NR524 Complete Course Latest 2021 September

Question # 00629665
Course Code : NR524
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 10/23/2021
Posted On: 10/23/2021 02:40 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 1 Discussion

In this course, you will have the opportunity to work with your peers as you develop different components of a curriculum. You will be asked to choose one of three groups to participate in peer collaboration. The three groups are the following.

An Associate degree program in a community college

A prelicensure BSN program in a public university

A hospital staff development department in a Magnet Hospital

Instructions on how to join the groups can be found here: Joining a Peer Discussion Group (Links to an external site.)

Please view the presentation on How to Collaborate with Peers prior to posting in the peer collaboration area.

Please note there is a specific grading rubric for the peer collaboration area.

In this first week, you will begin to develop a Mission Statement for the program you have chosen. Write your Mission Statement and post it in the peer collaboration area. Then read and provide a substantive critique to two classmates on their mission. For the academic programs (ADN and BSN), please use the Chamberlain University Mission Statement (Chamberlain Mission Statement: To educate, empower, and embolden diverse healthcare professionals who advance the health of people, families, communities, and nations) as the mission statement of the parent organization.

For the hospital-based program, please use the mission statement from your current work setting as the mission statement of the parent organization.

Please post the parent institution mission statement, followed by your individual mission statement, in the peer collaboration area.

The guidelines and grading rubric for peer collaborations can be found by downloading the document below.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 2 Discussion

This week, you will continue to refine your Mission Statement in one of the three scenarios you chose in Week 1. Place your revised Mission Statement in the peer collaboration area and then provide a critique to two classmates.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 3 Discussion

This week in the peer collaboration area, you will begin to identify and define the concepts that you would include in the framework for your program. Define each of the four required concepts that you would include in an organizing framework for your program - person, nursing, health, and environment. Feel free to add an additional concept. Describe the relationship between and among the concepts.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 4 Discussion

This week in the peer collaboration area, you will develop program outcomes for your school or the staff development department.

For the academic programs, you will base the program outcomes on either the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education OR the NLN Competencies for graduates of Associate Degree Programs.

NLN Competencies for graduates of Associate Degree Programs (2010)

Human Flourishing: Advocate for patients and families in ways that promote their self-determination, integrity, and ongoing growth as human beings

Nursing Judgment: Makes judgments in practice, substantiated with evidence, that integrate nursing science in the provision of safe, quality care and promote the health of patients within a family and community context

Professional Identity: Implement one's role as a nurse in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, ethical practices, and an evolving identity as a nurse committed to evidence-based practice, caring, advocacy, and safe, quality care for diverse patients within a family and community context

Spirit of Inquiry: Examine the evidence that underlies clinical nursing practice to challenge the status quo, question underlying assumptions, and offer new insights to improve the quality of care for patients, families, and communities

AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (Links to an external site.))

Essential I: Liberal Education for Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice

Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety

Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology

Essential V: Health Care Policy, Finance, and Regulatory Environments

Essential VI: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes

Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health

Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values

Essential IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice

For the hospital-based program, you will develop program outcomes based on the 2020 Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety Goals (Links to an external site.)

Identify patients correctly.

Improve staff communication.

Use medicines safely.

Use alarms safely.

Prevent infection.

Identify patient safety risks.

Prevent mistakes in surgery.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 5 Discussion

Academic Nurse Educators:

This week, you will begin to develop the courses in your nursing or education program. Use the template in the Curriculum and Syllabus Guidelines and Rubric  downloaddocument to develop your curriculum plan.

Academic Educators (ASN and BSN programs):

Review either the Florida Board of Nursing or the California Board of Nursing requirements. Model your curriculum plan from the requirements of one of these two states. Include the name of the state and the link to the website.

Pre-Licensure Curriculum and Syllabus Guidelines (Links to an external site.)

Associate Degree Curriculum and Syllabus Guidelines (Links to an external site.)

Florida State Board of Nursing: (Links to an external site.)

California State Board of Nursing: § 1426. Required Curriculum. 16 CA ADC § 1426


Professional Development Specialists:

This week, you will begin to develop courses for your clinical facility hospital orientation. Use the template provided in the Hospital Orientation Requirements  downloaddocument to develop your curriculum plan.

Model the following hospital orientation guidelines found in the Hospital Orientation Requirements document above to develop your curriculum.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 6 Discussion

Systematic Evaluation Plan

This discussion has two options: one for the academic nurse educator and the other for the nursing professional development specialist. Please respond to the appropriate discussion for your chosen role.

