NURS6501N or nurs6501 week 11 final exam 2023 may latest grades 95

Question # 00646553
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 05/11/2023
Posted On: 05/11/2023 07:48 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Question 591 pts

Which mother does the healthcare professional prepare to administer Rh immune globulin (Rho-GAM) to?

Group of answer choices


Is Rh-positive and the fetus is Rh-negative


Is Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive


Has type A blood and the fetus has type O


Has type AB blood and the fetus has type B

Question 601 pts

A 7 year-old-child presents to the clinic where parents report signs and symptoms consistent with asthma. What does the healthcare professional do in order to confirm this diagnosis?

Group of answer choices


Assess for a parental history of asthma       


Draw serum levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and eosinophil levels      


Measure expiratory flow rate with spirometry testing      


Give a trial of asthma medication and check for improvement  

Question 611 pts

A child has a disorder that resulted in the failure of bones to ossify, resulting in soft bones and skeletal deformity. What treatment plan does the healthcare professional discuss with the parents?

Group of answer choices


Extremely careful handling   


Increasing vitamin D intake  




Containment and motion therapy  

Question 621 pts

Which condition is considered a clinical cause of amenorrhea?

Group of answer choices


Disorder in the endometrium


Obstruction of the fallopian tubes               


Lack of physical exercise      


Failure to ovulate                  

Question 631 pts

The health care professional is caring for a person who has a pathologic fracture. The patient asks the professional to explain the condition. What response by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices


The outer surface of the bone is disrupted, but the inside is intact.


A stable fracture where the cortex of the bone bends but doesn't break.


A fracture that happens at the site of an abnormality already in that bone.


It was caused by the cumulative effects of stress on the bone over time.

Question 641 pts

What directly causes ovulation during the menstrual cycle?

Group of answer choices


Gradual decrease in estrogen levels            


Sudden increase of LH         


Sharp rise in progesterone levels                 


Gradual increase in estrogen levels             

Question 651 pts

The APRN is assessing a patient that has monotone speech and unchanged facial expressions even though he states he is happy and excited about his life.   This is an example of:

Group of answer choices








Pressured speech

Question 661 pts

A patient had a seizure that consisted of impaired consciousness and the appearance of a dreamlike state. How does the healthcare professional chart this episode?

Group of answer choices


Focal seizure                          


Complex focal seizure           


Tonic-clonic seizure               


Atonic seizure                       

Question 671 pts

A person has been diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) that is positive for the Philadelphia chromosome. What statement by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices


1cThis is good news and means the ALL is not very aggressive. 1d       


1cThis is a very rare finding in adults who have ALL. 1d


1cWe are planning to get your disease in remission, but it will be hard. 1d         


1cYou will need colony-stimulating support during your treatment. 1d  

Question 681 pts

Which patient finding would lead the health care professional to assess the patient for inflammatory joint disease?

Group of answer choices


Unilateral joint involvement  


Normal joint synovial fluid   


Absence of synovial membrane inflammation                   


Systemic symptoms of inflammation          

Question 691 pts

A 9-year-old child has a blood pressure of 112/72 mmHg in the school nurse's office. What action by the school nurse is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices


Inform the parents the child might be dehydrated.


Note the normal finding in the child's records.


Calculate the child's Body Mass Index.


Refer the child for medication.

Question 701 pts

The musculoskeletal system is responsible for:

Group of answer choices


Movement and support


Movement and protection


Movement, support, and heat


Blood circulation, movement, support, heat, protection

uestion 711 pts

A student asks the health care professional why obese people are at higher risk for hypertension than non-obese individuals. What response by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices


They produce more ghrelin in the stomach.


Their thyroid gland secretes less hormone.


They produce more angiotensinogen.


They secrete fewer endocannabinoids.

Question 721 pts

A patient has hepatomegaly, bronze-colored skin, and cardiac dysrhythmias. What condition does the healthcare professional prepare to teach the patient about?

