NR305 Complete Course Latest 2022 January (Full)

Question # 00633365
Course Code : NR305
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 03/10/2022
Posted On: 03/10/2022 03:43 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 2 Discussion

Reflection on the Nurse’s Role in Health Assessment


The purpose of this reflection is for learners to reflect on the nurse's role in health assessment in various care settings.

Course Outcomes

This reflection enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 1)

Due Date

During the assigned week (Sunday the start of the assigned week through Sunday the end of the assigned week):


Reflection is an activity that involves your deep thought into your own experiences related to the concepts of the week. Answers should be detailed. In reflections students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this reflection

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the reflection often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.

Reflection Questions

 Reflect on your current or prior practice setting.

Paragraph One: Briefly describe the type(s) of nursing health assessments you commonly perform.

Explain how your nursing health assessments are focused or comprehensive.

Provide examples of key subjective and objective data collected by nurses in this setting.

Paragraph Two: Describe the typical patient population in your practice setting.

What are some special considerations that you have used for obtaining an accurate health history and physical assessment in this patient population?

Examples may include age, lifestyle, financial status, health status, culture, religion, or spiritual practices.


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 3 Discussion

Debriefing of the Week 2 iHuman Wellness Assignment


The purpose of this debriefing is to re-examine the experience completing the Week 2 iHuman wellness assessment assignment while engaging in dialogue with faculty and peers. In the debriefings, students:

Reflect on the simulation activity

Share what went well and consider alternative actions

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Course Outcomes

This debriefing enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 4)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)


Debriefing is an activity that involves thinking critically about your own experiences related to the virtual simulation you completed. In debriefings students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this debriefing

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the debriefing often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.


 Use the following format to reflect on the Week 2 iHuman Wellness Assessment. This was the Luciana Gonzalez case.

Paragraph One: What went well for you in the simulation? Provide examples of when you felt knowledgeable and confident in your skills. Do you feel the scenario was realistic? Why or why not?

Paragraph Two: What would you do differently next time if you were caring for a patient similar to Ms. Gonzalez? Describe at least one area you identified where improvements could be made, specific to Ms. Gonzalez’ assessment. Were you surprised by any of the feedback you were provided by iHuman? If yes, please explain.

Paragraph Three: What did you learn from this simulation that you could apply to nursing practice? Or, what did this simulation reinforce that you found valuable? Do you have any questions related to the scenario?


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 4 Discussion

Debriefing of Week 3 iHuman Cardiovascular Assessment


The purpose of this debriefing is to re-examine the experience completing the Week 3 iHuman Cardiovascular Assessment assignment while engaging in dialogue with faculty and peers. In the debriefings, students:

Reflect on the simulation activity

Share what went well and consider alternative actions

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Course Outcomes

This debriefing enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 1)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)


Debriefing is an activity that involves thinking critically about your own experiences related to the virtual simulation you completed. In debriefings students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this debriefing

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the debriefing often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.


Use the following format to reflect on the Week 3 iHuman Cardiovascular Assessment. This was the Michael Granger case.

Paragraph One: What went well for you in the simulation? Provide examples of when you felt knowledgeable and confident in your skills. Do you feel the scenario was realistic? Why or why not?

Paragraph Two: What would you do differently next time if you were caring for a patient similar to Mr. Granger? Describe at least one area you identified where improvements could be made, specific to Mr. Granger’s assessment. Were you surprised by any of the feedback you were provided by iHuman? If yes, please explain.

Paragraph Three: What did you learn from this simulation that you could apply to nursing practice? Or, what did this simulation reinforce that you found valuable? Do you have any questions related to the scenario?


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 5 Discussion

Debriefing of Week 4 iHuman Neurovascular Assessment


The purpose of this debriefing is to re-examine the experience completing the Week 4 iHuman Neurovascular Assessment assignment while engaging in dialogue with faculty and peers. In the debriefings, students:

Reflect on the simulation activity

Share what went well and consider alternative actions

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Course Outcomes

This debriefing enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 1)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)


Debriefing is an activity that involves thinking critically about your own experiences related to the virtual simulation you completed. In debriefings students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this debriefing

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the debriefing often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.


