NR507 Assignments Latest 2021 March (Full)

Question # 00621986
Course Code : NR507
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 02/26/2021
Posted On: 02/26/2021 06:32 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NR507 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 2 Assignment  

Disease Process Presentation Assignment Part 1


The purpose of this assignment is to begin the exploration of the disease process assigned to students in Week 1. To ensure timely development of the final Week 7 assignment and an opportunity to receive feedback from the faculty, students will develop the Week 7 presentation in 2 parts.? Parts 1 and 2 will be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation that contains thorough speaker notes. After students have received faculty feedback on Parts 1 and 2, students will develop the final presentation that is audio and video (with face showing) recorded in Kaltura and uploaded to the Week 7 Discussion Board. Week 2 begins the development of Part 1 of the Disease Process Presentation. It entails students exploring the pathophysiology of the assigned disease to fully understand how it progresses from the initial cellular injury to the eventual defect in the tissue, organ and system functioning. Students also begin to develop an understanding of the role of the FNP in disease prevention. Finally, students will also demonstrate professional presentation and communication skills at each stage of assignment development. 

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Develop professional presentation/communication skills.

Demonstrate understanding of the risk factors for disease development. (CO 3)

Demonstrate understanding of the progression of a disease from the initial injury to the defect in the tissue, organ and system functioning. (CO 1, 2)

Describe the role of the health care provider in the prevention of the disease (CO 4)


Content Criteria: 

Introduce the disease with a brief definition and description.

Discuss the?Risk Factors?and the connection to the?Etiology?of the initial injury to the cell/tissue/organ.

Show the progression from the?initial injury to the defect?in the tissue, organ and system functioning.

Discuss health care provider implications for prevention of the disease.

Provide a summary slide that highlights main points presented.

Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA.

Format Criteria: 

The presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation that contains detailed speaker notes.

The presentation contain main heading slides that address the assignment criteria listed above.

The presentation should contain appropriate evidence to support the information presented per APA format.

Slides should be used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs

The presentation should contain a reference slide with all sources written in APA format

PowerPoint Tips to ensure a professional and organized presentation: 

All font types, size, and color should be the same throughout the presentation

The Title slide should contain: student name, course, professor and title of the presentation

Avoid putting too much information in the slides. Use bullets to highlight main points and then use speaker notes to provide more specifics related to the slide content

The use of pictures and figures are encouraged, however, avoid overcrowding the slides with pictures and figures

Follow the rubric requirements in chronological order to ensure an organized flow of content

Use proper background color so there is good contrast between font color and background


NR507 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 5 Assignment  

Disease Process Presentation Assignment Part 2


The purpose of this assignment is to build on the presentation developed in Week 2. To ensure timely development of the final Week 7 assignment and an opportunity to receive feedback from the faculty, students will develop the Week 7 presentation in 2 parts.? Parts 1 and 2 will be submitted as a PowerPoint presentation that contains thorough speaker notes. After students have received faculty feedback on Parts 1 and 2, students will develop the final presentation that is audio and video (with face showing) recorded in Kaltura and uploaded to the Week 7 Discussion Board. Week 5 begins the development of Part 2 of the Disease Process Presentation. It entails students linking the pathophysiological alterations at the tissue, organ and system levels to the patient’s presenting signs and symptoms. Students will also describe how the disease is diagnosed and the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for disease management. 

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Develop professional presentation/communication skills.

Link development of presenting signs and symptoms of disease to changes to tissue, organ and system functioning. (CO 3)

Describe how the disease is diagnosed (CO 1, 2)

Describe pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for disease management (CO 4)


Content Criteria: 

Link changes in the tissue, organ, and system functioning?to the initial presenting signs and symptoms seen in primary care?of the disease.

Provide a brief description of how the disease is diagnosed.

Provide a brief description of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions used to treat and manage the disease.

Summarizes the disease on the final slide with concluding remarks; includes implication for nurse practitioner practice.

