105 Intro to Philosophy

Module 2 Discussion

DQ1 Now that you have been exposed to a wide variety of ideas on the concept of free will its time to dig deep.

Do you think determinism and free will are reconcilable? Why or why not?

DQ2 Watch these two videos on free will and the weakness of will.

Then answer the question.

Is weakness of will possible? If so how?


PHL105 Intro to Philosophy

Module 3 Discussion

DQ1 This week you read the article “Platonically Irrational” by Nick Romeo where he explored the intersection of Plato and behavioral economics and cognitive biases? With that article in mind discuss

What cognitive bias does Romeo identify as explaining why we tend to think we can not learn anything from the past?

DQ2 You read the article Why Smart People Are Stupid by Jonah Lehrer with that article in mind discuss the following questions.

What is the “bias blind spot”? What does it suggest about our judgments of other peoples’ mistakes compared to judgments of our own mistakes?



PHL105 Intro to Philosophy

Module 4 Discussion

DQ1 This week you learned about the Ontological Argument. With that knowledge answer and discuss the following question.

How can we know that God exists?

DQ2 This week you learned about the problem of evil. Use what you know to discuss the following question.

Does God have a nature? If so what does it look like?


PHL105 Intro to Philosophy

Module 5 Discussion

DQ1  Examine the following argument. Is it an inductive or deductive argument? Is it valid and sound? If it is invalid or unsound, why? Is there anything else wrong with it?

Every event in the world is caused by other events. Human actions and decisions are events in the world. Therefore, every human action and decision is caused by other events

DQ2 Examine the following argument. Is it an inductive or deductive argument? Is it valid and sound? If it is invalid or unsound, why? Is there anything else wrong with it?

“I have terrible news for you. Mary is going out with Frank. I called Mary on Saturday night, and she wasn’t home. Then I tried to call Frank, and he wasn’t home, either!”


PHL105 Intro to Philosophy

Module 6 Discussion

DQ1 After watching the videos this week answer the following.

Which sounds more admirable to you: Acting out of duty or acting for the purpose of benefiting society? Explain your answer.

DQ2 After watching the videos this week and keeping in mind the material that we covered on logic answer the following.

Is it immoral to believe a claim without evidence? Why or why not?


PHL105 Intro to Philosophy

Module 7 Discussion

DQ1 After reading the symposium answer the following question.

What is the object of love (i.e., what does love aim at) according to Socrates and Diotima? How do they argue for this position? Do you agree with them?

DQ2 After reading both Vernon –“What is Love?”& Ben-Zeev –“Endless Love” answer the following.

Based on these two readings, do you think that a good relationship involves partners changing each other, and changing for each other? Be sure to justify your answer by reference to the texts.

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Lackawanna PHL105 Discussions Latest 2021 February (Full)

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