Use the following format to reflect on the Week 4 iHuman Neurovascular Assessment. This was the Athena Washington case.

Paragraph One: What went well for you in the simulation? Provide examples of when you felt knowledgeable and confident in your skills. Do you feel the scenario was realistic? Why or why not?

Paragraph Two: What would you do differently next time if you were caring for a patient similar to Ms. Washington? Describe at least one area you identified where improvements could be made, specific to Ms. Washington’s assessment. Were you surprised by any of the feedback you were provided by iHuman? If yes, please explain.

Paragraph Three: What did you learn from this simulation that you could apply to nursing practice? Or, what did this simulation reinforce that you found valuable? Do you have any questions related to the scenario?


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 6 Discussion

Reflection on Nursing Assessment for Violence


The purpose of this reflection is for learners to reflect on the nurse's role in health assessment in various care settings.

Course Outcomes

This reflection enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 1)


Reflection is an activity that involves your deep thought into your own experiences related to the concepts of the week. Answers should be detailed. In reflections students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this reflection

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the reflection often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.

Reflection Questions

 Reflect on your current or prior practice experiences.

Paragraph One

Patients of any age, gender, cultural background or socio-economic status can be victims of violence. Consider a patient population you are currently working with or have worked with in the past. For what type of violence might they be at risk? What are some related findings that might alert you to investigate further?

Paragraph Two

Screening for signs of violence and abuse is a part of patient health history assessments. Have you observed the questions being asked by nurses or have you asked them to patients? Do you believe these screenings are typically completed in detail? Explain your answer.


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 7 Discussion

Debriefing of Week 6 iHuman Mental Health Assessment


The purpose of this debriefing is to re-examine the experience completing the Week 6 iHuman Mental Health Assessment assignment while engaging in dialogue with faculty and peers. In the debriefings, students:

Reflect on the simulation activity

Share what went well and consider alternative actions

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Course Outcomes

This debriefing enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 1)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)


Debriefing is an activity that involves thinking critically about your own experiences related to the virtual simulation you completed. In debriefings students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this debriefing

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the debriefing often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.


Use the following format to reflect on the Week 6 iHuman Mental Health Assessment. This was the Amka Oxendine case.

Paragraph One: What went well for you in the simulation? Provide examples of when you felt knowledgeable and confident in your skills. Do you feel the scenario was realistic? Why or why not?

Paragraph Two: What would you do differently next time if you were caring for a patient similar to Ms. Oxendine? Describe at least one area you identified where improvements could be made, specific to Ms. Oxendine’s assessment. Were you surprised by any of the feedback you were provided by iHuman? If yes, please explain.

Paragraph Three: What did you learn from this simulation that you could apply to nursing practice? Or, what did this simulation reinforce that you found valuable? Do you have any questions related to the scenario?







NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 8 Discussion

Reflection on End of Life Care


The purpose of this reflection is for learners to apply this week's lesson on assessment at end of life to past practice experiences, and to consider how knowledge gained this week might shape future practice.

Course Outcomes

This reflection enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 1)

CO 6: Demonstrate professional behavior and caring during patient interactions. (POs 6, 7)


Reflection is an activity that involves your deep thought into your own experiences related to the concepts of the week. Answers should be detailed. In reflections students:

Demonstrate understanding of concepts for the week

Engage in meaningful dialogue with classmates and/or instructor

Express opinions clearly and logically, in a professional manner

Use the rubric on this page as you compose your answers.

Scholarly sources are NOT required for this reflection

Best Practices include:

Participation early in the week is encouraged to stimulate meaningful discussion among classmates and instructor.

Enter the reflection often during the week to read and learn from posts.

Select different classmates for your reply each week.


Share with your classmates a time when you cared for a patient at the end of their life. This may be a time when you assisted the patient (or their support system) with decisions related to end of life care; or a time when you were present for the death of a patient.