Academic Nurse Educator

Your school is getting closer to the reaccreditation visit, and you are hearing a lot about the systematic evaluation plan. What are the components of the systematic evaluation plan? How is it used to assure that the needs of the school's stakeholders are met? Why should faculty be involved in its development?

Nursing Professional Development Specialist

Your facility is preparing for Magnet Designation. What are the components of the Magnet program? How are they used to assure that the needs of the facility's stakeholders are met? Why should nursing professional development specialists be involved in its development?


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 7 Discussion

Nursing Trends

Nursing is constantly changing. In the next 5 years, what are two trends in nursing or healthcare that will influence changes in an undergraduate or staff development curriculum at your facility?


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 8 Discussion


Now that you have completed this course, how will you use the concepts in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate the final MSN Practicum Project and your future growth?


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 1 Assignment

Self-Assessment of NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies

In this course, we will continue the self-assessment of core competencies that you started in NR535. In this course, we will be assessing the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competency IV: Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program Outcomes. Complete the competency assessment and write a goal on how you will increase your skill in this competency during this course.

The Self-Assessment of Core Competencies is due on Sunday of Week 1 at 11:59 p.m. MT. The guidelines and rubric are listed below as well as in the downloadable document.

Self-Assessment Guidelines and Rubric  (Links to an external site.)

Self-Assessment Worksheet (Links to an external site.)

Self-Assessment Worksheet EXAMPLE (Links to an external site.)


The purpose of this assignment is to complete a self-assessment of the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies and develop a goal to help meet this competency.

National League for Nursing (2017). Nurse Educator Core Competency.


Completed at Weeks 1 and 8, this document is based on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies of the Nurse Educator (NLN, 2017). Students should drop their assessments into their ePortfolio by Wednesday of Week 8, 11:59 p.m. MT. The Self-Assessment Form is located in Course Resources.

This Self-Assessment of Core Competencies is a document that you will use throughout the educator track courses. It is to be placed in your ePortfolio. In each course, starting in NR535, you will focus on a specific area of the NLN Competencies.

You are to reflect upon and complete a self-assessment at the beginning of Week 1 and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 1.  You are to identify your level of competency for each of the sub-competencies listed on the worksheet (see example).  In the next column you will see the course outcomes which are aligned with the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies.  The Course Outcomes are not specific to the individual sub competencies however my meeting the course outcomes, you will be able to increase your knowledge, skills, and abilities in the Core Competency identified for this course. In the final column for Week One, identify a specific example of what you will do to achieve each course outcome (possible points = 50). 

In Week 8, you will again identify your level of competency for each of the sub-competencies listed on original worksheet from Week One.    In the final column you will give a specific example that shows how you demonstrated each course outcome.  The assignment is to be submitted for grading by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8 (possible points = 50).

Remember that you are still in the development stage so not all (or any) of the competencies are expected to be at Level 3 by the end of this course.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 2 Assignment

Mission Statement Paper


The purpose of this assignment is to (a) develop a mission statement, (b) identify consistency between the program mission statement and the parent institution, (c) identify collaborative input from classmates in the development of a mission, and (d) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner.


Assignment Criteria for the Paper

1.            Mission statement reflects original work of the student.

2.            Mission statement reflects uniqueness of the nursing program and is congruent with the mission statement of the parent institution. 

3.            Mission statement is clear, concise, and succinct, and includes teaching and service.  

4.            Changes to the initial mission statement are identified, based on peer collaboration.

5.            There is a minimum of two scholarly references related to mission statement development. 

6.            Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.

7.            An introduction and conclusion are required in the paper. 


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 4 Assignment

Organizing Framework and Program OutcomesGuidelines


The purpose of this assignment is to (a) develop concepts included in an organizing framework for an institution, (b) discuss the relationship between the concepts, (c) develop program outcomes, and (d) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner.


Assignment Criteria for the Paper

1. A brief introduction on the concepts selected for the framework is included.

2. The concepts in the framework are clearly defined. The concepts included in the metaparadigm of nursing (person, nursing, health, and environment) must be included. 

3. The relationship between the concepts is demonstrated.

4. Develop program outcomes for your institution that incorporate the following.

a.            Program outcomes should be described as characteristics expected of graduates by the end of the program

b.            Program outcomes are based on either the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education OR the NLN Competencies for graduatesof Associate Degree Programs OR the current The Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety Goals

5.  Changes to the initial framework concepts and program outcomes are identified, based on peer collaboration.

6.  A conclusion to the paper is required.

7.  A minimum of three scholarly references is required.

8. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 6 Assignment

Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus


The purpose of this assignment is to (a) develop a curriculum plan and course syllabus and (b) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner.


