MPH504 Complete Course Latest 2022 May (Full)

Question # 00634666
Course Code : MPH504
Subject: Urban Planning and Policy
Due on: 04/27/2022
Posted On: 04/27/2022 01:50 AM
Tutorials: 1
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MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 1 Discussion

Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility

What is the difference between cultural humility and cultural competence? Provide an example of each.


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 2 Discussion

Disparities in Health

Select one of the Millennium Development goals and discuss how it relates to the health of a 3rd world country of your choice. Have they been able to meet this goal? If not, what is lacking or still needs to be done?


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 3 Discussion

Culturally Competent Research

Select a research article that has a global population as the sample. Discuss the ways the researchers attempted to ensure ethical human rights principles were followed along with cultural sensitivity during the collection of data. What are your thoughts about the degree to which the ethical principles were followed and that they were culturally sensitive to the population they were studying?


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 4 Discussion

Beneficiaries of Humanitarian Action

What are the major health concerns in a natural disaster? How do they differ from a complex humanitarian emergency? What is the role of public health personnel during a disaster and a complex humanitarian emergency?


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 5 Discussion

Humanitarian Crises

Based on your readings and the lesson assigned for this Module, discuss the importance and challenges of engaging with affected populations in a culturally competent way that uses mHealth. Provide an example of a public health intervention using mHealth.


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 6 Discussion

Mass Migrations and Global Health

Select a country that is currently experiencing migration. What dynamics affect this movement? How responsive is the health system of that country to the needs of the migrants?


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 7 Discussion

Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases

Describe how communicable and noncommunicable diseases impact the burden of disease. Include in your description, the effect of migration on the burden of disease as it relates to communicable and noncommunicable diseases.


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 8 Discussion

Global Health Reflection and Philosophy

Share your cultural philosophy and your progress in cultural competence and cultural humility.

This is an opportunity to examine your personal attitudes, beliefs, practices, and activities related to culturally competent global health and to document how these have been changed and impacted through taking the course. The purpose of this task is to help you identify your personal strengths and skills and to help you demonstrate your understanding and application of global health concepts. This post will create a snapshot of attitudes and practices that you can revisit (and modify) as you gain additional skills and experiences.

Be sure to support all claims with references from the course.

Reflection—please share the following.

What have you learned about cultural competence and cultural humility?

What have you learned about global migration and health?

What new insights do you have on global health issues and needs?

What new understanding have you gained about yourself as a professional that will guide your future work in public health?

Discuss ways you will continue to advance on the cultural continuum.

Address how you will apply your global health learning in your practice.

Philosophy Statement Draft a philosophy statement addressing your attitudes related to culturally competent care and global public health. Share what you believe will guide your practice. Include in the philosophy, your strengths and weaknesses.

MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 2 Assignment  

Cultural Reflection Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to help the student comprehend the necessity of cultural competence, evaluate ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, and apply principles learned into a personal, professional growth plan.

Culturally competent Health professionals need to be aware of their own cultural values and norms, and how their value orientation might affect their practice and relationships with other colleagues from a different ethnic group.

It is important for future Health professionals to explore their own-cultural identity before interviewing any other Health professional.

Sensitivity to differences in ethnic identity between Health professionals and Community members will enhance the professional relationship.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, you will meet the following course outcome.

CO 1: Discuss cultural competence and evaluate ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, particularly in the context of health promotion and healthcare.

Requirements & Preparing the Paper

This assignment will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading rubric.

Create your paper using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain documents.

Complete the Self-Assessment Exercise by responding to the following questions:

In your family, what were the implicit and explicit messages communicated about your cultural heritage?

How were ethnic traits and characteristics among the family expressed or demonstrated? Were any suppressed, concealed or disapproved of?

Who in your family, and what kind of family experience, influenced your sense of ethnic identity?

Where did you grow up and what other ethnic groups resided there?

What was the first experience of feeling ethnically different? ("white" or person of "color"). What are your earliest images of color?

How did your family see itself as similar to or different from other ethnic groups?

Write about your own process of cultural identity development following the stages discussed this week.

What values or characteristics of your ethnic group do you like the most / and which do you like the least? What are your feelings about being "white" or a person of "color"?

