NR535 Complete Course Latest 2021 July (Full)

Question # 00626755
Course Code : NR535
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 07/07/2021
Posted On: 07/07/2021 11:52 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 1 Discussion

Role of the Nurse Educator

During Week One, our lesson focused on the role of the nurse educator and related requirements for practice. Based upon this week's learning activities, readings, and Dr. Billings' webinar, respond to the following:

Share your goals for future practice in either nursing professional development or academic nursing education.

As you consider this future role, what supports and resources are necessary to position you for success?

What steps will you take to assure the necessary supports and resources that will be needed?

What barriers do you anticipate along the journey, and how might you address those challenges?


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 2 Discussion

Developing an Educational Philosophy

As you start the Education Track, NR 535 is the first course to assist in your transition to the role and responsibilities of a nurse educator. As you begin this important course, it is useful to pause and consider your philosophy concerning teaching and learning as well as the roles of the educator and learner. Don't be fearful about developing one's philosophy. One way to explain the word philosophy is to see it as a search for general understanding. For the career of the nurse educator, this means to search for understanding about teaching and learning so that your developing knowledge, skill, and attitude can be applied to providing an environment that fosters learning by individuals.

Please know that active participation in this week's conversation will assist you in the development of the Week 2 assignment. It would also be helpful to review the Week 2 assignment guidelines and rubric. The textbook provides the start of information regarding several educational theories. For this Collaboration Café, consider and provide a response to each of the following questions.

What do I believe about teaching-learning?

What do I believe that my role as a nurse educator is?

What do I believe that the role of the learner is?

Which educational theory supports my thoughts about teaching-learning?


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 3 Discussion

Teaching in a Didactic Environment

Our topic during Week Three focused on teaching and learning in the didactic environment. Whether you serve as an educator in a professional development role or in an academic role, the didactic environment is pivotal for learning. Reflect upon your learning from this week's lesson and respond to the following:

Create a short case scenario involving a nurse educator who is teaching in a didactic environment as part of their academic or professional development role.

Describe two instructional strategies used by the nurse educator to facilitate learning within the didactic environment, and why each of the strategies effectively support learning in the didactic environment.

Identify at least one barrier to learning and explain the nurse educator's response to address the barrier.

Discuss how competency with didactic teaching - learning strategies will be important for your success as a nurse educator.


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 4 Discussion

Teaching in a Clinical Environment

During Week Four, content centers on teaching and learning in the clinical environment and the impact of cultural humility. Strategies for effective teaching and learning in the clinical environment are essential for nursing education in both academic and professional development roles. Reflect upon learning from this week's lesson and respond to the following:

Develop a short case scenario involving a nurse educator who is teaching in the clinical environment as part of their academic or professional development role.

Within the case scenario, describe two instructional strategies used to facilitate learning within the clinical environment, and how each strategy effectively supports learning.

Within the case scenario, describe one specific example of the nurse educator practicing cultural humility and the impact of those actions.

Discuss how competency with clinical teaching - learning strategies and cultural humility will be important for your success as a nurse educator.


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 5 Discussion

Teaching in a Skills Laboratory Environment

Experiential learning is a critical aspect of nursing academic education and professional development. A skills laboratory environment offers a safe context to facilitate experiential learning for both nursing students and registered nurses.

Revisit the case scenario you created for the previous week's Collaboration Café. Expand your scenario to address the following:

Describe a skill with that the learners in the clinical environment are struggling to learn.

Discuss how the nurse educator in the scenario creates an opportunity to enhance learning through a focused skills laboratory activity.

Explain how the experiential learning activity in the skills laboratory will be carried out.

How will this skills laboratory activity improve learning outcomes? Provide an example.

How will this skills laboratory learning activity cultivate clinical decision-making skills? Provide an example.


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 6 Discussion

Teaching with Technology

Nurses engage in simulation to support learning in both the academic and professional development contexts. As a result, nurse educators must be equipped to engage in activities that support learning using simulation, virtual reality, and serious gaming technologies. Consider your future nurse educator role and the context within which you hope to practice; respond to the following:

Identify one example of a learning activity that involves simulation or virtual reality; explain the activity in detail.