What were your observations related to this experience?

Do you believe it was a peaceful death?

What went well?

Can you think of anything that could have made the experience better for the patient and/or family?


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 1 Quiz   

Question 1I can access iHuman and view the Support Desk information.



 Question 2I have located the iHuman Undergraduate Help section of the website.



 Question 3I have viewed the assigned videos.



 Question 4What was Mr. Jones’ most recent creatinine level recorded in the EHR?

Question 5What was Mr. Jones’ blood pressure that is recorded in the EHR?

Question 6Why has Mr.  Jones been admitted to the hospital?

Question 7I have a question about iHuman for my instructor: 


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 2 Assignment  

Wellness Assessment: Luciana Gonzalez (iHuman)

This assignment will be uploaded automatically to Turnitin upon submission to verify this is your original work and no parts were copied from another student.

Turnitin is now more closely integrated with Canvas. To submit your assignment to Turnitin, follow the steps provided.

Click the orange Submit Assignment button at the top of the page to open the upload window.

Under the File Upload tab, click on Browse to select your assignment file you want to upload.

Check the box to agree to the Turnitin End-User License Agreement.

Click Submit Assignment.

Your Turnitin report will be visible in the Assignment Details or Grades section of your course. 

Steps 2, 3, and 4 in a Turnitin Submission


Please refer to the documentation available on the Turnitin Resource page (Links to an external site.).

Submitting Assignments to Turnitin explains how to submit an assignment with Turnitin enabled.

Understanding Turnitin Similarity Reports shows how to access, view, and understand a Turnitin similarity report.

Reviewing Graded Turnitin Assignments shows how to view feedback and similarity score reports on a graded Turnitin assignment.

Please contact your instructor if you have any questions.

Note: Chamberlain Programs may vary in usage of Turnitin features and grading options.


The purpose of this assignment is for learners to demonstrate completing a comprehensive wellness assessment on a virtual patient.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)

CO 5: Identify collaborative opportunities for health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention. (POs 1, 2)

CO 6: Demonstrate caring and professional behavior during patient interactions. (POs 6, 7)


Access the Luciana Gonzalez case assignment by locating the case in the Week 2 Module menu under Application to Practice. If prompted, select to load the case in a new browser window. Note: it may take a few moments for iHuman cases to load in our web browser.

Select Proceed and begin by answering the Prework questions. Your prework answers are not graded. The questions are intended to get you thinking about the case. You will continue to select the Proceed button to move you through the entire case.

Begin the case and complete these sections: (100 points total, immediate feedback/grade will be provided to you by iHuman when complete)

EHR Review

Health History

Physical Assessment

Note: there is no time limit on completing cases

As you move through your first attempt and once you complete the case, you will receive feedback from the “Expert” on the important findings that you included (or should have included), and information that should have been collected on the health history and physical assessment. The system will also tell you if you asked questions or performed assessments that are considered extraneous or inappropriate for that particular case. Review this information carefully and take notes to be used on your second attempt, if you would like to work toward a higher score.

If you must leave the case for any reason before you have totally completed it, the program will save your spot and will return you to the same point when you re-enter the case. (Look for the green “Resume” arrow at the bottom of the screen.) If you had fully completed a section, you will be able to review the section, but you will not be able to change your answers. You will only be able to move forward in the case.

Nurse Notes (50 points) are completed outside of iHuman and are graded by your instructor. To complete the Nurse Notes, download and save the required template below under Template. Rename the template as Your Last Name Week 2 Nurse Notes. This must be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Save it to your computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your answers directly on the saved document. When your Nurse Notes answers are completed, save and close the template. Follow the submission directions at the top of this page to upload your assignment.

When you have completed a case review the final score and feedback provided by iHuman. You have the option to complete this case a second time before the submission deadline (total of 2 attempts) to improve your score. Your instructor will convert your highest score in iHuman to points earned in the grading rubric. Scores are adjusted based on your performance level. (See grading rubric.)


