Mercy NURS775 Primary Care Case Toddler Latest 2022

Question # 00633147
Course Code : NURS775
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 03/04/2022
Posted On: 03/03/2022 08:11 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Case    Toddler




Informant:      Mrs. Faute


Patient:           Hannah






3-year-old female here for office visit for well child, mother is concerned because she is having a lot of temper tantrums and when she has them she screams and holds her breath until she seems like she might pass out, parents have tried spanking her, putting her to bed early, talking to her and nothing is working, most of the episodes happen when she is out with her mom shopping, when they sit down for dinner after about 30 minutes and when she does not get her own way. Mother states her 8-year-old never acted like this so she is concerned that she may have autism. Mother notes that her nephew has autism so she is worried she has it too




Past Medical History:




Right otitis media diagnosed 6 days ago at Urgicenter

No other significant illnesses







            Born @ 40 weeks; NSVD, + prenatal care


            B.W.  4.2 kg


            Apgars: 9/9


            No complications of delivery


            Stayed one extra day for ? hyperbilrubinemia which resolved on it’s own






Amoxicillin 7.5 ml (400mg/5ml) twice a day x 10 days (this is day #5)

Motrin as needed





·                     UTD








Developmental History






            Eats table food, likes meats & potatoes as per mom


            Eats 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between


            “Has a sweet tooth” according to mom likes: candy, ice cream and cakes


            “She takes after her father”


She loves her bottle, mom states if she tries to use sippy cup she has tantrum, drinks 3 to 4 8-ounce bottles a day, goes to sleep with bottle at nightSleep:


Recently has been fighting her morning nap- cries in bed or plays does not sleep


            Takes 1-2 hour afternoon nap


Goes to bed at 7:30 PM but recently has started fighting this which causes tantrums, has been having nightmares several times a week, wakes up screaming and they can’t control or calm her down, wakes up the whole house, mom feels this is also a sign of autism






            + bladder trained at 28 months


            + bowel trained 2 months ago- but still has accidents (once or twice a week)


            + BM qod






G & D

Motor: Sat @ 7 months, pulled to stand @ 9 months,  uses crayons well, right handed, walked @ 13 months; kicks ball, , gets self undressed and partially dressed, walks up stairs alternating steps,


Social/emotional: plays with other children at times but seems to get frustrated if she cannot have what she wants or has to take turns will get angry and cry;


Language: speech 60% understandable to adults, uses 2-word sentences




·         Cognitive understands day vs nighttime, can repeat ‘wheels on bus’ song, identifies 2 colors, follows direction to climb onto table and to get down.




·                     Behavioral




“Very intense child” as per mom, gets easily frustrated when unsuccessful at a task; throws temper tantrums, when she gets upset or angry will scream and sometimes “Turns blue then drops-out” as per mom, usually recovers after a few minutes- was evaluated in the ER once for these episodes and told “nothing was wrong with her” as per mom, mother states father and grandparents feel that she is spoiled and just fakes these episodes to get attention- grandmother always cries when it happens, mom tries to ignore them because she states “ I don’t want her to get her way all the time.” Mother thinks this is all because she may be autistic




Social Environment


Lives in two family house with mom (33) y.o., dad (39 y.o), sister – 8 years old and 17 yo step brother (from father’s first marriage), + dog- 1 year old, she sometimes ‘bothers him’ because she is too aggressive with the dog, house was built in 1924, has 5 bedrooms, two bathrooms, occasional cock roaches in kitchen, when 1st moved in had some mice; no peeling paint, live near park , shopping mall down street, gas station at corner, maternal grandparents live in 2nd section of house, provide babysitting when needed, family is close with grandparents and see them daily




Father is a construction worker in the city, mother works in local bakery part time


            Grandparents or old brother baby-sit when needed


            Family has health insurance; denies any significant financial problems








General:  3 yo generally healthy female, diagnosed with otitis media at urgent center last week but otherwise doing well, no fevers or recent injuries




Skin:    denies any rashes, lesions or scars






Head: No c/o headache


Eyes: denies eye discharge, excessive tearing or itching,


Ear: diagnoses recently with right ear infection- was crying and had fever at that time, has improved since started antibiotics


Nose: +  runny nose x 5 days, occasional nose bleeds after she picks her nose


Mouth/throat: denies difficulty swallowing or sore throat, + brushes her teeth at night but fights mom at times, has not had dental visit in her life yet






            Denies cough or shortness of breath




Denies hx of murmurs, able to run and play and keep up with other children her age




Mom states she occasionally has constipation which they treat with Miralax, 2 months ago but some days will refuse to go and holds her stool in for a few days & then  will have accidents as per mother she feels like she ‘does it on purpose’, fights with them when they try to make her eat vegetables- will throw temper tantrum, denies any vomiting or diarrhea






Denies dysuria, + urine trained at 28 months, occasionally has day time accidents when she is playing and forgets to tell her mother






Able to run and play, mom states she is pigeon toed and sometimes trips over her own feet




As noted by mother concerned about behavior and frequent temper tantrums and concern for autism




Physical Exam:






Temp 97.8


HR  100


RR 24


B/P 100/58


HT 86.4 CM


Wt: 14.5 KG






Alert well appearing 3-year-old female, sucking on pacifier






            Pink, warm, moist,


            no  rashes or lesions noted








            Head: NCAT, no hair loss, face symmetrical


            Eyes – d/c, + tears, sclera clear, PERRLA, discs visualized with no papaledema,


            Ears: LTM- occluded by cerumen- removal attempted x 3 with no success


                        RTM:  slight erythema, + light reflex, mobile, + landmarks


            Nose: + clear nasal d/c, + small amount dried blood left nares


Throat: mucous membranes moist, tonsils +1  no erythema, uvula midline, 20 primary teeth present with + yellowing and decay to central and lateral upper & lower incisors.




Neck: supple, +  submental nodes palpable






            Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally with no rales, wheezing


Heart: HRR, S1 normal, S2 split, no murmurs






            Soft non distended, with + bowel sounds, no masses, no pain on palpation




            Tanner l female genitalia






Alter & active 3 year old, playful in room at times, moving all extremities freely, PERRLA, reflexes 2+ to all extremities, walks well, climbs up on chair,






Cognitive:  follows directions at times, other times is running and jumping on


and off table, when mother tries to pick her up kicks at mother and runs away.


            Gross/fine Motor:


Walks well with mild intoeing, climbs on and off exam table by herself, grasps pen well & scribbles, does not copy circle or draw straight line when asked to or shown does not follow directions or attempt to




Speaks in 2 word sentences, does not complete words such as ‘ju’ for juice, understands directions from provider (but does not follow all of them).










Working up the differentials & treatment for each differential


Physical exam








Treatment plan for diagnosis


•       Medications


•       Education


•       referrals




Well Child Visit




•       To be given today




•       To be done based on this visit


•       Anticipatory guidance 


•       Developmental assessment




•       Social & emotional


•       Language


•       Cognitive


•       Gross motor/fine motor


•       Nutrition


•       Sleep


•       Elimination


•       Safety/injury


•       Social Determinants of health


•       Referrals


•       Follow up visits

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Mercy NURS775 Primary Care Case Toddler Latest 2022

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