NU664C Complete Course Latest 2022 May (Full)

Question # 00634811
Course Code : NU664C
Subject: Psychology
Due on: 05/04/2022
Posted On: 05/03/2022 11:34 PM
Tutorials: 1
Question Dot Image

NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 1 Discussion

Role and Scope of Practice of PMHNP

The Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) fills a unique space in the healthcare environment.

Research your state's current scope of practice for the role of PMHNP.

Do these regulations present a barrier to mental health care?

What groups or cultures do you see most impacted by your states' current scope of practice regulations?


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 2 Discussion

Developmental Theories

Knowledge and application of development theory constitutes a foundational component of the PMHNP role. You will need to expand your knowledge of theories for professional practice. This week you will choose an attachment, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, or biological developmental theory.

For this discussion forum, using your chosen theory, identify what happens as individuals move through developmental stages. Address the following in your initial post:

How can interruptions in the achievement of developmental stages affect an individual?

According to your theory, identify the developmental vulnerabilities that could precipitate mental health symptoms.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 What Factors Influence Self-Injurious Behavior?

Initial Post

Review the Self-Harm website.

Watch the videos:

5 Not Obvious Signs of Self Harm (4:16 minutes)

5 Not Obvious Signs of Self Harm Video Video Transcript

Self Harm: What is it About? (12:00 minutes)

Self Harm: What is it About? Video Transcript

Self-injurious behavior is a manifestation of emotion-focused coping.

Discuss some causes that may explain why youth engage in self-injurious behaviors.

Choose one of the self-injurious behaviors that interests you.

Discuss what the research says about the etiology or the causative factors for these behaviors.

What evidence-based treatment modalities have been recognized as helpful in managing these behaviors?

DQ2 Share Coping Strategy with Peers

For this discussion, you create a 3-5 minute video explaining a coping strategy that you have successfully used to navigate stressful life events, such as living through a pandemic and/or attending graduate school. Research the evidence behind your coping strategy, explain the neurobiological implications, and recommend how this strategy can be used across the lifespan.

Use these instructions to record your video:

Open the Zoom Tutorial to use for video recordings.

Upload your recording as an unlisted video on YouTube. Important: It is your responsibility to ensure that your link is active and working. It is highly recommended that you play back your video from a different device than the one you used to upload to YouTube to ensure that it works properly.

To upload your YouTube video URL to this assignment:

Create a Word document properly named to associate with the assignment.

Copy and paste the YouTube URL into the Word document.

Please make certain your video is in MP4 format and that your video is not a narration of PowerPoint slides. Your video should be of yourself presenting your coping strategy while creating a conversational atmosphere with your peers. You might consider asking your peers some general questions about your coping strategy that could be included in their reply posts.

Please include three to five scholarly references that you used to gather your evidence. You will upload your list of references and your video to Week 3 Assignment 1: Coping Strategy, where you will also find the grading rubric.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 4 Discussion

Therapeutic Communication Skills

Discuss the problems/barriers that can arise for the topic you have chosen.

Identify how these problems/barriers can interfere with therapeutic communication.

Discuss how this aspect of therapeutic communication might change to enhance alliance building with individuals who are another culture (choose one).



NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 5 Discussion

Conducting a Mental Status Exam

Please view and select one of the patients depicted in the following videos. Both patients have different diagnoses and presentations—the diagnosis is apparent from the titles and not the focus of the assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the patient and write up a mental status exam on what you observe in the video that you choose.

Your initial post should identify which video you have chosen and should include a detailed mental status exam write-up of that patient. The intent of this exercise is to help you to develop your skills in the assessment of a patient’s mental status and documentation of the mental status exam.

Please watch the following video clips and write up a mental status of the patients:

MINI Screening for Mood, Anxiety or Psychotic Disorder (28:00 minutes)

MINI Screening for Mood, Anxiety or Psychotic Disorder Video Transcript

Mental State Examination: Simulated Patient (6:59 minutes)

Mental State Examination: Simulated Patient Video Transcript


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 6 Discussion

Writing Treatment Notes

Initial Post

Watch the following video:

Psychiatric Interview and Mental Status Exam (25:06 minutes)

Psychiatric Interview and Mental Status Exam Video Transcript

Using the readings and references, write a complete SOAP note for this patient in the proper format.