Week 2 Nurse Notes Template (Links to an external site.)

iHuman Support

Click the blue question mark icon at the bottom right of your iHuman screen at any time to access iHuman Resources. A menu will appear to assist with trouble shooting. Click "Help" from the menu to contact iHuman Support.


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 3 Assignment  

Cardiovascular Assessment: Michael Granger (iHuman)


The purpose of this assignment is for learners to demonstrate completing a cardiovascular assessment on a virtual patient.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)

CO 5: Identify collaborative opportunities for health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention. (POs 1, 2)

CO 6: Demonstrate professional behavior and caring during patient interactions. (POs 6, 7)


Access the Michael Granger case assignment by locating the case in the Week 3 Module menu under Application to Practice. If prompted, select to load the case in a new browser window. Note: it may take a few moments for iHuman cases to load in our web browser.

Select Proceed and begin by answering the Prework questions. Your prework answers are not graded. The questions are intended to get you thinking about the case. You will continue to select the Proceed button to move you through the entire case.

Begin the case and complete these sections: (100 points total, immediate feedback/grade will be provided to you by iHuman when complete)

EHR Review

Health History

Physical Assessment

Note: there is no time limit on completing cases

As you move through your first attempt and once you complete the case, you will receive feedback from the “Expert” on the important findings that you included (or should have included), and information that should have been collected on the health history and physical assessment. The system will also tell you if you asked questions or performed assessments that are considered extraneous or inappropriate for that particular case. Review this information carefully and take notes to be used on your second attempt, if you would like to work toward a higher score.

If you must leave the case for any reason before you have totally completed it, the program will save your spot and will return you to the same point when you re-enter the case. (Look for the green “Resume” arrow at the bottom of the screen.) If you had fully completed a section, you will be able to review the section, but you will not be able to change your answers. You will only be able to move forward in the case.

Nurse Notes (50 points) are completed outside of iHuman and are graded by your instructor. To complete the Nurse Notes, download and save the required template below under Template. Rename the template as Your Last Name Week 3 Nurse Notes. This must be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Save it to your computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your answers directly on the saved document. When your Nurse Notes answers are completed, save and close the template. Click the Submit button at the top of this page to upload your completed assignment.

When you have completed a case review the final score and feedback provided by iHuman. You have the option to complete this case a second time before the submission deadline (total of 2 attempts) to improve your score. Your instructor will convert your highest score in iHuman to points earned in the grading rubric. Scores are adjusted based on your performance level. (See grading rubric.)


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 4 Assignment  

Neurovascular Assessment: Athena Washington (iHuman)


The purpose of this assignment is for learners to demonstrate completing a neurovascular assessment on a virtual patient.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)

CO 5: Identify collaborative opportunities for health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention. (POs 1, 2)

CO 6: Demonstrate professional behavior and caring during patient interactions. (POs 6, 7)


Access the Athena Washington case assignment by locating the case in the Week 4 Module menu under Application to Practice. If prompted, select to load the case in a new browser window. Note: it may take a few moments for iHuman cases to load in our web browser.

Select Proceed and begin by answering the Prework questions. Your prework answers are not graded. The questions are intended to get you thinking about the case. You will continue to select the Proceed button to move you through the entire case.

Begin the case and complete these sections: (100 points total, immediate feedback/grade will be provided to you by iHuman when complete)

EHR Review

Health History

Physical Assessment

Note: there is no time limit on completing cases

As you move through your first attempt and once you complete the case, you will receive feedback from the “Expert” on the important findings that you included (or should have included), and information that should have been collected on the health history and physical assessment. The system will also tell you if you asked questions or performed assessments that are considered extraneous or inappropriate for that particular case. Review this information carefully and take notes to be used on your second attempt, if you would like to work toward a higher score.

If you must leave the case for any reason before you have totally completed it, the program will save your spot and will return you to the same point when you re-enter the case. (Look for the green “Resume” arrow at the bottom of the screen.) If you had fully completed a section, you will be able to review the section, but you will not be able to change your answers. You will only be able to move forward in the case.