Utilizes at least two current (within 5 years), peer-review scholarly sources to support presentation content.

Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA.

Format Criteria: 

The presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation that contains detailed speaker notes.

The presentation contain main heading slides that address the assignment criteria listed above.

The presentation should contain appropriate evidence to support the information presented per APA format.

Slides should be used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs

The presentation should contain a reference slide with all sources written in APA format

Technology Requirements

The instructions for using Kaltura are located under Resources.

PowerPoint Tips to ensure a professional and organized presentation: 

All font types, size, and color should be the same throughout the presentation

The Title slide should contain: student name, course, professor and title of the presentation

Avoid putting too much information in the slides. Use bullets to highlight main points and then use speaker notes to provide more specifics related to the slide content

The use of pictures and figures are encouraged, however, avoid overcrowding the slides with pictures and figures

Follow the rubric requirements in chronological order to ensure an organized flow of content

Use proper background color so there is good contrast between font color and background


NR507 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 7 Assignment  

Disease Process Presentation Part 3


This assignment is a culmination of the assignments created in Weeks 2 and 5. Students are expected to incorporate the faculty feedback received on the Week 2 and Week 5 assignments to create the final presentation. The Week 7 presentation is an audio/video recording that is developed using Kaltura. The final presentation will include the student’s voice (audio) along with face clearly visible (video). Students have the opportunity to demonstrate professional presentation/communication and deep knowledge regarding pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment about a selected disease process. 

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Demonstrate professional presentation/communication skills.

Demonstrate understanding of the risk factors for disease development. (CO 3)

Demonstrate understanding of the progression of a disease from the initial injury to the defect in the tissue, organ and system functioning. (CO 1, 2)

Link development of presenting signs and symptoms of disease to changes to tissue, organ and system functioning. (CO 3)

Describe how the disease is diagnosed (CO 1, 2)

Describe pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for disease management (CO 4)

Describe the role of the health care provider in the prevention of the disease (CO 4)


Content Criteria: 

Introduce the disease with a brief definition and description.

Discuss the?Risk Factors?and the connection to the?Etiology?of the initial injury to the cell/tissue/organ.

Discuss health care provider implications for prevention of the disease.

Show the progression from the?initial injury to the defect?in the tissue, organ and system functioning.

Link changes in the tissue, organ, and system functioning?to the initial presenting signs and symptoms seen in primary care?of the disease.

Provide a brief description of how the disease is diagnosed.

Provide a brief description of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions used to treat and manage the disease.

Summarizes the disease on final slide with concluding remarks; includes implication for nurse practitioner practice.

Utilizes at least two current (within 5 years), peer-reviewed scholarly sources to support presentation content.

Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA.

Format Criteria: 

The presentation should include an audio/video PowerPoint presentation created using Kaltura.?The student's voice must be clearly heard (audio) and the student's face clearly seen on the video.

There is no slide length requirements. However, the presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes in recorded length.

The presentation should contain appropriate evidence to support the information presented in APA format.

The presentation slides should be used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs- reading information from slides?is not?professional and therefore not acceptable.

Students should demonstrate understanding and mastery of content via discussion style presentation.

Technology Requirements

The instructions for using Kaltura are located under Resources.

PowerPoint Tips to ensure a professional and organized presentation: 

All font types, size, and color should be the same throughout the presentation

The Title slide should contain: student name, course, professor and title of the presentation

Avoid putting too much information in the slides. Use bullets to highlight main points and then use speaker notes to provide more specifics related to the slide content

The use of pictures and figures are encouraged, however, avoid overcrowding the slides with pictures and figures

Follow the rubric requirements in chronological order to ensure an organized flow of content

Use proper background color so there is good contrast between font color and background

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NR507 Assignments Latest 2021 March (Full)

Tutorial # 00620714
Posted On: 02/26/2021 06:33 AM
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