How have you experienced a sense of power or lack of power in relation to your family, ethnic identity, racial identity, class identity or future professional identity?

How do you think your cultural identity might affect your future professional practice with other ethnic minorities?

Interview Ethnic Minority Health Professional, asking the following questions:

What were important social, cultural, familiar and political issues that influenced your personal decision to become a Health professional?

What barriers did you encounter as an ethnic minority professional due to racial, cultural, social, political, class or gender issues?

How did you overcome these barriers in pursuing your profession?

Are you satisfied with your profession? What do you like most and least about your work as a Health professional?

What are some of the racial and cultural issues that arise in your work with interaction with your own ethnic group - and with other ethnic groups?

What would you say are some of the racial and cultural issues to be aware of in working with someone from a different cultural group?

What does it mean to you that a health professional is culturally competent in his/her work?

Do you feel you are culturally competent to work with diverse people you encounter? Why? Why not?

What advice would you give another ethnic minority individual who wants to pursue the health profession?

Complete the Cultural Reflection Action Paper. Please refer to the Grading Rubric for this assignment to see what information needs to be included in your paper. Your paper must include information obtained from both the Ethnic Minority Health Professional interview and your Self Assessment as you address the points in the rubric.

Your paper should be at least five pages long, not including the title page and reference page.


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 3 Assignment  

Case Study #1

Case Study #1: Cultural Competence


In this class, you have several opportunities to explore the process of increasing cultural sensitivity and humility in global health. In our student-centered approach of actively engaging students, the use of case studies is one of the most straightforward applications of student-centered learning. The following case study will establish a real-life framework for analysis that will allow you to put in practice the main principles discussed and then to figure out possible solutions for each particular situation. The process of analyzing the parameters of a problem, recognizing and articulating positions, evaluating courses of action, participating in discussions with your classmates, and arguing different points of view—especially on how to apply those solutions in other similar situations—will significantly increase your skills in problem solving, analytical tools, (quantitative or qualitative, depending on the case), decision making in complex situations, and coping with ambiguities.

Course Outcomes

Through the case study activities, the student will meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Discuss cultural competence and evaluate the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, particularly in the context of health promotion and healthcare.

CO 2: Examine the development and major trends of global public health, including factors that impact health and disparities in health conditions across and within regions.

CO 3: Interpret research to measure health, wellness, and disease, with comprehensive engagement of communities and for their advancement.

CO 4: Evaluate the special health challenges, capacities, and requirements of communities impacted by armed conflict, mass violence, and socio-natural disasters.

CO 5: Assess the planning, organizing, and financing of global health interventions, with emphasis on the investigation of burden of disease, social justice, and equitable healthcare.

CO 6: Synthetize behavioral, social, and socio-economic factors of global health through analysis of worldwide migration, discrimination, and subsequent health disparities.

CO 7: Synthesize concepts of global health, through the analysis of U.S. immigration, mental health of migrants, the Ulysses Syndrome, and the role of traditional medicine and community health workers in providing cultural competent healthcare.

CO 8: Appraise the status of global health while integrating and synthesizing cultural understanding for self and others and the roles, processes, and agendas of global health in promoting health in peace, harmony, and compassion.


View the assigned Case Study prompt/activity.

Respond to the case study and share

three things you learned;

two things you will use in your practice; and

one thing about which you are concerned or puzzled.

Apply what you have learned using the modular resources and this resource.

The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page.

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to your paper, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Preparing the Response

Prepare time to view the assigned case study. Some of the cases presented have multiple layers of information to review.

Be sure to investigate all links within the case study resource. Once you have completed investigation of the case study material, you will develop the following response to post on the Case Study:

Identify three aspects of the case that you consider new information or that offered deeper context.

Explain two aspects of the case that you can apply in practice now or in the future.

Describe one aspect of the case that you found confusing, created question for further consideration, or which you would like to learn more.

Be sure to consider the modular resources and lessons when developing your response.