Post the SOAP note to this discussion board for your peer review.

Your post should include a subjective and objective section with correct patient information, an explanation of differential diagnoses, and a comprehensive treatment plan which incorporates both psychosocial interventions as well as a medication plan, if indicated, with collateral information and patient education.

Use appropriate scholarly references and APA format.

NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 7 Discussion

Health Initiatives

Watch the video clip below:

Overcoming barriers to mental health care and stigma in communities of color

Video Transcript

Briefly describe the availability of and access to mental health care in your community and geographical area.

How has the Covid-19 Pandemic revealed equity issues in certain communities?

What do you see as the greatest barrier to access and how do you feel this would be best addressed? Be specific in regard to addressing this issue in your “community" or geographical area. Do you believe that private or public entities are best suited to address this? How do other countries address these issues?


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 8 Discussion

Suicide PSA Proposal Share

The purpose of this discussion forum is to allow students to share their PSA Proposals with each other. When you have completed your PSA Proposal, please upload it to this discussion forum. Replies are optional but please feel free to leave comments and ask questions of each other.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 9 Discussion

Psychotherapeutic Strategies

In your initial post, discuss the clinical parameters for identifying, assessing, and using psychotherapeutic strategies with people who have experienced trauma. Include research and education implications related to the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner’s approach to the treatment of people who have experienced trauma and/or been diagnosed with a personality disorder.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 10 Discussion

Group-Facilitated Discussion 1 - Group 1

This is a student-led discussion.


Please review the Week 7 Get Started: Group-Facilitated Communication Board and Instructions for assignment guidelines for this discussion to ensure that you have met all the criteria.

The facilitating group should choose one member from their group who will be responsible for the initial post.

On Day 1 of this week, the chosen group member will create an initial post that is to include the group's discussion prompts, resources, and the instructions for what your classmates are to do with the resources.

During this week, each member of your group is to participate in the facilitation of the discussion. This means making certain that everyone is engaged, questions from students are being answered, and the discussion is expanding.

It is the expectation that the facilitating group will address all initial peer response posts by Day 7.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 11 Discussion

Group-Facilitated Discussion 1 - Group 2

This is a student-led discussion.

Please review the Week 7 Get Started: Group-Facilitated Communication Board and Instructions for assignment guidelines for this discussion to ensure that you have met all the criteria.

The facilitating group should choose one member from their group who will be responsible for the initial post.

On Day 1 of this week, the chosen group member will create an initial post that is to include the group's discussion prompts, resources, and the instructions for what your classmates are to do with the resources.

During this week, each member of your group is to participate in the facilitation of the discussion. This means making certain that everyone is engaged, questions from students are being answered, and the discussion is expanding.

It is the expectation that the facilitating group will address all initial peer response posts by Day 7.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 12 Discussion

Group-Facilitated Discussion 1 - Group 3

This is a student-led discussion.

Please review the Week 7 Get Started: Group-Facilitated Communication Board and Instructions for assignment guidelines for this discussion to ensure that you have met all the criteria.

The facilitating group should choose one member from their group who will be responsible for the initial post.

On Day 1 of this week, the chosen group member will create an initial post that is to include the group's discussion prompts, resources, and the instructions for what your classmates are to do with the resources.

During this week, each member of your group is to participate in the facilitation of the discussion. This means making certain that everyone is engaged, questions from students are being answered, and the discussion is expanding.

It is the expectation that the facilitating group will address all initial peer response posts by Day 7.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 13 Discussion

Group-Facilitated Discussion 1 - Group 4

This is a student-led discussion.

Please review the Week 7 Get Started: Group-Facilitated Communication Board and Instructions for assignment guidelines for this discussion to ensure that you have met all the criteria.