CO 1:  Design curricular components based upon knowledge and concepts from education and related disciplines to achieve quality health outcomes (care-focused). (PO 2)

CO 2:  Demonstrate critical understanding of curriculum processes that benefit diverse learners (cultural humility). (PO 3)

CO 4:  Develop curriculum that reflects current trends, addresses community and societal needs, and prepares graduates for practice in a complex, dynamic healthcare environment (care-focused). (PO 2)


Assignment Criteria for the Paper

1.            Curriculum Plan reflects original work of the student.

2.            Curriculum Plan reflects the requirements of the State Board of Nursing (academic) or a professional organization (hospital).

3.            The syllabus includes all the required elements. 

4.            Use of the template provided is required for the assignment.

5.            Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.


Curriculum Plan

                Academic Nurse Educators: School of Nursing

Use the table below to develop the Curriculum Plan for either the associate degree program or the pre-licensure Baccalaureate program. Include all general education courses, science courses, and nursing courses. Identify the course by the prefix, number, and name of the course. Include the total credit hours for the course and then the breakdown of hours by theory (T), clinical (C), and laboratory (L).  For example: NUR101 Fundamentals of Nursing, 6 credits (3T, 1L, 2C). 

Academic Nurse Educators:  Base your courses on the requirements from either the Florida State Board of Nursing:  OR the California State Board of Nursing:  § 1426. Required Curriculum. 16 CA ADC § 1426 BARCLAYS OFFICIAL CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS.

Indicate the state you have chosen on the template. 

Reminder: Associate Degree Program = 60 credits

Baccalaureate Degree Program = 120 credits


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 8 Assignment

Self-Assessment of NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies

In Week 8, you will reflect upon and complete the self-assessment of core competencies. In Week 1 you competed the assessment and developed a goal for increasing knowledge and skill in this competency. Now, using the same worksheet from Week 1, complete the level of confidence for each item and identify how you met the goal for the competency identified for this course. Submit the assignment by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8. Then place this worksheet in your ePortfolio.

Self-Assessment Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)


The purpose of this assignment is to complete a self-assessment of the NLN Nurse Educator Core Competencies and develop a goal to help meet this competency.

National League for Nursing (2017). Nurse Educator Core Competency. (Links to an external site.)


Completed at Weeks 1 and 8, this document is based on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies of the Nurse Educator (NLN, 2017). Students should drop their assessments into their ePortfolio by Wednesday of Week 8, 11:59 p.m. MT. The Self-Assessment form is located in Course Resources.

This Self-Assessment of Core Competencies is a document that you will use throughout the educator track courses. It is to be placed in your ePortfolio. In each course, starting in NR535, you will focus on a specific area of the NLN Competencies.




Competency I


Competency IV


Competency II


Competency III

You are to reflect upon and complete a self-assessment at the beginning of Week 1 and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 1. Next to the assessment column, identify one goal for each competency that you hope to achieve by the end of this course (possible points = 50).

In Week 8, reflect upon and complete the self-assessment and submit it by 11:59 p.m. MT Wednesday of Week 8. Next to the self-assessment column, identify how you met the goal for competencies (#6 and #8) in this course (possible points = 50).

Remember that you are still in the development stage so not all (or any) of the competencies are expected to be at Level 3 by the end of this course.

As you move through the courses in the educator track, you will pull this self-assessment from your ePortfolio and complete it for the competencies specific for that course. In NR621: Concluding Graduate Experience 1 and NR622: Concluding Graduate Experience 2, you will do a similar assessment but will include all eight competencies. Directions for this will be in NR621 and NR622.


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 1 Quiz  

Question 1Which of the following is the correct way to reference an entire book in APA format:

Weber, J., & Kelley, J. (2020). Health assessment in nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Weber, J., & Kelley, J. (2020) Health assessment in nursing, Philadelphia.

Weber, J., & Kelley, J. (2020). Health assessment in nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Weber, J., & Kelley, J. Health assessment in nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Publication city is no longer included in the citation—APA Manual, 7th ed, p. 321 Section 10.2 Example 21

Question 2When using paraphrased or summarized content within your writings, the in-text citation must include which of the following?