Module 3 Case Study:

View the following case study:

Gender Based Violence in Solomon Islands


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 4 Assignment  

Case Study #2

Humanitarian Healthcare Ethics


In this class, you have several opportunities to explore the process of increasing cultural humility in global health. In our student-centered approach of actively engaging students, the use of case studies is one of the most straightforward applications of student-centered learning. The following case study will establish a real-life framework for analysis that will allow you to put in practice the main principles discussed and then to figure out possible solutions for each particular situation. The process of analyzing the parameters of a problem, recognizing and articulating positions, evaluating courses of action, participating in discussions with your classmates, and arguing different points of view—especially on how to apply those solutions in other similar situations—will significantly increase your skills in problem solving, analytical tools, (quantitative or qualitative, depending on the case), decision making in complex situations, and coping with ambiguities.

Course Outcomes

Through the case study activities, the student will meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Discuss cultural competence and evaluate the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, particularly in the context of health promotion and healthcare.

CO 2: Examine the development and major trends of global public health, including factors that impact health and disparities in health conditions across and within regions.

CO 3: Interpret research to measure health, wellness, and disease, with comprehensive engagement of communities and for their advancement.

CO 4: Evaluate the special health challenges, capacities, and requirements of communities impacted by armed conflict, mass violence, and socio-natural disasters.

CO 5: Assess the planning, organizing, and financing of global health interventions, with emphasis on the investigation of burden of disease, social justice, and equitable healthcare.

CO 6: Synthetize behavioral, social, and socio-economic factors of global health through analysis of worldwide migration, discrimination, and subsequent health disparities.

CO 7: Synthesize concepts of global health, through the analysis of U.S. immigration, mental health of migrants, the Ulysses Syndrome, and the role of traditional medicine and community health workers in providing cultural competent healthcare.

CO 8: Appraise the status of global health while integrating and synthesizing cultural understanding for self and others and the roles, processes, and agendas of global health in promoting health in peace, harmony, and compassion.


View the assigned Case Study prompt/activity.

Respond to the case study and share

three things you learned;

two things you will use in your practice; and

one thing about which you are concerned or puzzled.

Apply what you have learned using the modular resources and this resource.

The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page.

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to your paper, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Preparing the Response

Prepare time to view the assigned case study. Some of the cases presented have multiple layers of information to review.

Be sure to investigate all links within the case study resource. Once you have completed investigation of the case study material, you will develop the following response to post on the Case Study:

Identify three aspects of the case that you consider new information or that offered deeper context.

Explain two aspects of the case that you can apply in practice now or in the future.

Describe one aspect of the case that you found confusing, created question for further consideration, or which you would like to learn more.

Be sure to consider the modular resources and lessons when developing your response.

Module 4 Case Study:

View the following Ethics Narratives in Humanitarian Aid (ENHA) Case Study Series.

Humanitarian Healthcare Ethics. (2014). ENHA case study series: Coping with outbreaks of disease with limited resources. Retrieved from to an external site.


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 5 Assignment  

Case Study #3

Cultural Competency in Action


In this class, you have several opportunities to explore the process of increasing cultural humility in global health. In our student-centered approach of actively engaging students, the use of case studies is one of the most straightforward applications of student-centered learning. The following case study will establish a real-life framework for analysis that will allow you to put in practice the main principles discussed and then to figure out possible solutions for each particular situation. The process of analyzing the parameters of a problem, recognizing and articulating positions, evaluating courses of action, participating in discussions with your classmates, and arguing different points of view—especially on how to apply those solutions in other similar situations—will significantly increase your skills in problem solving, analytical tools, (quantitative or qualitative, depending on the case), decision making in complex situations, and coping with ambiguities.

Course Outcomes

Through the case study activities, the student will meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Discuss cultural competence and evaluate the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, particularly in the context of health promotion and healthcare.

CO 2: Examine the development and major trends of global public health, including factors that impact health and disparities in health conditions across and within regions.

CO 3: Interpret research to measure health, wellness, and disease, with comprehensive engagement of communities and for their advancement.

CO 4: Evaluate the special health challenges, capacities, and requirements of communities impacted by armed conflict, mass violence, and socio-natural disasters.

CO 5: Assess the planning, organizing, and financing of global health interventions, with emphasis on the investigation of burden of disease, social justice, and equitable healthcare.

CO 6: Synthetize behavioral, social, and socio-economic factors of global health through analysis of worldwide migration, discrimination, and subsequent health disparities.