The facilitating group should choose one member from their group who will be responsible for the initial post.

On Day 1 of this week, the chosen group member will create an initial post that is to include the group's discussion prompts, resources, and the instructions for what your classmates are to do with the resources.

During this week, each member of your group is to participate in the facilitation of the discussion. This means making certain that everyone is engaged, questions from students are being answered, and the discussion is expanding.

It is the expectation that the facilitating group will address all initial peer response posts by Day 7.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 14 Discussion

Group-Facilitated Discussion 1 - Group 5

This is a student-led discussion.

Please review the Week 7 Get Started: Group-Facilitated Communication Board and Instructions for assignment guidelines for this discussion to ensure that you have met all the criteria.

The facilitating group should choose one member from their group who will be responsible for the initial post.

On Day 1 of this week, the chosen group member will create an initial post that is to include the group's discussion prompts, resources, and the instructions for what your classmates are to do with the resources.

During this week, each member of your group is to participate in the facilitation of the discussion. This means making certain that everyone is engaged, questions from students are being answered, and the discussion is expanding.

It is the expectation that the facilitating group will address all initial peer response posts by Day 7.



NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 2 Assignment  

Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology

1.            In what lobe of the brain do the following processes take place:

•             Judgment

•             Reasoning

•             Conceptual planning

•             Abstract thinking

2.            Aphasia is a disturbance in what function?

3.            What system incorporates the following:

•             Amygdala

•             Hippocampus

•             Nucleus accumbens

•             Thalamus

4.            What structure is important for making new memories?

5.            The sensory and relay center of the brain are _______.

6.            Agonists increase or decrease the effect of a neurotransmitter?

7.            Which neurotransmitter is closely associated with the reward and pleasure circuit and implicated in addiction?

8.            Damage to this area of the brain can lead to Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s chorea, and Tourette’s? 

9.            Visual, tactile, and auditory input come into which area of the brain for processing?

10.          The amygdala contributes to establishing emotional memories – True or False?


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 5 Assignment  

ADMSEP Mental Status Examination Practice Module


The purpose of this assignment is to give you more practice completing a Mental Status Examination (MSE) and learn terminology needed to complete the MSE.

Go to the Mental Status Exam.

Select View Full eModule.

Upload a document showing your mental status examinations (MSEs) of the two practice patients included in this ADMSEP module. Remember to pay close attention to the portions of the MSE that are most important depending on the patient’s presenting problem and condition.

Document your findings and upload your findings to this assignment.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 5 Assignment  

Mini-Mental Status Examination / MoCA

The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify the components of the mini-mental status (MMSE) and/or MoCA exams that can be incorporated into a biopsychosocial assessment. After completing the required readings, please complete the mini-mental status or MoCA exam on a friend or family member. Please note: All personal information about your friend or family member should remain anonymous.

Download either the MMSE or MoCA, complete the form, and upload to this assignment. Please ensure that you are using a valid and reliable tool so that the results are as accurate as possible. Lastly, interpret the result of either screening tool and suggest follow-up interventions as appropriate.

Document your findings and upload to this assignment.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 7 Assignment  

iHuman Case Study


Case studies and simulations are excellent ways to practice critical thinking and problem-solving in patient care in a safe space. These case-based assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to practice applying the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in a real-life scenario. Use this assignment to apply all the best practices that you have learned and be as thorough and detailed as you can.

In this course, we are using an interactive simulation tool called iHuman to provide you with exposure to case study information. Through iHuman, you will have the opportunity to interact with a simulated patient to collect and analyze data much in the same way you would in real life. After collecting that data, you will use the iHuman platform to diagnose and develop a treatment plan. After completing the iHuman case, you will prepare a SOAP note to summarize and provide an overview of the simulated clinical experience. The SOAP note is a good tool to use in your practice, as it covers the areas of documentation that are considered vital in order to achieve the goals of treatment. You will be using SOAP notes (or something similar) frequently in your practice.


