Management - Conflict Resolution, Identify a company of your choice 

Question # 00653834
Subject: Business
Due on: 09/21/2024
Posted On: 09/20/2024 10:40 PM
Tutorials: 1
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National University Management Question

Conflict Resolution  

This assignment will guide you through a difficult topic -- conflict resolution.  You will apply what you've learned this week on Leading and Controlling while also consolidating Planning and Organizing from previous weeks in order to fully integrate the functions of management into dealing with an all-to-real problem that managers face regularly.

Step 1: Identify a company of your choice. It may be in any industry, private, public, or non-profit.  Next, either speak with a manager in-person or research the company online to learn the company’s culture and to gauge employee engagement.  

Step 2: You are a middle manager at the company you have chosen as the subject of this final written assignment. Write a business Case Study that addresses and solves the stated problem of Conflict Resolution at your company.

Step 3:   Using your personal experiences, rank the Bad Boss Behaviors that are listed below from 1-12.   The top ranked Behavior is "1."  It is the behavior that is the worst morale killer in the entire company.  That behavior makes you want to quit your job tomorrow!.  The behavior ranked "12' adversely affects morale, but in your mind, is better than all the rest of the behaviors.  Your ranked listing will appear as an Appendix placed at the end of your report, after your Reference page.   
Step 4: Write your report as follows.   

  1. Start with an Executive Summary.  See the "How to Write an Executive Summary" doc. (found in Brightspace under the Content tab > Week Four )
  2. Next write your Introduction.  It will briefly describe the business situation at the company.  It also contains the stated business problem your study will address. Finally, provide a brief summary of the topics covered in your business Case Study.
  3. Perform an in-depth analysis of the internal conflict at the company you discovered through your research (i.e., what is causing morale to decline).
  4. Identify and discuss a Management Theory that could be used to increase the company's efficiency and effectiveness.  Then briefly address each aspect (or function) of management and its role in solving the Employer-Employee Conflict at your company.  (Use each function as a paragraph sub-heading.):
    • Planning
    • Organizing
    • Leading
    • Controlling
  5. From your research, briefly discuss how your company's culture has affected employee engagement?
  6. Conclude by using your top 3 Bad Boss Behaviors (from your list) to make constructive recommendations to your boss (me) that would resolve the current Employer-Employee conflict at our company.

Since this is your final Signature Assignment, you will include a one-page type-written Executive Summary as a stand-alone synopsis of your business case study.  Use the APA formatting guidelines contained in the "How to Write an Executive Summary" document mentioned in Step 4, Item 1. above. 

The Executive Summary will be marked as page 1 and will appear after your Cover page.  It is followed by your Introduction and the first page of your written report (page 2.)

Be sure to use paragraph headings to introduce a new topic of your report. (e.g., Introduction, Internal Conflict, Management Theories, Corporate Culture etc.).  

And finally, don't forget to include an Appendix that contains your ranking of Bad Boss Behaviors (see Step 3 above).


This assignment is considered a complete Business Case Study.  Therefore, your report should be written as a formal business report of your analysis.

  • This report must be 3-5 type-written pages (Does not include your Cover page, Executive Summary, Reference page and your Appendix). Use single-space, Font size- 12, Font style - Times New Roman.

Note:  After 5 typed pages, your boss will stop reading your report. So be brief and be persuasive.

  • Use Internal references (e.g. textbook, readings, lectures, etc.) and External references (e.g. other published works) to add credibility to your statements.
  • Since this is a real-time analysis, write in the present tense to describe your findings and recommended actions (except when describing past events).
  • Current APA format is required.
    • Use Headings and Sub-headings where appropriate.
    • Exception:  DO NOT include an Abstract or a Table of Contents for this report.
    • DO NOT divulge any company proprietary information.  If necessary, use a pseudonym for your company's name and for key personnel mentioned in your report.
    • NU Library resource for APA guidance: 
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Management - Conflict Resolution, Identify a company of your choice 

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