Explain how Debriefing for Meaningful Learning (DML) would be implemented with this learning activity.

Share an original idea to facilitate learning using serious gaming technologies.

How might these strategies facilitate learning in your future nurse educator role?


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 8 Discussion

Fostering Critical Thinking

Reflect upon your learning in the course, and respond to the following:

Describe your purpose and goals as a future nurse educator.

How has the learning in this course contributed to the achievement of your goals?

In your future role as a nurse educator, what strategies will you use to enhance critical thinking among learners, and why?

How will the development of critical reasoning skills support quality and safety within the healthcare delivery setting?

How might you leverage your position as a nurse educator to further advocate for quality and safety within nursing practice?






NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 2 Assignment  

Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to: (a) articulate a personal philosophy of teaching and learning, and (b) present the content in a formal and professional manner using power-point with voice over. Engaging in self-reflection is useful to facilitate awareness and professional growth. MSN-prepared nurse educators benefit from introspection to clarify the philosophical perspectives that serve as underpinnings for teaching and learning practices. Completion of this assignment is to gain insights regarding the philosophical foundation that will guide your future practice as a nurse educator.

Course Outcomes

CO1: Incorporate education theories and models in developing the master's-prepared nurse educator role essential to performing as educators and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (PO 1)

CO3: Examine unique learning styles and needs of culturally diverse learners to foster acquisition of knowledge and skill. (POs 1 and 3)


Develop a personal philosophy of teaching and learning that will guide your career as a nurse educator. Using a voice-over PowerPoint, (directions located in Resource Tab), audiotape your philosophy of teaching and learning. The presentation should be communicated as a formal depiction of your philosophy to course faculty. The quality of your communication and slide formatting should represent professional standards.  The recording should range from 5–10 minutes and must include the following content. 


1.            Develop your philosophy of teaching and learning based on the requirements noted in the assignment criteria table below.

2.            Follow the instructions in the course on how to develop a voice-over PowerPoint.

3.            Audiotape your presentation and submit it in the Week 2 assignment submission box.

4.            You will be graded on both the content of the presentation and the professional quality of the presentation.

Category              Points   %            Description

Introduction       5              5%          This section of the assignment presents an introduction to your presentation by including:

•             Introduction of speaker

•             Identification of desired setting for future practice as a nurse educator (either an academic setting orprofessional development within healthcare)

•             Description of responsibilities consistent with the nurse educator’s role in your selected practice setting

Overview of philosophy                15           15%        This section of the assignment presents a discussion of your personal philosophy of nursing education, by including:

•             Core beliefs regarding the purpose of nursing education

•             Core beliefs regarding the role of the nurse educator

•             Core beliefs regarding learner characteristics

•             Core beliefs regarding the variables that influence the teaching and learning process

Application of Education Theory                15           15%        This section of the assignment presents a discussion of an educational theory (no nursing theories such as Benner may be used) by including:

•             Identification of the selected educational theory

•             Description of principles from the educational theory

•             Description of how the selected educational theory is consistent with philosophy

Selected Teaching Methods        20           20%        This section of the assignment presents a discussion of selected teaching methods by including:

•             Explanation of each of the three selected teaching methods

•             Identification of how each selected teaching method is consistent with your philosophy

•             Identification of how each selected teaching method is consistent with your selected educational theory

•             Identification of how each teaching method will foster learning in your practice setting

Summary             5              5%          This section of the assignment presents a summary by including:

•             Description of key points identified within your presentation

•             Identification of how your role as a nurse educator in your practice setting will impact holistic, safe, and quality care

•             Identification of one next step in order to be successful as graduate student in the education track

Presentation- Speaker  15           15%        The speaker presents the information in a professional manner, which includes the following.

•             The speaker thoroughly addresses content without reading directly from the slides.