After completing the orientation session, you will have access to your first iHuman case in which you can explore the functionality of the site prior to starting the weekly scheduled cases. This case will be graded, and you will be expected to submit a SOAP note associated with this case. Complete the iHuman case study assigned for the week. You will be working in the iHuman platform to complete the case. Follow the directions on logging in and navigating in iHuman. Refer back to the iHuman Orientation for complete instructions on navigating in iHuman.

When working in iHuman, practice as if this were a real patient. For example, the platform allows you to ask many questions when taking a history. However, in reality, you will likely be limited in time. Practice setting yourself a time limit (minimum 1 hour) and work on being efficient in your clinical interview. While there is time for empathy, you do not want to distract from good clinical investigation.

In iHuman, review the specific instructions for the appropriate case. These instructions will help you understand the expectations of each case, as they may differ.

After you have completed all the steps in iHuman, complete a SOAP Note (Word) for the patient you worked with. (Note: The template is meant to be a guide. You can change the formatting of your SOAP note if the table style does not work for you. Additionally, you can copy and paste what you have written in iHuman into your SOAP note if the content is appropriate.)

Your SOAP note should be no more than five pages long.

Use academic sources, cited in APA format, to support your rationale in your Assessment and Plan.

Upload a copy of your simulation/iHuman log and the time spent in the simulation along with your SOAP note for this assignment.

While items in iHuman may be auto-marked, your grade for this assignment is not based on how you perform within iHuman. The iHuman platform is merely an opportunity for you to interact with a simulated patient and gather data.

If you require technical support with the iHuman platform, use the iHuman Help Center to contact iHuman Technical Support directly. Technical support includes a malfunction of the platform; they will not be able to help with issues involving content!

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 10 Assignment  

iHuman Case Study


Case studies and simulations are excellent ways to practice critical thinking and problem solving in patient care in a safe space. These case-based assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to practice applying the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in a real-life scenario. Use this assignment to apply all the best practices that you have learned and be as thorough and detailed as you can.

In this course, we will be using an interactive simulation tool called iHuman to provide you with exposure to case study information. Through iHuman, you will have the opportunity to interact with a simulated patient to collect and analyze data much in the same way you would in real life. After collecting that data, you will use the iHuman platform to diagnose and develop a treatment plan. After completing the iHuman case, you will prepare a SOAP note to summarize and provide an overview of the simulated clinical experience. The SOAP note is a good tool to use in your practice, as it covers the areas of documentation that are considered vital in order to achieve the goals of treatment. You will be using SOAP notes (or something similar) frequently in your practice.


Complete the iHuman case study assigned for the week. You will be working in the iHuman platform to complete the case. Follow the directions on logging in and navigating in iHuman. You will need to input your first and last name and email address to access the recording. Refer back to the iHuman Orientation for complete instructions on navigating in iHuman.

When working in iHuman, practice as if this were a real patient. For example, the platform allows you to ask many questions when taking a history. However, in reality, you will likely be limited in time. Practice setting yourself a time limit (minimum 1 hour) and work on being efficient in your clinical interview. While there is time for empathy, you do not want to distract from good clinical investigation.

In iHuman, review the specific instructions for the appropriate case. These instructions will help you understand the expectations of each case, as they may differ.

Once you have completed all the steps in iHuman, complete a SOAP Note (Word) for the patient you worked with. (Note: The template is meant to be a guide. You can change the formatting of your SOAP note if the table style does not work for you. Additionally, you can copy and paste what you have written in iHuman into your SOAP note if the content is appropriate.)

Your SOAP note should be no more than five pages long.

Use academic sources, cited in APA format, to support your rationale in your Assessment and Plan.

Upload a copy of your simulation/iHuman log and the time spent in the simulation along with your SOAP note for this assignment.

While items in iHuman may be auto-marked, your grade for this assignment is not based on how you perform within iHuman. The iHuman platform is merely an opportunity for you to interact with a simulated patient and gather data.