The author's last name and date of publication

The title of the document and the author's last name

The author's last name and the page number

The title of the document and the date of publication

Question 3When citing two sources in the reference list that both have the same author and year, which format should be followed?

Only use one of the sources since there is no way to differentiate between the two sources

Add a lower-case letter to the year to differentiate between the two sources – for example 2018a

Cite both sources in the same exact manner

Add a number at the end of the author’s name – for example Smith 1

Question 4When referencing a web page, when should the writer include the ‘retrieval date’?

Use the retrieval date when the source is a PDF

Use the retrieval date only when the material may change over time

Use the retrieval date when the writer cites a web page

The retrieval date is older than 5 years

Question 5Which of the following is the correct way to format a Digital Object Identifier (doi):




Question 6When providing a narrative in-text citation for the following reference, which of the following is the correct for the source listed below:

Title: Absolute and Relative Contraindications to IV rt-PA for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Authors: Fugate, J. E., & Rabinstein, A. A.

Journal:  The Neurohospitalist

Volume #: 5

Date Published: 2020

Page Numbers:  110-121

 (Jennifer Fugate & Alejandro Rabinstein, p. 110-121)

Fugate and Rabinstein (2020)

Fugate & Rabinstein, 2020, p. 120;

Fugate et al. (2020)

Question 7Identify the correct format for a full reference for the following chapter in an edited textbook without a doi.

Textbook: Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty

Editors of textbook: D. Billings, & J. Halstead

Chapter title:  Forces and issues influencing curriculum development

Author of chapter:  Veltri, L., & Barber, H

Other information that you may or may not need for the correct citation:  publication date 2016, pages of chapter 73-88.  Published by Saunders in St. Louis, MO.  It is the 10th edition for this same book.

Veltri, L., & Barber, H. (2016). Forces and issues influencing curriculum development. In D. Billings, & J. Halstead, (Eds). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. St. Louis, MO: Saunders.

Veltri, L., & Barber, H. (2016). Forces and issues influencing curriculum development. In D. Billings, & J. Halstead (Eds.), Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (10th ed., pp. 73-88). Saunders.

Billings, D., & Halstead, J. (2016). Forces and issues influencing curriculum development. In Veltri, L., & Barber, H. Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (5th ed., pp. 73-88). St. Louis, MO: Saunders.

Billings, & J. Halstead. (2016). Forces and issues influencing curriculum development. Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (5th ed., pp. 73-88). Saunders.

Question 8Choose the correct citation for this article in the text of a paper or discussion post for the first time?

Article:  Du, S., Liu, Z., Liu, S., Yin, H., Zhang, P., & Wang, T. (2020). Why nurses need more cultural humility. Journal of Cultural Nursing, 4(1), 34-38.

Du, S. et. al. (2020)

Du, S., Liu, Z., Liu, S., Yin, H., Zhang, P., and Wang, T. (2020)

Du et al. (2020)

Du, Liu, Liu, Yin, Zhang, & Wang (2020).

Question 9Which of the following is the correct way to cite a direct quote within the text of the document?

 (Carson, 2012, p. 23)

 (Carson, p. 23)

 (Carson, 2012)

Question 10The following information is from a research article, which of the following examples would be a correct paraphrasing of the information?

Information from research article:

Markle and Johnson (2022) determined that 78% of graduate students are working full time.  The impact of this employment produces additional stress including:  work/life balance, less sleep, and worsening nutrition.

The study found that 78% of graduate students work full time at a different job. This produces additional stresses such as work/life balance, less sleep, and worsening of nutrition (Markle & Johnson, 2022).

Of the graduate students who work full time, negotiating a balance with work expectations and personal responsibilities is the greatest challenge followed by diminished amount of sleep as well as nutritional issues (Markle & Johnson, 2022).

Graduate students often have problems with work/life balance, less sleep, and poor nutrition


NR524 Curriculum Development

Week 3 Quiz  

Question 1          What are the three assumptions from the webinar related to collaborative partnerships as they relate to QSEN competencies? (select all that apply)


a. Classroom partnerships

b. Clinical partnerships

c. Curricular partnerships

d. Leadership partnerships

a, b, and d

a, b, and c

a, c, and d

All of the above

Question 2.         QSEN stands for Quality and Safety Education for Nurses.



Question 3           You can utilize the QSEN competencies as part of your program outcomes.



Question 4            You cannot utilize the QSEN competencies to blueprint your exam questions.



Question 5          You can utilize Bloom’s Taxonomy to align QSEN competencies to classroom activities.






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NR524 Complete Course Latest 2021 September

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