•             The speaker presented the content in a clear, easy to hear and easy-to-understand manner

•             The speaker varied the pace of the presentation and uses pauses to aid the understandability of the topic

•             The speaker used language appropriate for the audience

•             Vocal fillers (“um,” “uh,” “like”) were under control

•             The speaker made the presentation interesting to and used appropriate language

Presentation - Slides      15           15%        The formatting of the slides demonstrates the following:

•             Slides are professional in appearance and tone

•             Balance between space, words/graphics and color is effective

•             Oral presentation used concise language

•             References are cited directly on the slide


 Writing Style     10           10%        For full credit the following criteria must be met:

•             Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word usage

•             No direct quotes are used on the presentation slides

•             APA format for citing and referencing sources

Quality of Scholarly Sources                                        It is an expectation that a minimum of 3 scholarly sources are integrated within the assignment. 

If the above expectation is not met, 10 points shall be dedicated.

Total      100         100%     A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 4 Assignment  

Preparing to Teach: Developing a Teaching Plan


In this assignment, you will assume the role of a nurse educator in either an academic or a nursing professional development setting to determine a hypothetical target audience in order to develop an instructional lesson or teaching plan. The target audience will be learners within an academic setting or a healthcare setting (patients are not an appropriate target audience). The plan will include development of measurable learning outcomes/objectives for the target audience; a topical outline of the content to be presented; development of appropriate instructional methods, and development of evaluation methods appropriate for the topic.


Through this assignment, the student will address the following Course Outcomes:

CO 2: Explore instructional strategies reflective of educational theory and evidence-based practice to support person centered care. (PO 5)

CO 3: Examine unique learning styles and needs of culturally diverse learners to foster acquisition of knowledge and skill. (PO 1 and 3)

CO 4: Explore a variety of instructional strategies appropriate to content, setting, learners’ needs, and desired outcomes. (POs 3 and 4)


Imagine that you are a nurse educator in either an academic or a nursing professional development context. Consider who your hypothetical target audience would include, the learning that would be necessary, and a hypothetical lesson that you would teach.

Once you determine this information, you will prepare for the development of an instructional lesson by considering the characteristics and unique needs of the target audience, as well as specific learning objectives, instructional methods, learning resources and methods for evaluation ofthe learning that has been accomplished.


This assignment will be submitted to the faculty member using the template provided. The teaching plan is to include the following information:

•             Target audience

•             Lesson title and purpose

•             Lesson-specific learning objectives

•             Topical outline

•             Instructional methods

•             Learning resources

•             Evaluation methods

NOTE:  Please see the details of the required information and expectations in the table labeled:  Assessment Criteria


1.            Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.

2.            A minimum of fourscholarly nursing references related to either the instructional methods or instructional resources are to be included in the teaching plan.

3.            Format for references within the teaching plan as well as the reference pageare to be completely consistent with APA format, current edition

4.            Use an economy of words to completethe Week 4 Assignment.

5.            Use correct spelling, word usage, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, congruent with graduate-level writing.

6.            No direct quotes may be used in this assignment.

Category              Points   %            Description

Target Audience               35           15%        o             Describe the target audience of learners

o             Discuss 3 unique characteristics regarding the target audience that will influence the teaching/learning process

o             Explain the implications of these characteristics on the development of the teaching plan

o             Explain how your personal philosophy of nursing education can support the teaching- learning process for this target audience

Lesson Title and Purpose              25           11%        o             State the title of the lesson

o             Explain the purpose for the lesson

o             Define the length of time allocated for the lesson

o             Explain the environment where the lesson will occur and how the environment fosters learning by the target audience

Lesson-specific Learning Objectives

                35           15%        o             Identify a minimum of 3 learning objectives for the lesson

o             Within each objective, the expected outcome of learning is specific and measurable

o             Each lesson-specific learning objective is consistent with the level of the target audience

o             In the corresponding rationale area, explain the following:

o             The learning domain that is addressed within each learning objective

o             The rationale for each learning objective

Topical Outline  20           8%          o             Using an economy of words, provide a concise outline of the lesson content that demonstrates:

o             Clarity and a logical flow of content

o             Congruence with the lesson purpose

o             Congruence with the lesson specific learning objective

Instructional Methods   40           17%        o             Identify a minimum of 3 instructional methods for each lesson-specific learning objective that will be used by the nurse educator to deliver the lesson

o             In the corresponding rationale section of the worksheet, explain how each of the instructional methods:

o             Support achievement of the learning objective

o             Align with the domain of learning indicated in the learning objective

o             Address characteristics and/or learning needs of the target audience

o             Reflect your philosophy of nursing education

o             Include support from current, scholarly resources to validate your rationale