If you require technical support with the iHuman platform, use the iHuman Help Center to contact iHuman Technical Support directly. Technical support includes a malfunction of the platform; they will not be able to help with issues involving content!

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 11 Assignment  

iHuman Case Study


Case studies and simulations are excellent ways to practice critical thinking and problem solving in patient care in a safe space. These case-based assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to practice applying the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in a real-life scenario. Use this assignment to apply all the best practices that you have learned and be as thorough and detailed as you can.

In this course, we will be using an interactive simulation tool called iHuman to provide you with exposure to case study information. Through iHuman, you will have the opportunity to interact with a simulated patient to collect and analyze data much in the same way you would in real life. After collecting that data, you will use the iHuman platform to diagnose and develop a treatment plan. After completing the iHuman case, you will prepare a SOAP note to summarize and provide an overview of the simulated clinical experience. The SOAP note is a good tool to use in your practice, as it covers the areas of documentation that are considered vital in order to achieve the goals of treatment. You will be using SOAP notes (or something similar) frequently in your practice.


Complete the iHuman case study assigned for the week. You will be working in the iHuman platform to complete the case. Follow the directions on logging in and navigating in iHuman. You will need to input your first and last name and email address to access the recording. Refer back to the iHuman Orientation for complete instructions on navigating in iHuman.

When working in iHuman, practice as if this were a real patient. For example, the platform allows you to ask many questions when taking a history. However, in reality, you will likely be limited in time. Practice setting yourself a time limit (minimum 1 hour) and work on being efficient in your clinical interview. While there is time for empathy, you do not want to distract from good clinical investigation.

In iHuman, review the specific instructions for the appropriate case. These instructions will help you understand the expectations of each case, as they may differ.

Once you have completed all the steps in iHuman, complete a SOAP Note (Word) for the patient you worked with. (Note: The template is meant to be a guide. You can change the formatting of your SOAP note if the table style does not work for you. Additionally, you can copy and paste what you have written in iHuman into your SOAP note if the content is appropriate.)

Your SOAP note should be no more than five pages long.

Use academic sources, cited in APA format, to support your rationale in your Assessment and Plan.

Upload a copy of your simulation/iHuman log and the time spent in the simulation along with your SOAP note for this assignment.

While items in iHuman may be auto-marked, your grade for this assignment is not based on how you perform within iHuman. The iHuman platform is merely an opportunity for you to interact with a simulated patient and gather data.

If you require technical support with the iHuman platform, use the iHuman Help Center to contact iHuman Technical Support directly. Technical support includes a malfunction of the platform; they will not be able to help with issues involving content!

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 12 Assignment  

iHuman Case Study


Case studies and simulations are excellent ways to practice critical thinking and problem solving in patient care in a safe space. These case-based assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to practice applying the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in a real-life scenario. Use this assignment to apply all the best practices that you have learned and be as thorough and detailed as you can.

In this course, we will be using an interactive simulation tool called iHuman to provide you with exposure to case study information. Through iHuman, you will have the opportunity to interact with a simulated patient to collect and analyze data much in the same way you would in real life. After collecting that data, you will use the iHuman platform to diagnose and develop a treatment plan. After completing the iHuman case, you will prepare a SOAP note to summarize and provide an overview of the simulated clinical experience. The SOAP note is a good tool to use in your practice, as it covers the areas of documentation that are considered vital in order to achieve the goals of treatment. You will be using SOAP notes (or something similar) frequently in your practice.


Complete the iHuman case study assigned for the week. You will be working in the iHuman platform to complete the case. Follow the directions on logging in and navigating in iHuman. You will need to input your first and last name and email address to access the recording. Refer back to the iHuman Orientation for complete instructions on navigating in iHuman.

When working in iHuman, practice as if this were a real patient. For example, the platform allows you to ask many questions when taking a history. However, in reality, you will likely be limited in time. Practice setting yourself a time limit (minimum 1 hour) and work on being efficient in your clinical interview. While there is time for empathy, you do not want to distract from good clinical investigation.