Group of answer choices


Aplastic anemia                     


Pernicious anemia                  


Hereditary hemochromatosis 


Immune thrombocytopenia purpura            

Question 731 pts

A patient has ankylosing spondylitis. Which description of this condition by the health care professional is most accurate?

Group of answer choices


Chronic inflammatory disease with stiffening and fusion of the spine and sacroiliac joint


Chronic systemic inflammatory disease that affects many tissues and organs     


State of abnormal and excessive bone resorption and formation 


Wide-spread and deep chronic muscle pain, fatigue, and tender points  

Question 741 pts

In order to help prevent a preadolescent girl from developing later cervical cancer, which virus does the healthcare professional recommend vaccination against to the parent?

Group of answer choices


Human papillomavirus (HPV)


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)      


Herpes simplex II virus (HSV)                    


Cytomegalovirus (CMV)      

Question 751 pts

Clinical manifestations that include irregular or heavy bleeding, the passage of large clots, and the depletion of iron stores support which diagnosis?

Group of answer choices


Premenstrual syndrome         


Abnormal uterine bleeding    


Polycystic ovary syndrome   


Primary dysmenorrhea         

Question 761 pts

Which cells function to maintain bone matrix?

Group of answer choices









Question 771 pts

A child has scoliosis with a 40-degree curvature of the spine, and the parent is worried about pulmonary involvement. What statement by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices


Scoliosis is a bone disorder and does not affect the lungs.          


Yes, we should obtain pulmonary function studies soon.


Scoliosis severe enough to involve the lungs would be fatal.       


The lungs aren't affected until the curvature is over 80 degrees. 1          

Question 781 pts

The APRN is assessing a patient that is talking so rapidly and urgently that it is difficult to understand.    This is an example of:

Group of answer choices








Pressured speech

Question 791 pts

A newborn baby displays jaundice 20 hours after birth. What action by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices


Draw blood to measure total bilirubin.


Teach the patient about phototherapy.


Obtain consent for blood transfusions.


Prepare to administer vitamin K.

Question 801 pts

A healthcare professional suspects a patient is brain dead. How would the professional assess for brain death?

Group of answer choices


Determine if the patient can make voluntary movements.


Perform tests to assess if the patient is in a coma.


Remove the patient's ventilator to see if spontaneous breathing occurs.


Monitor the patient for eye movements that seem purposeful.

Question 811 pts

What is the role of thromboxane A (TXA 2) in the secretion stage of hemostasis?

Group of answer choices


Stimulates the synthesis of serotonin.


Promotes vasodilation.


Stimulates platelet aggregation.


Promotes formation of cyclooxygenase.

Question 821 pts

A student asks the professor to explain the jaundice that accompanies hemolytic anemia. Which statement is by the professor is most accurate?

Group of answer choices


Erythrocytes are destroyed in the spleen.


Heme destruction exceeds the liver's ability to conjugate and excrete bilirubin.


The patient has elevations in aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT).


The erythrocytes are coated with an immunoglobulin.

Question 831 pts

What is the primary pathologic alteration resulting from ankylosing spondylitis (AS)?

Group of answer choices


Inflammation of the bursa     


Inflammation of the long bones                  


Inflammation of fibrocartilaginous joints of the vertebrae


Inflammation of the small hand and feet bones             

Question 841 pts

A student reads in a chart that a baby was born with an encephalocele. The student asks the healthcare professional to explain this condition. What explanation by the healthcare professional is best?

Group of answer choices


A herniation or protrusion of brain and meninges through a defect in the skull  


A protruding saclike cyst of meninges filled with spinal fluid and is a mild form of spina bifida


Protrusion of a saclike cyst containing meninges, spinal fluid, and a portion of the spinal cord through a defect in the posterior arch of a vertebra 


Premature closure of one or more of the cranial sutures during the first 18 to 20 months of an infant's life       

Question 851 pts

A pregnant woman is seen for the first time at 6 months' gestation and has not taken prenatal vitamins. The healthcare professional educates the woman on the need for a blood test specifically to assess what substance?