Learning Resources         35           15%        o             Include a minimum of 3 resources to facilitate learner achievement of the stated objectives

o             In the corresponding rationale section of the worksheet:

o             Explain how each of the 3 learning resources align with the lesson content

o             Explain how each of the 3 learning resources will support the learning needs of the target audience

o             Include support from current, scholarly resources to validate your rationale

Evaluation Methods       35           15%        o             Identify a minimum of 1method per each lesson-specific objective that will be used to evaluate learner achievement of the stated objective

o             In the corresponding rationale area, explain the following for each evaluation method:

o             Explain how the evaluation methodfor each lesson-specific learning objective will measure successful achievement of the learning objective by target audience

o             Explain how the evaluation method is congruent with the learning domain addressed within the objective

o             Explain how the evaluation method takes into consideration the unique characteristics of the target audience

Graduate-level Writing Style       15           6%          For full credit in this rubric category, the following criteria must be met:

•             Correct spelling and word usage

•             Correct use of grammar, punctuation, sentence, and paragraph structure

•             Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing

•             Synthesis of information is present with no direct quotes

•             Correct APA format for the following:

?             Citing sources

?             Referencing sources

Quality of Scholarly Sources        It is an expectation that a minimum of 5 scholarly sources are integrated within the assignment

If the above expectation is not met, 10points shall be deducted.

Total      240         100%

A quality assignment will meet or exceed all the above requirements.


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 6 Assignment  

Develop an Evolving Case Study


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to step into the role of a nurse educator by developing a learning activity useful in either the academic or nursing professional development setting.  The evolving case study would be useful as part of a small group activity in the clinical setting for either students or registered nurses depending on the student’s future as a nurse educator.  For this assignment, the focus is on a clinical situation that progresses over three stages in a low fidelity clinical skills laboratory setting or case scenario discussion within the classroom. To facilitate synthesis of learning, the identification of critical thinking questions is included as an important element within the assignment.


Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to do the following.

CO 1: Incorporate education theories and models in developing the master's-prepared nurse educator role essential to performing as educators and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care. (PO1)

CO 2: Explore instructional strategies reflective of educational theory and evidence-based practice to support person centered care. (PO 5)

CO 3: Examine unique learning styles and needs of culturally diverse learners to foster acquisition of knowledge and skill. (Pos 1, 3)

CO 4:Explore a variety of instructional strategies appropriate tocontent, setting, learners' needs, and desired outcomes. (POs 3, 4)

CO 5:Examine professional ethical legal values in the role of the nurse educator. (PO 4)


This assignment requires the student to develop an evolving case study that would be useful in either the clinical or classroom setting. In addition, the student must identify critical thinking questions related to each stage of the evolving case study as well as debriefing. The student-developed evolving case study demonstrates the following:

•             Initial presentation (i.e., Stage 1) regarding the health status of the patient

•             Progress to Stage 2 with the occurrence of event that requires the identification of the appropriate response from learners

•             Ends with Stage 3 that is based upon the action identified by learners

The evolving case study assignment is to include the following:

•             Overview of evolving case study

•             Description of the fictional patient

•             Develop the report that learners receive prior to the start of the evolving case study using SBAR

•             Stage 1: Initial presentation regarding health status of the patient

•             Stage 2: Occurrence of an event regarding the health status of the patient

•             Stage 3:  Stabilization of the patient

•             Debriefing

•             Self-reflection


1.            The assignment should not exceed 8 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page (if needed).

2.            The use of the template for Week 6 Assignment is required.

3.            Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy.

4.            Format for references, if needed, within the case study as well as the reference page are to be completely consistent with APA format, current edition

5.            Use an economy of words to complete the Week 6 Assignment.

6.            Use correct spelling, word usage, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, congruent with graduate-level writing.