In iHuman, review the specific instructions for the appropriate case. These instructions will help you understand the expectations of each case, as they may differ.

Once you have completed all the steps in iHuman, complete a SOAP Note (Word) for the patient you worked with. (Note: The template is meant to be a guide. You can change the formatting of your SOAP note if the table style does not work for you. Additionally, you can copy and paste what you have written in iHuman into your SOAP note if the content is appropriate.)

Your SOAP note should be no more than five pages long.

Use academic sources, cited in APA format, to support your rationale in your Assessment and Plan.

Upload a copy of your simulation/iHuman log and the time spent in the simulation along with your SOAP note for this assignment.

While items in iHuman may be auto-marked, your grade for this assignment is not based on how you perform within iHuman. The iHuman platform is merely an opportunity for you to interact with a simulated patient and gather data.

If you require technical support with the iHuman platform, use the iHuman Help Center to contact iHuman Technical Support directly. Technical support includes a malfunction of the platform; they will not be able to help with issues involving content!

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 13 Assignment  

iHuman Case Study

Overview  Case studies and simulations are excellent ways to practice critical thinking and problem solving in patient care in a safe space. These case-based assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to practice applying the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in a real-life scenario. Use this assignment to apply all the best practices that you have learned and be as thorough and detailed as you can.

In this course, we will be using an interactive simulation tool called iHuman to provide you with exposure to case study information. Through iHuman, you will have the opportunity to interact with a simulated patient to collect and analyze data much in the same way you would in real life. After collecting that data, you will use the iHuman platform to diagnose and develop a treatment plan. After completing the iHuman case, you will prepare a SOAP note to summarize and provide an overview of the simulated clinical experience. The SOAP note is a good tool to use in your practice, as it covers the areas of documentation that are considered vital in order to achieve the goals of treatment. You will be using SOAP notes (or something similar) frequently in your practice.


Complete the iHuman case study assigned for the week. You will be working in the iHuman platform to complete the case. Follow the directions on logging in and navigating in iHuman. You will need to input your first and last name and email address to access the recording. Refer back to the iHuman Orientation for complete instructions on navigating in iHuman.

When working in iHuman, practice as if this were a real patient. For example, the platform allows you to ask many questions when taking a history. However, in reality, you will likely be limited in time. Practice setting yourself a time limit (minimum 1 hour) and work on being efficient in your clinical interview. While there is time for empathy, you do not want to distract from good clinical investigation.

In iHuman, review the specific instructions for the appropriate case. These instructions will help you understand the expectations of each case, as they may differ.

Once you have completed all the steps in iHuman, complete a SOAP Note (Word) for the patient you worked with. (Note: The template is meant to be a guide. You can change the formatting of your SOAP note if the table style does not work for you. Additionally, you can copy and paste what you have written in iHuman into your SOAP note if the content is appropriate.)

Your SOAP note should be no more than five pages long.

Use academic sources, cited in APA format, to support your rationale in your Assessment and Plan.

Upload a copy of your simulation/iHuman log and the time spent in the simulation along with your SOAP note for this assignment.

While items in iHuman may be auto-marked, your grade for this assignment is not based on how you perform within iHuman. The iHuman platform is merely an opportunity for you to interact with a simulated patient and gather data.

If you require technical support with the iHuman platform, use the iHuman Help Center to contact iHuman Technical Support directly. Technical support includes a malfunction of the platform; they will not be able to help with issues involving content!

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.





NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 14 Assignment  

iHuman Case Study


Case studies and simulations are excellent ways to practice critical thinking and problem solving in patient care in a safe space. These case-based assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to practice applying the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in a real-life scenario. Use this assignment to apply all the best practices that you have learned and be as thorough and detailed as you can.

In this course, we will be using an interactive simulation tool called iHuman to provide you with exposure to case study information. Through iHuman, you will have the opportunity to interact with a simulated patient to collect and analyze data much in the same way you would in real life. After collecting that data, you will use the iHuman platform to diagnose and develop a treatment plan. After completing the iHuman case, you will prepare a SOAP note to summarize and provide an overview of the simulated clinical experience. The SOAP note is a good tool to use in your practice, as it covers the areas of documentation that are considered vital in order to achieve the goals of treatment. You will be using SOAP notes (or something similar) frequently in your practice.