Nurse Notes (50 points) are completed outside of iHuman and are graded by your instructor. To complete the Nurse Notes, download and save the required template below under Template. Rename the template as Your Last Name Week 4 Nurse Notes. This must be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Save it to your computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your answers directly on the saved document. When your Nurse Notes answers are completed, save and close the template. Click the Submit button at the top of this page to upload your completed assignment.

When you have completed a case review the final score and feedback provided by iHuman. You have the option to complete this case a second time before the submission deadline (total of 2 attempts) to improve your score. Your instructor will convert your highest score in iHuman to points earned in the grading rubric. Scores are adjusted based on your performance level. (See grading rubric.)


NR305 Health Assessment for the Practicing

Week 6 Assignment  

Mental Health Assessment: Amka Oxendine (iHuman)


The purpose of this assignment is for learners to demonstrate completing a mental health assessment on a virtual patient.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

CO 1: Demonstrate a head to toe physical assessment. (PO 1)

CO 2: Differentiate between normal and abnormal health assessment findings. (PO 4)

CO 3: Describe physical, psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual influences on an individual's health status. (PO 1)

CO 4: Demonstrate effective communication skills during health assessment and documentation. (PO 3)

CO 5: Identify collaborative opportunities for health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention. (POs 1, 2)

CO 6: Demonstrate professional behavior and caring during patient interactions. (POs 6, 7)


Access the Amka Oxendine case assignment by locating the case in the Week 6 Module menu under Application to Practice. If prompted, select to load the case in a new browser window. Note: it may take a few moments for iHuman cases to load in our web browser.

Select Proceed and begin by answering the Prework questions. Your prework answers are not graded. The questions are intended to get you thinking about the case. You will continue to select the Proceed button to move you through the entire case.

Begin the case and complete these sections: (100 points total, immediate feedback/grade will be provided to you by iHuman when complete)

EHR Review

Health History

Physical Assessment

Note: there is no time limit on completing cases

As you move through your first attempt and once you complete the case, you will receive feedback from the “Expert” on the important findings that you included (or should have included), and information that should have been collected on the health history and physical assessment. The system will also tell you if you asked questions or performed assessments that are considered extraneous or inappropriate for that particular case. Review this information carefully and take notes to be used on your second attempt, if you would like to work toward a higher score.

If you must leave the case for any reason before you have totally completed it, the program will save your spot and will return you to the same point when you re-enter the case. (Look for the green “Resume” arrow at the bottom of the screen.) If you had fully completed a section, you will be able to review the section, but you will not be able to change your answers. You will only be able to move forward in the case.

Nurse Notes (50 points) are completed outside of iHuman and are graded by your instructor. To complete the Nurse Notes, download and save the required template below under Template. Rename the template as Your Last Name Week 6 Nurse Notes. This must be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Save it to your computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your answers directly on the saved document. When your Nurse Notes answers are completed, save and close the template. Click the Submit button at the top of this page to upload your completed assignment.

When you have completed a case review the final score and feedback provided by iHuman. You have the option to complete this case a second time before the submission deadline (total of 2 attempts) to improve your score. Your instructor will convert your highest score in iHuman to points earned in the grading rubric. Scores are adjusted based on your performance level. (See grading rubric.)



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NR305 Complete Course Latest 2022 January (Full)

Tutorial # 00632230
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HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 3 Assignment 2 ASSESSING CULTURAL COMPETENCE Being a culturally competent health educator can help reduce the health eq …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 3 Assignment 1 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 3 Assignment 1 ASSESSING PERSONAL BIAS Bias is a result of our environment and background. We often make quick judgment …
Walden HLTH6412 Module 2 Assignment 2 Latest 2025
HLTH6412-1/HLTH8412E-1/HLTH5412 Health Ed & Comm. Strategies Module 2 Assignment 2 ASSESSING THE HEALTH LITERACY LEVEL OF HEALTH EDUCATION MATERIALS Carson, the community health educator …