MPH507 Module 3 Assessment Latest 2021 April

Question # 00623210
Course Code : MPH507
Subject: Urban Planning and Policy
Due on: 04/16/2021
Posted On: 04/16/2021 10:42 AM
Tutorials: 1
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MPH507 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation

Module 3 Assessment  

Applying the PRECEDE Portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model


The purpose of this assessment is for the student to gain an understanding of how to conduct a comprehensive assessment for public health program planning by applying the PRECEDE portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model.

Course Outcomes

This assessment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcome.

CO #1: Apply methodologies to create strategic and cost-effective public health programs.


The Applying the PRECEDE Portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model Assessment is worth 200 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.

Create your paper using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain College documents.

Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about your assignment may be posted under the Q & A Forum.

The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 pages and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.

The paper should be written in 12-point font and double-spaced with APA style citation (in-text citations and references).

APA format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headings (upper and lower case, centered, boldface):

Note: Introduction—write an introduction but do not use "Introduction" as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Preparing Your Applying the PRECEDE Portion of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model Assignment

Review the readings, lesson notes, and digital media about the PRECEDE-PROCEED model. Follow the guidelines below to create your PRECEDE assessment. This assignment will comprise one part of your Final Paper for this course. For your final class project, you will be asked to detail the planning portion, including goals, objectives, interventions, and evaluation of a program you will propose as a result of this assignment. Thus, you will be asked to revise this paper according to instructor feedback and include it in your Final Paper.

This assignment should be in the form of a paper, complete with paragraphs organized by each PRECEDE phase. The discussion of each PRECEDE phase must be at least one-half of a page.

For the purpose of this paper:

Choose a health problem or concern that you will explore within a specified population and briefly describe both in one paragraph (e.g., diabetes among adult males aged X to X).

Provide a brief description of Phase 1 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model: Social Assessment, Participatory Planning, and Situation Analysis, in 1-2 sentences. Identify social indicators to describe quality of life within the specified population and identify potential sources. Identify activities to engage community members in the planning process and provide a brief rationale.

Provide a brief description of Phase 2: Epidemiological, Behavioral, and Environmental Assessments, in 1-2 sentences. Describe the extent of the health problem at the national, state, and local levels and identify your sources of data. Describe behavioral and/or environmental factors linked to the health problem and identify your sources.

Provide a brief description of Phase 3: Educational and Ecological Assessment, in 1-2 sentences. Describe the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors that contribute to the health problem and identify your sources. Identify relevant theories that may apply.Provide a brief description of Phase 4: Administrative and Policy Assessment, in 1-2 sentences. Describe resources and barriers to program development and implementation and identify potential sources.


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MPH507 Module 3 Assessment Latest 2021 April

Tutorial # 00621941
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