CO 7: Synthesize concepts of global health, through the analysis of U.S. immigration, mental health of migrants, the Ulysses Syndrome, and the role of traditional medicine and community health workers in providing cultural competent healthcare.

CO 8: Appraise the status of global health while integrating and synthesizing cultural understanding for self and others and the roles, processes, and agendas of global health in promoting health in peace, harmony, and compassion.


View the assigned Case Study prompt/activity.

Respond to the case study and share

three things you learned;

two things you will use in your practice; and

one thing about which you are concerned or puzzled.

Apply what you have learned using the modular resources and this resource.

The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page.

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to your paper, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Preparing the Response

Prepare time to view the assigned case study. Some of the cases presented have multiple layers of information to review.

Be sure to investigate all links within the case study resource. Once you have completed investigation of the case study material, you will develop the following response to post on the Case Study:

Identify three aspects of the case that you consider new information or that offered deeper context.

Explain two aspects of the case that you can apply in practice now or in the future.

Describe one aspect of the case that you found confusing, created question for further consideration, or which you would like to learn more.

Be sure to consider the modular resources and lessons when developing your response.

Module 5 Case Study:

Review the four case studies, which can be found at the following site:

Unite For Sight. (2000-2015). Case studies: Cultural competency in action. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)  (Links to an external site.)

Case Study 1: A Successful Bottom-Up Approach

Case Study 2: An Unsuccessful Bottom-Up Approach

Case Study 3: A Successful Top-Down Approach

Case Study 4: An Unsuccessful Top-Down Approach




MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 6 Assignment  

Request for Humanitarian Assistance Memo


The purpose of this assignment is to help the student identify humanitarian crisis, the impact on health, and the involvement of international humanitarian organizations.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will meet the following course outcome:

CO 4: Evaluate the special health challenges, capacities, and requirements of communities impacted by armed conflict, mass violence, and socio-natural disasters.

Requirements & Preparing the paper

Identify an international humanitarian crisis that has taken place in the past six months. . You may refer to reports from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), other UN agencies, international non-governmental organizations, government agencies, media, or other sources to identify an international humanitarian crisis.

Draft a memorandum, identifying yourself as a student in the MPH program at Chamberlain University.

Identify an NGO that you will request funding or other assistance from to be given to a humanitarian organization that is working in the country experiencing the international humanitarian crisis you identified.

Include in the memorandum the following:

Name and address of NGO requesting funding or other assistance from, and the humanitarian organization that will receive the aid

Facts of the crisis

Humanitarian needs

Unmet needs/Response gaps

Use the attached MEMORANDUM Template  Download MEMORANDUM Templateto produce your document.

The memorandum is to be 2-3 pages long.

For help with writing your memorandum, search the internet for the following .pdf document (just copy and paste into your search engine):  Educational Equity. Guide to Writing an Effective Policy Memo. You may find that document here:






MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 7 Assignment  

Case Study #4

Global Burden and Epidemiology of Typhoid Fever


In this class, you have several opportunities to explore the process of increasing cultural humility in global health. In our student-centered approach of actively engaging students, the use of case studies is one of the most straightforward applications of student-centered learning. The following case study will establish a real-life framework for analysis that will allow you to put in practice the main principles discussed and then to figure out possible solutions for each particular situation. The process of analyzing the parameters of a problem, recognizing and articulating positions, evaluating courses of action, participating in discussions with your classmates, and arguing different points of view—especially on how to apply those solutions in other similar situations—will significantly increase your skills in problem solving, analytical tools, (quantitative or qualitative, depending on the case), decision making in complex situations, and coping with ambiguities.

Course Outcomes

Through the case study activities, the student will meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Discuss cultural competence and evaluate the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, particularly in the context of health promotion and healthcare.

CO 2: Examine the development and major trends of global public health, including factors that impact health and disparities in health conditions across and within regions.

CO 3: Interpret research to measure health, wellness, and disease, with comprehensive engagement of communities and for their advancement.

CO 4: Evaluate the special health challenges, capacities, and requirements of communities impacted by armed conflict, mass violence, and socio-natural disasters.

CO 5: Assess the planning, organizing, and financing of global health interventions, with emphasis on the investigation of burden of disease, social justice, and equitable healthcare.