Complete the iHuman case study assigned for the week. You will be working in the iHuman platform to complete the case. Follow the directions on logging in and navigating in iHuman. You will need to input your first and last name and email address to access the recording. Refer back to the iHuman Orientation for complete instructions on navigating in iHuman.

When working in iHuman, practice as if this were a real patient. For example, the platform allows you to ask many questions when taking a history. However, in reality, you will likely be limited in time. Practice setting yourself a time limit (minimum 1 hour) and work on being efficient in your clinical interview. While there is time for empathy, you do not want to distract from good clinical investigation.

In iHuman, review the specific instructions for the appropriate case. These instructions will help you understand the expectations of each case, as they may differ.

Once you have completed all the steps in iHuman, complete a SOAP Note (Word) for the patient you worked with. (Note: The template is meant to be a guide. You can change the formatting of your SOAP note if the table style does not work for you. Additionally, you can copy and paste what you have written in iHuman into your SOAP note if the content is appropriate.)

Your SOAP note should be no more than five pages long.

Use academic sources, cited in APA format, to support your rationale in your Assessment and Plan.

Upload a copy of your simulation/iHuman log and the time spent in the simulation along with your SOAP note for this assignment.

While items in iHuman may be auto-marked, your grade for this assignment is not based on how you perform within iHuman. The iHuman platform is merely an opportunity for you to interact with a simulated patient and gather data.

If you require technical support with the iHuman platform, use the iHuman Help Center to contact iHuman Technical Support directly. Technical support includes a malfunction of the platform; they will not be able to help with issues involving content!Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

NU664C Primary Care of the Psychiatric Mental Health Client I

Week 15 Assignment  

Major Case Analysis


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to analyze and synthesize the components of a complete psychiatric assessment with clinical interventions, based on evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and theoretical knowledge. This assignment allows you to demonstrate your ability to complete a full mental health assessment of your selected client’s current psychological, physical, and social functioning. You should be able to demonstrate critical thinking and to correlate theory and practice.


Select a client or case that you have worked within either your practice or your practicum setting. Ensure that you correctly redact the appropriate information (name, etc.).

Prepare a full mental health evaluation of your client. Use the resources presented in the course to help guide your evaluation. Kaplan & Saddock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry has a robust list of the categories of information you should collect and present in your evaluation report (5.1. Parts of the Initial Psychiatric Interview). This should include the following:

A full psychiatric, physical, social, family, and work history including verbal reports of the client, your observations of the client, and a summary of any diagnostic aids that you have used.

The use of at least one psychiatric screening or assessment tool from the literature to assist in your assessment of the client

A full physical assessment in addition to the mental status exam and psychiatric history

Develop a DSM-5 diagnostic assessment:

Support your diagnosis through a thoughtful, evidence-based analysis of the data collected in your evaluation.

Propose a practical, evidence-based plan of care:

Keep in mind the role of the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner is to assess all aspects of the patient’s health status, including health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention. Psychiatric care is interdisciplinary. Your plan of care may include the use of other mental health professionals for the delivery of appropriate care. For example, someone who has been chronically out of work and whose unemployed status has contributed to his or her depression might require social work or educational assessment to address that aspect of the client’s poor psychological functioning.


Support your assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan with appropriate literature citations.

The paper should be no more than 10 pages in length, not including a title page and references.

Use current APA formatting and citations.

Acronyms should not be used.

The assessment must be well written and be of professional quality. It must be clear, logically developed, and free of spelling, grammatical, and syntactical errors. Use full sentences.

The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner employs evidence-based clinical practice guidelines to guide screening activities, identifies health promotion needs, and provides anticipatory guidance and counseling addressing environmental, lifestyle, and developmental issues.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.



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