Philosophy125 Discussion - Animals are not our friends, they are our food

Question # 00653591
Subject: Philosophy
Due on: 07/20/2024
Posted On: 07/20/2024 04:22 AM
Tutorials: 1
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philosophy 125


Animals are not our friends, they are our food. This is because animals are not as intelligent as humans are, and thus don't deserve the rights that humans have. My uncle, an electrician, told me that in order to be optimally healthy, I should eat at least 1-2 chickens a day. I think that if a cow had the chance to eat a person, it would, so why feel bad if you eat a hamburger? Human beings are at the top of the food chain, and because of this, we should do what we please to other animals. Lastly, my friend is vegan and she listens to Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is the worst.


In 2-3 paragraphs:

  1. What are the premises? How do you know?
  2. What is the main conclusion? How do you know?
  3. Then, use the 5 Criteria for Evaluating Arguments to further assess the argument.
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Philosophy125 Discussion - Animals are not our friends, they are our food

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