CO 6: Synthetize behavioral, social, and socio-economic factors of global health through analysis of worldwide migration, discrimination, and subsequent health disparities.

CO 7: Synthesize concepts of global health, through the analysis of U.S. immigration, mental health of migrants, and the role of traditional medicine and community health workers in providing cultural competent healthcare.

CO 8: Appraise the status of global health while integrating and synthesizing cultural understanding for self and others and the roles, processes, and agendas of global health in promoting health in peace, harmony, and compassion.


View the assigned Case Study prompt/activity.

Respond to the case study and share

three things you learned;

two things you will use in your practice; and

one thing about which you are concerned or puzzled.

Apply what you have learned using the modular resources and this resource.

The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page.

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to your paper, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Preparing the Response

Prepare time to view the assigned case study. Some of the cases presented have multiple layers of information to review.

Be sure to investigate all links within the case study resource. Once you have completed investigation of the case study material, you will develop the following response to post on the Case Study:

Identify three aspects of the case that you consider new information or that offered deeper context.

Explain two aspects of the case that you can apply in practice now or in the future.

Describe one aspect of the case that you found confusing, created question for further consideration, or which you would like to learn more.

Be sure to consider the modular resources and lessons when developing your response.

Module 7 Case Study:

View the following case study:

Global Burden and Epidemiology of Typhoid Fever


MPH504 Cultural Competency and Global Public Health

Module 7 Assignment  

Case Study #4

Global Burden and Epidemiology of Typhoid Fever


In this class, you have several opportunities to explore the process of increasing cultural humility in global health. In our student-centered approach of actively engaging students, the use of case studies is one of the most straightforward applications of student-centered learning. The following case study will establish a real-life framework for analysis that will allow you to put in practice the main principles discussed and then to figure out possible solutions for each particular situation. The process of analyzing the parameters of a problem, recognizing and articulating positions, evaluating courses of action, participating in discussions with your classmates, and arguing different points of view—especially on how to apply those solutions in other similar situations—will significantly increase your skills in problem solving, analytical tools, (quantitative or qualitative, depending on the case), decision making in complex situations, and coping with ambiguities.

Course Outcomes

Through the case study activities, the student will meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Discuss cultural competence and evaluate the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds, particularly in the context of health promotion and healthcare.

CO 2: Examine the development and major trends of global public health, including factors that impact health and disparities in health conditions across and within regions.

CO 3: Interpret research to measure health, wellness, and disease, with comprehensive engagement of communities and for their advancement.

CO 4: Evaluate the special health challenges, capacities, and requirements of communities impacted by armed conflict, mass violence, and socio-natural disasters.

CO 5: Assess the planning, organizing, and financing of global health interventions, with emphasis on the investigation of burden of disease, social justice, and equitable healthcare.

CO 6: Synthetize behavioral, social, and socio-economic factors of global health through analysis of worldwide migration, discrimination, and subsequent health disparities.

CO 7: Synthesize concepts of global health, through the analysis of U.S. immigration, mental health of migrants, and the role of traditional medicine and community health workers in providing cultural competent healthcare.

CO 8: Appraise the status of global health while integrating and synthesizing cultural understanding for self and others and the roles, processes, and agendas of global health in promoting health in peace, harmony, and compassion.


View the assigned Case Study prompt/activity.

Respond to the case study and share

three things you learned;

two things you will use in your practice; and

one thing about which you are concerned or puzzled.

Apply what you have learned using the modular resources and this resource.

The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page.

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to your paper, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Preparing the Response

Prepare time to view the assigned case study. Some of the cases presented have multiple layers of information to review.

Be sure to investigate all links within the case study resource. Once you have completed investigation of the case study material, you will develop the following response to post on the Case Study:

Identify three aspects of the case that you consider new information or that offered deeper context.

Explain two aspects of the case that you can apply in practice now or in the future.

Describe one aspect of the case that you found confusing, created question for further consideration, or which you would like to learn more.

Be sure to consider the modular resources and lessons when developing your response.

Module 7 Case Study:

View the following case study:

Global Burden and Epidemiology of Typhoid Fever







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MPH504 Complete Course Latest 2022 May (Full)

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