Group of answer choices


Total protein                          






C-reactive protein              

Question 861 pts

The APRN is treating a patient with bipolar II disorder.  The major focus of treatment is on:

Group of answer choices








panic attacks

Question 871 pts

This region of the brain is responsible for sensory, touch, spatial awareness, and navigation.

Group of answer choices









Question 881 pts

A parent brings a 10-year-old child to the clinic and reports a mottled appearance to the skin and legs cramps when the child is in physical education class. Physical assessment positive for upper extremity hypertension. What diagnostic testing or treatment does the healthcare professional prepare the family for?

Group of answer choices


Immediate cardiac catheterization              


Administration of prostaglandin                 


Multiple-stage surgical correction                


An echocardiogram          

Question 891 pts

A patient has been hospitalized for a large deep vein thrombosis and states he is the third person in his family to have this condition in the last 2 years. What response by the healthcare professional is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices


This condition is not transmitted genetically.                   


We can test your blood for factor V Leiden.                    


Were they all men or both men and women?                    


Familial thromboses tend to be very severe.

Question 901 pts

Monoamine neurotransmission is hypothesized to be _______________ during mania.  

Group of answer choices









Question 911 pts

Which spinal tract carries the most nociceptive information?

Group of answer choices






Dorsal spinothalamic             


Lateral spinothalamic            


Question 921 pts

The healthcare professor states that a patient has reached pain tolerance. What further information from the professor is most accurate?

Group of answer choices


The patient cannot endure a higher level of pain intensity at this point.  


The patient's pain tolerance is much lower because of consuming too much alcohol.      


The patient's pain in one place is higher because pain in multiple other sites.      


The patient now recognizes what is being felt is actually pain.    

Question 931 pts

An infant is brought to the emergency department by parents who report that the baby's fontanels seem to be bulging outward. What action by the healthcare provider is most appropriate?

Group of answer choices


Assess the baby for recent trauma to the head.


Measure the head circumference and plot it on a growth chart.


Prepare the baby for a lumbar puncture and blood cultures.


Determine how much fluid the baby had in the last 24 hours.

Question 941 pts

A parent asks the healthcare professional to explain why a child diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot squats frequently. What explanation by the professional is best?

Group of answer choices


Reduces the chest pain          


Controls dizziness                 


Relieves hypoxia                   


Improves headache               

Question 951 pts

A healthcare professional is trying to lower a patient's body temperature by convection. What action by the professional will accomplish this?

Group of answer choices


Lower the temperature in the patient's room.


Place the patient in a cooling blanket.


Obtain a fan and set it to blow over the patient.


Place cold moist towels over the patient.

Question 961 pts

A patient is in status epilepticus. In addition to giving medication to stop the seizures, what would the healthcare professional place highest priority on?

Group of answer choices


Facilitating a CT scan of the head               


Providing oxygen                  


Assessing for brain death      


Assessing for drug overdose 

Question 971 pts

A preschool teacher notices a child who has burrows on the hands that are several millimeters to 1 cm long, papules, and vesicular lesions. What other assessment finding would help the teacher determine the type of infestation the child has?

Group of answer choices


Ask the child if he or she has been around puppies or kittens.


Check the child's hair for the presence of small mites.


Ask the child if itching occurs especially at night.


Assess the child's trunk and abdomen for petechiae.

Question 981 pts

An infant has gluten-sensitive enteropathy and the parents ask the healthcare professional to explain why the baby bruises so easily. The professional explains that the baby has which deficit?

Group of answer choices


Vitamin K deficiency from fat malabsorption                  


Bone marrow function depression              


Iron, folate, and B12 deficiency anemias   


Prescribed daily warfarin      

Question 991 pts

What is the most abundant class of plasma protein?

Group of answer choices






Clotting factors                     


Complement proteins            

Question 1001 pts

A student is learning about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). What information does the student clarify with a study partner as being correct?

Group of answer choices


An episode of mild PID can decrease the possibility of a successful pregnancy by 80%.


Such an inflammation may result in permanent changes to the ciliated epithelium of the fallopian tubes.             


PID has not been associated with an increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy.


Contracting this infection increases the risk of cervical cancer.


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