7.            No direct quotes may be used in this assignment.

NOTE:  Please see the details of the required information and expectations in the table labeled:  Assessment Criteria

Assignment Criteria        Points   %            Description

Overview of evolving case study               10           4%          The overview of the evolving study requires the following information:

•             Identify the purpose

•             Identify the type of learner that case study is developed for

•             Identify two learning objectives appropriate for your learner

•             Identify a brief description of the case study and the setting

Description of fictional patient   25           11%        The description of fictional patient includes the following required information:

•             Name

•             Gender/age/weight/height

•             Allergies

•             Past medical history

•             History of present illness

•             Social history

•             Primary medical diagnosis

•             Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Report to learners           30           13%        The report to learners prior to the start of the case requires the following information:

•             Time of report

•             Identify person providing the report

•             Identify each of the following for SBAR

o             Situation

o             Background

o             Assessment

o             Recommendation

Stage 1: Start of the case study 30           13%        This section presents Stage 1 of the case study with the following information being required: 

•             Identification of the healthcare situation

•             Identification of two actions that a learner should identify that are appropriatefor the situation

•             Identification of two critical thinking questions appropriate for Stage 1

•             Identification of the trigger for Stage 2

Stage 2: Deterioration in fictional patient’s health status                30           13%        This section presents Stage 2 of the case study with the following information being required: 

•             Identification of the healthcare situation

•             Identification of two actions that a learner shouldidentify that areappropriate for the situation

•             Identification of two critical thinking questions appropriate for Stage 2

•             Identification of the trigger for Stage 3

Stage 3: Stabilization of fictional patient                 30           13%        This section presents Stage 2 of the case study with the following information being required: 

•             Identification of the healthcare situation

•             Identification of two actions that a learner shouldidentify that areappropriate for the situation

•             Identification of two critical thinking questions appropriate for Stage 3


                30           13%        This section presents debriefing with the following information being required: 

•             Two critical thinking questions that focuses on:

o             One question that focuses on holistic care

o             One question that focuses on an ethical element of the case study

•             Explanation of the nurse educator’s role during the debriefing

•             Explanation of how debriefing contributes to learning by the target audience

Self-reflection   25           11%        This section presents debriefing with the following information being required: 

•             Identify how an evolving case study reflects your educational philosophy.

•             Identify how does the use of critical thinking questions reflect your educational philosophy.

Graduate-level writing style

                15           7%          For full credit in this rubric category, the following criteria must be met:

•             Correct spelling and word usage

•             Correct use of grammar, punctuation, sentence, and paragraph structure

•             Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing

•             Synthesis of information is present with no direct quotes

•             Correct APA format for the following, if references were used:

o             Citing sources

o             Referencing sources


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 7 Case Study   

Academic Integrity - Part 1


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to:

articulate key questions to be asked in a grievance;

review an academic integrity policy; and

determine a decision in a grievance process.

Week 7 Case Study: Academic Integrity Assignment Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcome

CO 5: Examine professional ethical legal values in the role of the nurse educator. (PO 4)


The Case Study has two parts. Each part of the Case Study will open and close on specific days of the week. There are to be a minimum of four total posts in this case study. For both Part I and Part II there is to be an initial post and a peer response. Each part has unique content requirements, and these are noted below.

Case Study: Part I

Part I of the case study opens on Sunday and will close on Wednesday of the week. You cannot add additional information to Part I once it closes on Wednesday. In this part of the case study, as chair of the Grievance Committee, you are beginning to gather information regarding a student grievance before the entire committee meets to consider the situation. To help you to gather information, you are to identify two questions for the student relevant to the grievance and two questions for the faculty member. You need to include the rationale for each of these questions. Two scholarly articles supporting this part of the discussion are to be included in the initial post. These articles are to be related to a grievance procedure, academic integrity, and/or plagiarism. At least one of these articles must be from a peer-reviewed nursing journal. Additional details regarding the Case Study: Part I are noted in the Process section.


Case Study: Part I

Opens on Sunday and closes on Wednesday.

Requires an initial posting and a peer response

You are the chairperson of the School of Nursing Grievance Committee. On Monday morning, you receive an e-mail from Larry Learner, who wants to file a grievance. He has been expelled from the nursing program due to plagiarism. You ask Larry to come to your office to discuss the potential grievance. During the meeting, Larry tells you he has always been an A student.

The content of the initial posting must include the following elements:

What are two questions you would ask Larry regarding plagiarism and what is the rationale for each of these questions?

