MGMT625 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2024

Question # 00653508
Subject: Business
Due on: 07/10/2024
Posted On: 07/10/2024 01:37 AM
Tutorials: 1
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MGMT625 Week 2 Quiz:

Project Structure, Initiating, and Planning Process

Question 1

Portfolio management is similar to program management except that it is at a higher level.



Question 2

Name the three elements regarding stakeholder involvement that the project manager will be responsible for?

Deliverables, Stakeholders, and Project Goals

Stakeholders, Project Scope, and Budget

Identify, Manage Stakeholders, and Manage Stakeholder Participation

Planning Process, Monitoring, and Negotiations

Question 3

Organizations using programs and portfolios find it more effective to group projects into the following types of categories:

Internal and External

Customer based, Product based, and Organizational division

Project value and Project Structure

Project constraints, Organizational constraints, and Operational constraints

Question 4

Scope creep is the result of extra work activity that may or may not be approved.



Question 5

Most organizations have constraints at two levels: the team level and the project management level.



Question 6

Most organizations find that constraints at the project management level fall into the following two general categories:

Project management maturity of the organization and number of projects in cue

Planning and Initiation

Stakeholder management and Financial resources

Staffing for project teams and project selection

Question 7

_______________________ are a vital component to the success of a project.

Project managers


Customer change requests

Scoring models

Question 8

Organizations use projects more independently because they are designed for a unique purpose.



Question 9

Individuals who can directly influence the development, management, or final outcome of a project can be considered _________________.



project managers


Question 10

Qualitative and Quantitative are two types of methodologies used to analyze data.



Question 11

Whether projects are small and simple or large and complex, detailed information is gathered on specific activities required within a project



Question 12

Specialized staff called portfolio managers or program managers are employed to consolidate multiple projects into like programs or portfolios and manage them in groups of projects.



Question 13

What are the three types of management structures used to carry out the scope of activities? Planning, Risk, and Communication

Cost, Time, and Budget

Program, Producing, and Supportive

Project, Program, and Portfolio

Question 14

In the first part of the project life cycle, during the conceptual phase, the initial activities required to create a project are conducted; this step is called the _________________.

supply model

deliverable projection

scoping process

initiating process

Question 15

What two terms are commonly used out of context or used incorrectly to label a process of project management?

Project scope and Project schedule

Stakeholder management and Client management

Project management plan and Project plan

Project plan and Project charter

Question 16

Which process in the project management plan is considered to be one of the most underdeveloped areas of a project from a planning standpoint?

Quality management

Communications management

Cost management

Risk management

Question 17

What are the four main project life-cycle phases discussed in the Wilson text?

Perceptions, Planning, Changes, and Review

Conceptual Review, Execution, and Risk

Conceptual, Planning, Execution, and Closure

Review, Planning, Risk, and Execution

Question 18

Name the two primary reasons projects are selected based on the type of organization.

Lessons from previous projects and Financial resources

Project manager experience and Specific customer demands

Project comparison to other projects and Process or product improvements for the organization

Portfolios and Programs

Question 19

Which three are part of six primary areas within organizations that can present problems in project selection:

Financial Resources, Deliverables, and Change Requests

Time, Scope, and Budget

Human Resources, Management, and In-house Technology

Facilities, Stakeholders, and Scheduling

Question 20

________________________ is all processes required to define, implement, monitor, control, and  close project activities.

Product scope

Statement of work

Project scope

Project service

Question 21

_________________is used to outline a high-level description of the project objective and deliverable.

Project charter

Project plan

Stakeholder management plan

Risk management plan

Question 22

Projects that are used for specialized activities such as research and development, process improvement, or infrastructure-related business activities are called special projects.



Question 23

What model uses grading criteria to place a subjective value to a list of item of interest selected by the evaluators?

Scoring model

Evaluation model

Numerical model

Quality control model

Question 24

Depending on the size of the organization, the portfolio manager is typically seen as either mid-level, upper-level, or?


Executive Management



Question 25

One of the most difficult areas project managers have to manage is the _____________ of stakeholders.





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MGMT625 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2024

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