LC MAT135 Discussions Latest 2022 April (Full)

Question # 00635173
Course Code : MAT135
Subject: Mathematics
Due on: 05/13/2022
Posted On: 05/13/2022 05:07 AM
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MAT135 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Module 1 Discussion

DQ1 Qualitative and quantitative data

Chapter one provides information regarding the various types of data that researchers utilize in their statistical research studies...

In addition to your readings, please view this video to better understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative data.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research: The Differences Explained | Scribbr ???? (Links to an external site.)

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research: The Differences Explained | Scribbr ????

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data? When would you use one and not the other? Think of a study that you have read about or researched in the past. What type of data did the researcher utilize?  Could the study have been improved and, if so, how (using a different type of data, examining different variables, etc.)?

DQ2 Previous research and data collection methods

Please view the video below from Khan Academy discussing the various types of statistical research: (Links to an external site.)

In regard to your previous personal, professional, or academic experiences...

What type of research have you done in your educational or professional career? For those of you working on a capstone/graduation project, what type of research are you conducting?

 If you have not previously done your own research or have no immediate plans in the future to do so, what is a topic that you would enjoy researching?

 What types of data would need to be collected for the study (qualitative vs quantitative)? Would the use of charts or graphs be helpful?


MAT135 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Module 2 Discussion

DQ1 Misused statistics

As you will learn throughout this course, there are many ways in which statistics can be misused, misrepresented, skewed, or flawed. This can happen both intentionally and unintentionally.

Please watch the TED talk which discusses how statistics can be misused:

How statistics can be misleading - Mark Liddell (Links to an external site.)

How statistics can be misleading - Mark Liddell

For this discussion, I would like for you to provide an example of how statistics can be misused. In addition, can you think of an example of misused statistics? Was it purposeful or accidental?

A quick Google search will yield some interesting results such as this article:

DQ2 Working in teams to conduct a research study

Before beginning this DQ please read the following article regarding the benefits of statisticians working on teams for research projects.,and%20apply%20diverse%20research%20methods.&text=A%20further%20advantage%20of%20team,to%20learn%20from%20each%20other (Links to an external site.).

 What are your thoughts on online learning and collaborating as a team?

Look up (if you are unfamiliar with it) Google Drive (Document sharing)  and its features. What does it offer that would be beneficial to online learners particularly in a team setting? Do you plan to utilize something similar to complete your team assignment?

In addition, have you had the opportunity to work on team assignments in mathematics? Have you worked on team assignments online?


MAT135 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Module 3 Discussion

DQ1 Statistical research topic

As we have discussed, sometimes the data used in statistical studies can be intentionally or unintentionally flawed or misrepresented. There are many reasons that this may happen.  (Links to an external site.)

This week I would like for everyone to discuss some of their findings from their research project that you have been working on.

Are you planning to examine flawed research or misinterpreted data?

What types of data were used in the research?

Did you have difficulty finding resources and what sources did you use (library articles, general search or another database)?

Did you discover anything particularly interesting about your research?

 How will this project help your future academic or career goals?

DQ2 College statistics

We live in a world surrounded by statistical data and facts. Researchers use data compiled to make improvements to our daily lives, in our professions, and even in academia. Before beginning this discussion follow the link to this short video : 42 Fun & Interesting College Statistics and facts. (Links to an external site.)

How do you think these statistics were calculated? Who is responsible for tabulating and sorting through all this data? Since the time the video was made what do you think changed the most and in what way? Lastly, were any of these numbers shocking to you?


MAT135 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Module 4 Discussion

DQ1 Lifespan probability (Links to an external site.)

Visit the above website and play the longevity game/calculator. What is your expected longevity (age)? How do you suppose this data was calculated? How can this be beneficial? What can we use this data for? Are there changes that you can make to improve your longevity and by how much would it change your expected age?

DQ2 Measures of Central Tendency

In statistics the three most common measures of central tendency are the mean, median, and mode. Each of these measures calculates the location of the central point using a different method. The measure of central tendency used varies with each situation and set of data examined.

Explain the difference between the measures of used tendency. Provide an example where it would be best utilized.

Reference the text and the following websites as needed: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)


MAT135 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Module 5 Discussion

DQ1 Research topic

Before formulating your response, please visit the following link that discusses the importance of research:\Links to an external site.

Again, this week, I would like for everyone to discuss some of their findings from their research project that you have been working on.

 Are you examining flawed data or misinterpreted information?

 Did you discover anything particularly interesting about your research?

 What is something you've learned about working in a group online?

DQ2 Crazy statistics (Links to an external site.)

Posted above is an article that includes some interesting and thought-provoking statistics. I find many of these quite fascinating (and I hope you do too!). What are your thoughts regarding these? What statistical methods do you think were used to obtain this information and tabulate the data? Which one surprised you the most or were you most intrigued by? Feel free to add any of your own interesting statistics that you may know or have found!


MAT135 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Module 6 Discussion

DQ1 Politics and economics

 (This discussion question will be similar to the Politics and Economics question from Chapter 5: Data Projects (p. 309 #5).)

Choose any state. Find out what percentage of citizens is registered to vote (or feel free to use another topic instead (ex. education, income, vaccination status, etc)).

What state did you choose? What percentage did you find? Assuming that this is a binomial variable, what would be the mean in a random group of citizens with a sample size equal to the number of students in this class? What would the standard deviation be?

Are you surprised by your findings? How do your calculations compare to your classmates?

The total number of students in our class is 22. In the binomial formulas: The probability of success would be the number you find registered to vote. The probability of failure would be the percentage not registered to vote. 

DQ2 The Importance of Statistics

Attached are two videos that help to summarize the importance of statistics. Although many if not all of you have taken this course as a requirement, the impacts that your knowledge and understanding of these concepts will prove beneficial in both you academic and personal lives. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

For this DQ please watch the videos linked above and take some time to reflect on the information that you have learned throughout the last few weeks!

What surprised you the most about statistics? Did you know how important this field was in our everyday lives? Is there a topic that you would like to learn more about or investigate further? Is there a certain aspect of statistics that you believe we should spend more time examining in the course?





MAT135 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Module 7 Discussion

DQ1 Designing your own statistical study

Before beginning this discussion please read:

5 Steps for Conducting Scientific Studies with Statistical Analyses (Links to an external site.)

Based upon what you have learned throughout the semester if you can design any statistical study or conduct research on any topic what would you choose? What would be the hypothesis of your study? How would you gather the data needed? Would you use qualitative or quantitative data or a mix of both? What types of graphs or charts would you include and why? Would you choose a topic related to your major or something else? Would you examine probability, standard deviations, etc?

Have fun with this question while applying the concepts you learned throughout the course.

DQ2 Reflection

As the semester draws to a close and you prepare for the final please take some time to reflect on the course. What material did you find most difficult? What is the most important thing you learned from the course (ex. particular topic, time management, etc.)? What topic(s) did you enjoy most?

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LC MAT135 Discussions Latest 2022 April (Full)

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