What are two questions you would ask the faculty member and what is the rationale for each of these questions?

Support for your questions and rationales must come from scholarly literature. TWO references are required, and one must be from a peer-reviewed nursing journal.


NR535 Theoretical Foundations & Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator

Week 7 Case Study   

Academic Integrity - Part 2


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to:

particulate key questions to be asked in a grievance;

review an academic integrity policy; and

determine a decision in a grievance process.

Course Outcome

CO 5: Examine professional ethical legal values in the role of the nurse educator. (PO 4)


The Case Study has two parts. Each part of the Case Study will open and close on specific days of the week. There are to be a minimum of four total posts in this case study. For both Part I and Part II there is to be an initial post and a peer response. Each part has unique content requirements, and these are noted below.

Case Study: Part II

Part II opens on Thursday of the week and close on Sunday of the week. In this part of the case study, you are to review a minimum of one academic policy for plagiarism from any nursing program. Once you have presented the policy and identified 3 key points related to this case, then you must determine a decision in the case. Note: To complete this part of the case study, please search for an academic integrity policy from any nursing program and use it in your discussion. Provide the web address of the policy and school. Additional details regarding the Case Study: Part II are noted in the Process section.


Case Study: Part II

Part II will open on Thursday of the week and closes on Sunday of the week.

Requires an initial posting and a peer response

The content of the initial posting must include the following elements:

Presentation of one policy regarding plagiarism from any nursing program located in a college or university.

Identification of 3 key points related to this case study.

Summarize the entire situation regarding Larry Learner.

Summarize the entire situation regarding Eddie Educator.

Determine a decision for this case study.

The following information was determined during the committee meeting and you should consider this information in your 3 key points.

At the grievance hearing, Larry tells the committee that the faculty member who accused him of plagiarism is much younger and seems to be trying to "make a name for himself." Larry told the faculty member that he has never had another faculty member identify plagiarism in his work.

Upon interviewing Larry Learner and Eddie Educator the committee discovers the following information:

Larry Learner admits he did not review the plagiarism policy but did sign the contract saying he will adhere to all policies.

Eddie Educator tells the committee that Larry had an issue with APA in an earlier assignment and was directed to see the writing tutor for help.

In an interview with Terri Tutor, she tells you that Larry never kept his appointment

Upon request, Eddie Educator presents both assignments to the committee for review. In the first assignment, the plagiarism detection program similarity score was 35%. In the second assignment, the plagiarism detection program similarity score was 37%.

Next Steps

The committee's next step is to consider all the information and apply the policy for plagiarism (use the policy that you found).

Present the policy and identify three key points useful to this case.

A summary of the case study considering Larry Learner and Eddie Educator is required. Lastly, determine a decision for this case (i.e. will you uphold the expulsion or impose a different sanction).

Note: To complete this part of the case study, please search for an academic integrity policy from any nursing program and use that in the discussion. Provide the web address of the policy and school.

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NR535 Complete Course Latest 2021 July (Full)

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Walden HLTH6475 Module 4 Quiz Latest 2024
HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval Module 4 Quiz Question 1 Outreach workers from the CeaseFire program spent a total of 500 combined hours with program participants during the first y …
Walden HLTH6475 Module 3 Quiz Latest 2024
HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval Module 3 Quiz Question 1 Which of the following is the construct of the Theory of Reasoned Action that explains behavior based on what we think other …
Walden HLTH6475 Module 2 Quiz Latest 2024
HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval Module 2 Quiz Question 1 If the program is aimed at a true population, the term is called ______________. Intended population Intended audience …
Walden HLTH6475 All Assignments Latest 2024
HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval Module 2 Assignment LANNING MODELS ARTICLE REVIEW The published literature is rich with examples of health promotion programs that have utilized the …
Walden HLTH6475 Module 6 Assignment Latest 2024
HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval Module 6 Assignment EVALUATION PLAN Once the program has been designed, it is time to consider how the program will be evaluated. To design an evalu …
Walden HLTH6475 Module 5 Assignment Latest 2024
HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval Module 5 Assignment  DEVELOPING EVALUATION QUESTIONS Evaluation takes place at various points within a program's life cycle. It requires di …